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1、 Unit 2 Topic 1 教案 Unit 2 Topic 1 Section A The main activities are 1a,2 and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a、2和3a。 .Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some useful words and expressions: have a cold, toothache, dentist, cough, fever, flu, headache, at night, lift 2. Help the students to learn the modals for givin

2、g advice: (1)You should go to see a doctor. (2)You shouldnt drink coffee or tea in the evening. 3. Talk something about illnesses. 4. Learn to express sympathy for a patient and give some advice to the patients. . Teaching aids 教具 小黑板/电脑/投影仪 . Five-Finger Teaching Plan教学方案 Step 1 Warm-up 第一步 热身 (1)

3、Game answer quickly. The teacher point to different parts of her body, students speak out names of the parts of the body. Step 2 Lead-in 第二步 导入 1. (通过复习,引出保持健康的话题。) (1)T: Boys and girls, now we know something about Olympics.I want to ask you some questions. Whats the motto of the modern Olympics? S:

4、 Fighter,higher,stronger. 1T: Good! Then whats the symbol of the Olympic Games? S: Olympic rings. 2T: Whats the color of the rings? : S3th Olympics has been over. What is Beijing like (2)T: The 29now? What will you do from now on? (同位之间互相讨论,畅所欲言,教师引导他们用到Unit 1学过的短语、词汇。) S: We will improve our enviro

5、nment. 4S: We will learn English well. 5: S6T: I think so. Wonderful! But I think the most important thing is health. Do you agree with me? (面带微笑,亲切地) ) 大声地(Yes! Ss: (导入新课。) T: In this lesson, lets talk about health. (师生问答) T: How are you feeling today, S? 7: Im fine, thank you, and you? S7T: Im not

6、 so well, I think I have a cold. (说着,老师可形象地咳嗽几下。) S: Oh, I think you are ill. 7T: How are you feeling today, S? 8S: I have a headache. 8T: Youd better stay in bed. S:OK, thank you. 8(呈现话题标题。) You should go to see a doctor. (呈现医生图片) T:What does he do? S:He is a doctor. T: OK, lets look at the picture

7、 and answer questions (出示图片) Step 3 Presentation 第三步 呈现 1. (教师指着图问Whats wrong with her?) Whats wrong with her? (如果学生回答不上来,可帮忙回答。) T: She has a fever. 用同样的方式(教师指着图问Whats wrong with him/ her?)讲解 He has a toothache/a stomachache/a backache/a headache/a cold/a cough/sore eyes (教师指着牙痛图问Whats wrong with h

8、im?) T:Whats wrong with him? S:He has a toothache. T: what should he do? Ss: He should see a doctor. T: Yes, he should see a dentist. (板书) toothache dentist T: Whats wrong with him? (教师指着肚痛图。) Ss: He has a stomachache. T: Whats wrong with her? (教师指着背痛图。) Ss: She has a backache. T: You are very cleve

9、r! (板书) Cough Headache 2. (课文讲解。) her? with wrong s Whatwell. look t doesnkang T:Kang S:She has a toothache. T: what should he do? Ss: He should see a doctor. T: Yes, he should see a dentist. 1. Whats wrong with you? = What the matter with you?你怎么啦? 2. Have a+(身体部位的名词+-ache),表示身体某处痛。 如:have a backac

10、he/stomachache/headache/toothache 3.dentist 牙医 /不可数名词,常用于肯定句。如:之意。Plenty of+可数名词4.Plenty of “许多” /牛奶plenty of eggs/milk.许多鸡蛋 巩固4 Consolidation 第四步 Step ) (通过练习,巩固并加深对新词的运用。1. best doctor?”“who is the play a game, OK? The game is T: Lets ) (给学生创设一种游戏的情景,以激发学生的学习兴趣。 patient.and doctor, Im a T: Suppose

11、 you are a ) 的内容汇入其中。2、和1c(一边做动作,一边让同学看图片,图片要把1b、) 老师装眼疼( you? Whats wrong with S: eyes. I have sore T: long.read too shouldnt S:You ) 老师装胃疼( you? wrong with S: Whats stomachache. a I have T: things. cold t eat S:You shouldn ) 。完成1b根据老师的模仿学生练习。(out. act them your partner and then T: Follow my exampl

12、e to make dialogues with ) (请几组同学表演。 her! / Congratulations to him best. Oh, Doctor S is the see. T: Let me 5) 大家一起鼓掌。( 练习第五步 Step 5 Practice ) 。营造英语气氛,激发学生学习兴趣,同时完成21. (OK? it better, sure you can do Im T: Im pleased with your dialogues, ) (教师把刚才用的图片呈现出来,增强同学们的记忆,便于活动。wrong“whats cards. Please use questions ask and answer according to these Now T: / shouldnt”“he / she should has with?” “he / she has.” answers. , check 2 here. T: Now, stop please get to 家庭作业 Homework Step 6 第六步 (英汉互译) 板书设计:You should go to see a do


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