1、第一章 实验内容1.2.例1-1 x=0:0.5:360*pi/180;plot(x,sin(x),x,cos(x);例1-2 p=3,7,9,0,-23; x=roots(p) x = -1.8857 -0.7604 + 1.7916i -0.7604 - 1.7916i 1.0732 例1-3 quad(x.*log(1+x),0,1)ans =0.2500例 1-4 a=2,-3,1;8,3,2;45,1,-9; b=4;2;17; x=inv(a)*bx = 0.4784 -0.87930.40543.(1)help inv inv Matrix inverse. inv(X) is
2、the inverse of the square matrix X. A warning message is printed if X is badly scaled ornearly singular(2)help plot plot Linear plot. plot(X,Y) plots vector Y versus vector X. If X or Y is a matrix, then the vector is plotted versus the rows or columns of the matrix, whichever line up. If X is a sca
3、lar and Y is a vector, disconnected line objects are created and plotted as discrete points vertically at X(3)help max max Largest component. For vectors, max(X) is the largest element in X. For matrices, max(X) is a row vector containing the maximum element from each column. For N-D arrays, max(X)
4、operates along the firstnon-singleton dimension.(4)help round round Round towards nearest integer.round(X) rounds the elements of X to the nearest integers.4.(1) x=0:pi/10:2*pi;y=sin(x)y = Columns 1 through 10 0 0.3090 0.5878 0.8090 0.9511 1.0000 0.9511 0.8090 0.5878 0.3090 Columns 11 through 20 0.0
5、000 -0.3090 -0.5878 -0.8090 -0.9511 -1.0000 -0.9511 -0.8090 -0.5878 -0.3090 Column 21 -0.0000(2)根据提示操作,选择y变量,并绘制y图形,生成了如下图形,图形是一个正弦函数图像。思考练习1.与其他窗口程序的启动与退出类似,双击图标打开,单击X图标关闭2. MATLAB是矩阵实验室(Matrix Laboratory)的简称用于算法开发、数据可视化、数据分析以及数值计算的高级技术计算语言和交互式环境。它将数值分析、矩阵计算、科学数据可视化以及非线性动态系统的建模和仿真等诸多强大功能集成在一个易于使用的视
7、则执行fac.m文件。第二章 实验指导 1.(1)w=sqrt(2)*(1+0.34245*10-6)w = 1.4142(2)a=3.5; b=5; c=-9.8 x=(2*pi*a+(b+c)/(pi+a*b*c)-exp(2)/(tan(b+c)+a)x =0.9829(3) a=3.32; b=-7.9; y=2*pi*a2*(1-pi/4)*b-(0.8333-pi/4)*a)y = -128.4271(4) t=2,1-3*i;5,-0.65t = 2.0000 1.0000 - 3.0000i 5.0000 -0.6500 z=0.5*exp(2*t)*log(t+sqrt(1+
8、t2)z = 1.0e+04 * 0.0057 - 0.0007i 0.0049 - 0.0027i 1.9884 - 0.3696i 1.7706 - 1.0539i2.A=-1,5,-4;0,7,8;3,61,7;B=8,3,-1;2,5,3;-3,2,0;(1)A+6*Bans = 47 23 -10 12 37 26 -15 73 7A2-B+eyeans = -18 -216 18 23 533 11022 868 526(2) A*Bans = 14 14 16 -10 51 21 125 328 180 A.*Bans = -8 15 4 0 35 24 -9 122 0 B*A
9、ans = -11 0 -15 7 228 53 3 -1 28(3) A/Bans = 1.2234 -0.9255 2.9787 -0.9468 2.3511 -0.9574 4.6170 3.8723 13.8936 BAans = -0.5106 -8.6170 -1.1277 0.7340 17.5745 1.8085 -0.8830 -21.2128 0.4043(4) A,Bans = -1 5 -4 8 3 -1 0 7 8 2 5 3 3 61 7 -3 2 0 A(1,3,:);B2ans = -1 5 -4 3 61 7 73 37 1 17 37 13 -20 1 93
10、. A=23,10,-0.778,0;41,-45,65,5;32,5,0,32;6,-9,54,3.14 23.0000 10.0000 -0.7780 0 41.0000 -45.0000 65.0000 5.0000 32.0000 5.0000 0 32.00006.0000 -9.0000 54.0000 3.1400(1) k=find(10=A&A C=A(:,1:2)C = 23 10 41 -45 32 5 6 -9 D=A(2:4,3:4)D = 65.0000 5.0000 0 32.0000 54.0000 3.1400 E=B*CE = 1.0e+03 * 0.914
11、1 -0.2239 1.2080 2.71501.1330 -0.1930(3) E E&Dans = 1 1 0 1 1 1 E|Dans = 1 1 1 1 1 1Eans = 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dans = 0 0 1 0 0 04. H=hilb(5); P=pascal(5); Hh=det(H) Hh = 3.7493e-012 Hp=det(P) Hp = 1 Th=cond(H) Th = 4.7661e+005 Tp=cond(P) Tp = 8.5175e+003 条件数越趋近于1,矩阵的性能越好,所以帕斯卡矩阵性能更好。5. A=-29,6,18;20,5,12;-
12、8,8,5A= -2961820512-885V,D=eig(A)V= 0.71300.28030.2733 -0.6084-0.78670.87250.34870.55010.4050D= -25.316900 0-10.51820 0016.8351V为A的特征向量,D为A的特征值。它们之间满足A*V=V*D思考练习1. 在MATLAB中6+7i是一个复数常量,6+7*i则是一个表达式。i是虚数单位,而I是单 位向量。 2. A.*B表示A和B单个元素之间对应相乘,A*B是按矩阵乘法的规则乘。 A./B表示A矩阵除以B矩阵的对应元素,B.A等价于A./B。 A/B表示A *inv(B)而B
13、A表示inv(B)* A,对于矩阵运算一般两式不等。 3.(1) A(7)= (2) abs(x) (3) reshape(x,3,4) (4) k=find(t=0); t(k)=0(5) ones(size(A) (6) diag(A) B= diag(diag(A) 4. 3+randn(25,20) 5.(1) A=1,-1,2,-3;5,1,-4,2;3,0,5,2;11,15,0,9A = 1 -1 2 -3 5 1 -4 2 3 0 5 2 11 15 0 9 diag(A)ans = 1 1 5 9 triu(A)ans = 1 -1 2 -3 0 1 -4 2 0 0 5 2
14、 0 0 0 9 tril(A)ans = 1 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 3 0 5 0 11 15 0 9 inv(A)ans = 0.1308 0.1395 0.0593 -0.0006 0.0785 -0.1163 -0.1244 0.0797 0.0378 -0.0930 0.1105 0.0087 -0.2907 0.0233 0.1349 -0.0209 det(A)ans = -1.7200e+03 rank(A)ans = 4 norm(A,1)ans =20 norm(A,2)ans = 21.3196 norm(A,inf)ans = 35 cond(A,1)ans =
15、10.7558 cond(A)ans = 7.6905 cond(A,inf)ans = 16.4419 trace(A)ans =16(2) B=0.43,43,2;-8.9,4,21B = 0.4300 43.0000 2.0000 -8.9000 4.0000 21.0000 diag(B)ans = 0.4300 4.0000 triu(B)ans = 0.4300 43.0000 2.0000 0 4.0000 21.0000 tril(B)ans = 0.4300 0 0 -8.9000 4.0000 0 inv(B)Error using invMatrix must be sq
16、uare. det(B)Error using detMatrix must be square. rank(B)ans = 2 norm(B,1)ans = 47 norm(B,2)ans = 43.4271 norm(B,inf)ans = 45.4300 cond(B,1)Error using cond (line 35)A is rectangular. Use the 2 norm. cond(B,2)ans = 1.9354 cond(B,inf)Error using cond (line 35)A is rectangular. Use the 2 norm.lo9 trac
17、e(B)Error using trace (line 13)Matrix must be square.6. A=34,NaN,Inf,-Inf,-pi,eps,0; all(A)ans = 0 any(A)ans = 1 isnan(A)ans = 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 isinf(A)ans = 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 isfinite(A)ans = 1 0 0 0 1 1 17.结构矩阵,结构矩阵名.成员名=表达式,其中表达式应理解为矩阵表达式 建立单元矩阵和一般矩阵相似,只是矩阵元素用大括号括起来。8用稀疏存储方式可以可以节省内存空间; 运算规则上,稀疏矩阵与普通矩阵一样
18、,只是矩阵的存储方式不同。在运算过程中,稀疏存储矩阵可以直接参与运算。当参与运算的对象不全是稀疏存储矩阵时,所得结果一般是完全存储形式。第三章 实验指导1. n = input(n请输入一个任意三位数:);if n = 1000 | fix(n) = n error(输入不合要求,请输入三位整数。)enddig = (k)rem(fix(n/10k),10);n1 = arrayfun(dig,0:2);fprintf(反向结果是:%i%i%in,n1)请输入一个任意三位数:369反向结果是:9632.(1)用if 语句实现 x=input(输入一个百分制成绩);if x=90;disp(A)
19、; elseif x=80;disp(B); elseif x=70 disp(C); elseif x=60; disp(D); else disp (E)end输入一个百分制成绩89B用switch语句实现x=input(输入一个百分制成绩); switch fix(x/10)case 9,10 disp(A);case 8disp(B)case 7disp(C)case6disp (D)otherwisedisp(E)end输入一个百分制成绩56E3、a=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20b=max(a)c=min(a)b
20、=0c=0for i=1:20 if a(i)b b=a(i); end if a(i)5 n=5 a(n,:) disp(输入超出范围);else a(n,:)end 请输入一个数:5ans = 0.8913 0.4447 0.1763 0.8936 0.1389 0.1988请输入一个数:6n = 5ans = 0.4660 0.6721 0.8318 0.1897 0.1509 0.5936输入超出范围7、f1.m 代码如下function m=f1(n)m=n+10*log(n2+5);f2.m 代码如下:function m=f2(n)m=0;for i=1:nm=m+i*(i+1)
21、;end在command界面中输入:y1=f1(40)/(f1(30)+f1(20)y1 = 0.6390 y2=f2(40)/(f2(30)+f2(20)y2 =1.76628、函数文件factor1.m代码如下:function f=factor1(k)if k=1f=1;elsef=factor1(k-1)+k;end函数文件factor2.m代码如下:function f=factor2(k)if k=1f=1;elsef=factor2(k-1)2+k2;end函数文件factor3.m代码如下:function f=factor3(k)if k=1f=1;else f=factor
22、31/(k-1)+1/k;end 思考练习1、用MATLAB语言编写的程序称为M文件。书P57下部。2、N=1,2,3,4,5N = 1 2 3 4 5 A=N.*2A = 2 4 6 8 10 B=N./4B = 0.2500 0.5000 0.7500 1.0000 1.2500 C=1./NC = 1.0000 0.5000 0.3333 0.2500 0.2000 D=1./(N./2)./(N./2)/4D =1.0000 0.2500 0.1111 0.0625 0.04003、M文件B=0;for i=1:20A(i)=fix(99-10+1)*rand(1)+10);B=A(i
23、)+B;endB=B/20;for i=1:20if A(i) factor3输入一个数1000A = 0.9995 factor3输入一个数10000A =0.9999(2)M文件A=0;n=input(输入一个数);for i=1:1000A=1/(4)i)+A;endA输出结果:输入一个数10000A = 0.9999 factor3输入一个数100A = 0.3333 factor3输入一个数1000A = 0.3333 factor3输入一个数10000A =0.33335、M文件function m,n=chengji(A,B)m=A.*B;n=A*B;输出程序及结果: a=1 2
24、 3;4 5 6;7 8 9; b=-1 0 1;1 -1 0;0 1 1m,n=chengji(a,b);disp(a.*b=);disp(m);disp(a*b= );disp(n);b = -1 0 1 1 -1 0 0 1 1a.*b= -1 0 3 4 -5 0 0 8 9a*b= 1 1 4 1 1 10 1 1 16第四章 实验指导1.(1)t=-5:0.1:5y=t-t.3/6plot(t,y)(2)t=-10:0.1:10x=sin(t)/8y=cos(t)/sqrt(32)plot(x,y)2.t=-pi:pi/50:piy=(1+exp(-t).(-1)subplot(2
25、,2,1)bar(t,y,g)title(bar(t,y,b);axis(-4,4,0,1)subplot(2,2,2);stairs(t,y,b)title(stairs(t,y,b);axis(-4,4,0,1)subplot(2,2,3);stem(t,y,k)title(stem(t,y,k);axis(-4,4,0,1) subplot(2,2,4);loglog(t,y,m);title(loglog(t,y,m)3.(1)t=-pi:pi/50:pir=5*cos(t)+4polar(t,r,-*)(2)t=-pi/3:pi/50:pi/3r=5*sin(t).*sin(t).*
26、(cos(t).(-1)polar(t,r,-*)4.(1)t=0:pi/50:2*pix=exp(-t/20).*cos(t)y=exp(-t/20).*sin(t)z=tplot3(x,y,z)title(Line in 3-D Space)xlabel(X);ylabel(Y);zlabel(Z)grid on思考练习2.(1) t=-4:0.1:4y=exp(-0.5*(t).2)plot(t,y)(2)t=-2*pi:pi/50:2*pix=t.*sin(t)y=t.*cos(t)plot(x,y)3.x=-1:0.1:1y1=2*x-0.5plot(x,y1)hold onm=0:
27、pi/50:pit=sin(3*m).*cos(m)y2=sin(3*m).*sin(m)plot(t,y2)hold off4.(1)plot格式:x=-pi:pi/50:piy=sin(1/x)y=sin(x).(-1)plot(x,y)(2) fplot格式:fplot(x).(-1),-0.01,0.01,1e-4)(3) 比较,plot格式的曲线会比较直观看到曲线在某一范围的变化以及曲线走向,但是fplot格式的曲线则是非常简化的描述了曲线的主要部分5.(1)t=-4*pi:pi/50:4*pir=12*t.(-0.5)polar(t,r,-*)(2)t=-pi/6:pi/100:p
28、i/6r=3*a*sin(t).*cos(t).*(sin(t).3+(cos(t).3)polar(t,r,-*)6.(1)x,y=meshgrid(-8:0.1:8)z=4*(x.2+y.2)/13mesh(x,y,z)(2)x,y=meshgrid(-3:0.1:3)z=-5*(1+x.2+y.2).(-1)mesh(x,y,z)第五章 实验指导1.(1)A=randn(10,5)A = 0.0983 2.2294 0.0662 0.0000 1.1921 0.0414 0.3376 0.6524 -0.0549 -1.6118 -0.7342 1.0001 0.3271 0.9111 -0.0245 -0.0308 -1.6642 1.0826 0.5946 -1.9488 0.2323 -0.5900 1.0061 0.3502 1.0205 0.4264 -0.2781 -0.6509 1.2503 0.8617 -0.3728 0.4227 0.2571 0.9298 0.0012 -0.2365 -1.6702 -0.9444 0.2398 -0.0708 2.0237 0.4716 -1.3218 -0.6904 -2.4863 -2.2584 -1.2128 0.9248 -0.6516 0.5812 mean(A
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