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1、八年级英语下学期竞赛试题2020425第一卷(共60 分)、听力部分(共25题;每小题1分,满分25分)A)根据录音选择相符的图画,每段材料读两遍。(5分).B)听录音,选择合适的应答句,每个句子读两遍。6. A. I d like to.B. Let me see.(5分)C. I don t know French,either.7. A. It doesn t matter.B. Con gratulati ons!C. Thankyou.8. A. He likes study ing En glish.C. He looks at his book.B. He look

2、s like his father.9. A. A French film.B. There is a bird.C. It s on theground.10. A. Swimmi ng.B. Physics.C. Basketball.C)根据录音中的对话,选择最佳答案,每段对话读两遍。(10分)11. Where is the supermarket?s house.A. It s to the left of the womans house.B. It s to the right of the womanC. Its between the womans house and the

3、 cinema.12. What time is it now?A. It s 10:45.B. It s 10:50.11:10.13. Where are they talking?A. At the doctor s. B. In the shop. station.C. It sC. At the14. How long hasn t she received Mike s letter?A. Three weeks ago.B. Since three months ago.C. For threeweeks.15. How much did they pay for the hou

4、se?A. 203,000.B. 230,000.C. 2,300,000.16. What s Miss White looking for?A. A coat.B. A cotton coat.17. What is it made of?C. A strong coat.A. New cotton.B. Thick glass.C. Strongpaper.B. His leg was hurt. C.He feels much18. What s the matter with Tom?A. His bike was broken. better.19. What did the do

5、ctor ask Tom to do?A. To worry about his lessons. B. To go home at once.C. To stay in bed for a few days.20. Who will help Tom with his lessons?A. Ann.B. The doctor.C. Mary.D) 根据所听到的短文选择最佳答案,短文读两遍。 (共 5 分)21. How many kinds of paper are there today?A. Seve n thousa nd. B. Less tha n seve n thousa nd

6、. C. Seve n hun dred.22. What s paper made from?A. Rice, cott on, trees and other pla nts.B. Trees, cott on and otherpla nts.C. Cott on, rice, trees and others.23. When was paper inven ted?A. Before the second century. B. In the second century. C. We don tknow.before24. Where did people put the tree

7、 covering and old pieces of cloththey were made into paper?A. In the cloth (布). B. In the tree.C. In thewater.25. When did the foreig n coun tries know how to make paper?A. After the war.B. In the nin etee nth cen tury.C. During thewar.二、单项填空(共12小题;每小题1分,满分12分)26. Where s Lily? We are all here her.A

8、. besideB. aboutC. exceptD.withA. noneB. bothC. anyD. n either27. I minterestedin animals,so IeverySaturday working in anani mal hospital.A. payB.getC. takeD.spend28. We oftenhave sportsafter class,and I like toplaybasketball.A. aB.anC. theD. /29. Father gave me several pens, but I likeof them.30. H

9、ow much are these books?-You don t have to. They are free.A. pay themB. pay for them C. cost them D. spend them31. You don t needit right now if you are busy.A. to fin ishB. fin ishC. fin ishi ngD.fini shed32. do you call that in En glish?A. HowB. WhatC. WhoD. which33. Susan s parents have bought a

10、large house with a swimming pool. Itbe very expe nsive.A.mustB. canC. mustn tD. can t34.Little Tom hasfrie nds, so he ofte n plays alone.A. moreB.alittleC. manyD. few35.-1 called you yesterday evening, but there was no answer.-Oh, I am sorry I dinner at my friend s house.A. haveB. had C. was hav ing

11、D. have had三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Plants are very important living things. Life could not go on if there were no plants. This is 36 plants can make food from air, water and sun light. Ani mals and men 37 make food from air, water and sun light.Ani mals get their food by eati ng pla nts and ani mal

12、s 38 Therefore(因此),animals and men need plants in order to 39 This is the reason(原 因)why we find that there are so many pla nts around us.If you look carefully at the pla nts around you 40 find that thereare many kinds of pla nts. Some pla nts are large 41 others are small.Most pla nts are gree n.So

13、me plants have many small leaves. Others have only 42 large leaves. There are many kinds of leaves. Leaves are of 43 shapes(状)and colours.Leaves are also differe nt in other ways. Some leaves have short leaf stalks( 叶十茎)while others have long leaf stalks. Still others have 44 stalks at all. The edge

14、s( 边)of leaves are also differe nt. Some leaves have smooth(光滑的)edges. Some have wave(波状的)edges 45 the teeth ofsaw(锯).)36. A. whyB. becauseC. howD. that)37. A. donB. notC. cannotD. can)38. A. tooB. eitherC. alsoD. already)39 A. eatB. liveC. haveD. get)40. A. are going to B. mayC. certa inlyD.will()4

15、1. A. whenB. yetC. andD. while()42.A. a littleB. a fewC. littleD.few)43.A. muchB. differe ntC. sameD the same)44.A. notB. noneC. n eitherD. no)45.A. likeB. asC. as ifD.seem四、阅读理解(46-50每小题1分,51-60每小题2分,共25分)The students were having their chemistry (化学)class. MissLi was telli ngthechildrenwhat water w

16、as like. After that, she asked her students.“What s water? ” No one spoke for a few minutes. Miss Li asked again, “Whydon t you answer my question? Didn t I tell you what water is likeJust the n a boy put up his hand and said,“Miss Li, you told us thatwater has no colour and no smell. But where to f

17、ind such kind of waterThe water in the river behind myhouse is always black and it has a bad smell. Most of the childre n agreed with him.“Our water is getti ng“ I m sorry, children. ” said the teacher, dirtier and dirtier. That s a big problem. ”46. The stude nts were hav ing theirA. En glishchemis

18、tryD. maths47. Miss Li was telling the children whatA. waterC. earth48. A boy said, “The wateralways . ”A. whiteC. clea n49. Most of the childre nthe boy.A. agreed withheard fromclass.B. Chi neseC.was like.B. airD. weatherin the riverbehindmy house isB. blackD. clearB. wrote toC.D. sent for50.The wa

19、ter in the riverhas colour and smell because itisgetti ng .A. more and moreB. less and less C. cleaner and cleanerD.dirtier and dirtierBWang was born into a rich family in America, but he was not a spoiled child. His parents made him practice violin for hours every day and he alsolearned Karate ( 空手

20、道)! To make pocket mon ey, Wang had to deliver ( 发送)n ewspapers.At five or six every morni ng, Wang was already up. Eve n on cold win ter days, he rode his bike to deliver n ewspapers to every home!“When I went outside, other people were not up yet,” he said.The best mome nt of his day, he said, was

21、 after he got home, tired and hun gry, and ate sweet pies his mum had made.51. The underlined word“spoiled ” means.A.富有的B.娇惯的C.勤快的D.聪明的52. Why did Wang deliver n ewspapers?A. Because he liked this job. B.Because he wan ted to makepocket mon ey.C. Because he was very poor. D. Because his pare nts tol

22、d him to do so.53. We can tell from the story that . A. Wang s pare nts dont love him.B. Wangcan play the violin very well.C. Wang can make a lot of money by deliveri ng n ewspapers.D. Wang got up very early every day.COneof this summer s hottest books is “That GuyWasCool. ” Sounds like a great book

23、 for kids, doesn t it? Butparents and teachers want to readthis one, too. It can teach them something about the Ianguage of today skids.So lots of people, young and old, went to see the book s author, 19-year-old Korea n girl Guiye oni, on Saturday. She was in Beiji ng to sig n books for her fans.“

24、Guiye oni wrote a story that is n ear to us and goes to our hearts,”said a Junior 2 student in Beijing.“Whenl read it, I laughed and I cried. ”Like the “Meteor Garden ” TV series, “That Guy Was Cool ” tells anunusual story of love betweentwo students. The girl is sweet, but she sjust average(一般的).Th

25、e boy is good-look ing and has everyth ing, but heis often unhappy because his father died when he was very young. They become close and help each other to be happy .In the end, they fall in love.“The girl in the book is like me. She s simple andmoody” saidGuiye oni.Guiyeoni s book doesn t only use

26、words. It also uses things like emoti ons. Emoti ons are small icon s, like smili ng faces, and they are used to show emoti ons. Kids know what these thi ngs mean, because they often use them whe n they talk on the Internet or send messages with mobile phon es.Guiyeoni said she wrote this way becaus

27、e of her young readers.“Writingwith pictures is vivid(生动)andean say a lot of things, ” she said.Guiyeoni began writing the book s story on the Webin 2001 when she was a Senior 2(高二) student. Last year, she put that online story togetherto make this book.“That Guy Was Cool ” has been made into a film

28、, and itwill come out in Korea n ext mon th.This is Guiyeoni s first of four books, and she hopes to keep writingas she goes through college.She also has a messagefor young writers. “I think that if they try hard, lots of young people can do this.”54. Guiye oni is.A. a girl who falls in love with he

29、r classmate B. the author of “Meteor GardenC. a young writerD. one of the emoti ons55. Which of the following may Not be an emotion?A. 8-)B. :-)C. See you.D.:-(56. The author used emoti ons to write the book becauseA. she really likes them B. she wants her young readers to bein terestedC. pictures c

30、an say lots of thi ngsD. she was only a Senior stude nt whe n she was writi ng the story57. Which of the following sayings has the closest meaning to “ I think thatif they try hard, lots of young people can do this”?A. See ing is believ ing.B. Time flies.C. No news is good news. D. Where there is a

31、will, there is away.DMobile phone (手机)has becomea problem for middle schools. Somemiddle schools in Australia have banned (禁止)students from carrying mobile phones duri ng school hours.Mobile phone use amongchildren has becomea problem for the school this year. Several children have got mobile phones

32、 as Christmas gifts, and more students will want them. Mary Bluett, an official, said mobile phone use is a distract ion ( 分心的事)to stude nts duri ng school hours and it also gives teachers so muchtrouble in their classrooms. Teachers were also saying that sometimes stude nts might use pho ne message

33、s to cheat during exams.She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phon es. Some pare nts felt unhappy because they couldn t get in touch with their children.Manyteachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reas on, they could leave their phones at schoo

34、l office.They also said there were manyreasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school: they were easy to lose and were a distractionfrom studies.Manypeople say that they understand whyparents would want their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students k

35、now whenthey can use their mobile phon es.58. We know from the passage that some childrenget mobile phonesfrom.A. the makers and sellersB. the passers-by and stra ngersC. their pare nts and frie ndsD. some mobile pho ne users59. What does the underlined word cheat mean in the passage?A.聊天B.核对60. The

36、 passage tells us thatC.查询D.作弊A. students shouldn t have mobile phones at school except for some special reas onsB. it is impossible to ban stude nts from using mobile pho nes at schoolC. someparents felt unhappy because they couldn t use their phones at schoolD. parents should teach their children

37、how to use mobile phones during school hours第二卷(共34分)五、词汇(共15分)A)根据汉语提示或句意写出所缺单词。(每小题1分,共5分)61. Do you think (十月)is the coldest month in ourcoun try?62. He wrote more than twenty novels 在期间)his lifetime.63. One is n ever too old to.64. Please do not tell it to others. It is a.65. The( 附近的)market sel

38、ls all kinds of fresh vegetables.B)根据句意,找出合适的单词,并用其正确形式填入句中。(5分)you, use, two, heavy, visit66. How it is raining outside!67. Those are very in terested in the great places of in terestof China.68. Look at or. How dirty your faces are!69. French people speak En glish as theirIan guage.70. En glish is

39、 much .C)用所给动词的适当形式填空。(5分)71. A woman with her childrenin the park now, (walk)72. So far, no oneme about that. (tell)73. Mary ne call to her gran dpare nts every week.(make)74. An America n doctor ng ago. (invent)75. We(clea n) out our classroom , so it is now very tidy andbright.六、短文改错(共5分)对短文中标有题号

40、的每一行作出判断,并改正错误:该句 多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划 掉;该句缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(人),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词;该句错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边的横线上写出改正后的词。My mother has done so many for me! She gets up76.early every morni ng to make a breakfast for me.77.And she ofte n wake up in the middle of the ni ght78.to see if Im sleep

41、ing well. Once, whenI am ill, I couldn t79. eat. Mum was so worried that she wouldn t eat, too.80.七、智力测试(IQ):(共5小题,计5分)81. Whats the mans job? Youll know with the help of the lettered pieces.82. The little boy ran until he was blue in the face. What does the Chinesefor “ blue in the face ” here mean

42、?83. What letter should replace the questi on mark?84. Oncean old lady went to the market(市场)to sell eggs. She carried a basket of eggs. She sold her eggs to five people. The first bought half of the eggs and ano ther half of an egg. The sec ond, half of the rest and ano ther half of the half left.T

43、he fifth took half of the eggs that the fourth pers on bought and another half of the half left. Then the old lady went back home with an empty basket. Do you know how many eggs the lady sold out and how many each of the five people bought?85. What comes n ext in the below seque nce(次序)?ABCD八、书面表达(共

44、14分)假如你叫李明,想应聘 21世纪英文报21st Century.Teens 的业余小记者。报社要求你用英语写一篇短文,介绍自己的基本情况。短文应包括下表所列的全部内容。姓名李明出生年月1990年3月出生地浙江杭州市相关经历有两年校报工作经验获奖情况2020年在全校英语竞赛中获一等奖爱好看英文小说、集邮、篮球特长英文写作、电脑联系方式limi 注意:1、情况介绍必须采用短文形式;2、短文要通顺、连贯;3、词数60左右,短文的第一句已为你写好,不计入总词数。4、提示:竞赛 con testMy n ame is Li Ming.八年级英语下学期竞赛试题2020.4.2512

45、34567891017181920TOQ2nT3 on4OQT5-Q/T oc6262 7乙o9303 134352324一、听力部分二、选择填空、完型填空36373839404142434445四、阅读理解。464748495051525354555657585960五、词汇A61. 5.B66. 0C71. 5.六、短文改错76.77.My mother has done so many for me! She gets upearly every morning to make a breakfast for me.And sh

46、e ofte n wake up in the middle of the ni ght78.to see if Im sleeping well. Once, whenI am ill, I could nt 79. eat. Mum was so worried that she would nt eat, too. 80.七、智力测试81 8283 84 85八、书面表达My n ame is Li Ming.八年级英语下学期竞赛试题 2020425听力原文及参考答案A)根据录音选择相符的图画,每段材料读两遍。1. W: Mike, your watch is very ni ce.M:

47、 Thank you, Lucy. It s my birthday present from my aunt.2. M: Where do you live?W: I like living in the countryside. I drive a car to work every day.3. W: Will you be here at ten o clock?M: No, I ll be there thirty minutes later.4. W: Do you have books about computers?M: Yes, we do. Here is one abou

48、t the ABC of computers.W: Than ks. How long may I keep it please?M: Two weeks.5. M: What are you going to do this after noon?W: I ve no idea.M: Shall we play basketball?W: No. Let s go to see a film.M: OK. That s a good idea.B)听录音,选择合适的应答句,每个句子读两遍。6. I don t know French.7. Sorry, I m late.8. What do

49、es he look like?9. What s on at the cinema now?10. Do you like football or basketball?C) 根据录音中的对话,选择最佳答案,每段对话读两遍。11. M: Where do you live?W: I live to the left of the supermarket.12. M: Excuse me, what s the time, please?W: My watch says ten to eleven. But it s five minutes fast.13. M: What s the tr

50、ouble, Miss?W: I ve got a headache.M: Do you have a high temperature?W: Do I need to take some medicine, doctor?14. M: Have you heard from Mike recently?W: I haven t heard from him since three weeks ago.15. M: The Lees bought a new flat last month.W: How much did it cost?M: About 230,000 yuan. And t

51、hey are going to move into it next month. 听下面一段对话,回答第 16-17 题。W: I m afraid I ve lost my coat.M: Is this yours, Miss White? It s made of cotton.W:No. Mine is madeof paper, a kind of strong paper. It s a newinvention.M: A paper coat! What s it used for?W: It s used for keeping off the rain. 听下面一段对话,回答第 18-20 题。W: Hello, Tom. What s wrong with you?M: Hello, Ann. I fell off the bike on the way home, and hurt my leg.W: How are you feeling today?M: Much better, thank you.W: These flowers are for you.M: Oh! How beautiful! You are so kind.W: What did the do


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