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7、则*越弱。The officials, the government is weak.2、人是生而自由的,但却无往不在枷锁之中。Man is born free, but he is not in chains.3、人性本善,但罪恶的社会环境使人变坏了。Human nature is good, but evil social environment makes people become bad.4、大自然希望儿童在成人以前就要像儿童的样子。Nature wants children to be like children before they are adults.5、最重要的教育原则是

8、不要爱惜时间,要浪费时间。The most important educational principle is not to cherish the time, to waste time.6、生活本身没有任何价值,它的价值在于怎样使用它。Life itself has no value, its value lies in how to use it.7、我们的痛苦正是产生于我们的愿望和能力的不相称。Our pain is not commensurate with our desire and ability.8、从我们心中夺走对美的爱,也就夺走了生活全部魅力。From our hear

9、ts to take the love of the United States, but also took away all the charm of life.9、教育的最大的秘诀是:使身体锻炼和思想锻炼互相调剂。The great secret of education is to make physical exercise and mental exercise to adjust to each other.10、事实上,法律永远有利于占有者,而不利于一无所有的人。In fact, the law is always in favor of the owner, but not

10、conducive to a person without.11、我独处时从来不感到厌烦,闲聊才是我一辈子忍受不了的事情。I never feel bored when Im alone, and its the thing I cant stand for my whole life.12、我知道必须让孩子们有所专心,怠慢乃是孩子们最可怕的危险。I know I must let the children be attentive, but neglect the most terrible danger of children.13、装饰对于德行也同样是格格不入的,因为德行是灵魂的力量和生

11、气。Decoration is also incompatible with virtue, for virtue is the power and anger of the soul.14、出于自然这个造物主手中的一切都是善的,到了人手中才变成了恶。For all that is in the hand of the creator God is good, and it is in the hands of man that it becomes evil.15、凡是教师缺乏爱的地方,无论品格还是智慧都不能充分地或自由地发展。Where the teachers lack of love,

12、 both character and wisdom are not fully and freely developed.16、要记住,人之所以走入迷途,并不是由于他的无知,而是由于他自以为知。Remember, the reason why people go astray, not because of his ignorance, but because he knows that.17、在儿童时期没有养成思想的习惯。将使他从此以后一生都没有思想的能力。Not forming the habit of thinking in childhood. The ability to make

13、 him a life without thinking.18、如果允许我们在这个世界上长生不老,试问谁愿意接受这件不吉祥的礼物?If we allow ever-young in this world, who are willing to accept this sinistrous gift?19、每个家庭都是一个团结的小社会,自由和相互之间的感情是他们唯一的纽带。Each family is a small community of unity, freedom and mutual affection is their only bond.20、生活得最有意义的人,并不就是年岁活得最

14、大的人,而是生活最有感受的人。The most significant person in life is not the greatest person in life, but the most important person in life.21、世上并没有纯粹的无意识行动,只要我们善于去寻找,都能从内心找出行动原因。There is no pure unconscious action in the world, so long as we are good at seeking, we can find out the reason of action from the heart

15、.22、在把所有这一切搞得混淆不清时,人们非但没有使我们明理,反而使我们变得邪恶。To put it all in confusion, people not only did not make us understanding, but to make us evil.23、人类智力的发展都应该主要归功于欲望,而欲望能否被普遍满足要依靠智力的发展。The development of human intelligence should be mainly attributed to the desire, and the desire can be generally satisfied t

16、o rely on the development of intelligence.24、在不幸中所表现出来的勇气,通常总是使卑怯的心灵恼怒,而使高尚的心灵喜悦的。The courage in misfortune, usually make cowardly heart angry, and the noble soul of joy.25、如果说一个人可以为了道德而自我克制的话,那他绝对无法忍受他所钟爱的人的轻蔑。If a person can be self restrained for the sake of morality, then he cant stand the conte

17、mpt of the person he loves.26、性格软弱,至多只能做到不犯罪恶,如果还要侈谈高尚的美德,那就是狂妄和大胆了。Weak in character, not only do not sin, even if it is about virtue, arrogant and bold.27、最强者也不能总是强大得足以永远作主人,除非他能把力量转化为权利和服从的义务。The strongest cannot always be strong enough to be master, unless he can turn the power into the right an

18、d the duty of obedience.28、如果流动,就流走;如果静止,就干涸;如果生长,就慢慢凋零,这个世界没有永恒。If the flow, flow away; if still, on the dry; if the growth, and slowly fade, the world is not eternal.29、我既找不到一个完全献身于我的朋友,我就必须有些能以其推动力克服我的惰性的朋友。I cant find a friend who is totally devoted to me, and I have to be able to overcome the i

19、nertia of my friend by the force of it.30、最孤寂难熬的生活,也比与那帮家伙交往要好,要知道那是些只知道背叛和仇恨的恶棍。The most lonely and sad life, but also better than with the help of the guys, to know that it is only know that the betrayal and hatred of the villain.卢梭名言英文1、浪费时间是一桩大罪过。Wasting time is a great sin.2、对我所爱的人保持信赖和沉默。Keep

20、faith and silence for the people I love.3、花朵衰败的地方,人类没法生活。Where flowers fall, people cant live.4、只有高贵的思想,而无高贵的血统。Only the noble thought, but not the noble descent.5、人生来自由,但却无往不在枷锁之中。Life is free, but it is not in chains.6、德行啊!你是纯朴的灵魂的崇高科学。Virtue ah! You are the noble science of the simple soul.7、一目了然

21、的拙劣谄媚绝不会出之于善意。 glance at the poor flattery will not good. 8、我们手里的金钱是保持自由的一种工具。Money in our hand is a tool to keep free.9、当心在飞翔时,怎么能克制行动和眼睛?When you are flying, how can you control your actions and your eyes?10、最盲目的服从乃是奴隶们所仅存的唯一美德。The most blind obedience is the only virtue of the slaves.11、口音是语言的核心,

22、它使语言具有情感的真实感。ccent is the core of the language, it makes the language has the feeling of emotion.12、良心始终是不顾一切人为的法则而顺从自然的秩序。Conscience is always the law of disregard for human nature and obey the order of nature.13、大自然不会欺骗我们,欺骗我们的往往是我们自己。Nature will not deceive us, it is often our own.14、良心是腼腆的,它喜欢幽静

23、,世人一吵闹就会使它害怕。Conscience is shy, it likes quiet, the world a noise will make it afraid.15、良心尽管它不依存于理性,但没有理性就不能得到发展。Conscience, in spite of its dependence on reason, can not be developed without reason.16、不要教他这样那样的学问,而要由他自己去发现哪些学问。Dont teach him the knowledge that he will find himself.17、你要宣扬你的一切,不必用你

24、的言语,要用你的本来面目。You want to show yourself, not with your words, you are to use.18、问题不在于告诉他一个真理,而在于教他怎样去发现真理。The problem is not to tell him a truth, but to teach him how to find the truth.19、财产是*社会的真正基础,是公民订立契约的真正保障。Property is the real foundation of political society, and the real guarantee of the cont

25、ract.20、正真爱情的娇艳是更加微妙的,打扮的方法是完全的不同。True love is more beautiful delicate, dress method is completely different.21、所有一切有益人类的事业中,首要的一件,即教育人的事业。ll that is beneficial to the cause of mankind, the most important one, that is, the cause of the education.22、向他的头脑中灌输真理,只是为了保证他不在心中装填谬误。Instill truth in his min

26、d, just to ensure that he is not in the heart of the filling fallacy.23、当我们忘记我们自己的时候,我们才是真正为我们自己工作。When we forget ourselves, we are really working for ourselves.24、当一个人一心一意做好事情的时候,他最终是必然会成功的。When a man is ready to do something, he will eventually succeed.25、服从法律:无论是我或任何人都不能摆脱法律的光荣的束缚。Obey the law: n

27、o one can get rid of the glorious shackles of the law.26、散步促进我的思想。我的身体必须不断运动,脑筋才会开动起来。Take a walk to boost my mind. My body must continue to exercise, brain will start up.27、对于一个善于理解幸福的人,旁人无论如何也不能让他真正潦倒。For a good understanding of the well-being of the people, others cannot in any case let him reall

28、y down.28、我深信祇有有道德的公民才能向自己的祖国致以可被接受的敬礼。I believe that citizens can only have moral extend to their own country may be accepted salute.29、事物的本性不会使我们疯狂,唯有不良的企图,才会使我们如此。The nature of things will not make us crazy, only bad intentions, will make us so.30、我一辈子就这样渴求着最心爱的女人,但在她们面前又不敢声张。I yearn for a lifeti

29、me that most beloved woman, but in front of them and buganshengzhang.卢梭名言的翻译1、缺乏自知之明是最愚昧的。Lack of knowledge is the most foolish.2、节约与勤勉是人类两个名医。Saving and diligence are the two famous man.3、为人善良和正直才是最光荣。Being kind and honest is the most glorious.4、人生的价值是由自己决定的。The value of life is determined by its o

30、wn.5、没有可憎的缺点的人是没有的。No man is without an obscene fault.6、没有信念,就没有真正的美德。Without faith, there is no real virtue.7、可以说,品位是鉴赏力的显微镜。It can be said that the taste is an appreciation of the microscope.8、上帝造就了我,而我却将模子打破。God made me, but I will break the mold.9、人人生而自由,却无处不在枷锁中!Every man is born free, but is i

31、n chains!10、劳动是社会中每个人不可避免的义务。Labor is the inevitable obligation of everyone in the society.11、生活就是一种遍布罪恶和悲伤的苦役。Life is a kind of guilt and sorrow over slavery.12、良心是灵魂之声,而情愫是*之声。Conscience is the voice of the soul, and love is the voice of the flesh.13、一切学科本质上应该从心智启迪时开始。ll disciplines should begin f

32、rom the Enlightenment of the mind.14、人生来是自由的,但却无处不身戴枷锁。Life is free, but there is no place to wear shackles.15、慈善的行为比金钱更能解除别人的痛苦。The act of charity is better than the money to relieve the pain of others.16、忍耐是苦涩的,但它的果实却是甘甜的。Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.17、男人大谈他知道的事,女人只谈受欢迎的事。The man ta

33、lked about what he knew, and the woman only talked about the popular thing.18、怨恨就是一袋死老鼠,最好把他丢得远远的。Resentment is a bag of dead rats, it is best to throw him away.19、怀着善意的人,是不难于表达他对人的礼貌的。With good intentions, it is not difficult to express his politeness to people.20、人在世上越离开尘俗,越接近自己,就越幸福。People in the world is leaving this world


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