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1、安全管理考核办法HSE penalties目录content第一章总则 Chapter one General第二章工作许可证Chapter two Permit To Work第三章上锁挂签Chapter three Lockout and Tagout第四章事故报告与调查Chapter four Incidents reporting and investigation第五章安全设备维护与检查Chapter five safety equipments maintenance and inspection第六章应急反应Chapter six Emergency response第七章 安全

2、台账管理Chapter sevenHSE files management第八章 现场安全管理Chapter eight Site HSE management第九章 安全奖励Chapter nine HSE reward第一章:总则 Chapter one: General第1条: 为了规范我厂各级管理部门及全体员工的行为,安全高效的完成各项工作任务,使企业规范化、制度化、科学化,根据有关法律法规,行业标准和公司安全管理体系文件特制定本办法。In order to improve the behavior of all personnel on board, ensure a safe an

3、d efficient completion of various tasks, and a continuous improvement of HSE management. in accordancewith relevant laws and regulations of industry standards and company HSE MS the following rules are formulated.第2条: 凡在我公司各工种岗位的所有员工,包括承包商,都必须切实按照本办法的规定做好本职工种。These rules apply to all personnel worki

4、ng at Hanas LNGplant.第二章:工作许可证 Chapter two: PTW第3条: 所有人员必须遵守哈纳斯液化天然气工厂工作许可证制度,应该申请工作许可而没有申请的, 对责任人罚款 200 元。在工作许可证发出之前开始工作的,以及在重新生效前进行工作的,都视为无票证作业。发现一次对作业主管罚款 200 元。All personnel must comply with the Permit to Work system. If a PTW is not applied as required, a fine of 200RMB shall be imposed on the

5、person held responsible. Starting work before the work permit is issued/revalidated will be deemed the same as above. A fine of 200RMB shall be imposed on the task supervisor.第4条:签名视为唯一的授权确认,未经书面允许代替他人签名的,对责任人员罚款100 元。Signature isregarded as the only authorization of PTW. A fine of 100RMB shall be i

6、mposed on person held responsible for signing PTW for others without official delegation.第5条:在拿到许可证之后工作之前须由作业主管召集所有作业人员召开工具箱会,没有召开的,发现一次对作业主管罚款 200 元。Once the work permit is issued,prior to commencing the job, Task supervisor shall have a toolbox meeting with all people involved. If the toolbox meet

7、ing is not held, task supervisor shall be penalized with a fine of 200RMB第6条:工作许可证应定期由 HSE 专员组织生产和 维修现场管理人员进行抽样审核,未完成月度审核目标,对 HSE 负责人罚款 200 元,无故拒不参加审核者罚款 200 元 。HSE personnel shall facilitate the regular PTW audits accordingtoaagreedscheduleandthe production/maintenancesitemanagementteam shall be in

8、volved. if the schedule not followed, HSE managershallimposeafineof200RMB The designated person who refuse to present himself shall be penalized with a fine of 200.第7条:属地负责人应确认所有经手的许可证不存在冲突作业,否则罚款200 元。Area responsible shallensure no conflicts/interference between works and other concurrent operatio

9、ns. A 200RMB fine shall be imposed if failed to indentify the likely risks.第8条:作业主管应检查并确认该作业所用的所有工具与设备处于完好状态,特别是对承包商的设备和工具。发现有缺陷的工具投入使用的,对作业主管罚款 200 元。Tasksupervisor shall check and ensure the tools and equipments used for the tasks are in good working conditions, especially for the contractors tool

10、s and equipments. If any unsafe tools and equipments are found in use, the task supervisor shall be penalized with a fine of 200RMB第9条:承包商工头应确保本组所有人员都已经经过哈纳斯的入场培训,否则禁止申请任何工作许可。如有违反,对承包商工头罚款 200 元。Contractor foreman shallensure everyone in his group completed the Hanas LNG plant HSE induction. Contra

11、ctor foreman shall be imposed a fine of 200RMB for the violation.第10条: 高风险作业的作业许可可能会要求安全监护人在场。没有按照作业程序指定安全监护人的,对作业主管罚款 200 元,指定了安全监护人,而没有履行安全监护人职责的,对指定的安全监护人罚款200 元。High risk jobsmay require safety watcher/guard. A fine of 200RMB shall be imposed if task supervisor fail to nominate the safety watche

12、r in accordance with HSE MS. A fine of 200RMB shall be imposed if the nominated safety watcher/guard fail to perform his duty.第11条: 一些工作许可会要求测气,没有根据许可要求的检测气体,或者检测频率达不到要求的,对责任人罚款 200 元。Some jobs may require gas testing. Fail toperform gas testing or the frequency of gas testing cant meet the PTW requ

13、irement, responsible party shall be imposed a fine of 200RMB第12条: 属地负责人和作业主管及承包商工头应检查并确认现场工作准备完全符合工作许可证关于安全作业的要求。如果工作开始后现场安全措施发现低于许可证的要求。对作业主管和承包商工头每人罚款 200 元,对属地负责人 罚款 100 元。Area responsible, task supervisor and contractor foreman shall check and ensure that all specified requirements laid down in

14、the PTW are implemented before starting the work. In case control measures specified in PTW are found not in place after starting the job, task supervisor and contractor foreman shall be imposed a fine of 200RMB, and arearesponsible shall be imposed a fine of 100RMB第13条: 所有的工作许可在工作结束后应立即关闭,未及时关闭者,对作

15、业主管罚款 200 元。未遵守延时程序,暂停或者重新生效程序的,对作业主管罚款 100 元。All permits shall be closed once the job is done. Fail to close the permits in time, task supervisor shall be penalized with a fine of 200RMB For failure to follow thePTWextension,suspendandrevalidation procedure, task supervisor shall be imposed a fine

16、of 100RMB第14条: 已经申请工作许可,但未在工作现场张贴的。对作业主管罚款 50 元。PTW is issued but not posted on site, task supervisor shall be imposed a fine of50RMB第15条: 作业主管,HSE 经理和属地负责人必须参加日常协调会议,无故不参加者或者因有事无法参加而且没有指定代理人的,罚款 50 元。 Task supervisor, HSEmanager and area responsible shall attend the daily PTW coordinating meeting.

17、A fine of 50RMB shall be imposed for absence without excuse or absence without delegation.第16条: 所有发出的工作许可应记录在工作许可记录簿中,发现记录不全或者无记录的,对当值 HSE 专员罚款 50 元。All permits issued shall be recorded in the log book. If Log book not maintained properly, a fine of 50RMB shall be imposed upon duty HSE engineer.第17条

18、: 作业结束后,在关闭工作许可前,作业主管或者承包商工头必须确认工作现场清理干净,工具设备归位或者复位。如果违反本规定,对作业主管或者承包商领班罚款 200 元。Task supervisor and/or contractor foreman shallensuretheworksiteisleftclean,and equipments,materialandanywastesmustbe removed prior to close the work permit. A fine of 200RMB shall be imposed upon Task supervisor for vi

19、olation.第18条: 作业条件或者作业性质发生改变,应停止工作,重新申请作业许可。未及时停止作业的,如果有安全监护人,对安全监护人罚款 200 元。没有安全监护人的对作业主管或者承包商领班各罚款 200 元,并对属地负责人罚款 100 元。Work shall be stopped and PTW shall be re-applied once the work conditions or work nature changed. Safety watcher, if applicable,shall be imposedafineof200RMBforviolation.Task s

20、upervisor/contractor foreman, if safety watcher isnot applicable, shall be imposed a fine of 200RMB, and area responsible shall be imposed a fine of 100RMB for violation.第19条: 每年对工厂所有长期员工进行一次工作许可程序的重新培训。未及时组织本培训的,对 HSE 负责人以及生产和维修负责人各罚款 200 元。All Hanas LNGemployee and long term contractor shall recei

21、ve a yearly PTW refresher training. If this training is not organized in time, a fine of 200RMB shall be imposed onHSEmanger,productionmanagerand maintenance manager.第三章:上锁挂签 Chapter three: LOTOTO第20条: 在进行作业之前,必须对将要进行的作业进行辨识,如果存在机器,设备意外的受能、启动与工艺系统释放意外危险能量的可能,必须进行能量隔离,通常是通过上锁挂签来实现的。未根据本规定进行上锁挂签或者其他适宜

22、方式的能量隔离的,对所有当事人罚款200 元。 Any energy may be involved during the work must be effectively identified. To avoid any risks of incidents that may arise from the unexpected energization, start-up,orreleaseofhazardousenergywhenperforming tasks on machines, equipments or processing system, energy isolation m

23、ust be done. Mostlikely, energy isolation is achieved by LOTO. If the LOTO is not done or not properly done as per requirement, a fine of 200RMB shall be imposed upon personnel responsible for the activity.第21条: 在能够上锁的的隔离点采用挂牌(代替上锁)作为首要的能量隔离方法是不允许的。违者罚款 200 元。It is an unacceptable practice to utiliz

24、e informationtags(in lieu of lockout)as the primary method of hazardous energy control on isolation points that can be locked-out. A fine of 200RMB shall be imposed for the violation.第22条: 在特定情况下,一些特殊隔离点无法做到上锁,经设备负责人书面同意(在挂签上背书可接受),可以只做挂签处理。未经设备负责人书面同意的,对执行人罚款200 元。In cases where an isolation point

25、can not be locked-out, written approval (endorsement on tag is deemed as a written approval) must be obtained from equipmentresponsiblepersonforapplying information tag only. A fine of 200RMB shall be imposed for the violation.第23条: 作业需要两个以上(含两个)隔离点上锁时,必须使用集体锁。即集体锁用于能量隔离点,工作人员和隔离执行人的个人锁用于锁集体锁的钥匙,而不是

26、将个人锁直接用于隔离点。违反本规定,对隔离执行人罚款200 元。A group locking device must be used when a task requires two or more isolation points. When applying the group LOTO, the group locking devices are applied at the isolation points, and the individual locking devices are used to lock out the key of group locking devices

27、 rather than lock the isolation points directly. A fine of 200RMB shall beimposed on the responsible person for the violation.第24条: 任何上锁,包括集体锁站上的个人锁,都必须附有挂签,虽然已经“上锁”但是没有挂签的,或者挂签填写不完全的, 对上锁挂签执行人罚款 50 元。Aninformation tag must be attached to locking devices in use. If information tag is not in place or

28、 the information tag is not filled out correctly, although the lock-out is done, a fine of 50RMB shall be imposed on the responsible person.第25条: 所有“上锁”必须有本人解除。如果本人不在厂内,须经过上锁人书面或者口头同意并经过上级主管批准,才能解除。违反本规定者,罚款 200 元。All the lock-outs can only be removed by the person who applied this LOTO. If he is ab

29、sent from site, the permission from him or the approval from his supervisor must be obtained for removing the lock-out by others. A fine of 200RMB shall be imposed for violation.第26条: 任何人不准操作已经上锁挂签的设备和系统,除非处于测试的目的。否则罚款 200 元。Do not operate the equipments being locked out and/or tagged outintentional

30、ly unless for testing purpose.A fine of 200RMB shall be imposed for violation.第27条: 隔离执行人员应在隔离完成之后进行测试,确认隔离效果。然后在隔离单上签字,未测试或者未签字的罚款 200 元。Try out must be performed by executionperson after the isolation is done ensuring the effectiveness of isolation. And then sign the isolation permit. A fine of 20

31、0RMB shall be imposed on execution person if try out is not done, or the isolation permit is not signed.第28条: 作业人员开始工作之前应确认设备、系统已正确的上锁、挂标签及测试,并在隔离单上签字,未测试或者未签字的, 对作业人罚款 200 元。 Maintenance personnel shall test the locked out equipments prior to work ensuring the effectiveness of isolation. And then s

32、ign the isolation permit. A fine of 200RMB shall be imposed if testing is not done or the isolation permit is not signed第29条: 作业需要五个及以上隔离点上锁时,必须附有PID,PID 不可用时需要以草图示意。违反本规定,对隔离方案编制人罚款 100 元。PID or a schetch (if PID notavailable) shall be attached if there are more than 5 isolation points in a isolati

33、on plan. A fine of 100RMB shall be imposed on isolation planner for violation.第30条: 当换班时工作尚未完成,设备所属部门集体锁、个人锁及“危险禁止操作”标签不能被解除,接班人必须先用他的个人锁锁上设备所属单位集体锁箱并挂签后,同时在工作票上签字,交班人才可解除他的个人锁和签。未遵守本规定者,对交接班双方罚款 200 元。If a work has not been done while handover, single/group lockers shall not be removed until people

34、 who are taking over applied their own single/group lockers and signed the work permit. A fine of 200RMB shall be imposed on both parties if this procedure not followed.第 四 章 : 事 件 事 故 报 告 与 调 查Chapterfour:near misses/Incidents reporting and investigation第31条: 在哈纳斯天然气工厂所有未遂事件及事故都必须报告。如果发现隐瞒行为,针对严重程度

35、不同对当事人及目击者罚款100-2000 元。 All the incidents andaccidents at Hanas LNG plant must be reported. Depends on the potential severity, a fine of 100-2000EMB shall be imposed for hiding any incidents/accidents.第32条: 本规定将人员受伤事故分为三个等级,轻微事故(简单医疗事故,医疗事故),中等事故(单人未导致残疾的损失工时事故和工作受限事故)和重大事故(多人损失工时事故,单人导致残疾的损失工时事故,直至

36、死亡事故)。轻微事故如果当事人和责任人及时报告,将不做追究。中度事故经过事故调查,确认责任人后,根据责任划分分别给予 500-1000 元罚款。重大事故,经过事故调查,确认责任人后由公司管理层做出最终的处罚决定。对于环境事故和财产 损失事故将按照严重程度与上述相应等级处理。Injury incidents will be classified into 3 categories for this rule: Minor(FA&MTC), moderate(single LTI without disability&RWDC) and Serious(Multi-LTI, Single LTIw

37、ith disability, fatality and above). No penalty actions shall be taken to against people held responsible if a minor injury has been reported in time. A fine of 500-1000RMB shall be imposed on whom is justified and proved to be held responsible for moderate injury incident through official incident

38、investigation. The finalpenaltydecisionagainstpersonheld responsible for serious injury incident shall be made by plant management team after going through the official investigation. The same principle as above applies to environment impact and property damage andbusinessinterruptionaccordingtoseve

39、rity matrix stipulated in HSE MS.第33条: 所有人员必须积极配合事故调查,不得在事故调查中提供虚假信息,一经确认将视为责任人同等处理。 Allpersonnelmustactivelycooperatewiththeincident investigation as required, and no false information shall be provided. Otherwise, the same liability with people held responsible for incident shall be imposed.第34条:

40、哈纳斯天然气工厂将不安全状况观察卡做为一种简单的不安全行为和不安全状况的汇报工具,管理层鼓励所有员工积极参与。HSE 部门会制定每个人的月度目标,对未完成的员工罚款10 元。As a simplified reporting tool forunsafeconditionsandactions,HanasLNG management team encourage all personnel onboard to be involved in USOC program. Monthly target is set for every employee. A fine of 10RMB shall

41、 be imposed if the target is not achieved.第35条: 所有针对事故和不安全状况的整改措施,都会由 HSE 部门和相关部门指定整改措施落实负责人和完成期限,未能在指定期限内完成的,对整改措施负责人罚款50- 300 元。HSE department together with relevant parties are responsible to assign incidents corrective actions owner and completion target date. All incidents corrective actions an

42、d hazards recognition corrective actions shall be completed before the agreed target date. A fine of 50-300RMB shall be imposed on corrective action owners if the corrective actions are not completed within the time stipulated.第36条: 环境事故和生产事故由生产部门负责协调事故调查。设备事故由维修部门负责事故调查。质量事故由化验室负责事故调查。人员受伤、安保事故、火灾事

43、故和交通事故由 HSE 部门负责协调事故调查。事故调查协调人须在程序规定的时间内提交事故调查报告。逾期未提交的,对对口部门负责人罚款 200 元。 The investigation of environment damage and production loss shall be facilitatedbyproductiondepartment.The investigation of property damage shall be facilitated by maintenance department. The investigation of quality incident

44、shall be facilitated by laboratory. The investigation of injury incident, security incident, fire incident and vehicle incident shall be facilitated by HSEdepartment.Theincidentinvestigation facilitator shall submit the final report within the time stipulated in HSE MS. A fine of 200RMB shall be imp

45、osed on the discipline manager for delay of submitting the final report.第 五 章 : 安 全 设 备 维 护 与 检 查 Chapter five: Safety equipments maintenance and inspection第37条: 设备安全附件必须在第一次启用前或者停用达到 30 天,重新启用前进行测试。违反本条规定,对设备所属部门负责人罚款 200 元。Safety systems are to bechecked and tested prior to their first use; prior

46、tore-startup after more than 30 days shutdown; after each safety system modification. A fine of 200RMB shallbeimposedtoequipmentresponsible department leader for violation.第38条: 由于测试需要旁通安全设备的必须申请工作许可证。否则对作业人罚款 50 元。Permit to work and dedicated procedure shall be issued each timerequiring an override

47、 of safety system or equipments. A fine of 50RMB shall be imposed for violation.第39条: 安全设备无法正常使用时,设备负责人需要立即报告并修理。24 小时内不能修复的,需要填写安全降级登记表。未及时报告者,罚款 200 元;未填写安全降级登记表者,罚款 50 元。Whenever a defect on safety equipments is observed, a defect report shall be issued and the equipments shall be repaired. If re

48、pair is not possible within 24 hrs, the situation shall be recorded in defect situation list with associated compensatory measures. If no report made, a fine of 200RMB shall be imposed. If defect situation list not filled out, a fine of 50RMB shall be imposed.第40条: ESD 系统每六个月进行一次不关停生产的测试并做好记录。超过预定日期

49、半个月未测试的,对责任人罚款 200 元。ESD shall be tested every six months by simulating abnormal condition at the detector without actually shutting down the equipment. The results shall be recorded clearly. A fine of 200RMB shall be imposed on responsible person for more than 15days delay of this test or no record

50、s available.第41条: F&G 探测系统每三个月进行一次不关停生产的测试并做好记录。超过预定日期半个月未测试的,对责任人罚款罚款 200 元。Fire and gas detection systemshall be tested every three months without production shutdown. The test results shall be recorded clearly. A fine of 200RMB shall be imposed on responsible person for more than 15days delay of

51、such test or no records available.第42条: 便携式气体探测仪每月进行测试并记录。超 过预定日期一个星期未测试的,对化验室负责人罚款 100元。Portable gas detectors shall be calibrated monthly.The calibration results shall be recorded clearly. A fine of 100RMB shall be imposed on responsible person for more than 7 days delay of such calibration or no

52、records available第43条: 每周一当班班组对柴油消防泵进行 30 分钟的运行测试并记录。未进行测试的,对当班主管罚款200元。 On duty operation team shall perform a 30 minutes running test on diesel driven fire fighting pump and record the testing result. A fine of 200RMB shall be imposed on duty supervisor if the test is not done or no records availa

53、ble.第44条: 每年对消防系统进行一次第三方检测。超期三个月未做测试的,对 HSE 负责人罚款 500 元。Yearly fire fighting system inspection by third party is required.A fine of 500RMB shall be imposed on HSE manager for more than three months delay of such inspection, or no records available.第45条: 固定干粉灭火系统每六个月进行一次不关停生产的测试并记录。超期一个月未测试的,对责任人罚款 2

54、00 元。Fixed dry powder fire fighting system shall betestedeverysixmonthswithoutproduction shutdown or effective discharge of dry powder. The result shall be recorded clearly. A fine of 200RMB shall be imposed on responsible person for more than 30 days delay of such test or no records available.第46条:

55、 所有其他灭火设施,包括消防栓,消防水龙, 消防炮,灭火器和泡沫罐的泡沫存量每个月进行检查并记录。超期一个星期未检查的,对指定检查人罚款100 元。All otherfirefightingequipment,includingfire hydrants , fire hose , fire guns, fire extinguishers and foam tank level shall be checked monthly and the results shall be recorded. A fine of 100RMB shall be imposed on designated task owner for more than 7days delay of such check, or no records a available.第47条: 灭火器每周目视检查一次,超期 2 天未检查对指定检查人罚款 50 元。Fire extinguisher shall be visually inspe


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