1、WORD格式整理版2013年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业单独统一招生考试英语第一卷(三大题,共120分)I. 单项选择(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)1. If you _ hard, you may get a good job.A. studyB. studiedC. will study D. have studied2. She is a _ writer known by millions of people in the country.A. particular B. familiarC. popular D. similar3. Would you mind
2、 telling me what you were doing _Friday, March 13?A. duringB. onC. atD. in4. You did well in the mathexam;you _havedonea goodjob of preparing for it.A. willB. should C. wouldD. must5. Even in winter days, Jane likes to have the window _. A. to open B. opening C. opens D. open6. A successful man is o
3、ne who had a chance and _it.A. putB. gave C. tookD. brought7. When the heavy storm started, John and his family _ the area.A. had leftB. leave C. have leftD. will leave8. Mary has got herself into a situation _ she can turn to nobody forhelp.A. whyB. whereC. whileD. which9. At the telephone table he
4、 paused, _ whether to ring the police station. A. wondering B. to wonder C. wondered D. wonder10. This is the only shirt we have now. If you don t want to take _, youmay come and have a look round tomorrow.A. anotherB. anyC. itD. one11. Nearlyall of _youngpeopleinterviewedbelievedthathard work was _
5、 key to success.学习好帮手WORD格式整理版A不.填 ; theB. 不填 ; aC. a;不填D. the; the12. He was about to unlock the door _ he found someone had broken it.A. sinceB. afterC. whenD. until13. Could you take care of my dog while I m out of town? _.A. Never mind. B. I think so. C. No problem D. You re welcome14. Michael u
6、sde to look hurt and surprised when _ in the classroom.A. scoldingB. scolded C. being to scoldD. to be scolded15. Luckily, I had seen the play before, _ I knew what it was about.A. evenB. justC. forD. so16. While Helen _ out the forms, she found that her passport was missing.A. was fillingB. would f
7、illC. had filled D. filled17. The information you need _ in the handbook.A. contain B. contains C. contained D. is contained18. He has such a big dog _no one dares to go near his house.A. whichB. thatC. asD. so19. Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away? Thank you. _.A. It couldntbe betterB.
8、 Of course you canC. Id love toD. My pleasure20. The meeting has been _ until Friday morning.A. put away B. put offC. put ond. put upII. 完形填空。(共 10小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从21至 30各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。When it comes to running marathons(马拉松) , eight hours, 25 minutes and 16 seconds is n
9、ot a world record.Thiswas the timeittookFauja Singhto21the TorontoWaterfront学习好帮手WORD格式整理版Marathon on Sunday.But Singh, born in India, is no springhechickens100 years old and hisrecent22has made him thesworldoldest marathon runner.As a runner, Singh was23 a starter. In his late 80s, after the deaths
10、 ofhis wife and son, he decided24 torunning.For Singh, being 100 is just25 a. There arentmany centenarians(百岁老人)in quitesuchrudehealth, 26theyareon theincrease. Lifeexpectancy(预期寿命)in the UK today is around 80 but a total of 12,640menand womenare now centenarians27just 2,500in 1980.Publicservices ha
11、ve to make improvement so as to 28dealsocietywiththis.Why do some people live to such a ripe old age? Scientists in Amsterdam may have come a little closer29 tothe secret to long life.Of course, theycouldjustask Fauja Singh30 his secret isThe.old boy puts his long life down to“beingteaandhappy”.21.A
12、. winB. celebrateC. completeD. prepare22.A. skillB. deedC. decisionD. progress23.A. lateB. lonelyC. fortunateD. normal24.A. give upB. bring upC. set upD. take up25.A. numberB. creditC. signD. dream26.A. orB. butC. becauseD. nuless27.A. referred toB.shared with C. compared withD. limited to28.A. agin
13、gB. growingC. livingD. competing29.A. following B. consideringC. linkingD. discovering30.A. howB. whyC. whatD. whereIII. 阅读理解(共 15小题;每题 4 分,满分 60分)阅读下列短文,然后从各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。学习好帮手WORD格式整理版ASequoia trees are onethe oflargest and oldestlivingof thingsSome. ofthese trees are three thousand ye
14、ars old. The great sequoia tree grows along the western partof the SierraNevada mountainrnge. Sequoia can togrowbe almost 32 feet tall.Another type of tree, called bonsai, grows in a pot in homes. A bonsai is a miniature(微型) form of a tree as it might be found in nature. Some bonsai trees have lived
15、 for more than 200 years.To begin a bonsai garden you plant a very small tree in a small pot. As it grows, you cut back the roots to keep the tree small. Branches are also cut back or forcedto turnin orderto formthem intoa special shapethis.Inwaythe branches can be kept from growing too long.A bonsa
16、i tree doesn t grow to be more than 2 feet. Compare this with the largest living sequoia known, the General Sherman Tree in Sequoia National Park, whichmeasures 275feet talland 103 feetaround. Nobodyever cut itsroots!Because sequoias have been around for millions of(years,恐 dinosaurs龙) may have even
17、 rested beneath them. Bonsai trees were first created about one thousand years ago in China and were introduced into Japan two hundred years later.Woulda sequoiamakea goodbonsaitree?Probablynot. Unless,of course, you had a few thousand years to take care of it!31. What is mentioned in this text abou
18、t the sequoia tree?A. It is popular in the worldB. It can be over thirty feet tall.C. It was found in coastal Dareas.Itlived. a thousand years ago.32. In what way is a bonsai tree different from a sequoia?A. It is a pot plant.B. It is found in nature.C. It is kept in the shadeD. It is a plant withou
19、t roots.33. What is the feature that both a sequoia and a bonsai tree have?学习好帮手WORD格式整理版A. They look similar in shape.B. They grow in the mountain.C. They can live for many yearsD.They. grow well in warm weather.34. Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the text?A. Turn a Sequ
20、oia into a Bonsai TreeB. The Largest Living Things on EarthC. Trees in National ParkD. Great Sequoias and Bonsai TreeB.Everyone should care about their eyes. However, there are certain people that should especially wear sunglasses. Theis is for their safety, and the safety of others.Driversshouldalw
21、ayshavesunglasse handyWhether.youaredriving yourowncar ora bus fullof people, the sun can beenemyyourThe. rays couldcause younot to see thetraffic thatstopped 50feet in frontof you.Accidents like this can be avoided by always having sunglasses in your car. It is very important that parents teach the
22、ir children from an early age towear sunglasses. In addition, you are protecting(柔弱very的)delicateeyesaswell. Children, especially the very young, are growing and developing in every way. Protectingtheir eyeswith sunglasses fromthe startwill recudethe damage they will pay for later in life.Even babie
23、s can wear sunglasses. A child begins their life by being able to focus on objects onlyless than the inchesfrom theirface. A pair ofbabysunglasses will keep harmful rays out of your baby s young, delicate eyes. Anyone who spends long time in the sun should know the advantages ofsunglasses. If you ar
24、e extremely interested in water sports and spend a lot of time at the beach or on a lake, you could be at greater risk. Water sportsmen like water skiersknowhowprotectivesunglasseswill save alifetimeofhardship. The sun reflecting(反-射off) the water into your eyes can increase学习好帮手WORD格式整理版the damage.
25、 Sod find a goodpairof watersunglasseswhile youride the waves.35. What does the writer want to tell the reader?A. The imortanceof wearingsunglasses. B.Thebesttime of wearing sunglasses.C. The traditionof wearingsunglasses. D. Thefashionof wearing sunglasses.36. It is suggested in the text that child
26、ren should _.A. put sunglasses in a safeB.placeform the habit of wearing sunglasses C. have sunglasses designed byDdoctors.avid wearing sunglasses fortoo long37. Who should wear sunglasses not only for his own good but also for other people s good?A. Water-skiers.B. Parents. C. Babies. D. Drivers.CA
27、re men better drivers than women? The answer is yes.and no. Men take more(risks风险) . In sutdies, men as a whole are less carefulthan women, such as driving at higher speeds and closer to other cars, and not wearingseat beltsThey.evenmakeriskerturnsandtakelesstime when parking.BUT. how someone drives
28、 doesntnecesesqaurialyl how well he drives.Men do seem to be better than women at certain driving tasks. However, this slight edge in ability doesn t translate into better drivingkThdrecordseof. accidentsmen get into are generallythe result of their riskier driving.According to one study, men are mo
29、re than three times as likely to be ticketed for “ riskydriving”than women,and morethan 25 percent as liketobely at fault in an accident.Theability to makegoodjudgementis a powerfulthing.Despitethe学习好帮手WORD格式整理版research,scientists pointoutthat it dsifficultto determinewhethermen aretruly born to be
30、better drivers than women, or if they re simply more confin their driving because they re thought to be better, and thus show better skills. Similarly, the traditionalview that womenare weakerdrivers mayunfavourably affect(影响) their performance behind the wheel. Women are catching up. which isn t ne
31、cessarilyo.Mdennewmaybegresponsiblefor moreaccidents thanwomen,but the gap(差距)is gettingsmaller. Today, more women drive than ever before, which has the unfortunate increase in speeding, risky driving, and even death among women.The take-home: Learn from the strengths of both sexes. Drive confidentl
32、y and carefully. And don t forget to wear your seat belt.38. Which of the following is a risk mentioned in Paragraph 2?A. Driving with careless womenB.Driving. in another person s car.C. Driving without seat belts.D. Driving in a parking lot.39. What does the word“ edge” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Impro
33、vement.B. Advantage. C. Problem. D. Change.40. The writer seems to suggest in Paragraph 4 that women are weaker drivers because _.A. they are less responsible B. they are poorer in judgementC. they are born weaker personsD.they are considered less confident41. In Paragraph 5 the writer expresses his
34、 concern about _.A. womens driving safetyB. womens slow responseC. the age differenceamongwomenD. the properspeed forwomendriversDLeonardoda Vinci wasoneof the greatest artiststheworld has ever known. He was also an inventor, an(architect建筑师) , an astronomer(天文学家) ,and a scientistLeonardo.was born i
35、nItaly in 1452. When washe学习好帮手WORD格式整理版fourteen years old, he moved to the city of Florence to study painting. People could see that he was a great artist, and he quickly became known throughout Italy. However, he had other interests, too. One of them was city planning and architectureHe. designed
36、severalchurches andwas hiredas anengineer to help repair others.Later in his life, Leonardo became a teacher. When he was in his forties, he inventedaflying machinewhichoneof his youngstudents triedtofly.Unluckily, it didn t work. So Leonardo made another ftlying machine. Another of his studentstest
37、ed it by jumping with it from a tall tower. didnTheonetwork either. Luckily, the student wasn t hurt. Leonardo made many machines like this.Leonardo was all impatient man, and his mind was always coming up with newideas. Asa result,he didnatlwaysmanage completetoone inventionbefore moving on to the
38、next. This was also true of his art. Leonardo created a greatstatue(雕像) of a manon a horse, buthe neverfinishedit. He hadprobably thought of something new to try and lost interest in the Statue. However, Leonardo did complete many of his works. He painted one ofthe mostfamouspaintingsin the world, t
39、he MonaLisa. He also madediscoveries about the stars in the sky. In many ways, he was a man ahead of his time.42. Which is an example to show that Leonardo was an inventor?A. He was involved in city planning.B. He designed and built a flying machine.C. He completed the painting, the Mona Lisa.D. He
40、created a great statue of a man on a horse.43. When did Leonardo begin to show his gift for painting?A. When he studied in Florence.B. When he was in his forties.C. When he travelled throughout Italy.学习好帮手WORD格式整理版D. When he challenged some great artists.44. What do we know about Leonardo as an arch
41、itect?A. He built an art school.B. He planned the city of Florence.C. He once designed some churches.D. He repaired old churches with new paintings.45. Which of the following statements is true about Leonardo?A. He was afraid of flying high.B. He preferred engineering to painting.C. He was more than
42、 a great painter.D. He was impaitient when teaching students.第二卷 (两大题,共30分 )IV. 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每个空只写一词)46. Everybody wants to 练习 ) their( English with me.47. Many people成功 ) in losing( weight by doing exercises.48. I don t think it s健康(_的 ) for her to spend so mu
43、ch time alone.49. I am having医学的() treatment now and can t go to work today.50. Doctors are unable to 解释 ) why( the disease spread so quickly.51. The situation was far more 危险的 ) than( John had realized.52. She left with a 承诺 ) (that she would finish the report before Friday.53. Do you play any other sports besides football and篮球
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