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1、亚马逊常用的 回信邮件模板1. 亚马逊卖家发货到达时间邮件模板Dear-Thank you so much for your great support on us.Usually it takes about 7-12 days for the item to reach you.Any questi on, feel free to con tact us and we will reach you at the soon est.Best regards2. 2.亚马逊的商品被跟卖,发警告信的邮件模板。HelloWe have no ticed that you are not auth

2、orized to sell this card knife and you5.亚马逊客户购买多种产品发邮件确认产品订单邮件模板Dear have listed this p articular item (ASIN:xxxxxx) which is sold exclusively by thebrand authorized sellers. Please refer to our attachme nt.Please send the con firmati on to us after you remove the p roduct as issued from your list i

3、ng.If you do not comply with these dema nds, we will have no no tice but to claim with amaz on. com seller p erforma nee dep artme nt, which will seriously impact your Amaz on sell ing p rivileges.Please han dle and reply us as soon as po ssible, otherwise we will complaints and amaz on.3. 买家没有收到货,发

4、邮件询问情况,回复邮件的模板:Dear customer,Sorry for disturb ing you, we tracked your shipping. The p ackage is now on the way to your p lace(it is now reachi ng your local post office). I ntern ati onal shipping in formatio n may not up date so prompt, usually it takes around 7-15 days for shipping. Could you pl

5、 ease kee p your p atie nee and wait for a few more days? We will kee p track ing for you, any n ews we will inform you asa p.Your un dersta nding will be highly app reciated.Best regards4. 亚马逊漏发货没有发货缺点击发货后客人需要运单的邮件模板Dear -Thank you so much for your great support and sorry for kee ping you wait ing.

6、We checked the track ing in formati on found there is no up date in formati on as you said.We will con tact the post office to find out the p roblem.We won der would you still want the item, if yes, inform us the size and we will rese nd you asa p, if not, we will make you the refund.Wait ing for yo

7、ur reply.Any inconvenience hope your kind un dersta nding.Best regards把订单复制进去.Thank you so much for your great support on us.We have received your order of We will work on your order asa p, we just want to confirm the amount of the comp ass, did you order 10 pcs?If nothing is wrong, we will ship the

8、m asa p.Best regards6.亚马逊卖家发错地址邮件模板Dear Thank you so much for your great support on us.What a big mistake we made!Sorry, but will you still want the items? If yes, we will rese nd you immediately, if not, we will make you the full refund.Waiti ng for your reply and hope your kind un dersta nding.Bes

9、t regardsThank you very much for your order!We have shipped the goods and it will arrive at your side soon. Hope you like it!And we are look ing forward to your feedback.Have a nice day!Best regards8.买家以不想要为由要求退货,卖家接受退款请求,给买家回信的邮件模板Dear-Thank you for con tact ing us regard ing your inquiry.Your retu

10、r n request has bee n app roved. You will be receivi ng a retur n shipping label and RMA in struct ions via Amaz on. PI ease be advised that the return shipping cost is the respon sibility of the buyer. The in itial shipping cost cannot be refun ded and a 25% restock ing fee may be app lied if the m

11、ercha ndise is used or damaged visually.卖家名.Also, pl ease make sure that the correct mercha ndise is being shipped us,We are a seller by the n ame of卖家名 on Amaz on and we will only acce pt retur ns of our mercha ndise. If mercha ndise pu rchased from a differe nt seller is shipped to us, we will n e

12、ed to ship the mercha ndise back to you and we will also ask you for the shipping cost in curred.We app reciate your coop erati on.Best regards9.亚马逊客户因购买的商品大小不合适导致退货的邮件模板Dear Thank you so much for your great support on us.So sorry for the inconvenience that the swim ming suit did not fit you.Will it

13、 be po ssible to give others as a gift? Or how about we make you a p artial refund as a way to make up for this?Just suggestio n, if you in sist on retur ning it back, we will go to the further ste p.Wait ing for your reply.Best regards10.客户询问货物的tracking number或者有没有发货,给客户的回信邮件模板Dear Customer,Thank y

14、ou for con tact ing us regard ing your inquiry.Orders are shipped with in two days after they are p laced. Usually, we are able to ship orders the n ext day. Weeke nd orders are shipped on the follow ingMon day. Please allow 3-9 bus in ess days after shipment for delivery. You will receive a shippin

15、g con firmati on email from Amaz on whe n the shipping in formatio n has bee n upl oaded.Your p atie nee and un dersta nding are greatly app reciated. If you have any other questio ns or concerns, feel free to con tact us.Best regards11.退款明细方面的模板72小时之后给退款Dear customer,Thank u for u email.Thank you f

16、or yourletter. We will issue your refund in 72 hours .Pls wait for that and the n check your acco unt .Si ncerely.72小时没退,说pay pal系统慢Dear customer,Thank u for u email.Sorry for the delay. We have actually issued your refund. The paypal system must be a little slow rece ntly .PI ease wait p atie ntly

17、.Si ncerely.J 1 III I又来催,最近head比较忙,已经向她反应了,她保证 72hours 后给 退款老是收不到的Dear customer,Thank u for u email. Ica n un dersta nd u an xious, ButWe just con sult ouracco unt dep artme nt, u money were refun ded already, i am assured ,p lease do not worry, u must can receive, just So many orders wait todeal, p

18、 lease give us more time wait p atie ntly.Sin cerely12.退货换货相关模板讲我们的产品是复制品要求退回模块Dear customer,Thank u for u email.To have refund from us,you are requested to return them first to our supp lier. but wes in cerely hope that you will kee p the items. Our p roducts are rep lica(which has bee n stated cle

19、arly) but of high quality. Further, youca n have a p iece of - at much less p rice than the officialwebsite, eve n the p artial refund not calculated.PI ease con siderthis carefully. Thank you! Look ing forward to heari ng from youSi ncerely.I货物发出期间客户要求退回的模块 寄的途中要换的Dear frie nd.Thank you for your em

20、ail.Sorry to tell you that the item have bee ndis patched, and we cant cha nge it for you now .If you receive it and it isnot suitable, you can send it back and the n we will excha nge it for you .Best regards.寄的中途要改地址的Dear customer,Thank you for your email.Accord ing to our record , your p arcel ha

21、s bee ndis patched , so we are sorry to tell you that we cant cha nge the address.Si ncerely.13.客户询问产品真假的模板售前咨询-询问真假Dear customer,Thank u for u email.All our p roducts aremade 100% genuine and n ew.The p ackage is shi pped from our oversea warehouse as gift.Thats why we can offerthat p rice.Hope my

22、info helps.Have a nice day.Dear customer,Thank u for u email.All our p roducts areauthe ntic from authorized supp lier with pu rely material, a certificate ofge nuine p roducts will be en closed also the articles will be shi pped withorig inal p ackage .i pro mise you they are 100% genuine and pure.

23、Si ncerely.TIFFANY 真假Dear customer,Thank u for u email.All our Tiffa ny & Co jewelries come from Tiffa ny Hong Kong Distributors 分销商,100%authentic sterlingsilvermadeguaranteed, exactly the sameas the jewelries in Tiffany NewYork stores. All our jewelries are stamped with Tiffany & Co and will comewi

24、th Tiffany & Co gift packing including a blue box, a po uch, a pi ece of tarnish-proof clothand a gift hand bag.PI ease n ote we shi p items within 48hrs after p ayme nt is cleared, pl ease allow 7-10 bus in ess days on delivery. Track ing # will be automatically forwarded upon dis patch ing.Let me

25、know if you have any further questi ons.Si ncerely.Dear custumer,Thank you for your email.All our p roducts are authe ntic from authorized supp lier with pu rely material. A certificate of genuine p roducts will be en closed also the articles will be shi pped with orig inal p ackage .It nor mally ta

26、kes 1-3 weeks.Best regards.14.付款相关邮件模板客户未付款成功Dear customer ,Thank you for email.We find that you do not pay successfully.thank you for u email,could u sent us the link of the item u order ,the n we will solve this p roblem ASA P.Sin cerely.J 1 III I跟客户要付款信息Dear customer,Which way did you use topay ,

27、 credit card or pay pal ?If you use pay p al, pl ease give me your pay pal address whe n you p laced order If you use credit card ,pl ease p rovide us order details, in cludi ng Mercha nt Order No.;Order No. ; P ayme nt Date and Time; AmountWe will check for you.Thanks and Kind Regards.I-J 1 III IDe

28、ar customer, Thank u for u email.Could u tell us which p ayme nt email u pay into and tell us the p ayme nt address whe n u p ay, we will check for u? Send us proof of your p ayme nt,Si ncerely.15. 发货没有跟踪号&无法跟踪货物位置&客户写信询问跟踪号或产品到哪里了?给客户的回信模板Dear Customer,Thank you for your pu rchase with us.Your orde

29、r was sent viaUSPS First Class . A track ing nu mber is un available for this order. We si ncerely apo logize for the inconvenience. Pleaseallow 3-9 bus in ess days from the shipping date for delivery. If you do not receive your p arcel with in the next few days, no tify us and we will gladly assist

30、you further.If you have any other questi ons, feel free to con tact us.Best regards,Lisa M.(店铺名)Customer Service Rep rese ntative16. 发错货的模板(才收到一双、还是错的)Dear customer,Sorry to hear that, and our workers must be too busy whe n dis patched your parcel, pl ease acce pt my sin cere apology.I suggest you t

31、o wait for the other two items, and whe n you receive it , pl ease check if they are the correct on e. If there are some mistake about the other two , we will deal with them together.Hope the two are correct and will arrive soon.Si ncerely.17. 没收到包裹的模板EMS最近受天气影响耽误快递的模块Dear customer,Thank u for u ema

32、il.Sorry for the delay, P arts of Euro pe and the Un ited States are affectedby rece nt weather an dother disasters, result ing in flight delay or cancellation of, or even ground transportationparalyzed. More seriouslyaffected coun tries and regi ons are:Britai n, Fran ce, Belgium, theNetherla nds,

33、Germa ny, Spain and Italy, p arts ofthe n ortheaster n Un itedStates. For these reasons, the China Post exporting tothe above countries and regi ons may get delayed to vary ing degree. so pl easewait a few days p atie ntly .Thanks Sin cerely.I到目的地邮局了的模块及被耽误的模块Dear customer,Thank for u email.Sorry fo

34、r the delay.According to our tracking information, your required items have already beendispatched and arrived atthe local post office.PI ease go straightly to the post office in person and find the p arcel through the tracki ng number RB627592586CN or you can con tact with p arcelforce forhel p. he

35、re is theli nk of p arcel force customer service.Si ncerely.在上海海关那20天之内Dear customer,Thank u for u email,PI ease dont worry. your p arcel is on the way to you no w, it no rmally takes some time for the tracki ngsystem to up date your delivery statue.Supposing you still can t get your p arcel in one

36、week, con tact us aga in, pl ease. We will get in touch with the shipping company for thecircumsta nces of your p arcel and pro vide you asatisfactoryreply. Thanks a lot for your support and comprehension. Wait patiently, pl ease. Your desired items will arrive soon.Si ncerely.18. 商品下架的模块Dear custom

37、er,I got the n ews from shi pping company that the p arcel was lost in tran sit,I plan to rese nd it ,but the item that you chose n is out of stock now ,So wedecide to hel p you to can cel this order and arrange to refund you through credit card, the p ayme nt will arriveat your acco unt in 20-30 da

38、ys, PI ease wait p atie ntly.Sorry for such inconvenient, p lease acce pt our sin cere apo logy. Best Regard!19. 价格便宜原因的模板Dear customer,Thank u for u email.We dont have localsh op. All orders have to be made on li ne. I mport duties make all jewelries soex pen sive in local retail store. Im porti ng

39、 them will only make our p rice NOdiffere nee with local retailer. All our jewelries have to be Shipp eddirectly from oversea and the p arcel will be wrapped as gift to avoid customtax and duties, this is the only way to save mon ey. We ship the jewelries withi n 48hrs after p ayme nt is cleared, av

40、erage take 10-14 bus in ess days on delivery. Track ing nu mber will automatically be forwarded upon available. Hope my info helps.Sin cerely.20. 取消订单的模块Dear Frie nd,Thank u for u email.I am sorry for that ourworker shipped your order already , wish you Could un dersta nd that we cannot can cel for

41、you at this mome nt, if you still want tobe refun ded the n would you p lease agree with wait ing for the items .Retur nto our certa in address for refund ?Any questi on , con tactus freely .Best regards.J 1 III IJ -Dear customer,Thank u for u email.If you want to can cel your order, we will deduct

42、4.95 pounds can cellati on fee from your refund.Do you still want to can cel?有点扯淡,取消订单还要收服务费)Look ing forward to yourearly repl y.(Si ncerely.21. 要求通电话及咨询地址的邮件回复模板Dear customer,Thank u for u email.Thanks for your inquiry.PI ease email us with your questi ons. We cant pro vide service through phone a

43、sthe whole tran sacti ons p rocess should be made on li ne. Sorry for such inconvenien ce. PI ease acce pt my sin cere apo logy.Best Regards一L-J 1 III I. -=! _ .r -Dear customer,Thank u for u email.We are based in UK an dour p roducts are directly shi pped from the overseas warehouse .the p arcel wi

44、llbe wrapped as gift to avoid custom tax and duties, This is the only way to savem on ey. We cant import them to UK that will on ly make our p rice no differe nee with local retailer.Sin cerely22. 买家以不想要为由要求退货,卖家接受退款请求,给买家回信的邮件模板Dear买家名,Thank you for con tact ing us regard ing your inquiry.Your retu

45、r n request has bee n app roved. You will be receivi ng a retur n shipping label and RMA in struct ions via Amaz on. Please be advised that the retur n shipping cost is the respon sibility of the buyer. The in itial shipping cost cannot be refun ded and a 25% restock ing fee may be app lied if the m

46、ercha ndise is used or damaged visually.卖家名.Also, pl ease make sure that the correct mercha ndise is being shipped us,We are a seller by the name of卖家名 on Amazon and we will only acceptretur ns of our mercha ndise. If mercha ndise pu rchased from a differe nt seller is shipped to us, we will n eed to ship the mercha ndise back to you and we will also ask you for the shipping cost in curred.We


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