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1、解读金属材料表面工程的应用与发展The developme nt and applicati on ofsurface engin eeri ng of metal materials外表工程学是一门触及资料科学、冶金技能、机械工程等很多范畴的归纳学科,包含外表科学理论、外表工程技能、外表工程技能设计、外表剖析与检测技能、外表质量与技能进程操控工程、外表工程办理与经济剖析等几个方面。其间外表工程技能是和出产实践联络最为亲近的,一起也代表着出产技能水平的高低。科学技能的开展和前进对出产设备与仪器提出了更高的需要,杂乱多变的工况检测着资料功能的好坏,必须在确保经济性前提下,归纳运用各种高新技能进步

2、和改进金属资料功能。Surface engin eeri ng is a disci pline in formatio n scie neetouch induction,metallurgy,mechanical engineering skills inman yareas,includingthe appearanee of scientifictheory, theapp eara neeofengin eeri ngskills,app eara needesig n,engin eeri ngskillsapp eara neean alysisand detecti ontec

3、h no logy,the surface quality and skills of projectman ageme nt,p rocess con trol engin eeri ng app eara nee andecono mic an alysis etc. The app eara nee of engin eeri ng skillsand p roducti onp ractice of the most in timate con tact, alsorepr ese nts the level of p roducti on tech no logy. The deve

4、l opmentof scie nee and tech no logyand the p rogress on p roducti onhttp:/www ./ / http:/www ./ http:/www ./equipment and in strume nt raised taller requireme nt, complexworking conditiondetection of a function is good or bad, mus

5、t en sure that the economy un der the p remise, summed up using a variety of high-tech progress and improvement of metal materials fun cti on.外表工程技能是运用科技手法对资料外表进行处置,通过改动资 料外表和亚外表的成分、微观安排布局以此来改进和进步其功能, 满意运用需要。金属零件在运用进程中的损坏往往是从外表开端的, 或因触摸介质的化学腐蚀,或高温环境的氧化和熔化,或冲突工况及 磨料介质中的磨损,或杂乱受力下的曲折、改变、拉压或剪切。因而, 强化外表成

6、为反抗此类损坏的第一道防地。这些年,外表改性处置、 外表涂镀V层技能和堆焊外表改性技能因其不一样的优点在外表工 程技能范畴迅速开展。Theappearanee of engineeringskills is the use of scie ntific methods to dis pose of the material surface, by cha nging material surface and app eara nee compo siti on, micro layout to improve and progress of its function, meet the nee

7、d.Metal p arts damaged in use p rocess is ofte n from the beg inning of appearanee, or because of chemical corrosion touch medium,oxidationand melting or high temperature environment,orconflictconditions and abrasive mediumwear, or clutter under the force of the twists and turns, cha nge, tension or

8、 shear.Therefore, stre ngthe ning the app eara nee to become the first defense line against such damage. These years, surfacemodificatio n, surface coati ng and dis posal skill and weldi ngsurface modificati on skillsbecause of their differe ntadvantages in the appearaneeof the rapid development ofE

9、ngin eeri ng skills.外表改性技能包含以喷丸强化、辊压强化为代表的外表强化技能,以各种氧化、钝化成膜的化学转化膜技能,化学气相堆积技能(CVD与等离子束、激光束等高能束的外表处置技能。外表改性技能是凭借外在介质改进资料的外表功能,不对原资料增加任何化学元 素,改性后的资料外表不存在化学元素的增减,仅仅成分的份额和安 排布局发生变化。因而,该技能相对于涂镀(层)技能和堆焊外表改 性技能要技能简略,只需操控好进程参数即可。不一样的工况环境对 资料的需要也不一样,应根据详细的实践需要挑选处置技能。Surfacemodificati onskills in clude rolli n

10、gstre ngthe ning shot peening, rep rese nted by the app eara nee of stre ngthe ning skill, chemical oxidati on, p assivati on film conversion film skill, chemical vapor dep ositi on (CVD) tech nique and surface treatme nt tech no logy of p lasma beam, laser beama nd high beam.Surface modificati on w

11、ith external medium skill is imp rovi ng app eara nee, not add any chemical raw materials, the modified material surface does not exist or chemical eleme nts, onlycomponents share and layout changes.Therefore, the skillsrelative to the coati ng(layer) skills andweldi ng surfacemodificatio n skills a

12、re skills sim pie, on ly n eed to con trol p rocess p arameters. Need not the samec on diti ons of in formati onis not the same, should be based on the detailed practicalneed to select man ageme nt skills.化学转化膜技能,该技能通过近些年的开展现已完成了不仅在金 属资料外表成膜,并且可在陶瓷等非金属外表成膜,膜的厚度也在向 着更优更薄的方向开展。如各种碳化钛超导陶瓷薄膜系多晶或外延单 晶薄膜、

13、抗高温大功率的半导体用金刚石薄膜以及各种光电子薄膜和 集成光学薄膜。铝及其合金的外表改性技能大多选用的是外表成膜技 能,在外表构成耐磨、耐蚀、多孔、太阳能热水工程联系性强的高功 能薄膜。当前铝合金外表的改性技能主要有:电化学氧化法、化学转 化法、微弧氧化技能、等离子写入外表改性、冷喷涂技能、稀土转化 膜和激光处置等。高能束外表改性技能,锅炉辅机高能束外表改性技 能是运用咼能束热源,增加或不加化学兀素,对资料外表及亚外表进 行重熔或熔覆处置。Chemical conversion film skill, the skill through in recent years development

14、has been done not only in the metal material surface film, and film on ceramic non-metallic surface, the thickness of the film is also carried out in more and more thindirecti on.Such as all kinds of tita nium carbide ceramicsupercon duct ingthi n film is p olycrystalli neor ep itaxialsin gle crysta

15、l films,resista nee to hightemp erature and highpo wer semic on ductor diam ond film and a variety of electro nicthin films and integratedopticalthin film.Aluminum anditsalloy surfacemodificationtechniques mostly used istheapp eara nee of film comp ositi on skills, high fun cti onal filmwear and cor

16、rosi onresista nee,por ous,with stronginappearanee. Skills change the aluminum alloy surface mainiyhas:the electrochemical oxidati on, chemicaltra nsformatio n,micro-arc oxidatio n, p lasma surface modificati on of writi ngskills, cold spraying skills, rare earth conversion coating andlasertreatment.High ene


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