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1、精品文库 匕章 拟声词的翻译 欢迎下载11 The translation of onomat op oeia I. 拟声词的基本概念 概念:拟声词,也称象声词,是摹拟事物或动作声音 的词。 作用:加强文字的感染力,使语言更加生动形象。 II.拟声词的翻译方法 1. 在译文中保持原拟声词的词类属性及其在句子里 的成分 2. 在译文中转换原拟声词的词类属性及其在句子里 的成分 3. 汉语中用拟声词,英译时可不用拟声词 4. 汉语中不用拟声词,英译时可用拟声词 III.汉英拟声词翻译方法小结 A. 大部分的声音在英语和汉语中用不同的拟声词来 表达 B. 少部分声音在英语和汉语中用相似的拟声词来表

2、达 Eg: meow (or meou)- 嘶嘶声 叮咚声,叮当声 乒,砰 -咯咯地笑 -噼噼啪啪地 hiss dingdong ping- giggle- p it-a-pat cuckoo 咕咕叫 A ciw moos.母牛哞哞叫。 A pigeon coos.鸽子咕咕叫。 A wolf howls/ growls.狼嚎叫。 C. 有时,不同的拟声词可根据英语的习惯,用同一个 拟声词来表示 例1 clatter vt. horses whinny and neigh. 车辚辚,马萧萧. -The stomach rumbles. -rumbled voice压低了的声音 Translate

3、 the following sentences. 1. 雷声开始隆隆地响。 The thu nder bega n to rumble. 2. 车轱辘轱辘地驶过去。 The cart rumbled p ast. 3. 他的肚子空空地发出咕噜咕噜的叫声。 His stomach rumbled emp tily. IV.文学作品中拟声词的译文欣赏 1.1 seldom opened my door in a win ter eve ning without heari ng it. Hoo hoo hoo, hoorer hoo, soun ded sono rously, and the

4、first three syllables acce nted somewhat like how der do; or sometimes hoo hoo only. (H.D. Thoreau, Walder) 台音很悦耳,前二个音节听起来有点 有时候便只是鸟叫而已。 冬季傍晚,我一打开门常听到“唿唿唿,唿儿 唿”的鸟叫声,声音 像英语的“你好哇!” 2. The seizure of the station with fit of trembling, gradually deepening to a complaint of the heart, announ ced the trai

5、n. Fire and steam, and smoke, and red ligh t; a hiss, a crash, a bell, and a shriek; the little stati on a desert sp eck in the thu nderstorm. (C. Dicke ns, Hard Times 接着车站一阵震动,渐渐地震动得使人心惊肉跳,表 示列车快到了。火光和热气、煤烟和红灯扑面而来; 一阵咝咝声传来,伴随着乒乒乓乓,铃声当当和汽笛 鸣鸣;那个小小的车站就如同在沧海中的一个孤岛。 3.以下是莎士比亚的一首小诗“ Song: Hark, Hark!”,

6、以及朱生豪的翻译。 SONG Hark, Hark! Har, hark! Bow-woo The watchi ng dogs bark! Bow-wow Hark, Hark! I hear The strai ns of strutti ng cha nticleer Cry, Cock-a-doodle-doo!” 听啊!听! 听啊!听! 汪!汪! 犬在门前狂吠! 汪!汪! 听啊!听!我听见 伸颈的雄鸡 喔喔啼! Exercise Tell the ways that are used in translating the onomat opo eia in the following

7、 translations 1.风萧萧,雨潇潇,马萧萧。 The wind whistled, the rain pattered and the horse n eighed. 2. 我躺看,听船底潺潺的水声 I lay down, listening to the water rippling beneath the boat. 3. 高跟皮鞋声咯噔咯噔地由外而来 There came theclick of high-heeled shoes. 4. 正中的门呀地开了 The cen ter doorcreakshalf-open. 5. 他敲了两下门,心还突突直跳。 He knocke

8、d twice at the gate, his heart thudding viole ntly. 6. 哐啷,玻璃打碎了! There was acrush and tin gli ng of break ing glass. 7. 这个时候,长城线上,烽火连天,一辆囚车,囚着 革命英雄,向南急驰。 At a time whe n the war was rag ing along the Great Wall, a carriage, carrying this revolutionary hero, went rumbli ng swiftly southwards. 8. 在咔嚓咔

9、嚓的铡刀声中,听到了死难者英勇的呼声: “共产党万岁!” Eve n as the chaff cutterdid its grisly work the last shouts of the victims rang out, Long live the Communist Party!” Check: The wind whistled, the rain pattered and the horse n eighed. (保持原拟声词的词类属性及其在句子里的成分-谓语) 2我躺着,听船底潺潺的水声 I lay down, listening to the water rippling b

10、eneath the boat. (保持原拟声词的词类属性及其在句子里的成分 3. 高跟皮鞋声咯噔咯噔地由外而来 There came theclick of high-heeled shoes. (转换原拟声词的词类属性及其在句子里的成分 语-主语) 4. 正中的门呀地开了一半。 The cen ter doorcreakshalf-open. (转换原拟声词的词类属性及其在句子里的成分 语-谓语) 5. 他敲了两下门,心还突突直跳。 thuddi ng He knocked twice at the gate, his heart viole ntly. (转换原拟声词的词类属性及其在句子

11、里的成分 语-非谓语动词) 6. 哐啷,玻璃打碎了! There was acrush and tin gli ng of break ing glass. (转换原拟声词的词类属性及其在句子里的成分:独 立成分-主语) 7. 这个时候,长城线上,烽火连天,一辆囚车,囚着 革命英雄,向南急驰。 At a time whe n the war was rag ing along the Great Wall, a carriage, carrying this revolutionary hero, went rumbli ng swiftly southwards. (汉语中没用拟声词,英译时用拟声词)


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