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1、Standard Practice forDetermining Toner Usage for Printer Cartridges1判定打印机碳粉消耗量的标准方法1. Scope1使用范畴1.1 This practice covers a procedure to determine the weight of toner used for printing a single page derived from an electrophotographic process. The practice uses a printer text target specifically deve

2、loped for each printer for a page coverage of 5 6 0.5 % of the printable area. This practice requires specific tools and skills for disassembling and reassembling printer cartridges.1.1 此标准涵概了, 激光打印机在输出一页文档时, 测量碳粉消耗量的程序步骤。 此 方法操作规定每台打印机使用指定的打印文档, 且输出文档的页覆盖率为 50.5%。执 行操作时,需要特定的测试工具,且具备拆卸、重新组装碳粉盒的能力。1

3、.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standards. The SI units given in parentheses are for information only.1.2 标准中数值的单位是英寸镑。括号里的 SI 单位仅做参考 。1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibilit

4、y of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.3 此标准主旨不是罗列所有的安全因素,而是联合它们的使用。此标准的使用人有责任建立可靠适用性、健全的测试方法,并检测改进措施的适用性。2. Referenced Documents2. 涉及文件2.1 ASTM Standards: 2F 335 Terminology Referri

5、ng to Electrostatic Copying2.1 ASTM 标准 F 335 静电复印的相关术语3. Terminology3. 术语3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1 标准中特定术语的解释3.1.1 toner usage amount of toner (milligrams per print) removed from the toner hopper during the printing of one page.3.1.1 碳粉消耗量:打印机打印一页文档时, 从碳粉仓所使用的碳粉数量 (毫克/ 页

6、)。4. Summary of Practice4. 惯例摘要4.1 An electrophotographic printer utilizing an all-in-one supply cartridge is set up to determine the toner used for a single page of print. A test page with 5 6 0.5 % text print output for the control cartridge is used. 5 % text coverage of the printable area is the

7、industry accepted average page coverage for office printers. The all-in-one cartridge is disassembled to separate the toner hopper from the waste toner collection bin. The weight of the full toner hopper is measured. A specified number of prints are created on the printer using this cartridge and th

8、e weight of the used toner hopper is measured. The toner used for one print is calculated. In addition, the results can be used to estimate the total page yield of the toner cartridge. A comparison can be made between the toner used for the control cartridge and any other cartridge tested using this

9、 practice.4.1 准备一台已安装好一体式碳粉盒的激光印机,用来评测单页打印碳粉消耗量 。 覆盖率为 50.5%的文本测试页。 5%的文档覆盖率是行业公认的办公打印平均覆盖率。 一体式碳粉盒的粉仓可以从废粉仓中分离出来。先测量碳粉盒满粉仓的初始重量,打 印一定数量后,再称重此粉盒粉仓的重量。即可算出打印的粉耗量。另外,可使用此 粉耗量估测出整个碳粉盒的总页产量。使用此方法也可进行碳粉盒间的对比测试。5. Significance and Use5. 使用意义5.1 This practice can be used for the evaluation of new and reman

10、ufactured toner cartridges and their respective components used in an electrophotographic process.5.1 此方法可用于评估用于相同激光打印机的新碳粉盒和再填充碳粉盒。5.2 This test is suitable for research and development, and quality acceptance evaluations.5.2 此测试适用于新品开发和质量评估。6. Interferences6. 干扰因素6.1 Relative humidity can impact t

11、est results. The test should be performed at a controlled temperature and humidity within the operating humidity range of the printer. This is usually between 20 and 80 % RH. All equipment, and materials should be conditioned in the same temperature and relative humidity for at least 24 h prior to t

12、esting.6.1 相对湿度可能影响实验结果。测试需要在把温度和湿度控制在打印机运行所允 许的湿度范围内进行,通常定为 20和 80%R。H在测试之前,所有的设备和物料必须在 此环境中放置至少 24 个小时。6.2 In comparative cartridge test the same test target (data) and printer must be used. The number of characters and the type of characters, font and font size have a direct affect on toner consu

13、mption.6.2 碳粉盒对比测试必须使用相同的测试样张和打印机,字符的数量和字符种类, 字体和字体大小都对碳粉消耗有直接影响。6.3 The test pattern should not produce uneven wear on the cartridge components as this will affect the test results.6.3 粉盒部件的磨损会导致测试样张打印不均匀,这样会影响测试结果。6.4 Printer related items such as the power supply, density control settings, resolu

14、tion enhancements, toner saver settings, economy mode settings, and laser optics may impact image quality and toner consumption.6.4 打印机相关的事项如:电源,密度设置,增强分辨率,节粉设置,经济模式设置 和激光都可能影响输出图像质量和粉耗量。6.5 Test printers should be in good mechanical and electrical condition. Preferably, printers with a continuous h

15、istory of preventative maintenance should be used. Any printer failures can invalidate the test.6.5 测试打印机应处于良好状态。最好使用有进行持续维护的打印机。打印机出现任何故障都会使测试无效。6.6 A calibrated balance must be used to obtain weights.6.6 使用校正过的秤进行称重。6.7 The techniques used for cartridge disassembly should avoid toner spillage and

16、ensure accurate toner weight measurements.6.7 拆卸碳粉一定避免碳粉溢出,以保证准确的碳粉重量测量。7. Equipment and Materials7. 设备和物料7.1 Electrophotographic Test Printer, suitable for testing purposes.7.1 符合测试要求的激光打印机7.2 Printer Data System, capable of supplying a 5 6 0.5 % text page for the specific test printer based on the

17、 control cartr idge (average original printer manufacturer s cartridge). This 5 6 0.5 % test target data can be created by printing text and determining the page coverage with a calibrated scanning or digital display device. Software and a computer program to calculate the coverage will be required.

18、 The amount of text is changed and the process repeated until a 5 6 0.5 % coverage of the printable area is obtained. The printable area is 8 by 10 in. (0.203 by 0.254 m) making is usable for standard letter and A4 paper sizes. The specific test data must be created for each printer model and manufa

19、cturer. Test input devices3 and 5 60.5 % text test target data4 for specific printers are available.7.2 打印机数据系统,提供用于指定测试打印机的配套粉盒(达到原装粉盒平均水 平) 50.5%的文本页。可打印测试文本页,并通过校准扫描设备,制作覆盖率为50.5%的测试页。需要用软件和电脑程序计算覆盖率,可以反复改变文本的字数,直到 文本覆盖率达到 50.5%。制作适用于标准信纸和 A4纸的打印面积 :8in 10in(0.203 0.254m). 此测试数据必须适合每台打印机型号和制造商。测试

20、输入设备( Anacom General Corporation 1335 S. Claudia Street, Anaheim, CA 9280.5)和 5 0.5%的文本测试 页( Static Control Components, Inc. 3010 Lee Avenue, Sanford, NC 2733)0 在提供。7.3 Reference Cartridge, that produces a 5 6 0.5 % coverage text page on the specific test printer.7.3 参照碳粉盒,在指定测试打印机上打印一页覆盖率为 50.5%的文本

21、页。7.4 Test Cartridge, designed for use in the test printer.7.4 测试用的碳粉盒,适用于测试打印机。7.5 Balance, capable of measuring the cartridge toner hopper with a precision of 60.1 g and readability of 0.1 g.7.5 精确度为 0.1g 的秤,用于测量粉仓的重量。7.6 Conditioned Paper, that meets the requirements of the printer. This same pap

22、er type and manufacturer should be used for all comparative tests.7.6 适合打印机要求的纸张。整个对比测试需要使用相同制造商的同类型纸张。7.7 Special tools and instructions for disassembling and reassembling the printer cartridge.7.7 拆卸和组装碳粉盒的专业工具及其说明书。8. Procedure8. 步骤8.1 Select the cartridge to be tested. Remove the seal, if any. S

23、eparate the hopper from the waste bin and measure the full hopper weight, W fh in grams.8.1 选取要测试的碳粉盒。如需要打开封口,拆下粉仓,称重,以克为单位,记录 为 Wfh 。8.2 Measure and record the temperature and humidity in the test area.8.2 测量并记录测试环境的温度和湿度。8.3 Set up the test printer. Set the printer for thedefa“ultfac”tor print mod

24、e. Do notuse the “ toner saver mode ”an.d S retcord the printer attributes that can affect the print quality. The attributes may include: density, resolution, resolution enhancement, etc. Use a separate, known good cartridge to verify that the printer is working properly. Check that the 5 0.5% test

25、target source is operating.8.3 打开打印机,设置为出厂模式。 不要使用节粉模式。 设置并记录可能影响打印质 量的打印机参数。这些参数包括:密度,分辨率,增强分辨率等。先准备一个好的碳 粉盒装机测试,以确保打印机运行正常。核查 50.5%测试页的可操作性。8.4 Run 1000 sheets of the conditioned paper using the test target data specific to the test printer.8.4 使用指定测试打印机在测试纸张上,打印 1000 页测试样张。8.5 Remove the cartridg

26、e from the printer, separate the hopper from the waste bin and measure in grams the used hopper weight, W uf.8.5 取出打印机中的碳粉盒,拆出粉仓,对已用过的粉仓进行称重,以克为单位, 记录为 Wuf 。9. Calculation9. 计算9.1 Calculate the toner used and the toner usage per page:toner used (g) = (Wfh Wuf)toner used per page (g) = (Wfh Wuf )/100

27、0 and:toner usage (mg/page) = (Wfh Wuf)9.1 计算出已用碳粉量和每页的碳粉消耗量:已用碳粉量( g)= Wfh - Wuf每页碳粉消耗量( g)=(Wfh - Wuf)/1000 即: 碳粉消耗量( mg/页) = (Wfh - Wuf)10. Report10. 报告10.1 Report test conditions (temperature and humidity), measured weights, cartridge identification, printer setup conditions, printer identificat

28、ion, test target data identification and the toner usage.10.1 报告内容包括: 测试环境(温度和湿度) ,测量的重量,碳粉盒,打印机运行环境,使用打印机,测试 页和碳粉消耗量。11. Interpretation of Results11. 结论分析11.1 The toner usage determined by this test method relates only to the conditions used. It is useful in making comparisons between cartridges. V

29、ariations can be expected according to the interferences described in Section 6.11.1 粉耗的判定跟此测试方法的使用条件息息相关,益于进行粉盒间对比测试。第 6 部分阐述的干扰因素可能会导致测试结果发生变化。11.2 For longer life cartridges with expected print count in excess of 2000 prints some variation in the toner usage may be expected. To report an estimate of the number prints for the available toner, an average of several tests is required. For expected usage less than 8000 prints, run the test (Sections 8, 9 and 10) at 1?3 and again a


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