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1、2号塔吊拆除方案Method Statement on Dismantling the Tower Crane No.2一、 概括:Brief Introduction2号塔吊(MC265)位于主楼和裙楼C区之间,施工塔高 约80米,臂长 50米,已设三道附墙装置,塔吊基础设在地下室处,目前钢结构楼层安装基本结束,为不影响后续屋面柱子、环及灯笼的安装,需对该塔进行拆除。The mentioned tower crane No.2 (MC265)is located between the main building and zone C of ancillary building with t

2、he foundation in the basement. It is about 80m high and its arm is 50m long, and it has three sets of steel support linking with the building structure for fixation. Presently, steel structure installation is basically completed, thus in order not to affect the roof erection work and as like, we nee

3、d to dismantle this tower crane.二、 拆除前准备 Preliminary Preparation拆除作业前拆除空间、地面的障碍,确定拆装塔吊的位置及40 吨汽车吊作业地点及塔吊构部件被拆后的堆放位置,督促拆装人员工具、索具塔吊限位、保险、电器电缆、液压顶升系统及劳动防护用品的检查工作,确认正常,办好拆塔前交接手续和对拆除方案进行交底后方能进行拆卸作业。Make necessary cleaning in the adjacent area to leave the work platform for dismantling and mobile crane (4

4、0T) operation; set the location for storing the dismantled elements; all involved persons to assure the normal condition of all the relevant tools & facilities, rope limit switch, safety devices, electrical devices, hydraulic jack, labor protection facilities etc.; before dismantling work start, fin

5、ish the tower crane handover procedure and method explanation.三、 拆卸顺序 Dismantling Sequence塔吊的拆卸方法与安装方法基本相同,只是工作程序与安装时相反,即后装的先拆,先装的后拆,具体步骤如下:The dismantling method is mostly similar with the one for erection, only the sequence is reversed, i.e. firstly disassemble the elements which were erected last

6、ly; then dismantle those were erected earlier. The detailed method is as follows:3.1、调整爬升架导轮与塔身立柱的间隙为3-5mm为宜,吊一节标准节移动小车位置至大约离塔吊中心10m处,使塔吊的重心落在顶升油缸上的铰点位置,然后卸下支座与塔身连接的8个高强度螺栓。Operate a mobile trolley along the arm of the crane to make balance and keep the cranes center of gravity corresponding to the

7、top of hydraulic jack, then release the screws which connect the crane elements.3.2、将活塞杆全部伸出,当顶升横梁挂在塔身的下一级踏步上,卸下塔向与塔身的连接螺栓,稍升活塞杆,使上、下支座与塔身脱离,推出标准节至引进横梁外端,接着缩回全部活塞时,使爬爪搁在塔身的踏步上,缩回全部活塞,使上、下支座与塔身连接,并插上螺栓。Surpass the steel element to be dismantled, and fix the entire crane arm structure on the next stee

8、l element via. a specific bracket; release the screws on the element to be disassembled, raise the hydraulic jack and remove the element accordingly; lower the hydraulic jack gradually and lay the entire crane arm structure on the next steel element and fasten the screws to it; lower the bracket men

9、tioned above to the next steel element; the disassembling process for one steel element is completed.3.3、以上为一次塔身下降过程,连续降塔时,重复以上过程。Keeping undertaking the same progress above described to dismantle the entire crane3.4、拆除时,必须按先降后拆附墙的原则进行拆除。All through the dismantling progress, it shall be followed up

10、as a principle to give priority to lower the crane then dismantle the steel support linking the building when have to3.5、当塔吊降至基本高度时(裙楼顶高),用汽车吊辅助拆除:配重吊离(留二块配重,即平衡臂从尾部数起的第三个位置)平衡臂拆除起重臂(整体)至地面吊离最后一块配重拆除平衡臂塔帽拆除上、下支座拆除(包括拆除电源和司机室)爬升套斜撑杆拆除拆除剩余标准节。When the crane lowered to a certain height (same level as t

11、he ancillary building roof), the mobile crane could be involved for dismantling work: remove the counter weight from the balancing arm; remove the lifting arm structure from the crane itself; remove the balancing arm; dismantle the operation cabinet; lift away the remaining steel elements.四、 技术、安全要求

12、及措施 Safety Requirements1、 应设专人进行拆除,协调拆塔作业,并且有不宜此项作业的疾病的人员禁止本项作业:作业前必须进行书面安全技术交底,并保持上、下通讯联络畅通。Only the professional persons could be nominated for this work; before the commencement, the written instruction to be furnished to the persons involved; maintain the intercommunications all the time through

13、 the progress2、 安放吊车的位置准确,安放要平,并垫角,旁边不可有人作业。The working area to be cleared of any uninvolved person3、 关键部位的螺栓一定要打实拧紧。The screws temporary fixation along the progress to be assured4、 拆平衡臂时,必须按本吊说明书要求选准布点,确保平衡,拆卸连接销轴时,选好位置,防止挤、碰、挑的伤害事故,拆卸发现故障时应立即停止作业,排除故障后方可继续作业。Make balancing well and assure the enou

14、gh operation space when lifting away the arm structure to avoid any interference or hitting or accidents as like between the arm structure and the building7、 4级(含4级)以上大风、雨天严禁拆塔作业,拆除作业下方和汽车吊悬挂半径内禁止有人穿越返留。The dismantling work must be abandoned during the rainy, windy weather and the operation area to

15、be blocked accordingly8、 拆卸登高作业人员必须戴好安全帽,作业时要精力集中,相互配合,听从指挥,操作完毕,退让到安全位置,指挥人员应再认真检查,确认安全后,方可进行下部操作。All persons involved in the work shall be furnished with full labor protection facilities; they must be concentrated, cooperative and absolutely obey the order during the work; the supervisor in charge

16、 to guarantee the whole progress, give orders for series of operation after assuring the safety9、 拆塔作业中的废弃物包括废弃物中的有害物,不得遗弃现场,应放在指定地点。All injurant & wastes to be collected and stored in the nominated place after dismantling progress completed.论临时用电施工组织设计的编写前言根据施工现场临时用电安全技术规范JGJ4688第2.1.1条规定:“临时用电设备在5


18、1.1现场勘探1.2确定电源进线,变电所、配电室、总配电箱、分配电箱等的位置及线路走向。1.3进行负荷计算。1.4选择变压器容量、导线截面和电器的类型、规格。1.5绘制电气平面图、立面图和接线系统图。1.6制定安全用电技术措施和电器的防火措施。2施工现场临时用电计算在临电设计中应按照临电负荷表进行现场临电的负荷验算,校核业主方所提供的电量是否能够满足现场施工所需电量,如何合理布置现场临电的系统。通过计算确定变压器规格、导线截面、各级电箱规格和系统图。2.1用电量计算。施工现场临时供电,包括施工和照明用电两个方面,其用量可按以下公式计算:P计=1.1(K1Pc+ K2Pa+ K3Pb)式中: P

19、计计算用电量(kW);1.1用电不均衡系数;Pc全部施工用电设备额定用量之和;Pa室内照明设备额定用量之和;Pb室外照明设备额定用量之和;K1全部施工用电设备同时使用系数,总数10台以上,30台以内时K1=0.7;总数30台以上时K1=0.6;总数10台以内时K1=0.75;K2室内照明设备同时使用系数,取K2=0.8;K3室外照明设备同时使用系数,取K3=1.0。综合考虑施工用电约占总用电量的90%,室内外照明用电约占10%,则上式可进一步简化为下式:P计=1.1(K1Pc+ 0.1 P计) =1.24K1Pc2.2变压器容量计算。需要变压器容量可按以下公式计算:P变=1.05 P计 / (cos+1.4 P计)式中:


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