2014届高考英语(大纲版)第一轮三关复习测试:Unit 6 Good manners 句型冲关_第1页
2014届高考英语(大纲版)第一轮三关复习测试:Unit 6 Good manners 句型冲关_第2页
2014届高考英语(大纲版)第一轮三关复习测试:Unit 6 Good manners 句型冲关_第3页
2014届高考英语(大纲版)第一轮三关复习测试:Unit 6 Good manners 句型冲关_第4页
2014届高考英语(大纲版)第一轮三关复习测试:Unit 6 Good manners 句型冲关_第5页
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1、Unit_6Good_manners1In China,you sometimes get a hot,damp cloth to clean your face and hands,which,however,is not the custom in western countries.在中国有时你拿到一块热的湿布,可以用它来擦脸和手,但在西方国家习惯上不是这样的。这里的which引导的从句为非限制性定语从句,指代逗号前面提到的这种情况。在英语中,非限制性定语从句不能用that引导,关系代词作宾语时也不能省略。NBA came to a standstill, which made many

2、 people disappointed.NBA停摆了,这个消息令很多人失望。He has passed the college entrance examination, which makes his parents quite happy.他通过了高考,这让父母很高兴。提醒(1)as引导非限制性定语从句,有“正如,正像”之意,前后语义一致。(2)as引导的非限制性定语从句可以位于句首、句中或句尾;但which引导的非限制性定语从句只能位于句尾。As_is_mentioned_above,it wont be long before you regret what you have don

3、e.正如上面所提到的一样,不久你就会后悔所做的事情。(2012江苏高考)After the flooding, people were suffering in that area, _ urgently needed clean water, medicine and shelter to survive.Awhich BwhoCwhere Dwhat解析:考查定语从句。分析句子成分可知,“ urgently needed clean water, medicine and shelter to survive”是定语从句,修饰先行词people,从句中缺少主语,故用关系代词who。答案:B

4、2I had a good time during the holiday, and now it_is_time_for_me_to_study hard.假期里我玩得很愉快,现在我该努力学习了。(1)It is time for sb. to do sth. 到了某人做某事的时候了Its time for us to lay our differences by and work together for a shared purpose.到了我们消除分歧,为共同目标而通力合作的时候了。(2)It is time for sth. 到了的时候了Hurry up!Its time for d

5、inner.快点!该到吃饭的时间了。(3)It is (high/about) time (that) sb. did/should do .到了某人干某事的时间了Its high time that we took/should_take_action to stop pollution.该到我们采取行动阻止污染的时候了。(4)This/It is the序数词time(that) sb. have/has done sth. 某人第几次做某事This is the first time (that)_Ive_been_to London.这是我首次去伦敦。(2012辽宁高考)Jack is

6、 a great talker. Its high time that he _ something instead of just talking. Awill do Bhas doneCdo Ddid 解析:考查动词时态。在句型 “Its high time that .”中, 从句中的谓语动词用一般过去时或should do,所以选D项。答案:D1(2013唐山一模)Do you know our town at all?No.This is _ I _ here.Athe first time;have comeBfor the first time;comeCfor the firs

7、t time;have comeDthe first time;came解析:句意:“你熟悉我们这个镇吗?”“不熟悉。这是我第一次来这里。”This is the first time that .中that从句谓语动词用现在完成时。答案:A2(2013绵阳质检)The young man didnt go home all night,_ made his parents worried.Awhen BwhichCthat Das解析:句意:这个年轻人整夜都没有回家,这使他的父母很担心。which在此引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个主句。as引导非限制性定语从句时,表示“正如”,不符合语境

8、。答案:B.单项填空1(2013豫东六校联考)Everyones attention was drawn to the eightyearold girl who was _ perfectly at the piano.AactingBbehavingCdoing Dperforming解析:句意:每个人的注意力都被吸引到了弹钢琴相当好的那个八岁小女孩身上。perform “表演”; act “扮演, 担当”; behave “举止,表现”; do“做”。根据句意选D。答案:D2(2013嘉兴二模)Look at the man at the reception desk who seems

9、 very angry. I guess he means _ trouble.Amaking BmadeCto make Dto have made解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:瞧那位站在接待处的男子,他好像很生气,我看他想闹事。mean to do sth.“打算/企图做某事”; mean doing sth.“意味着做某事”。答案:C3(2013北京东城二模)The little child was curious about drawing.He _ the young man and his hands.Aglared at Bstared atCtook away Dlaughed

10、at解析:句意:这小孩对画画很好奇,他盯着这个年轻人和他的手看。stare at “盯着”,符合句意。答案:B4(2012沈阳模拟)Dont you think it is high time that we _ hard to achieve out goals?Awould work BworkCshall work Dworked解析:句意:你难道不认为该是我们努力学习实现我们目标的时候了吗?its high time 后接的从句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即用should do 的形式或一般过去时。答案:D5_is often the case, she got up early that

11、 morning.AWhich BWhenCWhat DAs解析:as引导非限制性定语从句,代替后面的整个句子。as引导的非限制性定语从句可以放在句首、句中和句末。which引导的定语从句不能置于句首。答案:D6Ive worked with children before,so I know what _ in my new job.Aexpected Bto expectCto be expecting Dexpects解析:A、D两项均为谓语动词,需what引导完整的宾语从句,但缺少主语,故排除。作宾语的应为what不定式结构,而不是不定式的进行式结构,故选B。答案:B7Having h

12、eard the unfair conditions, the angry man _ from the chair, _ his voice.Araised; raising Brose; raisingCraised; rising Drose; rising解析:第一个空应填不及物动词,故用rose“起身、起立”;第二个空应用及物动词,故用现在分词短语raising his voice 作状语。答案:B8After the new technique was_, the factory produced twice as many washing machines in 2012 as

13、the year before.Aintroduced intoBtaken inCbrought out Dgiven away解析:句意:引进新技术后,2012年工厂的洗衣机产量是前一年的两倍。introduce techniques into .“把技术引进”,此处为被动语态。答案:A9Such good use has been _ his spare time _ his English has improved a lot.Afound in; that Bfound in; asCmade of; as Dmade of; that解析:考查make good use of和su

14、ch .that的用法。句意:他把业余时间利用得如此好以至于他的英语提高了很多。答案:D10_, lets exchange our ideas on how to spend the holiday.AStarting with BStart withCTo start with DTo start解析:句意:首先,让我们就如何度假交换一下意见。to start with“首先,第一”,在句中作插入语。答案:C11The girls well remember the use they have made of every minute _ knowledge about etiquette

15、(礼仪). Alearning Bto learnClearned Dto be learned解析:考查make use of在定语从句中的用法。句意:女孩们清楚地记着她们充分利用每一分钟来学习礼仪知识。把先行词还原到从句后应为: . they have made use of every minute to learn knowledge about etiquette.答案:B12Victor apologized for_to inform me of the change in the plan.Ahis being not able Bhim not to ableChis not

16、 being able Dhim to be not able解析:apologize for sth.“因为某事道歉”,for为介词,后面接动名词,首先排除B和D;非谓语动词(动名词、动词不定式、现在分词、过去分词)的否定形式是直接在非谓语动词前加not,故选C。答案:C13I will never forget the years _ I lived in the country with the farmers, _ has a great effect on my life.Athat; that Bwhich; whichCwhich; when Dwhen; which解析:考查定

17、语从句。句意:我永远也不会忘记和农民们生活在农村的那些年,它给我的生活带来了巨大的影响。第一个空when引导定语从句修饰years;第二个空which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整个句子。答案:D14Mother often _ me to be careful not to _ any important information in class.Areminds; leave out Breminded; leave offCreminding; leave out Dreminds; leave off解析:句意:妈妈经常提醒我要细心,不要遗漏课堂上任何重要的信息。根据句意,remin

18、d应该使用一般现在时态第三人称单数形式;leave out“遗漏;忽略”;leave off“戒掉;戒除”。答案:A15At least 70% of the decline in sea ice around the Arctic is _ activities of human beings have affected climate change, according to a new study.Athat BbecauseCwhy Dwhat解析:句意:根据一项最新研究,北极区海冰的大面积下降中,至少有70%都是由人类活动引起的气候变化造成的。is后的部分是表语从句,表示原因应用be

19、cause引导。答案:B.阅读理解A(2013河北衡水调研)A pioneering headteacher is calling for all high schools to follow his lead and start classes at 11 am, allowing teenagers two hours extra in bed.Dr. Paul Kelley, head of Monkseaton Community High School in North Tyneside, said it would mean the end of sleeping in lesso

20、ns before lunch, after experiments showed teenagers could have different body clocks from adults and younger children.Russell Foster,an Oxford professor of neuroscience (神经系统科学),tested the memory of 200 Monkseaton pupils at 9 am and 2 pm using pairs of words, and discovered a 9% improvement in the a

21、fternoon. Students correctly identified 51% of word pairs in the later session, compared with 42% in the morning. Tayler McCullough,15, one of the test subjects, said the majority of students would welcome the extra hours in bed. “Im extremely hard to get up in the morning.One or two people like to

22、get to school early, but most of us would be up for going in later,Im sure it would make a big difference to our learning ability.”Kelley is adamant that a change of school timetable will have a meaningful effect on exam performance. He wants his schools governors to approve his plan and put the new

23、 timetable in place before the opening of Monkseatons new school building, the most technologically advanced in the country, in September.Kelley hopes his latest idea will be just as successful.“We have to be practical. But this proves that, by starting later, childrens learning improves, as does th

24、eir health.”Foster said,“This is preliminary(初步的) data, but whats exciting is that it matches more detailed studies carried out in Canada and the US.Teenagers get up late not because they are lazy but because they are biologically programmed to do so.”语篇解读:经过研究发现学生在下午的记忆效果更好,因而一位高中校长呼吁高中学校更改作息时间表,认为

25、这样更加符合青少年的生物钟。1How many professors are mentioned in the passage?AOne.BTwo.CThree. DFour.解析:细节理解题。文章中只提到一个教授,此人是牛津大学的Russell Foster。答案:A2According to Russell Fosters research,_.Athe students tested had very good memoriesBthe students tested did better jobs in the afternoonC42% of the students tested

26、could do very good jobsD51% of the students tested could master 9% of words解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第一句中的内容可知他的研究表明被测试的学生在下午的表现更好。答案:B3What does the underlined word “adamant” in the fourth paragraph mean?AAngry. BAbsorbed.CAdaptable. DDetermined.解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段中Kelley所持的观点以及第三段中的测验结果以及被测验对象所说的话可推测Kelley“坚定不移”地认

27、为学校时间表的变化能对考试表现产生有意义的影响。前三项分别表示“生气的”“全神贯注的”“能适应的”,均不符合语境。答案:D4Fosters opinion on teenagers getting up late is that _.Ateenagers are practicalBteenagers are lazybonesCits based on their body developmentDits good for their learning and health解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句中的内容可知他认为青少年晚起是由他们身体的发展所决定的。答案:CB(2012洛阳高

28、三第二次统考)Im walking along a river bed in California. The future stretched out ahead, in the valley, hills and mountains. The past is there too, but today I prefer to walk forward: to live “in the now”, and truly see all the good things in the world. Light clouds float high in the bright blue sky, and

29、the sunlight shines off the house in the distance.People ride bicycles on the bike path that follows the river.They talk and laugh together. What a beautiful and peaceful scene it makes!My heart is suddenly full of joy as I remember it is New Years Day. A day to start afresh and to feel gratitude fo

30、r the gift of life God has given me. I pass by a man holding his son, one or two years old, whose face is a study in pure joy and wonder, as he looks out over the green hills and towering mountains. Tears gather in my eyes with the sweetness of this simple thought. A man sits gazing into the distanc

31、e. In this lonely scene, Im reminded of other days in the past when sadness and hopelessness were my only companions. I say a silent prayer for him, and thanks to God. Then I walk on.A young couple crouch (蹲) next to a bicycle that has dropped its chain. As they look up, I smile and say “Happy New Y

32、ear”. They smile and wish me the same. It is a simple thing, but for a moment we have become one with the world and a sudden joy takes my breath away. An old woman leans on a fence post. She doesnt seem either happy or sad, just gazes into the past, or maybe the future. A feeling of timeless peace f

33、lows through me and all fear of what the future may bring disappears. I thank her with my thoughts, and move on.I walk by a stand of young trees. A loud burst of cheerful chirping (唧唧叫) from the little woods, and I cant help but laugh out loud. As I reach home, I say another thanks to God for the gi

34、ft “now”. It has taken a long time to find it, and although I cant keep it with me all of the time, I know how to open the door again. I know whatever the New Year will bring, there will be joy and enough love of “now” to help me through the hard times we all must face.Happy New Year!语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。新

35、年将至,作者走在回家的路上,看着沿途的人和风景,一直都以感恩之心面对一切,因此他是最快乐的。5How does the writer feel after he sees the old woman?AFearful.BHopeless.CThankful. DRegretful.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的最后一句话“I thank her with my thoughts, and move on.”可知,作者当时是充满感激的。答案:C6How many scenes does the writer describe about people?AThree. BFour.CFive. D

36、Six.解析:细节理解题。全文共描写了五个有人物的场景:第一段有一个(People ride bicycles .);第二段有两个(I pass by a man holding his son ./A man sits gazing .);第三段有两个(A young couple crouch ./An old woman leans .)。答案:C7What does the underlined word “we” in Paragraph 3 refer to?AThe young couple and the writer.BAll the people in the world.CThe people whom the writer has met.DThe young couple and the old woman.解析:词义猜测题。联系第三段前三句的内容可知,这里的“we”指那对年轻夫妇和作者。答案:A8What can we learn from the text?AHappiness is in getting together with your paren


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