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1、对于高等教育大众化背景下的高等职业教育质量问题研究的探析中英文对照for the analysis of the higher occupation education quality problems research under the background of mass higher education in chinese and english20世纪90年代末以来,我国高等教育发展速度急剧加快,其目标在于从精英教育阶段向大众化阶段迈进。本文分析了高等教育大众化的内涵及其发展现状,探讨在此背景下建构新型高等职业教育质量观及其质量保证的关键内容,提出保证新的高等职业教育质量观得以实施

2、的相关机制与措施。since the late nineteen ninties, speed of development of higher education in china has accelerated, its goal lies in the stage from elite education to mass. this paper analyses the connotation of the popularization of higher education and the development present situation, to explore in thi

3、s context construction key content and quality assurance of quality model of higher occupation education concept, put forward to ensure the implementation of relevant mechanisms and measures of the quality of higher occupation education new concept. 关键词:高等教育大众化;高等职业教育;质量keywords: higher education ma

4、ssification of higher occupation education; quality; 一,大力推进的高等教育大众化进程first, vigorously promote the process of popularization of higher education 自美国学者马丁特罗(martin trow)提出将高等教育发展的不同阶段按高校毛入学率划分为精英教育(elite)、大众化教育(mass)和普及化教育(universal)三个阶段以来,世界各国普遍将这一理念看做衡量其高等教育发达程度的重要指标。自1999年起,我国开始了扩大高等学校招生规模,大力推进高等教育

5、大众化的进程,高等教育毛入学率由 1998年的10左右增加到2002年的14。高等职业教育作为高等教育的重要组成部分,在推进高等教育大众化进程中担负起极其重要的角色,并在招生数、在校生数、毕业生数方面占据了高等教育半壁江山。在一些发达地区,高等教育的大众化程度远远高于全国的平均值。以天津为例,2002年高等教育毛入学率已达44,接近普及化程度。since the american scholar martin tero ( martin trow ) of different stages of the development of higher education in college en

6、rollment rate into the elite education put forward (elite ), the popular education ( mass ) and the popularization of education ( universal ) has three stages, all the countries of the world to this idea as an important measure of the higher education development degree. since 1999, china began to e

7、xpand enrollment scale, vigorously promote the process of popularization of higher education, higher education gross enrollment rate increased from about 10% in 1998 to 14% in 2002. the higher occupation education is an important part of higher education, plays an extremely important role in promoti

8、ng the process of popularization of higher education, and occupy half of the country in higher education enrollment, the number of students, the number of graduates. in some developed areas, the popularization of higher education is far higher than the national average. in order to tianjin as an exa

9、mple, in 2002, the gross enrollment rate of higher education reached 44%, close to the popular. 二、高等教育大众化阶段新型质量观的建构construction of the two stage of the popularization of higher education, the new concept of quality 教育质量指教育水平高低和效果优劣的程度,衡量的标准是教育目的和各级各类学校的培养目标。前者规定受培养者的根本质量要求,后者规定受培养者的具体质量要求。要建立与高等教育大众

10、化阶段相适应的质量观,必须把握以下几点:the quality of education to quality education level and the extent of the effect, it is the purpose of education and the training goal of all types of schools at all levels. the provision of training basic quality requirements, the latter regulation by specific quality training r

11、equirements. to establish the concept of quality and adapt to the stage of popularization of higher education, we must grasp the following points: (一)明确高等教育大众化阶段的基本特点( a ) the basic characteristics of the popularization of higher education 高等教育大众化步伐的加快,使得以精英型教育为主要特征的高等教育内涵开始转向适应大众化教育阶段特征要求的高等教育内涵。马丁


13、应大众化阶段高等教育新特点的问题,特别是生源新特点的问题。在这方面,高等职业院校显得尤为突出。因为我国高职院校以专科层次为主,学生是经本科院校录取后低分数段的学生。高校扩招,新人校的学生文化素质偏低,思想素质不高。如何针对这样的学生有的放矢施教就成为一个十分重要的问题。此外,由于学生数量的增加,师资队伍也出现了紧张状况,校园硬件设施频频告急。如何保证教育质量成为高等教育工作者和社会各界关注的焦点。the popularization of higher education to accelerate, the elite education as the main feature of the

14、 higher education connotation to adapt to the requirements of massification of higher education connotation. martin tero put forward the development of higher education in each stage of the gross enrolment rate index at the same time, also put forward different education and teaching in all aspects.

15、 in concept, the elite education is regarded as the privilege of a few people, and the popular education is considered eligible rights; in the education function, spermatophore education aims at training the academic elite and the ruling class, and the popularization of education is to train more el

16、ite, including all technical and economic organization and leadership focus on technology, talents; in student enrollment mode, the elite education to students after graduation from high school into the university campus after strict selection, and continuous learning to obtain the degree, the quali

17、ty of students and high dropout rate is low, and the popularization of education is taking more mathematics students use more relaxed entrance after graduating from high school, enrolled more easily, level uneven, drop-out rates are high, school combined with the day. it brings a very prominent prob

18、lem, is accustomed to institutions of higher education from elite education and teachers in institutions of higher learning to adapt to the new characteristics of higher education popularization, especially the new characteristics of the problem students. in this regard, the higher occupation colleg

19、es is particularly prominent. because of our countrys higher vocational colleges to colleges, students are admitted by universities after the low scores of the students. college enrollment, low cultural quality of new students in school, ideological quality is not high. how to have a definite object

20、 in view of teaching such students has become a very important problem. in addition, due to the increase in the number of students, teachers also appear tense situation, campus facilities frequent emergencies. how to ensure the quality of education is higher education workers and the focus of attent

21、ion of the community. (二)要坚持教育工作的基本方针和总体培养目标,把握好学校正确的办学方向( two ) to adhere to the basic principles of education and the overall goal, grasp the correct direction of running a school 各级各类高等学校应切实把握好自己的办学方向,这是教育质量的根本要求。偏离了这一方向,就谈不上质量意义,也就无从培养高质量的人才。colleges should grasp their own direction of running a

22、 school, which is a fundamental requirement of the quality of education. the deviation from the direction, there is no quality significance, is impossible to cultivate high quality talent. (三)要明确不同学校自身的办学特点,保证满足需要的教学目标( three ) to define the characteristics of different schools of its own, which mee

23、t the needs of the teaching goals 由于历史、特色、规模、实力等诸多因素的差异,每个学校的办学目标各不相同。衡量一所学校教学水平的高低,归根结底是要看其培养目标是否满足社会的需要,是否达到了自身设计的目标要求。不同类别的院校之间由于培养目标不同,难以笼统类比,教育质量标准应允许多样化。because of the difference of history, characteristics, size, strength and other factors, each school of different goals. the measure of a sch

24、ool of the level of teaching, in the final analysis is to look at the training goal is to satisfy the social need, whether to reach the design objectives and requirements. among different types of institutions with different cultivation objectives, to the general analogy, education quality standards

25、 should be allowed to diversify. (四)建立教育评价与社会评价相结合的质量评价机制( four ) the quality evaluation mechanism to combine the establishment of evaluation and social education evaluation 教育各要素的水平决定了人才培养过程的水平,人才培养过程的水平决定了人才的水平,但这一过程并不是充分的。因此,衡量教育水平和教育质量的关键因素,在于社会对其培养的绝大多数毕业生的认可程度,质量评判标准应当体现教育评价与社会评价的有机结合。就高等职业教育而

26、言,衡量一个学校教育质量的高低,首先应当看其在所服务的地区、行业、领域中的美誉度;还要看学校的各项教育教学工作是否有具备高职特色的培养目标;最后应当看其培养的人才是否具备高等技术应用性特征。the elements of education level determines the level of talent cultivation, talent training process determines the level of the level of talent, but this process is not sufficient. therefore, the key facto

27、r to measure the quality of education and education, is the degree of social recognition of the culture of the vast majority of graduates, organic combination of quality evaluation standards should reflect the education evaluation and social evaluation. in terms of higher occupation education, a mea

28、sure of the quality of school education, should first look at the service area, industry, in the field of reputation; to see the school each education and teaching work whether the training objectives with higher vocational characteristic; finally whether should go to its training talents with chara

29、cteristics of higher technical application. 三、高等职业教育质量保证的关键内容the key content of three, the higher occupation education quality assurance 当前考虑高等职业教育质量保证问题应首先明确以下几个前提:第一,高等职业教育侧重培养具有较强动手能力的应用性人才;第二,社会对高职的认可程度还不高,高等职业院校的生源具有文化基础相对薄弱的特点;第三,急剧的扩招使得高职院校在师资、设备等方面出现严重短缺;第四,具有高等职业教育特色的人才培养模式尚在探索之中。由此决定了高职院校在

30、应对各种挑战的过程中必须探索自身的发展之路。considering the quality of higher occupation education to ensure the problem should first clear the following conditions: first, the higher occupation education focuses on training applied talents with strong practical ability; second, the social recognition of the extent of th

31、e higher vocational education is not high, the higher occupation colleges students and has the characteristics of cultural foundation relatively weak; third, a sharp expansion makes the higher vocational education a serious shortage of teachers in colleges, equipment and other aspects; fourth, have

32、the characteristics of higher occupation education personnel training mode is still under exploration. these decisions must explore its own development path of higher vocational colleges in response to the challenges of the. (一)明确学校的总体定位和实现方案( a ) the overall orientation of school and program implem

33、entation 在学校的定位中,特别应注意学校的特色定位和文化品位定位。总体讲,高职院校应定位在立足地方经济、服务社会需要、培养实用人才、完备教育体系上,但各校情况又有所不同。要结合学校的特点和自身条件,规划好近、中、长期规划,制订行之有效的实施方案,分阶段逐步实施。许多高职院校已看到了做好规划的重要性,一些南方院校有偿聘请专业人士对学校进行整体规划和包装,科学地确定自身在社会上的定位,这是学校办学质量和水平的体现。in the schools location, special attention should be paid to characteristics and culture

34、grade positioning school. generally speaking, the higher vocational colleges should locate in based on local economic, social service needs, to cultivate practical talents, perfect the education system, but the situation is different. according to the characteristic of school and their own condition

35、s, good planning, in close, long-term planning, effective implementation plans, phased implementation. many colleges have seen the importance of good planning, some of the southern college paid to hire professionals to the school for the overall planning and packaging, to determine its position in t

36、he society, which is reflected in the quality and level of school. (二)突出专业教学特色,确定科学的人才培养( two ) highlight the characteristics of professional teaching, determine the scientific personnel training 高等职业教育之所以要突出专业教学特色,基于以下原因:其一,高等职业教育培养的是与普通高等教育不同的技术型、高级技能型人才。其二,与普通高校学生相比,高职学生文化基础较差,但动手能力较强;抽象思维能力较差,但形

37、象思维能力较强;公关能力较差,但合作能力较强。这些特点决定了不能用普通高等教育的教学法教学。其三,高职三年制的培养年限与普通高校四年学制无法相比,但学生毕业后却要面对竞争激烈且具有“人才高消费”倾向的用人市场,因此,高等职业教育的专业教学必须体现自身特色。教学特色主要反映在专业培养目标的特色上。在考虑专业培养目标时,必须考虑教学规律、学生特点和用人要求三个因素。专业培养目标要力戒空泛,必须强调具体性和可操作性。科学而有特色的培养目标为教学质量的检测奠定了重要的基础。the higher occupation education is to highlight the characteristi

38、cs of professional teaching, based on the following reasons: first, the higher occupation education is to train technical type, different from the ordinary higher education of skilled talents. second, compared with the ordinary university students, vocational college students cultural foundation is

39、poor, but the ability is strong; the abstract thinking ability is poor, but the image of thinking ability; public relations ability is poor, but the cooperation ability. these characteristics decided not teaching with the teaching of general higher education. third, culture life of three years syste

40、m higher vocational education and general university four years can not be compared, but students after graduation is faced with fierce competition and has a talent high consumption with the market tendency, therefore, the teaching of higher occupation education must reflect their own characteristic

41、s. teaching characteristics are mainly reflected in the professional training goal characteristics. in considering the professional training objectives, teaching law, must consider the characteristics of students and the requirement of three factors. professional training objectives to avoid vague,

42、must emphasize specific and operational. science and special training for teaching quality detection and laid an important foundation. (三)加强师资队伍建设,形成专兼结合的“双师”型特色( three ) to strengthen the construction of teaching staff, the formation of full-time and part-time teachers of double - type characterist

43、ics 高等教育扩招带来了师资数量和结构的突出矛盾。一方面,师资数量严重不足。就高等职业教育而言,2001年内地独立建制的高职类院校在校生为 639.74万人,而教师数则为21.2207万人,师生比为 1:30.15,教师的增长速度远低于学生的增长速度。expansion of higher education has brought the teachers quantity and structure of the prominent contradictions. on the one hand, a serious shortage of teachers. in terms of h

44、igher occupation education in 2001, the independent system of higher vocational college students is 6397400, while the number of teachers is 212207 people, the teacher-student ratio is 1:30.15, the teacher s growth rate is far lower than the growth rate of the students. 另一方面,师资队伍的结构也不尽合理。从内地情况看,2001

45、年高等职业教育师资队伍中,本科以上学历(不含本科,含未授学位的研究生)的比例为 8.13,讲师以上职称的教师(不含讲师)占27.84。据2001年对11所高职院校的调查,在师资队伍的来源结构上,由高校毕业生直接走上教师岗位的占教师比例的69,近两年这种状况并无大的改观。特别重要的是,面对新的生源特点和数量现状,必须积极探索新形势下师资队伍建设的新方法。首先,必须努力建立一支专兼结合的教师队伍,特别是稳定的、有实际工作经验和教学水平的业界兼职教师队伍。第二,要促进教师研究职业教育特点,提高自身职业能力,提高学历层次,改进教学方法和教学手段,减少面授时间。第三,科学地安排教学活动,满负荷但不超负荷

46、地发挥教师的作用,发挥高年级学生的示范带头作用,配合教师辅导低年级学生。on the other hand, teachers structure is not reasonable. from the domestic situation, teachers of higher occupation education in 2001, bachelor degree or above ( excluding undergraduate study, including not graduate students ) at the rate of 8.13%, above the lectu

47、rer titles of teachers ( not including lecturer ) accounted for 27.84%. according to the survey on 11 higher vocational colleges in 2001, sources of teachers troop structure, by college graduates directly onto the teachers for teacher ratio of 69%, this is no big change in recent years. in particula

48、r, in the face of the characteristics of the source and the number of new, we must actively explore the new method of the construction of teachers under the new situation. first of all, we must build up a team of full-time and part-time teachers, particularly stable, the part-time teacher team of pr

49、actical work experience and teaching level. second, to promote the characteristics of the occupation education teachers, improve their occupation ability, improve education levels, improve the teaching method and means, reduce the teaching time. third, arrange the teaching activity scientifically, f

50、ull load but dont overload to play the role of teacher, high grade students play the exemplary role, with the low grade students in teachers guidance. (四)坚持产学结合的道路,实现高等职业教育的办学特色( four ) insist on combining production of the road, the realization of higher occupation education features 产学结合绝不仅仅是实践环节的


52、combination of production and learning is not merely the contents of practice, it should run through the whole process from professional setting, training objectives, teaching plan, teaching contents, teaching methods, personnel graduation project culture, reflected in every virtue, wisdom, body, be

53、auty, psychologically. the fundamental purpose of the combination of is to train higher technology applied talents of social requirements, but also should use the advantages of school knowledge intensive, providing technical support and technology cooperation for enterprises. the combination of prod

54、uction and teaching degree is different, can be the primary cooperation partial or superficial; can be closely combined, mutual supplement intermediate cooperation; and can also be integrated high levels of cooperation be related by flesh and blood, coexistence and co-prosperity. we should continue

55、to promote school and cooperative employer high level. in the combination of production process, must pay attention to play to the initiative of four schools, students, enterprises and government. the school is the dominant party, students are the main body, the enterprise is the main square, the go

56、vernment is planning. only the tetragonal coordination, to accomplish common goals with theory of. (五)强化监督措施,保证质量监控( five ) measures of supervision, to ensure quality control 一是制度建设,包括正、负两方面的监督条例,二是形成监督检查的渠道。对教师教学的监督,应包括校方、同行、学生和专职督导四方面。对学校总体教学水平,要定期进行内部量化考核和收集校友、用人单位反馈信息。三是配合有形建设,抓好思想政治教育。讲清学校具有的育人

57、功能(不是单纯的事业功能)和教师的育人责任(不是单纯的职业责任),形成良好的学风、教风和校风。one is the system construction, including positive, negative supervision regulations in two aspects, two is the formation of the supervision and inspection of the channel. supervision of teaching, should include the school, peer, students and full-time

58、supervision four aspects. the level of general education schools, to conduct regular internal assessment and collection of alumni, feedback information the employing unit. the three is in line with the tangible construction, do a good job of ideological and political education. the educational funct

59、ion of school is clear ( not mere business function ) and teacher education, ( not simply occupation liability ), to form a good style of study, teaching and study. (六)研究学生特点,创造良好的育人环境( six ) to study the characteristics of students, create a good educational environment 必须结合时代特点,研究学生实际,寻求具有针对性的学生教育方法。思想教育与专业教育必须有机地协调统一起来,学生工作者、教师、职工必须有机地结合起来,课堂、校园、宿舍必须连贯


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