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1、高考作文范文回顾一 侧重求助的功能d lnlei,hw reyou doing?im iting to tell yuttli ming,m uce ssheuledoatte a onfernce n yocit and he illbrg ou thchieseaintin ouve ben logingor. mynce is aso bigfan of chinee paiis. i hav cnfience you wl be raz abot pntig nd delightedto mkete aquntance o m uncle. od b remaably grefuli

2、yucold ick him pahe aiport an tae himtohishoe sinceits is fist isi to your cit isflht numberis ca985, ndit arive at 1:0,aust6.my ncl is a tall nd hadso m agd awth broa huldern hewears glses. am suryou canmiss hm.lookng forward o your reply. us, shuaizhao回顾二 侧重应聘、表示申请的功能deai lei,imshua zha, hishooltu

3、dnt fro cin,. i adyou veiseent fth summe a on thentern, wichs schedetotae plae insingare, ad i showenorus interesn it. i have longee ager fr a gldn cance lke tis t spread chi sendi tradtinal ulre an cstos ad eepen y sting bout ther cuntris.bsdes, aingbeen learni engish or10 yeas, hve gocommd of tnd

4、an pea fluent eglis. s a dyamic,dvoe,outgoing sonsibe teenae, i am fully convinc tha ican neclentmember o yoursumercam coul b accetd. i ilappreciate it if my applicaton can graiedoong forwrd o yourep. regard, shuai hao回顾三 侧重告知的功能和邀请的功能dear li lei,i mwitng tonfrm you of h thrilln newstat our scooliss

5、chedledto hld/host nenlis dam conte n thesecod foo of he scoo lectre hal on octbe 25,15alte studets r elcoet give thei excelle prformanc onheshinig stae. it olen oportnit to sow ou alent perfoing dramas. ompeors are requied to participate in hecnsingrp with tas thee memers. iter fmousenglis faiy tae

6、s or some oin pls byth ompetitor thesevecane appledaaper fa of draa, i am ureoullnot mis the chane and also pln t tke pr in it ihly ad lcy.why ot jinus? i havecoien tha w wi bthe focu n thestae aacee big itloing forward to your ry ours, si zao回顾四 侧重表示欢迎和转达期望dear mr.smit,i wrtingonbehalf o mycs to te

7、nd our war ecomet you. hrere so f our expecatons for yur nglish cls.foremost,we avelongeenaer foa chneto broadn our orizons about weserncultu an cstoms andteeore w hoe yo cn delialectuaout them. additonal, wewill remaably rafif yo carganizeversities f actiitie,which cansurly arouse ur enoru inteet a

8、 artcipain i class. last bt nt least, we hope tat yu can laymoe epai on orprnuncato, hich s of reatsigifiance to iroveet oour ral ngls.ts ou treenoushoortob or sudns.looking frwadoeting you ous, suaizha 回顾五 侧重表示告知消息和要求和主动提供帮助ar linli, writi nform yu ofthe thrillin news thur hol i lokin for a foregn

9、engsh teacher, whchsutsyor ream here are som eqrentsfothe .a for th oeyou ae expeced coose hree of thefoloing for courses: sng, writing, ritain todand mer ody. nterms of t studets, thy are enior sudents wt atlst treears f eglish leain expeen, hich wilontibutesinifctl to thls articiaion rfom tching 1

10、2 hous aeek, yu wil lo woras an adviso o our tudents glih lub r ouroolsenglih newsaperiamflly convinetht you met te requirmnts and recompetent ab teoplese let m ow ifyou eieested and ifou have another uesto, be orta appy to help yours, shua hao 回顾六侧重表示建议dear hn, am srry to earth conflt ae betweeyou

11、and our moter and tht yo aem becse sepes limitatinrestrio o e time yo spendon urfig linefitfully,isuggth yu aologze to ou otherbecaue he is right snle t prevent yorom inrne addiction. a w kno, rfi the teet excesiey, lkeking drugs,is terrib hf ot oy sit damage our helhenlad hycal, ilo robsdprves uso

12、ou prcious i forstd. thus, yo ms restrition isprttywise ad ll conrib faorably t yourealthy gowth.nsteaof endig to much n internt, there roe the effective ways torelax osves forexaple, you can do som sporwith yourfiendswhn youae bed. additonlly, to ease you stsand pesue, yo an liste tothe music and r

13、ad e gzines.i sincerelhopem aviceca hp ou rsolve thecnflict nd sore he harmoniusrelatishipwth you mothe ours huai zh回顾七侧重表示自荐 dea sir/madam,i am a udenromaen uiverslerningthat som part-timepoters e ned fm yo adson line,i sw nm inerest because itcan urelycnrbut o my vracapailitand thu i aiting opply

14、for te positionhain been oning for a oldn chce likethis, lso hav condence tht am petty fi f thejob. irst, s a dynmiand all-ounddevloped tudent,i hae , i e a ide cp ofnowde, coerig fiels lik lerature an sine. whatsmr, havin a gdcoado elsh, i ls hve reent xriece o ion wre s reortr r my school oadastin

15、g station moe mportantly, highlht th vaueo tamorkan ejoy aroious retionhps wit my clams. t cclude, m fulyonvinced thai ompetetfor the osiio.willpprecati if y aplcaincan b grantd. lokig orwadt yur ply! yours, huai zao 回顾八、侧重表示建议daredmaster, m wrtgoneho the tudnion arouse ourcocenaout theerious watn p

16、roblem on cmsandadvoctebuidnganeo-fiedycampus.as we canse,manytudents leav the we runing nd he liht on raom,whichis eally disastrforur resourcs.tereore, itshigh tme tat tksome asures to handle t problem. firtl, ctionms e takento stnthe choo fellows awane onserving atrl esouces bcaus many cunties re

17、sffei fro droht and pwer scarity.bsies,w studens hod e ncoged t strt ou smal, lke avin everypiee o pperand evry dop of aterand turnig of he poer w levinthe omer s, manythan for yur oncern an e sncerey rsttha our schol make a appetevy stuntandall he stafft taeaton! ev asl cntriutiocnakea huge dffernc

18、e. yors faihuly, su zao 回顾九、侧重表示投诉ar i lei,ia a exchag sudntchin. i writingo oice y cmpant bout eporqulto he cmpter urcasedfrom yrsor on jn20, 015. it unepcedlywent ron nl a few later. t mnio turd ou to be ack re, i reathghaccompaying insructions adried to resart thcomputer sevrl tis, utt file ork t

19、hereore, asur thre is smethin wron i the oputr. i demand that you irect m t sore her m reurn te faut ite r a new reacmn within he nt 3 day. sceor stor has gned a go repuation for some atfactn, i ully convnedthtou wll res处理mycoplantat our earliest convenence. ou, shuai zha 回顾十、侧重表示建议der linlei, wehe

20、een aked aboour oinons eng ipdassroms.er a wrng on behlf o the tdentsunio to voie our aprvalt it nd efactorscontriuting to pontarelstngasfollws tobegin with, eyon learns i a seve y. tuscan tome heiripdwit mterals ht fit thi level and lrning style, aths tilor it o dfent need.moeover,h onncted to the

21、iternet, stents ntrct with teers an peers aout what heyean moreconveniently,which wllcontribu faorablyt their learin eficency. futhermore, weals consier it environent-friendlyto o ipd clssrooms r paper is no ger acesiy oe importnly,studnts pasionforud will be enormuslysarked wi is brad-new wyolernin

22、.i hin as aws hedmast, you ill ae ourisintoconsidratio and maximize th beefits ofpadlassrom. thank yo for your cncrn nd look owrd t atteding a pad class. yors fathfully shuaizhao 回顾十一、侧重表示感谢dear nle,i m soce o rit toeress my sincre gaitde to youa ar my apnesswth yo. twmot go,i ws overoed torecev te

23、offe fro pekiuniersiy ad now a a reshai hi univerity and enjoy he str aic atmophere iy da caus.thrugh iav let ou, ica wellrememr the lfillig tim i ave experind wih you as adevote, paient n eativeteacer, you hveapofound n far-reacing influene n s i cadey a prsoait. its our nsantenurgmennd swet cmpny

24、that heped meegain y confidenced move fwrd fearessywenever i flt cst down ater exas. wiut you,i cudnt hav chiev sh enormus prores an fulfille y ambiions. ors cat onvey pprecition here, myreendus grattude turs int mbs wisheor yo wih yu alth a hapines foever. yorsfaithfully saizha回顾十二、侧重表示感谢ea me,wtim

25、e flies! its thasvig day agai, riting this ltter t hankyoucn yo stllrmmbr th day when you sepped ntothgate of highcl, thile,excite d deliged? forth tim being, howevr, witut te iiil ecment, yougadual foundthe lfe ingh schowa not wat yu had mgied. contan ilue and hardsipnmaths maeou frustrated o evedv

26、e o razy.ne, youplayd tru inothe sho librar, bt fortuntely a bookbout helenkeler taly chand youberepair sbeqently, uneverga in to ny dificultyfe n te ps thee erasbsy, ulfillig a ittrweet. ower, t w your trog wi and dteriat that led yoo uccs.cur, diligenced preverace, rather than lck or c,mdeeery day

27、ont. no wondr you di ell in he aoko and are studyign youieal uniiynow. thankyofor our caelss efts, bndo bar ifrit.wish you greater sccesinour futurelif yours sncere shuai zhao 回顾十三、侧重介绍der lin ei,iam gla treie youretter skin e somehin aouth fod culre fchin.tod, th ouriyof chinese dis weprd. th mndif

28、eren betwecnes anwestn eatinais ista chn t ise are aedon he tale and everyody sehem toethe.inddiion, chise food mainai baane ang color, flor andtte.ter arsome mot aeing dishe from difee regios. nrly speakin, chne fd sdided into eihtrgionl uiines,mong hich shndog cusie, icun cuss huna cusnenguandong

29、uisines re th ms dsiguished aroun china. i like o spicyflavor s g po chiken i schn s oeo myfaorites.hopefully, whtmentioneabove coud be hlfu toyur gradationhess wish yo sucs! os shuaizao 回顾十四、侧重表示道歉ea lin lei,i am trriby orr to tlyou that los e bok yo wer soindto lene lat week, i likthe ook emuch and readi very day adintendto inis t ext moth.lastigh, i wet hmeby bus thatwa vy crowe


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