1、高三任务型阅读解题技巧复习任务型阅读要求考生根据阅读文章提供的信息用恰当的词语完成与短文相关的图表,并有一定字数的限制。主要考察学生获取信息的能力(对应信息查找题)、组织信息的能力(对应信息转换题)和概括表达信息能力(对应信息归纳题)。.任务型阅读点评 任务型阅读中的题型主要包括原词重现,固定搭配,词性转换,提炼概括四大类,四种题型难度指数依次上升。 .解题技巧及高考原题分析一、解题步骤:一般根据题目特点,可分为以下三步:1)略读快速浏览抓住文章中心大意以及文章的结构(借助所给图表结构)。2)细读带着问题,找到文章对应点,确认题型,分析整理归纳信息并且准确表达信息。3)复读复读文章,反复揣摩所
2、填之词是否符合文章内容,其拼写是否正确。二、解题技巧:1.信息查找题: 解题关键是根据问题查找定位信息。常用方法是带着问题有意识地在关键处做标记。如:(1)5w and 1h:who, what ,when, where ,why ,how(2)时间先后: first , then , after ,that , next, finally(3)因果:because , thus , lead to, cause, as a result (4)比较:similarly, differently(5)转折:but, while, however, instead, on the contrar
3、y2.信息转换题解题关键:是根据问题查找定位信息,加工分析并转换成另一种表达方式。(1)词形/性转换,即练习将一种词类转换成另一种词类,主要包括动词与名词转换、形容词与副词转换、形容词与名词转换。解题方法很简单,只要在文中找到关键词即可。例如:.原文:be responsible for your own learning.(2008江苏高考题)转换成表格中:take(76)_ for ones own learning. .positive,negative,and neutral messages that you receive from others all play a role i
4、n determining who you are(2009江苏高考题)转换成表格中:messages from others help you(73) who you are. communication involves others in the sense that a competent communicator considers what the other person needs and expects when selecting messages to share(2009江苏高考题)转换成表格中:needs and(74) of others should be con
5、sidered. with all the information available, its not surprising that people can feel confused.(09安徽)转换成表格中:there is a lot job information on-line, but too much of it may sometimes be (77)_. regularly updated, the handbook is available as a book and on-line. (2009安徽高考题)转换成表格中:the information is updat
6、ed in a (78)_ manner. you can also learn how to apply for jobs.转换成表格中:its vast resources include ways of job (79)_. (2009安徽高考题). its worth taking the time and finding as much information as you can. (2009安徽高考题)转换成表格中:the time you spend and the efforts you make will be (85)_.(2)句子结构转换: 做此类题首先要理解题意,其次
7、仔细比较原句和题目,明白出题人的意图,只要找出题眼就不难得出答案。以2009年江苏高考题为例:.原文:but every day we experience the centrality of our selves in communication转换成表格中:we are always(71) in communication with others.原文:we are constantly providing behaviors that have communicative value for them转换成表格中:we are constantly(78) meanings by wh
8、at we do. 原文:your second experience with a similar setting and person made far different results转换成表格中:yon may redo the conversation,but you(80) achieve the same results3.信息归纳题: 解题关键是根据问题查找定位信息,找共性的东西。归纳词的特征有:概括性,在最大程度上覆盖栏内信息;针对性,量体裁衣,大小适度;醒目性,简洁。常见概括性词有:原因:reason, cause;结果:result, effect;目的:aim, pu
9、rpose;方法:measure, solution, way, method;观点:opinion, view, attitude;异同:differences, similarities;优劣:advantages, disadvantages;其它:time, purpose, behavior, feeling。.任务型阅读特点(1) 特点1: 容易题比例显著上升; 要招1:两大规律快速解题: 原词重现题是送分题,考生们务必抓牢。易题:中等题:难题=5:3:2这一黄金比例的固若金汤。强调2点做题规律: 规律1:如果动词或介词(或介词短语)后面有一个空格,空格中缺名词或者动词,那么只需在
10、文章中找到该动词或介词(或介词短语)后面的名词或者动词,就是答案。 规律2:如果名词前面有一个空格,空格中缺动词或形容词,那么只需在文章中找到该名词前面的动词或形容词,就是答案。(我们来现场验证一下)规律1:第76,79,80 题第76题:little magnets were tied to the pigeons heads to (76) their magnetic sense.这里to很显然是不定式,后面应该加动词原形,符合第一点规律,根据定位词pigeons heads 在第7段的第一行找到了“one interesting experiment was to attach lit
11、tle magnets to the birds heads to block their magnetic sensejust as a loud radio can keep you from hearing a call to dinner.这句话。第79题:little rod-like bacteria were found by chance to swim together in the direction of (79) .同样也符合第一条规律,in the direction of后面缺名词,根据定位词rod-like bacteria,swim together in th
12、e direction of找到了第10段倒数第一行:he found accidentally little rod-like bacteria that all swam together in one direction-north.第80题:some animals had a chain of dense magnetic particles in or close to the (80) inside their bodies.同样符合第一条规律,介词to 后面填名词,根据定位词the magnetic stuff 我们找到了“in each animal,except for t
13、he bee. the magnetic stuff was always in or closer to the brain.”规律2:第77题:the pigeons magnetic sense seemed to be affected on (77) days. days前面显然缺形容词,即什么样的天气。根据定位词days和affected 这个否定动词,再根据but这一否定转折连词,我们找到了第7段倒数第二行but on cloudy days,the pigeons with magnets could not find their way. (2) 特点2:中等题比例维持稳定
14、要招2:准确预测答案词性至关重要:词性转化题在任务型阅读中属于中等题,要求学生具有非常扎实的语法基本功,高考任务型阅读中常见的词性转化方式有1. 名词和动词之间的相互转换2.名词动词和形容词之间的相互转换 3. 动词及其分词(现在分词和过去分词)之间的相互转换,如:第71,73题。第71题:our earth is a big magnet and a little freely (71) magnetic needle lines itself with the earth magnet to point north and south.and 连接的是两个句子,后面这个句子a little
15、 freely (71) magnetic needle lines itself with the earth magnet to point north and south. 已经有谓语动词lines itself with。 于是a little freely (71) magnetic needle是作为主语,a little freely (71) magnetic是作为needles的修饰成分。 freely是副词,可以修饰副词或者是形容词,于是我们预测答案可能是副词或者形容词,但是我们根据定位词lines itself with the earth magnet to point
16、 north and south. 找回原文第三段第二句话:so a little magnetic needle that swings freely lines itself with the big earth magnet to point north and south.第73题”one piece of evidence is the (73) of many birds between their summer homes and winter homes. the后面加名词或者是形容词,但是后面有of结构的时候只能是名词,但是这一名词究竟可数还是不可数,还得看它是具体名词还是抽
17、象名词,如果为后者,那么应判为不可数,于是用原形。 73题根据定位词 between their summer homes and winter homes.可定位至many birds migrate twice a year between their summer homes and winter homes. migrate (3) 特点3:难题比例下 要招3:语感以及句子/段落意群的概括能力需不断夯实:固定搭配和提炼概括这两类题一般属于难题,高考毕竟是选拔性的考试,这两种题型的设置则容易使我们区分不同层次的考生,今年的固定搭配考得比较偏,要求考生有无比强的语言敏感度,俗称语感。第72
18、题:(72) on the idea above, the navigating compass was invented. 此题填based on 需要考生充分理解when people discovered that idea about a thousand years ago and invented the compass,it allowed sailors to navigate (航海)on ocean voyages, even under cloudy skies.第78题:the (78) of the magnetic stuff for the animal comp
19、asslittle rod-like bacteria were found by chance to swim together in the direction of (79) .some animals had a chain of dense magnetic particles in or close to the (80) inside their bodies.此题需要学生结合第79和80题所对应的两个句子,即句子组合形成的意群,以及在此基础上根据定位词 rod-like bacteria还有a chain of dense magnetic particles这两个短语对应到文
20、章的倒数第3,4段,粗读这两段我们会明白它是在讲一个最新的发现;而found ,showed, find这一系列词汇的出现进一步证实了我们课上经常强调的一点:反复重现或同义替换是标题(此题属于段落标题)。高考任务型阅读精练1.sb. run out of sthsb. lack sth./ sth. run out/ sth. is used up2. use a as an alternative to breplace a with b3.no matter whatwhatever4. all over the worldinternational/worldwide/global/un
21、iversal5. stem/appearcome into being/come into existence6.as well as/in addition to/apart frombesides; whats more7.break sth apartsplit sth; destroy/damage sth.8.in the countryside/cityrural/urban areas9. come outbe published10. the film is about shanghai.the film is set in shanghai.11.learn a lot a
22、boutlearn a great deal about12.put the books awayremove the books 13.as soon asimmediately/directly/instantly14. low levels of sthbe not rich in sth.15. ways to cope with sthsolutions to coping with/how to cope with16.spread in the same wayno difference in spreading17. yearly/ every yearannual18. do
23、nt do sthavoid doing sth19. make sb. have the ability to do sth.enable sb to do sth20. a growing numberan increasing number21.more people choose to do sth.tend to do sth22. work out a planmake a plan23. like sth betterprefer sth24.the objective of science is the discovery ofscience is aimed at disco
24、vering 25. protect sth from sicknessavoid or prevent sickness26. make use of sthtake the advantage of 27. know the importance ofbe aware of the importance of .28. dont feel motivated to do sthfeel unwilling to do sth.29. though/although sth happened.in spite of sth./ despite the fact that30. believe
25、 intrust31. do a rather than bdo a instead of b32. sb. be president of a company.a company is in the charge of sb.33. become happycheer up34.last only a short timedisappear35. fail to resist the severe winterlose ones life/die36.abandongive up37. go abroadgo to a foreign country38. be absent frombe
26、not present at39. absorbtake in40.abstractnot specific41.abundantbe rich in42.acceleratespeed up/quicken43.have access to sthhave the chance of doing sth44.accessiblebe easy to enter/get to 45.by accidentoccasionally/accidently46.accomplish/completeget through47.on account of because of /due to/owin
27、g to48.account formake up/occupy49.bring sb to courtcharge sb with sth; accuse sb of sth50.be accustomed to sthbe used to sth.51.activenot passive52.admirelook up to53.adolescentteenagers54.adultgrown-up55.advancemove forward56.have the advantages overhave the edge over/be better than/be prior to57.
28、advise sb to do sth try to persuade sb to do sth58. affecthave an effect on59.affordbe able to pay money for sth/be able to buy60.be afraid of sthfear sth61.afterwardsafter that/later on62.againonce more63.be againstoppose/object to/disagree to sth/disapprove of64.allocate sth to sbdivide sth among
29、sb.65.all rightdo(行,可以)66.aloneby oneself67.althoughdespite the fact that/in spite of68.get angrylose ones temper69.announce sthmake sth known to the public70.annoy sb.make sb. angry71.annualevery year72.in response to sthreply to sth73.be anxious aboutworry about/be concerned about74.anyhowin any w
30、ay75.anything butnever76.nothing but only77.apologizesay sorry to /make an apology to78.appeal to sbinterest sb79.appearcome into being/existence80.approaches to sth.ways to do sth./ways of doing sth.81.on ones arrivalas soon as sb arrived82.artificialman-made83.make an attempthave a try84.available
31、be easily got86.be aware of sthrealize/know; be conscious of87. bear a babygive birth to a baby88.behindat the back of 89.believe intrust90.besidesin addition/whats more/moreover91.block the traffichold up the traffic92.bother/disturbcause trouble to 93.bravehave courage to do94.boycottrefuse to acc
32、ept sth95.breathlessout of breath96.burdenbe loaded with97.calculatefigure out98.calmnot excited99.cancelcall off100.be capable ofbe able to101.care aboutpay attention to sth.102.cater to ones needmeet /satisfy the need 103.cautioustake care104.hold a celebrationcelebrate105.century .fortnight.one h
33、undred years; . two weeks106. chaserun after107.cheer sb. upmake sb. happy108.clarifymake sth clear109.classifydivide sth into categories110.collapse/ declinefall binemix sth fortableat mit suicidekill pensatemake up for115.take part in sports meetingcomp
34、ete in the sports pleteget plicatednot simple118.concentrate onfocus on119.be concerned about worry about120.concludedraw a conclusion121.in good conditionin a good state/in a good situation122.conduct a surveycarry out a survey123.be conscious ofbe aware of124.take sth i
35、nto considerationtake sth into account125.be consistent withagree with/correspond to sth126.consult a doctorgo to see a doctor127.be content withbe satisfied with128.contradict sth.be opposite to sth.129.contribute to sthlead to /result in130. sb. be convinced of sthsb. believe sth131. cost sb sthca
36、use sb. to lose sth132.count/matterbe important133.count on depend on/ rely on134.a couple of daysseveral days135.bring sb. to courtcharge sb. with sth./accuse sb. of sth.136. cover the eventreport the event137. be crazy about=be drunk withbe keen on =be addicted to sth138.be criticalbe particular a
37、bout139.at the critical momenton the important occasion140.get crossget angry141.at the current timeat present142.in dangerat risk143.in the darkknow nothing about144.turn a deaf ear to sthrefuse to listen to sth145.deal with sthdo sth with sth; handle/cope with146.decadeten years147.make up ones mi
38、nd to do sthdecide to do sth/determine to do sth148.make a decisiondecide149.declinefall down150.defeatwin over151.delayput off152.deletecut out153.deliberatelyon purpose154.describegive a description of155.despitein spite of156.deserve sthbe worthy of sth157.differ frombe different from158.make no
39、differenceremain the same159.discourage sb from doing sthprevent sb from doing sth160.on displayon show/ on exhibition161.distinguish a from btell from b; identify/tell sth. apart162.drop some subjectsgive up some subjects163.due toon account of/owing to/thanks to164.earn a livingmake a living165.ha
40、ve the edge overhave the advantage over166.dozen;scoretwelve; twenty167.make efforts for contribute to sth/be devotedto sth168.employtake on169.energeticfull of energy170.enjoy doingbe fond of/feel like doing/would like to do171.ensuremake sure172.entergo into173.envyfeel jealous of174.escaperun awa
41、y175.establishset up176.eventuallyat last177.everso far/on earth178.everywherehere and there179.exercisework out180.in factactually/as a matter of fact181.have faith inbelieve in182.be familiar with sthknow sth well183.fashionableup-to-date184.favouritelike sth most/best185.fetchgo to bring back186.
42、be full ofbe filled with187.make fun oflaugh at/tease188.gesturebody language189.look at sth angrilyglare at misemake a promise191.graspcatch/take hold of192.gravitythe pull of the earth193.guaranteemake sure194.feel guilty offeel ashamed of195.do harm/damage to be harmful for196.harvestget in197.hatebe tired of198.go hungrystarve199.ignorepay no attention to/overlook200.illegalbe against the law201.improvemake sth. better202.incidentallyby chance/rm sb of sthlet sb know sth/keep sb. informed f sth204.for instancefor example205
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