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1、the analysis of symbolic writing in great expectationscontents11122233446779910131717abstract key words i. introduction.ii .literature review.iii. brief introduction of the writer.3.1. the historical background and the writers life.3.1.1 the historical background of victorian age .3.1.2 dickens life

2、.3.2. dickens main works and his writing style.3.2.1 brief introduction of dickens main works3.2.2 dickens writing style.iv. analysis of symbolic writing4.1 brief introduction of the novel.4.2 definition of symbol4.3 analysis of symbols in great expectations4.3.1 symbols in satis house.4.3.2 symbols

3、 outside satis housev. summary.reference.摘 要: 狄更斯是英国文学史上维多利亚时期著名的批判现实主义小说家之一;他的作品享誉世界,具有很高的研究价值。远大前程是他晚期被认为是较成熟的一部作品。细腻的描写,简明的语言使得小说通俗易懂;而各种写作手法的使用更加使得故事生动有趣,令读者回味无穷。象征手法是狄更斯惯用的写作手法;也正是因为象征手法的应用,他的文章往往含蓄委婉,给读者留下充分的想象空间。本文对狄更斯生平及部分作品和相关情况作了简单地分析,重点分析了象征手法在远大前程中的应用及它们在小说中的作用。关键词: 狄更斯 远大前程 象征 手法 分析abst

4、ract: charles dickens is one of the most famous critical realist novelists in the english literature of victorian age; his works are well known all over the world, they are worth researching. great expectations was considered as the most mature of his later work. delicate description and simple word

5、s made his novels attractive, easy to understand; and various writing style made the story even more interesting, made the readers linger on them. dickens always uses symbols in his writing, and also because of the use of symbols his articles are always veiled and tactful, leave a space of imaginati

6、on for the readers. i simply analyze dickens life and some of his works in my essay, and mainly analyze the symbolic writing in great expectations and its usage in novels.key words: dickens great expectations symbolism methods analysisi. introductioncharles dickens was one of the most famous critica

7、l realist novelists in the english literature of victorian age; he wrote lots of novels and they were very popular in the whole word. many of his works were translated into different languages, and lots of readers were moved by the stories in his novels. he was considered as the greatest english rea

8、list of victorian age. in my essay, im going to write something about symbolic writing in great expectations. my thought is like this: first, i will introduce the writer charles dickens, the history background in his time, his life; his main work, and his writing style. in my opinion these are impor

9、tant, because these all influenced the novel. second, give the definition of symbol, its usage in writing. give the definition is very important, only when you know the definition can you know how it was used in a work and to analysis it. in the third part i will mainly analyze symbols in the novel

10、great expectations, the writers purpose of these symbols and what roles they take part in the novel; this is the main body of my writing. in the last part i will summarize the whole writing. this is an outline of my essay.ii. literature reviewgreat expectations is popular with people for years. at f

11、irst, dickens magazine all the year round had become extremely popular based on the success of works it had published in serial, such as his own work a tale of two cities and wilkie collinss the woman in white. but it had experienced a decline in popularity after publishing a dull serial by charles

12、lever called a days ride. dickens conceived of great expectations as a means of restoring his publications fortunes. the book is still immensely popular a century and a half later. one of great expectations translators called luo zhiye (2000) wrote: charles dickens was one of his favorite writers; h

13、e had read almost most of his work, and had deep impression of him. he thought that because great expectations was charles dickens latter work, he had experienced a lot; for the surroundings and his life he had new and deeper understanding. so when writing this novel he put all these thoughts and ex

14、perience in it, it is a mature work. another translator chang zixia (2003) points out that from great expectations you can find charles dickens shadow of his early days life.zhang boxiang (2005), the main writer of a course book of english literature points out that dickens later works become heavil

15、y symbolic, not only providing the work a predominant atmosphere but also highlighting its central concern. so symbols are important in this novel, you can find a lot to write.iii. brief introduction of the writer3.1 the historical background and the writers lifepeople who have read lots of articles

16、 in different times and different countries may find that novels are usually different according to the historical background and culture difference. generally speaking, a novel usually has some features of that history; and a writers work usually has some likeness of his own life to some extent. ma

17、y be we can say a times work can show that times life and a writers works are always the writer his own lifes portrait. so i think its necessary to know the historical background and the writers life. dickens lived in the victorian age of england. the most important feature of that time was industri

18、al revolution. in the novel there are many description of this. 3.1.1 the historical background of victorian agethe victorian age period covers the greater part of the nineteenth century. the early year of the victorian britain was a time of rapid development as well as serious social problems. indu

19、strial revolution had transformed the social landscape, enabling capitalists and manufacturers to amass huge fortunes. steam-powered engines were exploited for railways and iron ships, for looms printing presses, and farmers combines; scientific discoveries and technologic inventions quickly brought

20、 amazing changes to the country. “for a time britain was the workshop of the world; large amount of profit were accumulate both from expanding trade markets and from exploiting its huge-sized colonies.”(zhang boxiang 2005:147) towards the mid-century, britain had reached its highest point of develop

21、ment as a world power. great expectations was just based on the post-industrial revolution model of victorian england.3.1.2 dickens lifecharles dickens was born in 1812 at portsmouth; his life was full of hardships. when he was nine, his family moved to london, and his father was arrested and taken

22、to prison for debt. his mother moved his seven brothers and sisters into prison with his father, but arranged for the young charles to live alone outside the prison and work with other children pasting labels on bottles in a blacking warehouse. at that period he suffered a lot, the job was miserable

23、; he thought himself too good for the job, and always earned the contempt of the other children. to this experience, also, may evidently be traced no smell part of the intense sympathy with the oppressed poor, especially with the helpless children, which is so prominent in his novels, like pip in gr

24、eat expectations, oliver in oliver twist, david in david copperfield and so on. after his father was released from the prison, dickens retuned to school. when he was fifteen, in order to earn his living, charles worked as a clerk in a london lawyers office, where he observed all sorts and conditions

25、 of people with characteristic keenness. in great expectations, he described some characters that have something with law like: jaggers and the clerk wemmick, they are all vivid and realistic. there is no doubt that this is due to his experience of early times work. later he became a parliamentary r

26、eporter for newspapers. this experience enabled him to get acquainted with the inside of the british legal and political system, give him the chance to met people of all kinds, and prepared him both in art and stuff for his coming literary career. his literature career is hard but it is a successful

27、 one. after left lots of famous works for us, in 1870, he died of overwork3.2 dickens main works and his writing style in dickens short life he wrote a lot of novels, they are all popular with people. they are different stories, but they have some same features. for example: most of his novels use s

28、ymbols; most of his main characters are little poor boys. another example: david copperfield and great expectations all have two main characters: one actor and one narrator. in the following paragraph, i will write them one by one.3.2.1 brief introduction of dickens main works dickens was considered

29、 as the most popular and productive novelists in victorian age. during his life, he wrote a lot of novels which showed us a most vivid picture of the everyday life of the ordinary people of his time; people usually divided them into two parts: the early works (1836-1850) and the later works (1852-18

30、70). lets just see some of them.1) the pickwick paper (1836-1850)dickens was first famous by the pickwick paper. in this novel he attacks the ugly side of the political system of the time; however, it is still full of gaiety and happy laughter of a youth. life is still pleasant and enjoyable though

31、risky for the innocent or the inexperienced; the harm done is still retrievable. he was said as the most famous critical realist novelists of that time; however, it seems that the main purpose of this book is to entertain rather than criticize.2) oliver twist (1837-1839)this novel is based on real l

32、ife material such as the current trial of a notorious fence and thief-trainer. by writing the most unfortunate experience of a poor orphan boy oliver he means to give a vivid picture of the underworld with kinds of thieves, prostitutes, and murders as well as the horrible cruelty of the workhouse sy

33、stem of that time. “the novel, for the first time, also shows the authors talent for the grotesque because of the excellent character portrayal of fagin, sykes and monks” (zhang boxiang 2005:197).3) david copperfield (1849-1850)this novel is the last of the early group. people think this novel had s

34、ome means that it is dickens his own autobiographical of his childhood, retracing his own life. because david, the main character of this novel also had the same life as him: humiliating labor in a blacking factory, apprenticeship to a law office, life as a journalist and eventually succeeded as a n

35、ovelist, all like dickenss own life and they were vividly told in the novel. in this novel davids early suffering is adequately compensated with a rich, happy marriage and a successful literary career, just like the authors, and the world is still full of hope and sunshine. “according to dickens him

36、self, this novel is his favorite child; with readers too it is one of the most popular, and its critical reputation is very high” (zhang boxiang 2005:196).these novels above are dickens early works; now lets have a look at his later works.4) hard times (1854)“this novel makes a fierce attack on the

37、perfect bourgeois system of education and bourgeois utilitarianism” (guo qongying 2001:197). the two main characters tom and louisa are children of a follower of the utilitarianism manchester school. he brought his children on the philosophy of facts, carefully distinguishing any imaginativeness or

38、youthful tendencies in them. however, at the end, his son tom was caught and hustled out of the country because of commits theft; and his daughter also became a victim of his heartless principle. the unhappy state of his children opens the fathers eyes to the knowledge that life contains sentiments

39、as powerful as facts. so this story is a little different from the above three, he wrote some other things about the society.5) a tale of two cities (1859)this novel took the french revolution as its background. two cities are paris and london in the time of that revolution. from this work we could

40、see “dickens shows his fury with the inhuman lawless aristocrats, with the injustice done to dr. manette” (zhang boxiang 2005:198). in my opinion this book is worth reading; i have read the plot of it. “the description of the marquis brothers crime, the imprisonment of dr. manette, the heated atmosp

41、here of the revolution embodied in mrs. defarges calm, resolute needling, and the part about sydeny carton”(zhang boxiang 2005:198), they are so wonderful! dickens wrote the life of both in london and paris, and the revolution of french in a story; he really did a very good job.6) great expectations

42、 (1860-1861)so this is the novel of his that i am most familiar with. in this story, pip as the main character was only a poor boy without parents; he was brought up by his sister and her husband, a man with simple and good nature who is a blacksmith. actually pip was also a very good boy at the fir

43、st; however, he was after he owned a secret benefactor, the man settled pip “great expectations” for pip, pip had to go to london to get high education to be a gentleman. for the change of his life he is ashamed of his relationship with his old friends; however, in the end the man which he felt asha

44、med helped him when he was in bad trouble. the gentlemans education and life have turned him from a simple, honest, kind-hearted country boy into a vain, selfish, snobbish gentleman; i think its an irony of englands social system.a writers work in certain time shows the writers thought of that time.

45、 from these of dickens works we could clear that as the time goes by his opinion about life, about the society is also changing. at the beginning, though life is hard he still could see its good side, still have confidence in life; then after some times he began to show his displeasure about the soc

46、iety and the sympathy to the lower class; and his works became more and more mature. i think among these great expectations is the most successful and most mature one, i like it best. zhang boxiang (2005:197) wrote: the later period marks the development of dickens towards a highly conscious artist

47、of the modern type; the novels become heavily symbolic, not only providing the work a predominant atmosphere but also highlighting its central concern.3.2.2 dickens writing style 1) a master story-tellerzhang boxiang (2005:200) said dickens is a genius in story-telling. in his novel david copperfiel

48、d, as story-telling he certainly did an excellent job; but i think he did best in great expectations. in the novel pip narrated his story many years after the events of the novel took place. narrate the story by the character, so actually there are two pips in the novel. however he can still disting

49、uish them very well, the voice telling the story and the person acting it out. imbuing the voice of pip the narrator with perspective and maturity while also imparting how pip the character feels about what is happening to him as it really happens. this is a clear feature of great expectations.2) ch

50、aracterization“dickens is a comprehensive novelist. his character-portrayal is the most distinguishing feature of his creation. his word seems to be fuller and richer than many other novelists.”(zhang boxiang 2005:200) after getting familiar with his works i find dickens is very good at child charac

51、ter description; he can always write a child character from a childs point of view, thus made the whole work vivid and attractive. in great expectations pip was described as from a little boy to a young man, still his different times actions are all suitable for his age; this showed dickens perfect

52、writing.3) his work is humor and pathosdickens believed that life is itself a mixture of joy and grief; life is delightful because it is at once comic and tragic. he is a great humorist; from great expectations i could find this very easily. for example, he called his waiter “avenger”, this also has

53、 satirical tone to some extent; and he wrote joes hat as “birds-nest with eggs”, which sound very interesting. in his novel he always show his love and sympathy for those poor, weak, innocent, injured and neglected good people and fights; made the story full of pathos.iv. analysis of symbolic writin

54、g 4.1 brief introduction of the novelpip, a young orphan living with his sister and her husband in the marshes of kent, sits in a cemetery one evening looking at his parents tombstones. suddenly, an escaped convict springs up from behind a tombstone, grabs pip, and ordered pip to bring him some food

55、 and a file for his leg irons. pip obeys, but the fearsome convict is soon captured anyway. the convict protects pip by claiming to have stolen the items day pip is taken by his uncle pumblechook to play at satis house, the home of the wealthy widow miss havisham, who is extremely strang

56、e: she wears an old wedding dress everywhere she goes and keeps all the clocks in her house stopping at the same time. during his visit, he meets a beautiful young girl named estella, who treats him coldly and contemptuously. nevertheless, he falls in love with her and dreams of becoming a wealthy g

57、entleman so that he might be worth of her. he even hopes that miss havisham intends to make him a gentle man and marry him to estella, but his hope are broken when, after months of regular visit to satis house, miss havisham tells him that she will help him fill out the paper necessary for him to become a common laborer in his familys business.with miss havishams guidance, pip is apprenticed to his brother-in-law, joe, who is the village blacksmith. pip works in the forge unhappily, struggle to better his education with the help of the plain, kind biddy and facing joes helper, orlick. one


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