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1、2018-2019年七年级期末英语测试趣满分120分时问100分绅第一部分听力(40分)一.听句子送择正确图片每个句子读一過,(1()分)2.3.4.二.听句子.选择正确苔语匸超个句子-. ou.C YCSJ doC Yes, 1 Call三.听対话及冋越.选择正确答案誓段対话及问題涣炳逅。(W分)()11. A ThC StatiOn B TbC POSt OfriCCC. ThC bkstorr.()12. A. HCS taking a PhOlOB. HC IS fl% Ing a kiteC. HC s nding a bike.()13 A FIrSl turn right.and

2、 Ihal IUnl ICnB TUjTI ngh(h ceC FirM IUm ICn and IhCn IUm rh()14. A. OnoC a month. B. OnCCa) rC. Onccaucck.()15 A Yes, there is B No. IhCrC isnt C WCdOnt know .闪听短文.i禅正1件區短文读科.L ( IO分) )16 CharIIe UltS bo onA. MalXrh 2lst B March 20ih C. MaX 2Xh )17gave CharliC a pair Of ShOCSA CharlIC n uncle B Cli

3、arlic S aunt C. CbarliC * S ParCntS)18 GlalIIU IlkMI UIVZslA books B. applesC. ShOCS()19 CIIaflio S UIIClCMid CiMIlliC UWUklA. Cal more food B. read more books C. S(Ud) hard()20. Charlie is years old.A.6B. 7C. 13第二部分基础知识运用单顶迭择(毎题1分,共IS分)21.does JoUr brother 0 to IhC Iibran ? -TiCC a kA. HOU far B. H

4、Ou many CHoWIOng D. HOW OftCn InUCh BI HOZ long C HoU man, D Ho i(23you IlkC music cr much Dld ou SIng a Song al IhC pari9No. but IfeICn A. did B doCS C. ddnt D. SingS )24 XMlaI kindOrhOUSC dox ant ioVCnVl -*I ant a houcQgardCn.A UJIder B. On C. WithD. in.B goesIIPStaIrS C. go (oIIPSIaIrS D go IIPaI

5、rS()26 ThCrC is a douthe WaIl and IhCnC IS a pclurc it.A. on: in B. m. In C. on; On D .n; on()27 She* S her wallet but ShC Call, t itA. IOOklng for: find B. look, find C. looking for. finding D finding: IoOk fix )28 LlndaOnCnher hoesB iSdoIng: watchesC t$ doing: is UaIChing DdoCs: is UaUhing IS)can

6、old. TOdaj is hsbrthdaA fifth. Ah B. five: fie C Gc .fih D, fifth five )31.-Torn don* t IbrgClOUrrandParClItSafterSChoOl OK Mom. IWOnlA IOViSn B. V ISitIng ClOPla) D pla%ng( )32. -ThClC ISWith IUy COlnPUter.-Oh SOrn to bear Ihat YOU Can Catl IhC SCn ice CenICr Ibr helpA WrOng SOmCthingB something Wn

7、MlgC. on、Ihiflg WrOngD. xg anything()33.UlIh IhC help Of IhC ICaChCr .the bo COUId read SOmC books(he age Of five.A. with: at B Of at C With : In D. Under .n()34 Thrc atv Iot Of ChildrCnbaskc4ball On IhC phground.A. pla B. plas C to PklV D. placing()35 It S SOOd US to help the PeOPIC and children th

8、e StrCCtA .for : Valk OeroSS B to .acroM C. to; CrOM D. (on across二.完形换空 ( M分I CCICbaited ny twelfth brthda UIth all Itn friends ad fanh Iay year. VK parents took InC (o go shopping, and L36 me omc ox .1 ZM re,II、(貝的h Ibr IhCir wonderful Prevents 37 IhiS year. T dicin l SCC an friends and o ddn ( go

9、 ShoPPmg WiUIr S the 3? Did the fbfc?,What about m brtlia parts this year? , I asked nn ParCntS * Jud、 ICIk do 39 different IhIS car c IlgOtOa PlaCe tomorrow Picase make SUrC to UkC XOUr sa mg box I)CCaUSC m、SmaIl SjhIng box 45 help IhOSC ChlldrCn HCIPlng OtherS IS really 丿 wonderful thing36 Abrough

10、t37ASOB PCfIbnllVdB- BlltC boughtC . IfD CCkbnUCd38 AIimCB ColOrC ma(cD UIaPCD Somethlng )JU AonB. fromC. atD. With )41 A PIannCdB IOOkC CnjojCdD艸CO 42 A poorB nosC InagICD. oung )43 . A. booksB ten sCfOOdD. moncx Ihing问渎理解(30分)(A)EVentXxh 毎个人)has a home PeOPle IiVe In InalB (Ilrterent kinds OfhCUSe

11、S AnIlnaIS hove dfterent homes,tooSOmC animals lc in holcsundcr IhC ground ThC mouc IiVCS UndCr IIK ground Hkhomchaslzodoon Ifan、 muhui1 COlUCS IUto OnC r tlc IuUUSC goes OUt iu IIIC OthCr one. SoIUC buds IIVC Ul holes Ul trees, lhc COiUC OUI for food In IhC datmc( 白大 and go back to SlCq) at night S

12、naiIS () homes arcqutc )ntcrcstig ThCV Carn their homes On IhCir backs. COnS cats and dogs IhC in PCoPlC, S homesV cu MX all kinds Of nua5 UI the ZOO Il IS i big home Ibr luuld be GccO 46 ThC sor IS aboutA. (he homes Of Mmc anmahC. M)IuC PCOPIC()47IlVC UndCr IhC SrOUndA- COwS B. SnaiISB SOmC IlWgD.

13、SOIIIC animalsC MiCC D CatS()48 ThCrC arcJoor (S) tn IhO mouse S house.A. four B OnC C. IhreC D. InO()49 AnimalS homes are in Imr B IhC SaaW C. dfTront D in holes()50 AnlmaIr homes arcA- on their backsB holes C in PCOPIC S homes D- above dl(B)A IOng IifC IB great Ibr cvetote E Cfy OllC uaU to h c a

14、IOng IiiC- I kxo two tutn KISterV C IK* J ). ThU c LUey and LilV ThCy both have IOng IlVCS- ThC just CdCbratCd IhClrI(MIth b)da!I.uc and LiIy ZCrC bom On NmCmbCr 20Ih 1916 ThC lin Mlcrs VCnI to (heMmC school, had IhC SamojOb and no、 IlVe m ChC SanIe IK)IIse. A (CyX months 咚o tlcs CdCbrmed IheIr Iwhh

15、 I)Mhdm (Ogether The had a olcrfiI brthda p3rt In tlClr house. Tho KCd IbCir frnds and fanl to COlTK to IhC part、 It VaS a SUnnX Sunda、 and CVCnOnC had a good time*Wc OftCn CCIebrMC OUr birthdays together. LUCyMys Ten years ago. WC CCJCbratCd OUr90Ih birthday togcticr LaSlxCar. cCekbraiodOUr99th brt

16、h PCOPle ask them how to keep a IOng life, f* Hard XVork and good food help a IOt ThateS all I Can think about W LiK $as. BIII IhCX asked (heir IYiCndS and IamIIj to UsC SOmC moncx lo do good things At sch an OId n驴. Ihey tll Uant to do SoInething to help OtherS We MhOuki Ieam from Lucy and LiKLcls

17、Zlsh IhCm a happ and IOng Il(C!()51 WTlen WCrC Ihe twin SIStCrS bom?A. Oil Nocmbcr I2d. 1916. B On November 2(ih.1961C. On November 2 with ?A Tcir ChildrCnB. ThCIr ParCntSC ThClr fnends and fanh D ThCir fnends and (CMhCrS()S3 Where dl thc CCICbratC their HJ(MJl birthday ?A- In IhC church.B- In dcr h

18、ouse.C In their gardenD In the Nrk()54. Hoxv COn vc live a IOng IIft?A WC CalI do SPOfU ccr day. B WC Cal) sU、at home c、Cfy daC We CanWOrk hard and Cat Well D. We Can pla happily every day ()55 What did IhC hn SISICrsIhCIr friends Snd famK do On IIKlr birthday。A. Io giC IhCiU PrCsCUts. B. TO give th

19、em SCaIC IlloiIc.C TO COok them good food D TO UsC SOmC monc to help others(Off 读.Uz LCl QUigX ao WatS born CMI JanUmy 3L 1990, in Sichuan V In bc a% IhreC ettrs hl.IoM her IIrn恰 in an accident LlfC VaS very hard for her. bl ShC ncct then Olu her ParClIU al CcacIicis taught her Co do Ulan thing、Shc4

20、ook fbod ndc a bike dax% PICtUrCS ad su SOngS AhCra(CU xesrs ShC COUId sm cn WdI. Ioo In 2(MX. ShC becameCOIICgC MUdCTlI (大).WhaI a great girl ShC ! 限扼刼文内W亢战下列ft.务U56. 任务一:Xt旬中iffll线部分提何.57. 任务二:把句译成汉语。 5.任务三:JfiSM处词fil的含义:59. ttW:左处境入一个适当的单味60. ( 务 K:选畀案 From the StOn- WC Can guess ()A. LCi Qing J

21、ao Can, IgO lo SChOoI bocusc the has no armsB. LeI Qing、ao S ParcnIS do t Uke her In allC. LCl Qngao ts a Smart and hard-working girlD 3 Qing、0O i$ 3 COIICgC MIIdCnI nowH.综合填空(每Ji 1分.爪10分)LaSl Saturdx VaS LLSa 5 brthda It as a SUnln and Uann d 61 ShC had a big brlhda part、Uldl her fnends I he ParlX

22、b at 5: OU p.m. Lua S mother made a big dinner for IhCtlI TbC food X aS ICn dcbcious AftCr dinner they danced and p(3gamc DaVid Sang an Eli$】ish sog KJtC PCrfbrTnCd so c*c With ten CandICS On the table It was LlSa S b PrCSCnt Iler fincnds Sat a her and SalIg Happ BInhdax Ibr her. LiM made a v 67.Tcn ShC boul the CalldkS LISa also gocnds ” I rcalh Itum a wonderful bihdax Party61 62 63 64 65 66 67 &69 70五书面表达。5分)咋灭(5 H H u.星WlA)吸I.你们在学松悴场为刖来任叔的两幺关m芒丽举办JZ场攻理晚2在g r 冋学们吧歆、姚以 和E师们 出做游戏尊。洁发Wftllfe,埠;SOO个洌左右的日记。晏求诰法止鋤,谱总连乩Sunda. Mm 12thSUIIny七年级英语答题卡听力部分(40分)题号12345678910答案BD


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