1、2005年12月24日四级考试a卷阅读部分点评旷小勇(michael) 一、总述本次四级考试阅读部分的考查,无论从题材、文章难度还是题目难度与上一次(2005年6月18日四级)考试并没有非常大的变化,因此考生只要掌握正确的做题方法和必备的英语能力,拿到32分以上,甚至满分是完全可能的。首先,四篇文章的题材分别是产品全球化(globalization)、教育资金短缺(education budget shortage)、压力(stress)以及说抱歉(saying sorry)。其中,第一篇文章讲的产品是我们熟知的lays potato chip(乐事薯片),为了帮助大家理解这篇文章,我在这篇文
4、生忽略掉了的,事实上,这样的标记非常重要,尤其是对于一篇文章的五道题目,其中有两道的出题顺序与文章的行文顺序不一致的时候,如果不注明题号,会造成考生在考场上紧张的情况下反复阅读同一段话,浪费时间。在辅导班上,我都要求所有的同学养成这样的做题“习惯”。)3、将文章中找到的信息与选项做比较,哪个选项更加接近于原文的表述,则该选项就是正确答案。这里需要特别说明的是,我们所说的接近,指的是意义上一致而并非意思完全一样,用一句话来概括就是:the closer, the better。至于做题方法,我想在具体的题目讲解时会做详细解释。注:为了方便大家的理解,我用斜体字在题目中标明“关键词”,用下划线标明
5、 “定位词”。二、题目详解part ii reading comprehension (35 minutes) passage one questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. just five one-hundredths of an inch thick, light golden in color and with a perfect “saddle curl,” the lays potato chip seems an unlikely weapon for global domination. but its m
6、aker, frito-lay, thinks otherwise. “potato chips are a snack food for the world,” said salman amin, the companys head of global marketing. amin believes there is no corner of the world that can resist the charms of a frito-lay potato chip. frito-lay is the biggest snack maker in america owned by pep
7、sico. and accounts for over half of the parent companys $3 billion annual profits. but the u.s. snack food market is largely saturated, and to grow, the company has to look overseas. its strategy rests on two beliefs: first, a global product offers economies of scale with which local brands cannot c
8、ompete. and second, consumers in the 21st century are drawn to “global” as a concept. “global” does not mean products that are consciously identified as american, but ones than consumersespecially young peoplesee as part of a modern, innovative(创新的)world in which people are linked across cultures by
9、 shared beliefs and tastes. potato chips are an american invention, but most chinese, for instance, do not know that frito-lay is an american company. instead, riskey, the companys research and development head, would hope they associate the brand with the new world of global communications and busi
10、ness. with brand perception a crucial factor, riskey ordered a redesign of the frito-lay logo(标识).the logo, along with the companys long-held marketing image of the “irresistibility” of its chips. would help facilitate the companys global expansion. the executives acknowledge that they try to swing
11、national eating habits to a food created in america, but they deny that amounts to economic imperialism. rather, they see frito-lay as spreading the benefits of free enterprise across the world. “were making products in those countries, were adapting them to the tastes of those countries, building b
12、usinesses and employing people and changing lives,” said steve reinemund, pepsicos chief executive.背景知识补充:1、打开网站,最醒目莫过于位于屏幕中上部的广告词:frito-lay, good food for the fun of it! 在广告词后边有个上标tm.这里告诉你,“frito-lay,打造欢乐的上佳食品!”(michael译)那个tm标识,就是trademark“商标”的缩写,表示这样的一句广告词以及效果设计都已经注册。2、frito-lay在世界
13、各地拥有多个畅销的薯片品牌,包括英国的walkers、西班牙的matutano、墨西哥的sabritas及美国的lays。frito-lay相信,不论文化差异,各地的消费者都因为相若的原因喜爱其薯片。公司遂展开研究,验证这个信念,并希望从研究结果中启发市场商机。21.it is the belief of frito-lays head of global marketing that_. a) potato chips can hardly be used as a weapon to dominate the world market b) their company must find
14、new ways to promote domestic sales. c) the light golden color enhances the charm of their companys potato chips d) people the world over enjoy eating their companys potato chips michael点评:按照我们的方法,五大题型的判断方法分别是:1、细节题:1)题目问的是5w,或1h,即when, where, who, what, why; how。2)题目的结构是:(according to, )不完整句子_.2、解释题
15、:有三种情况1)the word “ ” (line 1, para. 3) most probably means_.2)what does bud cook mean by “having a local presence” (line 1, para. 5)? 3)the statement “the business of america is business” probably means “_”.3、结构题:用例子或经历标明、说明什么。in the second paragraph “violin-making” is mentioned to show that_.4、推断题:
16、题目无明显定位词及关键词,所有信息需要考生从四个选项 一一排除。it can be inferred from the passage that_.5、主旨题:题目问的是文章中心、写作目的等,因此题目中一般有main idea, purpose等这样的词出现。往往在考题中会出现一种关于某人对某事的态度、观点这样一种题,实际上,完全可以按照细节题的做法,找到此人此事,用一句话就可以解决:某人对某事的态度、观点一定存在于此人对该事的评论当中。这时候要注意找到该句话中的形容词,形容词表达情感。这道题很容易判断是细节题,其定位词应该是frito-lays head of global marketin
17、g,也就是fl国际市场部的领导,关键词应该是belief,题目问的是fl国际市场部的领导相信什么,所以,可以比较快速的找到第一段第三行有salman amin, the companys head of global marketing,做上标记21,划出该定位词,接着发现后一句话中有个词believe与题目完全吻合,划出believe关键词,那么believe后面的部分就是我们所需要的答案:there is no corner of the world that can resist the charms of a frito-lay potato chip.这个句子理解起来很简单,就是一个
18、there be 加上定语从句,意思是“世界上,没有任何一个角落能够抗拒弗多利薯片的魅力”,听起来是不是有点像我们祖国的台湾情歌王子张信哲先生的歌里面一句词“难以抗拒你容颜”。理解到这里,在比较一下,哪个答案与该句以及接近,很明显就是d答案,全世界的人们都喜欢吃弗多利公司的薯片。看来,你我都无法抗拒了!22.what do we learn about frito-lay from paragraph 2? a) its products use to be popular among overseas consumers. b) its expansion has caused fierce
19、 competition in the snack marker. c) it gives half of its annual profits to its parent company. d) it needs to turn to the word market for development. michael点评:题目问的是从第二段我们可以得出关与弗多利什么方面的信息。这种题考查的是段落的中心思想,表述中心的往往也是一句话,所以,快速浏览一下有没有but,如果有,则重点在后;如果没有,在重点在段首和段尾。在第二段的第二行有but,那么看看后面的一句话the u.s. snack foo
20、d market is largely saturated, and to grow, the company has to look overseas.而且,这句话有一个and, 我们又有个小窍门,句中有and时重点在and后,所以这样一来,我们只看to grow, the company has to look overseas.意思是,要成长,公司不得不寻求海外市场。到此为止,我们发现与这句话意思相近的是d,公司需要转向海外市场求发展。it 对应the company,needs to 对应has to,the world market 对应overseas,for developmen
21、t对应to grow。23.one of the assumptions on which frito-lay bases its development strategy is that_. a)consumers worldwide today are attracted by global brands b)local brands cannot compete successfully with american brands c)products suiting chinese consumers needs bring more profits d)products identif
22、ied as american will have promising market value michael点评:很明显,该题仍然是细节题。定位词应该是frito-lay, its development strategy,弗多利,发展战略;关键词就是one of the assumptions,其中一个假设。【这个题目给考生传递一个信息,今后的题目可能题干上加大难度,主要通过从句:定语从句、表语从句实现。】在文章第三段第一行找到strategy,two beliefs,分别对应定位词和关键词。然后我们发现有first,做上标记,a global product offers econom
23、ies of scale with which local brands cannot compete.意思是全球化的产品带来的规模化经济是本地的品牌所无法比拟的。second,consumers in the 21st century are drawn to “global” as a concept.意思是二十一世纪的消费者认同“全球”这个概念。这句话理解起来可能有点费劲,但我举个例子就知道了。大家去上场买运动鞋、运动服的时候我们想到的是什么呀?nike, adidas啊!为什么?因为他们是国际化品牌啊,看看给nike, adidas做广告的是什么腕就明白了。因此,与其中一个假设对应的就
24、是a,如今,全世界的消费者喜欢国际品牌。24.why did riskey have the frito-lay logo redesigned? a)to suit changing tastes of young consumers. b)to promote the companys strategy of globalization. c)to change the companys long-held marketing image. d)to compete with other american chip producers. michael点评:题目中有一个why告诉我们这道题
25、是细节题,而且考查的是原因。注意,有时候考原因,但答案是以目的的形式给出,大家不要奇怪,想想我们伟大的中文词“原因”、“目的”是不是也非常相似呢。定位词人名riskey,关键词have the frito-lay logo redesigned请人重新设计弗多利的徽标。找到文章第四段第一行第一句话,这句话告诉我们riskey要重新设计徽标,原因在哪呢?看后面一句话,看起来比较长,但要注意句中有两个逗号,两逗号之间的部分我们称为插入语,将这部分括起来,不要管它,这又是一个小窍门!这样,这句话就变成the logo would help facilitate the companys global
26、 expansion.意思是,徽标有利于公司的全球扩张。我们要找的原因也就在此。对比答案可知b为正确答案,目的是为了促进公司全球化的战略。25.frito-lays executives claim that the promoting of american food in the international market_. a)wont affect the eating habits of the local people b)will lead to economic imperialism c)will be in the interest of the local people
27、d)wont spoil the taste of their chips michael点评:定位词frito-lays executives,关键词the promoting of american food。题目问的是弗多利的这些执行官们对于美国食品在全球市场的推广的看法,这个时候一定要注意文中的but。找到第五段第一行,有个but看后面一句话they deny that amounts to economic imperialism. “他们否认”,否认的部分不是他们的观点,再看后面一部分,rather, they see frito-lay as spreading the bene
28、fits of free enterprise across the world.“而是”其中有个短语seeas“把什么看着什么”,其中有个名词benefits,理解便知,他们认为这样的行为是来“传播”利益的,就像布什总统把占领伊拉克称为“传播自由、民主”一样,任何头上长着眼睛的人都知道他说的是假话,但对于做题我们一再强调一切问题的答案都来自于文章,因此该题的答案就非常清楚了,就是他们认为美国食品的推广对当地人民有利,对应的答案是c,以当地人民利益为重。小结:1、这篇文章的出题顺序与文章的行文顺序一致,大大降低了考生的定位难度。2、每个题目的考点都是我在辅导班上一再强调的几个方面:转折处(21
29、、22、25题);段首(23、24、25题);列举处(23题);特殊语法现象(插入语24题)。passage two question 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. in communities north of denver, residents are pitching in to help teachers and administrators as the vrain school district tries to solve a $13.8 million budget shortage blamed on mismana
30、gement. ”were worried about our teachers and principals, and we really dont want to lose them because of this,” one parent said. “if we can help ease their financial burden, we will. ” teachers are grateful, but know it may be years before the district is solvent(有综合能力的). they feel really good about
31、 the parent support, but they realize its impossible for then to solve this problem. the 22,000-student district discovered the shortage last month. “its extraordinary. nobody would have imagined something happening like this at this level,” said state treasurer mike coffman. coffman and district of
32、ficials last week agreed on a state emergency plan freeing yp a $9.8 million loan that enabled the payroll(工资单) to be met for 2,700 teachers and staff in time for the holidays. district officials also took $1.7 million from student-activity accounts its 38schools. at coffmans request, the district a
33、ttorney has begun investigating the districts finances. coffman says he wants to know whether district officials hid the budget shortage until after the november election., when voters approved a $212 million bond issue for schools. in frederick, students parents are buying classroom supplies and of
34、fering to pay for groceries and utilities to keep first-year teachers and principals in their jobs. some $36,000 has been raised in donations from safeway. a chevrolet dealership donated $10,000 and forgave the districts $10,750 bill for renting the driver educating cars. ibm contributed 4,500 packs
35、 of paper. “we employ thousands of people in this community,” said mitch carson, a hospital chief executive, who helped raise funds. “we have children in the school, and we see how they could be affected.” at creek high school, three students started a website that displays newspaper articles, distr
36、ict information and an email forum(论坛)。 “rumors about whats happening to the district are moving at lighting speed,” said a student. “we wanted to know the truth, and spread that around instead.” 26.what has happened to the vrain school district? a)a huge financial problem has arisen. b)many schools
37、 there are mismanaged. c)lots of teachers in the district are planning to quit. d)many administrative personnel have been laid off. michael点评:定位词vrain school district,关键词has happened。题目问的是vrain 大学城已经发生了什么事。其实,在解答这个题的时候,我们似乎还有印象,去年曾报导过河北廊坊的“东方大学城”资金黑洞问题,那这篇文章实际上也就是这个问题,看来中国有这样的问题,美国也不例外。如果上过听过我的阅读课的同
38、学应该还记得,我在讲2001年6月阅读第一篇文章第二道题的时候,强调注意题目和文章中的关键信息,这道题问的是the erosion of the white cliffs in the south of england_.对应文章的第二段首句erosion(侵蚀)of the white cliffs along the south coast of england has always been a problem but it has become more serious in recent years.注意到文章的表述有一个非常明显的时态现在完成时has always been以及ha
39、s become,也就是说侵蚀已经变得很严重了,那么答案也一定是用现在完成时来表述,所以a) will soon become a problem for people living in central england ;b) has now become a threat to the local residents ;c) can be stopped if proper measures are taken ;d) is quickly changing the map of england ,对比一下就立即可以得出b是正确答案。具体到这个题目,我们可以用同样的办法排除b和c,再回到文
40、章第一段首句,可以得知vrain大学城正在解决1380多万的资金缺口的问题,那么答案就是a,vrain大学城已经发生巨额资金问题。27.how did the residents in the vrain school district respond to the budget shortage? a)they felt somewhat helpless about it. b) they accused those responsible for it. c) they pooled their efforts to help solve it. d) they demanded a t
41、hrough investigation. michael点评:题目中有how出现,是细节题,定位词the residents ,关键词respond to the budget shortage。题目意思是:居民们对资金短缺是怎样反应的。出题的模式与2004年6月第三篇文章的第四道题非常相似how did diana respond to the criticisms?当然做法也一样。定位在第一段第一行,the residents are pitching in to help,pitch in的意思为努力投入地工作,所以我们看得出来,居民们的反应是什么呢?一起努力来帮助解决这样的问题!“一
42、方有难,八方支援”,但是在等待别人帮助之前,我们自己也要努力。对应的答案就是c, they pooled their efforts to help solve it. 他们集中力量来帮助解决问题。从这个题目我们要知道,平时学单词的时候一定要扎实,不要只知其一,不知其他,也就是学得不精。28.in the view of state treasurer mike coffman, the educational budget shortage is_. a)unavoidable b)unthinkable c)insolvable d)irreversiblemichael点评:定位词sta
43、te treasurer mike coffman,关键词 the educational budget shortage。题目的意思是,在mike coffman看来,财政资金短缺是。也就是问coffman对这件事情的看法,我们前面讲过,找到这个人,这件事,然后找到形容词即可得出答案。在文章第三段有一句话“its extraordinary. nobody would have imagined something happening like this at this level,” said state treasurer mike coffman. its extraordinary.
44、 it指代的就是上文中的this problem. 形容词extraordinary的意思是unexpected意想不到的,这也就是coffman的看法,所以对应的答案就是b, unthinkable想象不到的。当然,明白了文中extraordinary的意思,如果不认识abcd的四个词,也是很难选对答案的,不过这几个词相对简单,只要在词汇课上听了老师讲前缀、后缀的知识,这几个词也是很容易辨析的。29.why did coffman request an investigation? a)to see if there was a deliberate cover-up of the prob
45、lem. b)to find out the extent of the consequences of the case. c)to make sure that the school principals were innocent. d)to stop the voters approving the $212 million bong issue. michael点评:题干一个why告诉我们需要找的是原因。用coffman以及request an investigation很容易定位到文章第六段第一句话,说的是展开调查,原因在哪里呢?问coffman就知道了。在第二句话,coffman
46、 says he wants to know whether district officials hid the budget shortage until after the november election, when voters approved a $212 million bond issue for schools.原来他想知道那些区政府官员是否隐瞒了资金短缺的事实。对应的答案a,看看是否有故意隐瞒这个问题的事实。30.three high school students started a website in order to_. a)attract greater pu
47、blic attention to their needs b)appeal to the public for contributions and donations c)expose officials who neglected their duties d)keep people properly informed of the crisis michael点评:该题的出题模式与上题相当,所以找到定位词three high school students,关键词started a website,问的是三个高中生成立一个网站目的是什么,需要的是动词短语,因此回到文章的时候,也要留意动词
48、短语。与上题相同的解题理论,找到最后一段的最后一句话“we wanted to know the truth, and spread that around instead.”意思是,他们想知道真相,并且把真相公诸于世。and后面的that指代的就是truth。对应的答案就是d,让人们知道这场危机的真相。小结:1、五道题事实上考的都是细节,而且考点都是首句(26题);特殊标点(引号28、30题)。2、特别提示:运用题干或文章出现的细节迅速解题,如26题运用时态解题。passage three questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passa
49、ge. “humans should not try to avoid stress any more than they would shun food, love or exercise.” said dr. hans selye, the first physician to document the effects of stress on the body. while heres on question that continuous stress is harmful, several studies suggest that challenging situations in
50、which youre able to rise to the occasion can be good for you. in a 2001 study of 158 hospital nurses, those who faced considerable work demands but coped with the challenge were more likely to say they were in good health than those who felt they stress that you can manage also boost immune(免疫的) fun
51、ction. in a study at the academic center for dentistry in amsterdam, researchers put volunteers through two stressful experiences. in the first, a timed task that required memorizing a list followed by a short test, subjects through a gory(血淋淋的) video on surgical procedures. those who did well on th
52、e memory test had an increase in levels of immunoglobulin a, an antibody thats the bodys first line of defense against germs. the video-watchers experienced a downturn in the antibody. stress prompts the body to produce certain stress hormones. in short bursts these hormones have a positive effect,
53、including improved memory function. “they can help nerve cells handle information and put it into storage,” says dr. bruce mcewen of rockefeller university in new york. but in the long run these hormones can have a harmful effect on the body and brain. “sustained stress is not good for you,” says ri
54、chard morimoto, a researcher at northwestern university in illinois studying the effects of stress on longevity ,”its the occasional burst of stress or brief exposure to stress that could be protective.” 31. the passage is mainly about_ a) the benefits of manageable stress b) how to avoid stressful
55、events c) how to cope with stress effectively d)the effect of stress harmonies on memory michael点评:很明显是主旨题,而且是这篇文章的第一道题,预示着这五道题并不轻松,实际上这篇文章也是此次考试最难的一篇。遇到这样的主旨题我们我可以先放在一边,等其他几道题目完成之后再来解决会容易得多。但是,如果直接做这样的题目,也并不是无计可施。我们通常的做法是:迅速浏览文章每一段,看看段中有没有but这样含转折意义的词,如果有,看but之后;如果没有,则重点看首句的名词和动词,找出这些名词和动词后,看看重复次数多
56、的名词及理解各动词的含义。回到选项比较,一般来说概括意义的选项即为正确答案。运用此方法,我们发现第一段首句讲的是人们不应该避免压力;第二段首句讲的是研究标明做挑战性的工作对健康有利,实际上第二段是例子,用来证明首段的最后一句话;第三段说的是压力可以产生某种压力“荷尔蒙”;最后一段说的持续的压力对人没有好处,偶尔的压力有好处。众观全局,我们知道,1、压力不可避免;2、有些压力是有好处的。因此这篇文章的主题自然围绕这两点展开,对比选项可知, a the benefits of manageable stress,可以控制压力的好处,为正确答案。32. the word “shun”(line 1,
57、para.1) most probably means_. a)cut down on b)stay away from c)run out of d)put up with michael点评:这道词汇题的考法并不陌生,也就是单词的解释题,但是这个词shun在我的辅导班上是作为例子讲过的,当时强调的是,面对一个陌生的词汇,我们应该想尽一切办法(by every means)去记忆。谈到这个词,我告诉学生,我是这样记的:shun,去掉中间的h,就是我们伟大的太阳sun,字母h在我们小时候学拼音的时候就把它当成一把椅子,坐在椅子上喝水,而且椅子上面的小孩感觉很爽的样子。好了,我们可以想象一下,在
58、这样阳光明媚的周末,同学们在这里努力地听老师讲课,那有的同学可能就搬出一把椅子去晒太阳去了,他们实际上就是在逃避。当然,没有见过这个单词,也能做对题。定位在文章首段第一句话,“humans should not try to avoid stress any more than they would shun food, love or exercise.”句中有一个比较结构morethan,那么我们就要充分利用这个信息的前后看看是谁在跟谁比,很明显是avoid与shun,那么这两个单词的意思就接近,明白了这一点,我们就很容易得出正确答案b。a是减少,c是用光,d是忍受。33.we can conclude from the study of the 158 nurses in 2001 that_ a) people under stress tend to have a poor memory b) people who cant get thei
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