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1、我国隧道盾构掘进机技术的发展现状 1. 我国盾构隧道掘进技术的发展历史 盾构掘进机是一种隧道掘进的专用工程机械,现代盾构掘进机集机、电、液、传感、信息技术于一体,具有开挖切削土体、输送土碴、拼装隧道衬砌、测量导向纠偏等功能。盾构掘进机已广泛用于地铁、铁路、公路、市政、水电隧道工程。我国的盾构掘进机制造和应用始于1963年,上海隧道工程公司结合上海软土地层对盾构掘进机、预制钢混凝土衬砌、隧道掘进施工参数、隧道接缝防水进行了系统的试验研究。研制了1台直径4.2m的手掘式盾构进行浅埋和深埋隧道掘进试验,隧道掘进长度68m。1965年,由上海隧道工程设计院设计、江南造船厂制造的2台直径5.8m的网格挤







8、动计量装置控制出土量,实现掘进、出土运输自动化。衬砌拼装机的回旋装置首次采用了带制动器的大扭矩液压马达,起重量达5t,运转平衡。盾尾密封装置吸收国外新技术,采用三道钢丝刷,并注入自行研制的盾尾油脂,确保了盾尾密封。盾构推力由尾部周围 48只油压千斤顶提供1.08105kn推力,采用11.3m网格型水力出土盾构,顺利穿越江中段浅覆土层和浦西500m建筑密集区,保护了沿线的主要建筑物和地下管线。该盾构技术成果被评为国家科技进步二等奖和上海市科技进步一等奖。3.土压平衡盾构掘进机的开发和应用70年代以来,英国和日本分别开发了具有刀盘切削的密闭式的可平衡开挖面水土压力的两种新颖掘进机一泥水加压平衡盾构


10、先进的土压盾构技术以后的10余年间,隧道公司又陆续设计制造了10余台3.86.34m土压平衡盾构,用于取排水隧道和地铁隧道。1993年,制造了1台6.34m土压盾构,用于南京市夹江排水隧道工程,穿越粉砂地层,掘进长度1294m。1990年,国务院批准上海地铁1号线开工建设,圆形隧道选用7台6.34m土压平衡盾构推进。第 1台6.34m土压盾构于1991年6月始发推进,7台盾构掘进总长度17.374km,1993年2月全线贯通,掘进施工期仅20个月,每台盾构的月掘进长度达200250m。掘进施工穿越市区建筑群、道路、地下管线等,地面沉降控制在+1cm-3cm。6.34m土压平衡盾构见图。1995




14、台2.2m泥水加压平衡顶管机,用于上海合流二期过江倒虹管隧道工程,在高水压的砂性地层中顺利掘进1220m,其技术成果达到国际先进,被评为1999年上海市科技进步二等奖。5. 异形盾构掘进机的研究和应用常用的盾构隧道掘进机为圆形,主要是圆形结构受力合理,圆形掘进机施工摩阻力小,即使机头旋转也影响小。但是圆形隧道往往断面空间利用率低,尤其在人行地道和车行隧道工程中,矩形、椭圆形、马蹄形、双圆形和多圆形断面更为合理。日本在80年代开发应用了矩形隧道,在90年代开发应用了任意截面盾构和多圆盾构,并完成了多条人行隧道、公路隧道、铁路隧道、地铁隧道、排水隧道、市政共同沟隧道等,使异形盾构技术日益成熟,异形

15、断面隧道工程日益增多。上海隧道股份于1995年开始研究矩形隧道技术,1996年研制1台2.5m2.5m可变网格矩形顶管掘进机,顶进矩形隧道60m,解决了推进轴线控制、纠偏技术、沉降控制、隧道结构等技术难题。1999年5月,上海地铁2号线陆家嘴车站过街人行地道采用1台3.8m3.8m组合刀盘矩形顶管掘进机施工,掘进距离124m。 近年来,上海隧道股份研究所开展了对双圆隧道和多圆隧道掘进工程的可行性研究,进行了双圆隧道结构的模拟试验,为我国异形隧道的发展做了技术储备工作。6. 我国目前盾构掘进机水平我国从90年代以来,已成功地研制了直径3.86.34m的土压平衡盾构掘进机10余台,用于地铁隧道、引


17、定向钻机等设备。上海隧道工程股份有限公司机械厂是盾构掘进机专业制造厂。19951999年,该厂制造各类盾构32台(其中制造46m地铁盾构5台,修复9台,制造35m盾构6台,制造1.53m盾构10台,制造矩形盾构2台)。土压平衡盾构的设计制造技术水平已接近国际先进水平,国产化率达70,掌握了泥水加压盾构的设计制造技术,并制造了1台直径2.64m的泥水加压盾构。在 tbm掘进机方面,已具备设计制造能力,并为国外厂商制造安装了2台4.88mtbm掘进机。1999年为广州地铁2号线改制了2台6.lm的复合型盾构掘进机。上海隧道股份研究所具有设计开发国外各种盾构掘进机的能力,并有20余项盾构掘进机的成果

18、获国家、建设部、上海市科技进步奖。7. 我国隧道掘进机展望面对21世纪我国城市地下空间开发利用的广阔市场,在20002009年10年间,我国将有20余座城市建设地铁,至少将建250km。而采用盾构掘进机施工将是必然的选择,正在建设中的深圳地铁和南京地铁采用盾构掘进区间隧道;广州地铁2号线、上海地铁3号线、北京地铁5号线均采用盾构法施工。6m的地铁盾构的需求量约达40余台,铁路隧道将有部分采用tbm掘进机,在今后10年内8.6m的tbm掘进机需求量约为6台。水电隧道将有相当一部分采用tbm掘进机,4m的tbm掘进机的需求量约20台。其它城市管道的建设,1.55m的盾构掘进机需求量约为100台。因

19、此,盾构国产化替代进口是我们的目标和主要任务,以每台6m的地铁盾构500万美元计算,40台盾构若全部进口将花外汇2亿美元。铁路隧道8.5m的tbm掘进机每台3000万美元,进口约需1.8亿美元。水电隧道4.5m的tbm掘进机每台1000万美元,20台约需2亿美元。20002009年盾构需求预测见下表。20002009年国内各类盾构的需求量预测表盾构机型 直径(m) 台数 单价(万美元台)引进费用(亿美元) 备注 土压平衡盾构泥水加压盾构 6 70 500 3.5 掘进地铁500km 35 100 200400 3 掘进市政隧道600km 复合型盾构 6 15 600 0.9 掘进地铁120km

20、 tbm掘进机 45 20 1000 2 掘进水电隧道200km 89 6 3000 1.8 掘进铁路隧道60km 总计 181 11.2 由上表预测,今后10年我国隧道掘进机的市场可达10亿美元,若有60采用国产掘进机,至少可节省外汇6亿美元,并可振兴我国的掘进机制造业。chinas shield tunnel boring machine technology development status 1. shield tunnel boring chinas history of the development of technology tunneling shield tunnel b

21、oring machine is a dedicated engineering machinery, modern shield boring machine-machine, electricity, liquid, sensing, information technology in one, with cutting soil excavation, transport soil ballast, assembled tunnel lining, measuring oriented corrective functions. shield boring machine has bee

22、n widely used for subway, railway, highway, municipal, electricity and water tunnel project. chinas shield boring machine manufacturers and application began in 1963, the shanghai tunnel engineering company in shanghai soft soil layer on the shield boring machine, precast concrete lining of the tunn

23、el boring construction parameters, the tunnel joints waterproofing system for the pilot study . taiwan developed a diameter of 4.2 m of hand-shield for shallow and deep tunnel boring tests, tunnel boring length of 68 m. 1965, by the shanghai tunnel engineering and design institute of design, the jia

24、ngnan shipyard manufacture 2-diameter of 5.8 m grid squeeze-shield boring machine, boring the two metro tunnel, boring a total length of 1200 m. 1966, the shanghai dapu lu jiangs main highway tunnel project tunnels used by the shanghai tunnel engineering and design institute of design and manufactur

25、e of chinas jiangnan shipyard first super-large diameter of 10.2 m grid squeezing shield boring machine construction, combined with pressure stability excavation of the huangpu river at the end of the tunnel boring smooth, boring a total length of 1322 m. the 1970s, taiwan adopted a diameter of 3.6

26、m and 4.3 m in diameter for two of the grid-shield squeeze in shanghai jinshan petrochemical plant construction of a sewage tunnel and two diversion tunnels, excavation of the 3926 m cross harbour tunnel, and the first or top of the vertical construction of drainage inlets from the new technology. 1

27、980, a shanghai metro line 1 test construction, developed a diameter of 6.41 m knife disc shield boring machine, after squeezing into mesh-type of shield tunneling machine, in the mud in the formation of clay tunnel excavation 1230 m. 1985, the shanghai tunnel engineering jiang yanandonglu the 1476

28、m main tunnel used circular tunnel in shanghai shares the design, manufacture of the jiangnan shipyard in diameter 11.3 m grid-type hydraulic machinery unearthed shield boring machine. 1987 shanghai tunnel shares has succeeded in the development of chinas first 4.35 m of mud and earth pressure balan

29、ce shield boring machine, for the citys south station a cable tunnel project across the huangpu river at the end of silt layer, boring length of 583 m, technological achievements 80 in the advanced international level, and in 1990 received national scientific and technological progress award. 1990,

30、the shanghai metro line no. 1 and works all started, 18 km range seven tunnels used by the french company fcb, the shanghai tunnel shares, the shanghai tunnel engineering and design institute, hudong shipyard joint manufacture of 6.34 m earth pressure balance shield boring machine . tunneling shield

31、 on each 200 m above the surface subsidence control of +1 -3 cm. 1996, the shanghai metro line 2 to re-use the original seven earth pressure shield, and the introduction of companies from france fmt 2-earth pressure balance shield, the tunnel boring 24 km range. shanghai metro line 2 of the shield o

32、n the 10th for the shanghai tunnel company to design and manufacture. in the 1990s, the shanghai tunnel engineering co., ltd. to design and manufacture the six 3.8 6.34 m earth pressure balance shield for the subway tunnel, from the drainage tunnel, cable tunnels, tunneling total length of about 10

33、km. in the 1990s, 1.5 3.0 m in diameter the top of the project is also used knives and machetes-the-earth pressure balance top of the machine, used in shanghai for more than 10 taiwan, boring pipeline about 20 km. 1998, the shanghai huangpu river tunnel project to buy foreign tourists used 7.65 m ar

34、ticulated earth pressure balance shield, the boring machine repair after a good performance, smooth boring tunnels 644 m. 1996, yanandonglu shanghai tunnel engineering 1300 m south of the main circular tunnel from japan by the introduction of the pressure balance 11.22 m mud shield boring machine co

35、nstruction. in 1998, the shares of shanghai tunnel no. 1 domestic successfully developed taiwan 2.2 m mud roof of the pressure balance machine for the shanghai sewage treatment two inverted siphon of the river project, jacking 1220 m. may 1999, the shanghai tunnel successful development of domestic

36、shares 1-taiwan 3.8 m 3.8m rectangular disc combination knife top of the earth pressure balance machine, in the pudong lujiazui subway station tunneling 120 m, completed two people line the street road. february 2000, guangzhou metro line 2 haizhu square to jiangnan village interval tunnel restructu

37、ring of the shanghai tunnel shares 2-6.14 m compound earth pressure balance shield, in the pearl river at the end of weathered rock strata in the excavation. 2. grid squeeze shield boring machine applications june 1965, the shanghai subway tunnel 60 projects range from using the tunnel project and d

38、esign institute of design, the jiangnan shipyard manufacture 2-5.8 m grid squeeze-shield construction, the thrust of 3.724 104kn. tunnel casing about 12 m, boring length of 2 600m. shield advance through the buildings and underground pipelines were not affected. july 1967, the mtr pilot projects are

39、 completed, which is chinas first use of shield construction subway tunnel boring machine. march 1967, the shanghai dapu lu jiang highway tunnel 10.2 m grid squeeze-shield, chief of tunneling 1324 m. shield the thrust of 7.84 104kn. shield across the ground below a depth of 17 30 m of mud and silt l

40、ayer of clay, the shore of the use of precipitation in all unearthed, all unearthed and local pressure extrusion method of construction, in the middle of jiangs partial use of pneumatic compression unearthed the whole law construction. since 1970, shanghai has used grid squeezing shield in the yangt

41、ze river and the coast-to build a six 3.6 4.3 m of drainage and water diversion tunnel. beijing, jiangsu, zhejiang and fujian provinces and municipalities also used shield the construction of a variety of different uses of small-diameter tunnel. 1983, the building of the shanghai huangpu river the f

42、irst two-river tunnel yanandonglu a highway tunnel. 1476m circular tunnel by the main shield tunneling construction, of which 500 m at the end of crossing the huangpu river, 500 m through the town centre-building group. heading to improve speed and ensure safety of the structures along the tunnel, t

43、he shanghai tunnel companys own design and development of the 11.3 m grid-type hydraulic unearthed shield, which is squeezed in the grid-shield developed on the basis of the new boring machine. grid on a 30 cloth can be opened and closed hydraulic gate, a control surface into the soil excavation sit

44、e, area and volume of soil into the role, can assist shield rectification and control land subsidence. grid also laid a 20-string steel pressure of soil, may at any time to monitor site excavation of the soil pressure changes, the first time in the process of achieving shield tunneling construction

45、information. cutting high-pressure water excavation of soil, mud pump and a large mud relay transmission, automatic measuring devices found in control, and boring, unearthed transport automation. lining assembled for the first time the device roundabout with the big brake torque hydraulic motors, li

46、fting capacity of 5 t, running balance. seal the end of the shield of foreign new technologies, use of three wire brush and into the shield of self-developed tail fat to ensure that sealed the end of the shield. shield thrust from the tail around 48 hydraulic jacks to provide 1.08 105kn thrust, usin

47、g 11.3 m grid hydro-shield unearthed, jiang smoothly through the middle of shallow soil layer and puxi 500 m construction-intensive areas, the protection of the buildings along the main and underground pipeline. the shield technological achievements were rated as second-class national scientific and

48、 technological progress awards and shanghai scientific and technological progress award. 3. earth pressure balance shield boring machine development and application since the 1970s, the united kingdom and japan respectively, have developed a knife-cutting the closed excavation of the soil and water

49、can balance the pressure of two new boring machine a pressure balance shield and muddy earth pressure balance shield so that the shield tunneling technology in a new leap forward. 1975, a rise of the japanese industry muddy tunnel pressurized thermal shield, 1978, the earth pressure shield has been

50、widely used. 1987, the shanghai tunnel engineering company to set up earth pressure shield research team, digestion and absorption in foreign earth pressure balance mechanism and shield design and manufacturing technologies on the basis of developed guoneishoutai 4.3 m of mud and earth pressure bala

51、nce shield tunneling machine. 4.35 m earth pressure balance shield using all domestic components, manufactured by the shanghai shipyard, the south station for the citys cable tunnel. crossing the total length of 534 m, tunneling at the end of the huangpu river, the tunnel depth of 21 30 m, mainly th

52、rough the sandy soil silt. tunnel boring smooth settlement of a high-pressure situation under the seal of soil and sand and clay sculpture flow of technical problems, the construction of technical indicators have reached the international advanced level in the 1980s, the technical achievements of 90

53、 state scientific and technological progress award. with the advanced international technology shield the earth pressure after more than 10 years, the company also have the design and manufacture of more than 10 taiwan 3.8 6.34 m earth pressure balance shield for the drainage tunnel and take the mtr

54、 tunnel. in 1993, taiwan has created a shield 6.34 m of earth pressure for nanjing jiajiang drainage tunnel project, through the silt formation, boring length of 1294 m. 1990, the state council approved the shanghai metro line no. 1 and started construction, the circular tunnel selected seven 6.34 m

55、 earth pressure balance shield advance. 1 taiwan 6.34 m shield in the earth pressure in june 1991 starting forward, seven shield tunneling total length of 17.374 km, 1993年2月all through, tunneling construction period only 20 months on each of the tunneling shield length of 200 250 m. driving through

56、the construction of urban buildings, roads, underground pipelines, control of land subsidence in +1 cm -3cm. 6.34 m earth pressure balance shield see figure. 1995 shanghai metro line 2 24 km interval start excavation of the tunnel, metro line 1 project by the seven 6.34 m shield the earth pressure a

57、fter maintenance, continue to be used on the 2nd line interval tunnel boring, while companies from france fmt shanghai and the purchase of the commonwealth of 2-earth pressure shield, coupled with the shanghai tunnel shares created by an earth pressure shield taiwan, a total of 10 earth pressure shi

58、eld for the tunnel construction, and japans mitsubishi heavy industries from the introduction of four 6.14 m earth pressure balance shield. 2000 started the construction of the pearl line 2 subway tunnels still using this interval to 10 6.34 m of earth pressure balance shield. 2000, guangzhou metro

59、line 2 project haizhu square to jiangnan village 3423 m interval tunnel optional 2-6.14 m compound earth pressure shield tunneling construction. from the subway tunnel through the end of the pearl river, the depth of 16 28 m, the main formation for the whole boring weathered rock. 2000, beijing subway line 5 project interval shield tunnel boring pilot


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