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1、06年八级满分作文ambition is the decision one makes and the resolution with which he carries out that decision. it provides us with the required driving force to accomplish any undertakings in our life. just as joseph epstein, a famous american writer put it, “and as we decide and choose, so are our lives f

2、ormed.” indeed, once we make up our minds to choose to do something, then our life becomes meaningful and specifically orientated. this notion of life, as far as i observe, is closest to truth and does apply to almost all aspects of life. first things first, ambition renders us a sense of mission. n

3、o matter what decision you make you have to be responsible for your choice. your choice procures you a sense of orientation, or more specially a sense of mission. and only a strong mission may enable one to accomplish greatness. caesar of the ancient roman empire was urged by his ambition “i came, i

4、 saw, i conquered.” and became an unrivaled empire builder in the history of rome. john milton, stimulated always by his ambition that aimed at writing some “mighty lines” which england would unwillingly forget, had in due time secured his position as the second shakespeare in the history of english

5、 literature. in the second place, ambition can bring ones potentials to the full. ambition may well serve as a catalyst activating ones dormant potentials. without ambition ones potentials will remain slumbering like a dormant volcano. a case in point is ms zhang haidi, a chinese helen keller. it wa

6、s her ambition to be a useful person has turned the almost paralyzed zhang haidi into a well accomplished figure whose achievements would dwarf those of some normal people aim at the sun, though, at worst, they may probably land on the moon. influential as it is upon us, however, ambition must be ch

7、anneled in the right direction. if wrongly directed, ones ambition may bring havoc on him and others. hitler, whose ambition was to conquer europe by whatever evil means, finally turned him into a demon. it was this demon that almost cast europe into an unfathomable abyss of anguish and suffering. a

8、nother case is macbeth whose ambition was to become the king of scotland. however, his ambition was materialized by the murder of king duncan. consequently, unbearable guilt and psychological agony drove him to his tragic doom. to sum up, ambition can benefit us tremendously if wisely and correctly

9、channeled, otherwise it may ruin others and ourselves. a poet says: life can be bad; life can be good; life can be dirty; life can be sad,; life can even be painful. in my minds eye, a person can make his life beautiful, meaningful and rewarding and stand out as a respectable personage if he is moti

10、vated by a well-orientated ambition.-八级范文some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. others think that it is always better to have a teacher. which do you prefer? use specific reasons to develop your essay.most of us can learn how to do something simple on our own

11、 with just a set of instructions. however, to learn about something more complex, its always best to have a teacher.teachers bring with them varied and useful backgrounds. theyve been trained to teach individuals in different ways depending on their style. for instance, omen students learn better by

12、 discussing a topic. others learn more by writing about it. teachers can help students learn in the way thats best of each student. a textbook or a manual can only give you one way of learning something. plus theyre only as helpful as your ability to understand them. a good teacher can adapt her tea

13、ching to your needs.teachers help you focus on what youre learning. if youre learning something by yourself, its easy to become distracted, and go on to other activities. teachers keep your attention on the subject. they also approach a subject logically, taking it one step at a time. on your own, i

14、ts tempting to skip parts of the learning process you think you dont need. that can binder your ability to really understand the subject.learning a subject on your own is a very narrow way of learning. you can only use the information you get from the textbook. with a teacher, you get the informatio

15、n in the written materials as well as the teachers own knowledge of the topic. teachers can also provide extra materials to broaden the scope of what youre learning.theres nothing wrong with studying on your own, and a learner can always benefit from some quiet study. for the best possible learning,

16、 though, a good teacher is the biggest help you can have【题目】a company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. do you support or oppose the factory? explain your position. 【范文】 a facto

17、ry near the neighborhood having a factory near where one lives brings with it both advantages and disadvantages. an obvious advantage is an increase in the number of available jobs, and many people in the community might find employment in the new factory. the factory would bring money into the comm

18、unity in other ways as well. it would have to pay some taxes to the local government, and workers might go shopping or eat at a restaurant in the area before or after their shifts. however, the factory would bring some disadvantages, too. depending on what kind of factory it is, it might pollute the

19、 environment and bring down property values. it would be sure to increase traffic in the area, causing congestion and making it unsafe for children to play outside. finally, the neighborhood would become a noisy, busy place. for all of these reasons, i would be opposed to the construction of a new f

20、actory near my community. while the employment opportunities would help the community, i believe it would be better for residents to commute to work and preserve the peace of our neighborhood. 【译文】 住家附近的工厂 住家附近有工厂既有优势也有弊端。一项明显的优势是工作机会会增加。社区内的许多居民可能会在新工厂找到工作。工厂也会以其他方式为社区带来收入。它必须上缴给当地政府部分税金,工人也可能会在轮班工

21、作的前后在当地购买东西或在餐厅用餐。 然而,工厂也会带来某些弊端,这取决于工厂的性质。它可能会污染环境,造成房地产价格下跌。工厂一定会使当地的交通流量增加,导致交通阻塞,使得小孩在外面玩耍变得不安全。最后,社区附近地区会变得既热闹又嘈杂。基于这些理由,我反对在社区附近兴建新的工厂。虽然就业机会能造福社区,但我认为还是居民乘车上下班,保持社区附近环境的安宁比较好。 living in university dormitories or apartments in the community?i think it is better for college students to live on

22、campus during their first two years, and then move into an apartment for off-campus life, while juniors and seniors need the independence of off-campus life. students needs change over four years, so their housing should too.living on-campus makes it easier to get oriented to the way things are done

23、. you get the whole university experience. plus, you interact more with other students. this includes not only your roommates, but everyone in your dormitory. the older students in the dormitory can be a big help for the new students. keeping up with studies in your first year is hard enough. you sh

24、ould not have to worry about finding your way around and figuring out the university bureaucracy. living in the dormitory also makes a student feel more a part of the university community. there are more opportunities for becoming involved in university activities and networking with students and un

25、iversity administration. living off-campus, however, is a definite advantage for older students. finding an apartment, dealing with leases and the landlords regulations, cooking meals, and figuring out budgets are all good practice for life after graduation. this kind of independence helps older stu

26、dents grow in adulthood. off-campus housing also gives students a better perspective on what is going on around them. campus can be like little worlds of their own. there are few children or older people and everyone is focused on education. getting to know neighbors who are not students is good for

27、 students coming from difference places. it is a chance to find out what other people think and feel. i think a combination of two years on-campus and two years off-campus is a winning combination for most students. myopiniononadvertisement-advertisements appear everywhere in modern society. there a

28、re many way to advertise and ads come in different forms. newspapers and billboards carry advertisements; some products are announced on tv and radio which have a wide audience.advertising is a big industry and many agencies are set up for furnish a variety of services for it.however, advertising is

29、 not welcome sometimes. a most irritating thing is to watch advertisements before and during films on tv. there are so many of them that they make you forget what you are sitting there for. the ironical thing is that advertisements of one type of things are often shown one after another so that you

30、are confused as to which product you should choose.whats more, advertising is not always truthful. the advertisers exaggerate the benefits of the merchandise they want to sell in order to gain more profits. thus the consumers fall victim to such advertising.although there are disadvantages of ads, w

31、e can not forget the advantages and the conveniences they bring to us. first, by telling us where something is available, they may save us money and time. they guide us in finding suitable jobs and other information as well. secondly, a wide range of activities and institutions receive financial sup

32、port through advertising. without this support we would have to pay much more for newspapers and sports games. thirdly, perfect advertisements even provide entertainment. a considerable amount of effort goes into their production. so in most cases the photography is truly artistic, the slogans are g

33、enuinely witty, and the situations are decidedly funny.generally speaking, advertisements have become one of the most authoritative voices speaking to us today. let us make our life easier by learning to choose proper ads, and be the master of advertisements, not their salve. people have different v

34、iews on what children should do at a very early age. some think that children should begin their formal education and start to spend most of their time on studies. others believe that it is still time for young children to play. both views are based on respective ground. those who argue for the play

35、ing time for children suggest that children at a very early age are still too young to focus their attention on learning. their brain may not be ready for serious studies such as comprehension and memorizing learning materials. these people are partially right, for it is true that young children can

36、 hardly concentrate. their attention on one thing lasts for no longer than 15 minutes or so. but we can arrange classes for shorter periods, cant we? and we can shift teaching subjects. through putting them to study, young children are occupied with learning but not with playing. those who argue for

37、 childrens early commencement for formal education believe that being put to studies, children can develop good habit of studying, for the process of learning helps develop childrens mental abilities like the ability to memorize, the ability to understand and the ability to do simple calculation. ch

38、ildrens habit of studying and love for learning are of great importance to youngsters because these two things set up the sound foundation for their future studies. having children start formal education at a very early age benefits young children much more than simply letting them play most of thei

39、r time. a good habit needs a long time to develop to become a second nature. more importantly, it is better to develop a good habit before a bad one may grow. similarly, the love for learning should take toots for before the love for playing is established. a person should never make an important de

40、cision alone, important decisions should be well thought out. people, who know you well, know what is best for you, and close to you can give you good advice, give you a different perspective, or share their own experience.when i had difficulty deciding which classes to take in collage, i talked to

41、my teachers and advisors; they had the knowledge and expertise to help me determine which classes were the best ones to take for my future career. without their advice, i might have chosen unsuitable courses.in collage, i had convinced myself that i was not good enough to act in the school play. the

42、refore, i decided not to audition even though drama had always been my passion. the day of the audition, a friend of mine asked me why i was not auditioning. when i told her i did not feel i was good enough, she was shocked. she was able to provide me with another perspective on myself and my talent

43、s. i rethought my decision and tried out.and got a lead in the play.last year when i was trying to decide whether or not i should study overseas, i talked to my friend. this was the best thing i could have done. this was a big decision for me because i had never been overseas on my own and i was not

44、 sure if i could do it. she had studied overseas the precious year. she told me about the challenges and opportunities i might encounter and helped me make the right decision. i went and it was amazing.whenever i am faced with an important decision, i seek advice from others so that i am well-inform

45、ed and have the benefit of their perspective and experience. -human life can not continue without science and technology. for many years, human society has developed with the advance of science and technology while the development of science and technology has in turn brought the process to mankind.

46、 so the life we are living now is more civilized than that of our fore fathers.the development of science and technology have brought about many changes in peoples life. for example, the invention of television and space rocket have opened a new era for mankind. through the use of tv people can hear

47、 the sound and learn the events happening thousands of miles away. owing to the invention of spaceship and rocket, the dream of mans landing on the moon has now come true.science and technology also play an important role in our socialist construction. we may say, our socialist construction is just

48、like a skyscraper, while science and technology are its base. without the base, the skyscraper cant be built. therefore, we should try our best to contribute to the development of science and technology so as to provide a more solid base to build our country. onopenpolicythe open policy means that o

49、ur country is open to investment, trade and technical and economic cooperation with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. the purpose of open policy is to acquire advanced technology, management skills to serve our socialist construction so as to promote the realization of the

50、 four modernizations.we must adhere to the open policy. because economic relations between states today have become increasingly close, and no country can possibly advance behind close doors. only in this way, can we gradually close the gap between our country and the developed countries.through the

51、 implementation of policy, we can learn advanced technology and managerial expertise from abroad; make full use of the foreign capitals to set up great enterprises; absorb useful and healthy ideas and new knowledge of the modern civilization; and broaden our views and raise our level of competence.

52、people attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). why do you think people attend college or university? use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.people attend colleges or universities for a lot of d

53、ifferent reasons. i believe that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to increase their knowledge of themselves and the world around them.career preparation is becoming more and more important to young people. for many, this is the primary reason to

54、 go to college, they know that the job market is competitive. at college, they can learn new skill for careers with a lot of opportunities. this means careers, such as information technology, that are expected to need a large workforce in the coming years.also, students go to colleges and universiti

55、es to have new experiences. this often means having the opportunity to meet people different from those in their hometowns. for most students, going to college is the first time theyve been away from home by themselves. in additions, this is the first time theyve had to make decisions on their own.

56、making these decisions increases their knowledge of themselves.besides looking for self-knowledge, people also attend a university or college to expand their knowledge in subjects they find interesting. for many, this will be their last chance for a long time to learn about something that doesnt rel

57、ate to their career.i would recommend that people not be so focused on a career. they should go to college to have new experiences and learn about themselves and the world they live in. it has been said, “not every thing that is learned is contained in books.” compare and contrast knowledge gained f

58、rom experience with knowledge gained from books. in your opinion, which source is more important? why?“experience is the best teacher” is an old clich, but i agree with it. the most important, and sometimes the hardest, lessons we learn in life come from our participation in situations. you can learn everything from a


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