仁爱版八年级下Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 3 Bicycle riding is good exercise Section B教学设计_第1页
仁爱版八年级下Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 3 Bicycle riding is good exercise Section B教学设计_第2页
仁爱版八年级下Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 3 Bicycle riding is good exercise Section B教学设计_第3页
仁爱版八年级下Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 3 Bicycle riding is good exercise Section B教学设计_第4页
仁爱版八年级下Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 3 Bicycle riding is good exercise Section B教学设计_第5页
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1、仁爱版八年级下unit 6 enjoying cycling topic 3 bicycle riding is good exercise section b课时教案 第(22 )课时课题unit6 topic3 section b第( 1)教时课型读写课教学目标knoledge aims:1. ss can master the ords: careless, cause and the sentences:i disagree ith youits easy to i think2 学生能用英语简单地表述交通规则。3 学生能掌握条件状语从句的用法。4 学生能通过单词的重读判断句子表意的重

2、点。skill aims:1 能听懂有关交通规则和交通安全的材料,并从获取信息补全短文或对话。2 能简单地用英语表达交通规则。3 能理解有关交通规则和交通安全等方面的叙述,并从获取需要的信息。4 能用英语制定简单的交通规则。emotional aims:学会遵守交通规则,树立安全意识s教学重难点key points: 1 谈论交通规则。 2 进一步掌握条件状语从句的用法。difficult points: 写出关于遵守交通规则的短文。课前准备computer multimedia projector, phonetic syllable cards, ord cards教法与学法teachin

3、g method: situational-teaching method task-based teaching methodlearning strategy:group-cooperative learning scanning教学过程设计设计意图stage1 getting students ready for learningstep 1 greet the students and get them ready for learning focus their attention on the teacherstep 2:students on duty: the teacher

4、asks the students to report the homeork or let the students retell the advantages of riding bikesstage2 revisionstep 1: the teacher shos the pictures of the traffic accidents and offers the folloing facts: every year, 700,000 people die from the traffic accidents all over theorld, and 100,000 people

5、 die from the traffic accidents in china ho terrible! then ho to prevent the traffic accidents? discuss in groups and report youropinionsstep 2: students report the results of the discussionstage 3 pre-listeningstep 1 the teacher asks the students to look at the picture of 1a, and leads to the ne le

6、sson: kangkang and michael are talking about the traffic accident in caishikou street lets atch the flash of 1a and find out their opinions about ho to prevent the traffic accidentsstep 2 students observe the picture and prepare for the ne lessonstage 4 while-listening step 1 the teacher plays the f

7、lash of 1a ask the students to find out the anser to the leading questionstep2 the teacher lets to students give the anserstep3 the teacher plays the flash again and asks the students to underline the ne ords:around the orld ,millions of , more than , less than ,be good forstep 4 the teacher asks to

8、 students to read the ne ords teach the ne ord careless by shoing a paper ith many rong ansersteach the ne ord helmet by shoing a real helmet to the studentsteach the ord light-colored by pointing at a light-colored coat of the students and comparing it ith a deep-colored coatstep5 the teacher asks

9、the students to learn in groups to find out the difficult points in the conversation at last let them sum up the main points of the conversationstep 6 the teacher makes a summary to explain the key points and difficult points to the students(1) hen riding = hen e are riding(2) get a finestep 7 the t

10、eacher plays the recording sentence by sentencestep 8 the teacher lets the students read 1a, and then complete the sentences and asks to students to tell the ansersstep 9 the teacher asks to students to tell the ansers, and asks the students to retell the sentences of 1bstep 10 the teacher lets the

11、students find out more sentences expressing advice from 1a(1) we should (2)why dont e/ not stage 5 post-listening step 1 the teacher asks the students to look at the pictures of 2a and understand them based on the given ordsstep 2 the teacher asks the students to match the parts of the sentences to

12、make traffic rulesstep 3 the teacher plays therecording of 3a for the students and lets the students listen and read these sentences ask them to pay attention to the stress and understand the focus of each sentencestep 4 the teacher lets the students read the sentences alone note that they can chang

13、e the emphasis of a sentence hen they change the ord that is stressedstep 5 the teacher asks the students to ork in groups and play the if chain game of 3bstep 6 the teacher asks the students to discuss in groups: suppose your school ill have a public activity about traffic safety choose a slogan fo

14、r the activity and asks the students to rite don the slogans ith adverbialstage 6 assigning homeorkstep 1summary: the teacher sums up the activities the group iththe most and correct sentences of adverbial clauses of condition insstep 2homeork(1) revie the summary after class(2) ask the students to

15、make at least five sentences ith “if”pay attention to the tense(3) search the internet for some information about bicycles to prepare for section在于进行师生间问候和常规活动,吸引学生注意力,以便课堂学习。承上启下,通过复习为本节课学习做铺垫。在于激活学生对该话题的背景知识,帮助学生做好语言和话题上的准备。在于训练学生通过所学词汇和话题讨论预测材料,并从材料获取信息的能力。在于鼓励学生根据所听内容进行说读写等技能的提升,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。重音

16、训练,帮助学生形成通过重音表达自我态度的意识以及形成良好的语音习惯。总结知识,布置家庭作业。板书板图设计unit 6 enjoying cyclingtopic 3 bicycle riding is good exercisesection b1 hen riding = hen e are riding2 get a fine3 make a rong turn4 why dont e/not5 break the rules本课时教学评价与反思the students are amazed at the number of the people ho died from the traffic a


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