新人教版高中英语Unit 1《Great women and their achievements》精品学案_第1页
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新人教版高中英语Unit 1《Great women and their achievements》精品学案_第3页
新人教版高中英语Unit 1《Great women and their achievements》精品学案_第4页




1、新人教版高中英语unit 1great women and their achievements精品学案一、语言要点i单元要点预览(旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点)词汇部分词语辨析1. campaign / war / battle 2.worth / worthy / worthwhile 3. argue / debate词形变化1. connect vt.连接;联系;接通电话 vi.连接,衔接connection n.联系,关系;连接2. argue vt.&vi.讨论;辩论 argument n.c争论;争辩;3. crowd n. 人群,群众;v. 聚集;挤满;挤,推crowded a

2、dj.充(拥)满了的,拥挤的4. inspire vt. 鼓舞;激发;启示inspiration n. 鼓舞;灵感inspired adj.受灵感启示的inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的5. considerate adj.体贴的,体谅的consideration n.考虑,要考虑的事;体贴considerable adj.相当大(或多)的6. deliver vt.递送(邮件),接生;生(小孩);发表(演说)delivery n.c,u投递;演讲deliverer 递送者重点单词 1. achievement n.c成就,功绩 2. behave vt.&vi. 举动;(举止或行为)表现

3、3. observe vt. 观察;观测;遵守4. respect vt.&n. 尊敬;尊重;重视 5. argue vt.&vi. 讨论;辩论;争论 6. support vt.&n. 支持;拥护;支撑;赡养;给予帮助 同情等的人7. intend vt. 计划;打算 8. deliver vt. 接生(小孩),递送,发表(演说) 重点词组1. look down upon / on蔑视;瞧不起2. refer to 谈到;查阅;参考;查询;提及;指而言3. come across (偶然) 遇见;碰见4. carry on 继续;坚持5. live/lead a. life过着的生活重点句

4、子1. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day.2. only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.3. she also worked hard to make as many countries as possible agree not to use them.重点语法主谓一致(见语法部分)iii 词性变化 (旨在提供语法填空所需材料)1

5、. connect vt.连接;联系;接通电话 vi.连接,衔接connection n.联系,关系;连接2. argue vt.&vi.讨论;辩论 argument n.c争论;争辩;3. crowd n. 人群,群众;v. 聚集;挤满;挤,推crowded adj.充(拥)满了的,拥挤的4. inspire vt. 鼓舞;激发;启示inspiration n. 鼓舞;灵感inspired adj.受灵感启示的inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的5. considerate adj.体贴的,体谅的consideration n.考虑,要考虑的事;体贴.considerable adj.相当

6、大(或多)的6. deliver vt.递送(邮件),接生;生(小孩);发表(演说)delivery n.c,u投递;演讲deliverer 递送者【练习】用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空。1). it was _ (consideration) of you not to play the piano while i was asleep.2). the good news _ (inspire) us with hope.3). the children had an _ (argue) about what game to play. 4). please pay on _ (delive

7、r). 5). taking everything into _ (consider), the event was a great success.6). the narrow roads were _ (crowd) with holiday traffic.7). what is the _ (connect) between the two ideas? 2. worth / worthy / worthwhileworth 只能作表语,其后接钱数、名词或及物动词的动名词的主动一般形式: be worth doingworthy可作表语,后接of+名词/of+动名词的被动形式/不定式的

8、被动形式: be worthy of + n./ of being done / to be done 也作定语,“值得的”,“有价值的”:a worthy winner名副其实的赢家worthwhile可作表语和定语: a worthwhile job 值得做的工作 it is worthwhile to do/doing【练习】根据句子的意思在括号里填入适当的词。1). the necklace was _ 100 francs at most. 2). it s _ to discuss the question again.3). you would find it _ your wh

9、ile to come to the meeting.4). can t you find something _ doing at all? the book is _ _ _ (很值得读) a second time.5). this place of interest is worthy _ _ _ / _ _ _ /_ _ _ (参观).iii 重点词组 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)1. look down upon/on蔑视;瞧不起典例1). she looks down on people whove never been to university. 她瞧不起没上过大学的人。2)

10、. you can t look down upon a person because he is poor. 你不能因为某个人穷而瞧不起他。重点用法 look短语:look on sb./ sth. as = consider sb./ sth. as把某人看作look on 袖手旁观 look into sth. 调查或观察某事物look up 查阅(单词、资料);向上看 look (sb.) up and down 上下打量(某人) look out for sb/sth警惕或留心某人/物练习 根据句子的意思在括号里填入适当的词或翻译。1). he was _ _ _ (被人看不起) b

11、ecause of his humble background. 2). he is _ _ _ (被认为是) the leading authority on the subject. 3). if you want to know how a word is used, _it _ in a dictionary.2. refer to 谈到;查阅;参考;查询;提及;指而言典例 1). we agreed never to refer to the matter again. 我们同意不再谈这件事了。 2). she thought i was referring to her daugh

12、ter when we were talking. 当我们谈话时她以为我指的是她的女儿。重点用法refer to sb./sth. as 把某人/物称作 refer sth./sb. to 把某事提交;让某人向求助 练习 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词或翻译。1). although she didn t mention any names, everyone knew who she was _ _(指). 2). he gave the speech _ _ _ (没有参阅) his notes. 3). he likes to _ _ _ _ (被称为) “doctor khee”.

13、 4). my doctor referred me _ (介词) a hospital specialist. 3. come across = run across = meet by chance (偶然) 遇见;碰见 短语归纳 come短语:come about = happen 发生 come from 来自come out 出现;开花;出版或发表;透露;显出 come up 升起;发生;出现come up with sth 找到或提出(答案办法等)练习 用come短语的适当形式填空。1). i _ _ some new words while reading. 2). his ne

14、w book will _ _ next month.3). she _ _ _ a new idea for increasing sales.4). can you tell me how the accident _ _?5). how did it _ _ that he knew where we were?4. live/lead a. life 过着的生活they live a peaceful life. 他们过着平静的生活。短语归纳 “v. + 同源宾语”结构:smile a. smile 露出微笑 dream a. dream 做了个的梦 sleep a. sleep 睡个

15、觉sing a. song 唱的歌die a. death 怎样地死去 fight a. battle 打的仗laugh a. laugh 发出方式的笑声练习 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词或翻译。1). we are living happily. = we are living _ _ _. 2). _ _ _ _ (多么艰辛的生活) they lived! 3). i _ _ _ _ (做了个美梦) last night.keys: 1). living a happy life 2). what a hard life 3). dreamed/had a beautiful dre

16、am vi 重点句子 (旨在提供句子结构等所需材料)1. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day.()2. only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. 她母亲头几个月来帮过她的忙,这才使她得以考虑自己的计划。解释 以“only+状语(通常是副词、介词短语或从句)”开头的句子要用部分倒装,即将助动词或连系动词置于主语之前,如: 练习 用倒装句

17、型翻译句子。1). 只有用这种方法我们才能把英语学得更好。_ 2). 只有当你看了说明后你才知道怎么使用这台机器。only after you read the instructions _(know) how to use the machine.3. she also worked hard to make as many countries as possible agree not to use them. 她努力劝说尽可能多的国家同意不使用它们(地雷)。解释 as.as possible = as. as one can “尽可能”,第一个as可接adj./adv. 或 many/f

18、ew + n.(pl.) 或much/little + n.u,如:1). be as kind to her as possible / you can. 对她尽可能和蔼些。2). do your homework as carefully as possible / you can. 做作业尽可能地细心。3). read as many useful books as possible / you can. 看尽可能多的书。练习 翻译句子。1). 在写作中,你应该尽量少犯错误。_2). 为了养活一大家人,他卖力工作尽力多挣钱。_二、课文要点1课文词汇等填空(旨在复习本课文中的单词拼写和主要

19、词语等)根据课文内容完成下面语法填空,注意单词拼写和词语用法:jane goodall, 1 had intended to work with animals in their own 2 (环境)since her childhood, went to africa and devoted herself to 3 (study)the behavior of chimps. it was tough but she considered it as a 4 (有价值的)career. through her study, we learned much more about chimps

20、. she argued that the life of these animals should 5 (respect)and they should be left in the wild and not used 6 entertainment. besides, she was very 7 (consider)of these animals. now, she has 8 (实现)every thing she wanted to do, which 9 (激励)those who want to cheer the 10 (成就)of women. 答案: 1. who 2.e

21、nvironment 3. studying 4.worthwhile 5. be respected 6. for 7.considerate 8.achieved 9.inspired 10.achievements 课文词汇集中(注意黑体的词汇,为本单元词汇)in the long-time history of human being, there are a lot of women, who are worthwhile to be respected by us. most of them are specialists, who specialize in some areas. and most of them joined institutes, organizations, welfare projects and so on. many of them are excellent from childhood, t


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