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1、2019 四级仔细阅读练习及答案解析 (15) Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage. Arctic Ocean ice may hold trillions of small pieces of plastic and other synthetic trash,and they are being released into the worlds oceans as global warming melts the ,the ,as polar cap , researchers say,Though the findi

2、ng is surprising and worrying ,the possible harm to marine life is so far unknown,the authors concluded.called micro plastics pollutants come mostly from debris that has broken apart well as from cosmetics and fibers released from washing clothes ,according to the Study,which was published in the io

3、urnA. Earth s Future and first reported by Science magazine. At current melting trends.more than l trillion pieces 5 millimeters or smaller could wind up in the oceans during the coming decade.the authors estimate.The concentration of plastic debris is 1,000 times greater than that floating in the s

4、o.called Great Pacific Garbage Patch.The researchers based their findings on core samples of ice taken during polar expeditions in 2005 and 2010. Rayon was the most colninon synthetic material discovered 54%.Though rayon is not a plastic(its made from wood),the authors included it “because it is a m

5、anmade semi.synthetic that makes up a significant proportion of synthetic microparticles found in the marine environment. ”Rayon is used in cigarette filters, clothing and personal hygiene products.Polyester(聚酯 )was the next most common pollutant found in the ice(21%), followed by nylon(16%) , polyp

6、ropylene( 聚丙烯 )(3%)and polystyrene , acrylic and polyethylene (2%each). The authors cA.led the ice trap“a major histor ic globA. sink of man.made particulates.”and said their findings“go some way to help clarify one of the most puzzling aspects of current understanding on the quantities of plastic d

7、ebris reported in the oceans.”As Science points out , 288 million tons of plastics were produced in 2012. Micro plastics garbage has aso been found on the shores of southernmost Chile ,so the authors said its time to investigate the planets other polar region.“WHile multiyear sea ice makes up a smal

8、ler proportion of aunual sea ice cover in the Southem Ocean.and perenniA. sea ice cover around Antarctica is following different trends,our finding indicate the importance of sampling ice from the Antarctic to see if it too contains micro plastics,” they write. 56.According to the passage.what are m

9、ainly called “micro plastics ”? A. The pollutants come mostly from debris. B. The pollutants come mostly from fibers. C. The pollutants come mostly from cosmetics. D. The pollutants come mostly from daily supplies. 57. What does th e phrase “wind uP ”mean in Para.2? A. putan endto B. screwup C. swee

10、p across D.roll up 58. Why does the author include“rayon”in.though it is not a plastic? A. Because it is a significant manmade semi.synthetic discovered in the ocean. B. Because it is a major natural semi.synthetic appearing in the marine. C.Because it is a minor manmade synthetic dug out in the mar

11、ine. D. Because it is a significant natural synthetic explored in the marine. a major historic 59.What can we infer from the ice trap global sink of mail-made particulates ”? A. The historic sink should be attributed to man-made particulates. B. People on a worldwide scA.e have reaped what they had

12、sown. C. The ice trap is of major historic meaning on the globA. context. D. The major historic globA. sink is derived from the ice melting. 60.Whats the best title of this passage? A. Rayon was the most common synthetic in the ocean. B.It s time to research the planet region. s other polar C.Trilli

13、ons of plastic pieces found in the Arctic ice. D.Trillions of plastic pieces will wind up in the ocean. 56.According to the passage,what are mainly called “ micro plastics ” ?根据文章,哪些东西都被称为“微塑料”? A.The pollutants come mostly from debris. 污染物。 主要是一些碎片 B.The pollutants come mostly from fibers. 污染物。 主要是

14、一些纤维 C.The pollutants come mostly from cosmetics. 妆品污染物。 主要是一些化 D.The pollutants come mostly from daily supplies. 一些日常用品污染物。 主要是 57.What does the phrase wind up ”mean in Para.27 第二段 中“ wind up”是什么意思? A.putan endto 结束 B.screwup 拧紧 C.sweep across 席卷 D.rollup 卷起 “rayon ”in , though it is rayon ”也算在内,即使

15、它并不 58.Why does the author include not a plastic? 为什么研究人员要把“ 是塑料? A.Because it is a significant manmade semi-synthetic found in the ocean. 因为它是海洋中发现的重要的人造半合成品。 B. Because it is a major manmade synthetic appearing in the marine. 因为它是海洋中出现的主要的人造半合成品。 C. Because it is a minor manmade synthetic dug out

16、in the marine. 因为它是海洋中挖掘出来的少数的人造半合成品。 D. Because it is a minor manmade semi.synthetic explored in the marine. 因为它是海洋中探测出的少数的人造半合成品。 59. What Can we infer from the ice trap“a major historic globA. sink of man.made particulates”?从“此次的冰陷是具有 重大历史意义的世界性人造微粒造成的陷阱”这句话中能推断出什 么? A.The globA. ice trap should

17、be attributed to man.made particulates. 此次世界性的冰陷应该归因于人造微粒。 B.People onaworldwide scalehave reapedwhattheyhad sown. 世界范围内的人们都已经自食其果。 C. The ice trap is ofmajor historic meaning on the global context. 此次冰陷具有重大的历史意义。 D.The major historic global sink is derived from the ice melting. 具有重大历史意义的世界性冰陷是海冰消融的结果。 哪一个是本文的 60. Whats the best title of this passage? 题目? A1 Rayon the mos


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