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1、虚拟语气,1,虚拟语气,什么是语气?,语气是动词的一种形式,用以表示说话人对某种言行或某种事情的看法或态度。 英语有三种语气:陈述语气,祈使语气和虚拟语气。 陈述语气一般用来讲述事实或提出疑问。常常用于陈述句、疑问句和感叹句。 e.g. I took a shower after supper. What are you going to do? What a beautiful flower! Get out of here!,2,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,什么是虚拟语气?为什么要学习虚拟语气?,3,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,虚拟语气是一种

2、特殊的动词形式,表示说话人所说的话不是一个事实,而是一种假设、猜测、怀疑等;表示说话人的愿望、要求、命令、建议等 (在宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句)。,4,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,如果你早来几分钟的话,你就能见到他了。假如天气好的话,我来看你。(PS此时为雨季) 要是我是你的话,我会马上走。,if,5,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,在从句中,虚拟语气,在短语中,在if中,在宾语从句中,在定语从句中,在主、表语从句中,在if only中,在would rather中,6,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,如果你早来几分钟的话,

3、你就能见到他了。假如天气好的话,我来看你。 要是我是你的话,我会马上走。,过去,将来,现在,if,7,虚拟语气,一、虚拟在条件从句中 的用法分三种情况(以 do 为例):,The Subjunctive Mood,8,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,9,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,If you had come a few minutes earlier, you would have met him. 要是你早来几分钟的话,你就能见到他了。 If it were to be sunny tomorrow, I would come to see y

4、ou. 明天要是天气好的话,我来看你。 If I were you, I would go at once. 假如我是你的话,我会马上走。,10,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,If you me, I could have helped.(tell) If I it with my own eyes, I would not have believed it. (see) If we a table earlier, we wouldnt be standing here in queue.(book) If Tom you, he would have said hel

5、lo. (see),had told,hadnt seen,had booked,had seen,11,虚拟语气,错综复杂虚拟语气: 主句与从句的动作发生在不同的时间, 这时主从句位于动词的虚拟语气形式因时间不同而不同, 叫错综复杂虚拟语气。 If you _him yesterday, you _ what to do now. 如果你昨天问他的话,你现在就知道答案了。 If I_, I _the villas last year. 如果我现在有钱,我去年会买那幢别墅了。,had asked,would know,were rich,would have bought,12,虚拟语气,Th

6、e Subjunctive Mood,错综复杂虚拟语气,如果他们以前努力学习的话,现在干的就会容易些。 If they had studied hard, they could do it easily now. 如果他不听取我的建议,他就不会干得这样好。 If he had not taken my advice, he wouldnt do it much better like this.,13,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,If you (listen)to the doctor, you (be) well now.,had listened,would be,

7、14,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,If he (get)financial aid, he (graduate)from a college this fall.,had got,would graduate,15,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,省略 if 的条件从句 当从句中有 were, had 或 should 时,可省略if 而把它们放在句首。 If I were to meet him tomorrow, I should ask him about it. Were I to meet him tomorrow, If he shoul

8、d fail in the experiment this time, he would try again. Should he fail in the experiment,16,虚拟语气,Should he come (=_), tell him to ring me up. 他要是来了,让他给我打个电话。 Were I you (=_), I would not do it. 我要是你,就不做这事。,If he should come,If I were you,17,虚拟语气,2,虚拟语气在从句中的用法,宾语从句,18,虚拟语气,1.wish + that How I wish,di

9、d/were 现在,had done 过去,would / might /could do 将来,19,虚拟语气,I wish I were as tall as you.,20,虚拟语气,I wish every day were my birthday.,21,虚拟语气,I wish/wished I hadnt eaten so much watermelon.,22,虚拟语气,The party was terrible, I wish I had never gone to it.,23,虚拟语气,I wish I would grow 1.8 meters tomorrow.,24

10、,虚拟语气,宾语从句表示要求,命令,建议的虚拟语气。,常见动词: 一个坚持,两个命令,三个建议,四个要求。即: 1. insist 2. order, command 3. advise, (sb. ) suggest, propose 4. demand , require, request, desire 这些动词后面的宾语从句要使用虚拟语气。即从句中的动词 使用should + 动词原形,或者将should省略。,25,虚拟语气,1.我们建议Tom 去休息一下。 2.他坚决要求我到场。 3.国王命令囚犯明天要实施死刑。 4.他们要求我们派他们去那儿工作。,We suggested tha

11、t Tom (should ) have a rest.,He insisted that I (should )be present.,The king ordered that the prisoners (should ) be killed the next day.,They requested that we (should) send them to work there.,26,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,insist/suggest不接虚拟的用法,(1). She insisted that she was right. 她坚持认为,坚持说自己是对的。

12、(坚持事实) His uncle insists that he should not stay in the hotel. 他的叔叔坚持要求他不要待在旅馆里。,27,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,(2). The look on his face suggested that he was unhappy. I suggested that the workers wages (should) be increased.,28,虚拟语气,虚拟语气在表语从句、同位语从句中的应用,在demand, proposal, suggestion, order, recommend

13、ation, requirement, decision, advice等表提议、要求、命令等名词之后的表语从句、同位语从句中,谓语动词可用“should + 动词原形 (should可以省略) ”形式。,29,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,e.g. He issued the order that the troops (should) withdraw at once. 他命令部队马上撤退。 我的建议是我们派几个同志去帮助别的小组。 My suggestion is that we (should) send a few comrades to help the ot

14、her groups. 他发出命令要求立即完成这项工作。 He gave the order that the work be done at once.,30,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,定语从句,31,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,虚拟语气在“its (high, about) time + that 从句”句型中的应用。,在“its (high, about) time + that从句”句型中,从句的谓语动词经常用过去式,指现在或将来的情况。 Its time you went to bed. 你该上床睡觉了。 是我们该走的时候了。 Its

15、 high time that we were off.,32,虚拟语气,3,If only+简单句“要是就好了” Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I had followed your advice. (follow) If only I several foreign languages! If only the explosion , those people would not have been killed. (happen),had done 表示过去没有实现的愿望,did/were 表示现在没有实现的愿望,had

16、followed,could speak,had not happened,33,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,4,虚拟语气在would rather等词后的用法,在would rather, would prefer等词后面所跟的从句中,也用虚拟语气,表示愿望,意为“宁愿,但愿”。 “would rather + 主语+谓语动词过去式” 表示现在或将来的情况。 “would rather + 主语 + 过去完成时” 表示过去的情况。,34,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,我真希望现在是夏天,这样我就可以去游泳了。 I would rather it

17、were summer now, so I can go swimming. 我真希望你昨天晚上没对她那么无礼。 I would rather you hadnt been so rude to her last night.,35,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,1.I would rather Tom_(come) tomorrow. 2.What would have happened if you _(not help) her child? 3.I wish I _(meet) my uncle yesterday. 4.Galileo insisted that

18、 the earth_(move) the sun.,36,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,5.What do you think would happened if there _(be) no light in the day? 6.I was very busy yesterday, otherwise I _(go) to the party. 7.Without your help the old man_(not live) now. 8.It is high time you_(take) the medicine ,sir. 9.I wish I _( attend) the meeting yesterday. 10.I wish I _(can) fly. 11.He wished he _(not fall) in love with her before.,37,虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,1.IfIwasyou,Iwouldrunfaster. 2.IfIlivenearmyoffice,Iwouldwalktowork. 3.Iknownothingab


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