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1、Iron and the Effects of Exercise,Unit 2,Consolidation,Writing,Detailed Study,Presentation,Assignment,New Horizon College English,I. Iron Challenge,How much do you know about iron?,Take the quiz and tell your reasons for your choices!,Everyone needs iron to grow and stay healthy. It is found in many

2、parts of the body. Choose one thing iron does in your body: (reference),a. It helps your fingernails stay smooth. b. It helps to carry oxygen from lungs to cells. c. It helps your hair stay healthy. d. It helps to strengthen your muscles.,Iron Challenge,Question 1 / 10,Everyone requires a different

3、amount of dietary iron to stay healthy. Which of the groups below needs the most iron each day? (reference),Iron Challenge,Question 2 / 10,a. infants,7-12 months old,b. teen girls,14- 18 years old,c. men,19-50 years old,d. women,19- 50 years old,You may be iron deficient if you are a woman and _. (r

4、eference),a. have a long menstrual period b. donate blood often c. dont eat meat, fish or poultry d. all of the above,Iron Challenge,Question 3 / 10,There are two types of iron. One is heme(亚铁血红素), which is easily absorbed by the body; and the other is non-heme, which is not as well absorbed. Choose

5、 one food that contains heme iron. (reference),Iron Challenge,Question 4 / 10,a. bran flakes,b. beef hamburger,c. eggs,d. red kidney beans,Meat, fish and poultry contain different amounts of heme iron. Choose the food with the most heme iron. (reference),Iron Challenge,Question 5 / 10,a. salmon stea

6、k,b. beef tenderloin,c. chicken breast,d. pork tenderloin,You may be iron deficient if you _. (reference),Iron Challenge,Question 6 / 10,a. often feel tired b. look pale c. have difficulty concentrating d. all of the above,The amount of non-heme iron you absorb is affected by other foods. Choose one

7、 food that increases the absorption of non-heme iron. (reference),Iron Challenge,Question 7 / 10,a. oranges,b. whole grain breads,c. yoghurt,d. tea,People who do not eat meat, fish or poultry need to _. (reference),Iron Challenge,Question 8 / 10,eat foods enriched or fortified with iron have vitamin

8、 C-rich foods with their meals avoid tea and coffee during their meals do all of the above,How much boiled spinach would you need to eat to equal the iron available in a serving of sirloin steak? (reference),Iron Challenge,Question 9 / 10,a. 1cup/ 250mL,b. 2cups/ 500mL,c. 3cups/ 750mL,Iron Challenge

9、,Question 10 / 10,A good way to maintain a healthy level of iron in the body is to _. (reference),a. eat iron-fortified breakfast cereals often,b. enjoy a variety of meat dishes on a regular basis,c. include vitamin C-rich vegetables in your meals,d. do all of these,All of these,1. The answer is B.

10、Iron carries oxygen from your lungs to all parts of your body. Iron also builds red blood cells. Without enough iron, you may feel tired and have trouble concentrating.,to question 1,to question 2,Women 1950 years old need more iron than any other age group. Women need the most iron because they los

11、e varying amounts during the menstruation (月经期).,2. The answer is D.,to question 3,3. The answer is D (all of the above).,Blood loss of any kind and not eating meat, fish or poultry may lead to iron deficiency.,to question 4,4. The answer is B.,Heme iron is found in all meat, fish and poultry. Non-h

12、eme iron, which is not so well absorbed, can be found in foods such as nuts, beans, cereals and eggs.,to question 5,Redder or darker meats tend to have more heme iron. For example, chicken legs (dark meat) has more heme iron than chicken breast (light meat).,5. The answer is B.,Symptoms of iron defi

13、ciency may include: looking pale, feeling tired, having trouble concentrating, feeling out of breath, not having enough energy, and feeling irritable.,to question 6,6. The answer is D (all of the above).,Oranges are a good source of vitamin C, which can increase the amount of non-heme iron absorbed

14、by up to four times. Meat, fish and poultry can also increase the absorption of non-heme iron. Substances in tea and coffee can lower the amount of non-heme iron your body can use.,to question 7,7. The answer is A (oranges).,to question 8,Meat, fish or poultry and vitamin C-rich foods increase the a

15、bsorption of non-heme iron in the diet. People who mostly have non-heme iron each day, need to consume more iron to meet their bodies need.,8. The answer is D (all of the above).,to question 9,You need to have two cups of spinach to equal the amount of iron absorbed from a 90 gram serving of beef si

16、rloin.,9. The answer is B.,to question 10,10. The answer is D (all of the above).,II. Related Information,1) Iron and teens,1. More knowledge about iron,2) Iron deficiency,3) Two sides of iron,4) Ways to get iron,Watch the following video clip and learn how to see a doctor and how to elaborate on yo

17、ur symptoms.,2. Seeing a doctor,bruise 瘀伤,擦伤 cast 石膏 kneecap 膝盖 steep陡峭,sedate 给服镇静剂 release 出院 medication 药物治疗 precaution 防范,Related Words,Seeing a Doctor,Sentence Analysis,Appositive 同位语, says Roseanne M. Lyle, associate professor at Purdue. (L6) The first and most common is having low iron reserv

18、es, a condition that typically has no symptoms. (L34),Split the above two sentences into simple sentences respectively., says Roseanne M. Lyle. She is an associate professor at Purdue University. The first and most common is having low iron reserves. It is a condition that typically has no symptoms.

19、,Now combine the following simple sentences into one sentence by using appositives.,The ancient Chinese were a people of inventors and discoverers. The ancient Chinese were a people of philosophers and soldiers. The ancient Chinese were a people of poets and craftsmen. The ancient Chinese gave the w

20、orld many of its most useful things.,The ancient Chinese, a people of inventors and discoverers, philosophers and soldiers, poets and craftsmen,gave the world many of its most useful things.,Paraphrase,But the new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a decrease in iron levels. (L11),But

21、those women who began a program of exercise while going on with their diet as usual showed a decrease in iron levels.,2. Plus, many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat (L19),In addition, many women who care much about their health refuse to eat red meat such as beef and

22、mutton and thus increase the danger of losing iron ,3. And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency. (L22),And because women often limit their food, trying to control weight, they may

23、 not eat enough food containing much iron, and therefore are likely to have less ironthan necessary.,*翻译时,常使用词性转换的方法,如:源语言中使用的是名词,目标语中则可以把该名词译成动词。,tip over the edge: bring about a noticeable change,Translation,1. For a woman who already has a poor iron status *, any additional iron loss from exercis

24、e may be enough to tip her over the edge into,对于那些已经缺铁的女性,任何因锻炼而产生的更多铁离子流失都足以导致体内缺铁状况的恶化。,a more serious deficiency (L27),be compromised = be affected severely = badly,2. and exercise performance is severely compromised. (L38),运动成绩大打折扣。,throw up = vomit; be sick,3. Supplements may produce a feeling

25、of wanting to throw up . (L55),服用铁离子补充剂可能使人想呕吐。,supplement(v.) = add to,4. This added iron supplements the small amount that naturally occurs in grains. (L60),这些增加的铁补充了谷物中自然含铁量的不足。,Check Yourself,The years _ which he was away were long years to her.,A. with,B. during,C. of,D. to,2. After lunch, we a

26、ll got on with our _ jobs.,A. respective,B. respecting,D. respectful,3. Before 1949, China, whose people are _, was frequently involved in war.,B. peace-loved,C. peace-love,4. If we dont leave early, we will run the risk _ the plane.,A. to miss,B. missed,C. of missing,D. miss,5. We have _ oil reserv

27、es to last for three months.,A. suffix,B. efficient,C. effect,D. sufficient,6. I _ great satisfaction from my work.,A. deprive,B. derive,C. surprise,D. detect,7. Dont interfere _ him. He is preparing for the final exam.,A. in,B. to,C. on,D. with,8. Weve had a _ of hot dry summers.,A. successive,B. s

28、uccess,C. succession,D. successor,9. We are able to provide accommodation _ two students.,A. for,B. with,C. to,D. towards,10. David _ his companys success to the unity of all the staff and their persevering hard work .,A. attributed,B. contributed,C. distributed,D. devoted,Structure Analysis,Cause & Eff


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