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1、赞美祖国的英语格言 不要问你的祖国能为你做什么;要问你能为你的祖国做什么。下面是应届毕业生为大家收集的关于赞美祖国的英语,希望能够帮到大家! 1、爱祖国高于一切。 Love the motherland above all. 2、为中华崛起而读书。 China to rise books. 3、国耻未雪,何由成名? By the famous national humiliation was not snow,? 4、祖国如有难,汝应作前锋。 The motherland as hard, you should _ke a striker. 5、爱国是文明人的首要美德。 Patrioti _

2、is the first virtue of civilized men. 6、常思奋不顾身,而殉国家之急。 Selfless, contemplate, and sympathetic. 7、为祖国而死,那是最美的命运啊! Die for his country, that is the fate of the most beautiful! 8、科学没有国界,科学家却有国界。 Scien _ without borders, but scientists have borders. 9、热爱自己的祖国是理所当然的事。 His love for his country is a _tter

3、of course. 10、长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰。 Long heave a deep sigh to yan cried, the cry of the peoples livelihood more difficult. 11、夜视太白收光芒,报国欲死无战场! Night vision the white light, patriotic dying without the battlefield! 12、锦绣河山收拾好,万民尽作主人翁。 Expeditions packed, and all the people as _sters. 13、欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。 To

4、 the west lake than west, c plus always undesirable. 14、问我居家谁暖眼,为言忧国只寒心! Ask me who oupy the warm eyes, for socially-conservative chilling! 15、为国捐躯赴战场,丹心可并日争光。 Died in the battlefield, educational and honor. 16、天荒地老英雄丧,国破家亡事业休。 Glebes old hero bereavement, Hugh death cause. 17、一身报国有万死,双鬓向人无再青。 A sta

5、te-owned aount, double head to a _n without green again. 18、倚剑长歌一杯酒,浮云西北是神州。 Lean on long jian song a glass of wine, cloud is northwest China. 19、一片丹心图报国,两行清旧为忠家。 Tohave a contemplated firebombing figure, two lines of clear old for zhong family. 20、只解沙场为国死,何须马革裹尸还! The only solution to the battlefie

6、ld for the dead, why also to _! 21、忧国者不顾其身,爱民者不罔其上。 His sorrow feeling emigre regardless of its body, no confusion on it. 22、为祖国倒下的人,他的死是光荣的。 Fallen _n for his country, his death is glorious. 23、在所有痛苦中, _之苦最难忍受。 Of (among) all the pain, suffering of subjugation hardest to bear. 24、多么遗憾,我们只能为祖国献身一次!

7、What a pity, we can only for their country again! 25、国家是大家的,爱国是每个人的本分。 Country is everybodys, patriotic is everyones duty. 26、人类最的道德是什么?那就是爱国心。 What is the most moral hu _n? It is patrioti _. 27、背弃祖国的人,如同失去森林的夜莺。 Backing out of the motherland, as the nightingale lost forest. 28、别的国家看得越多,就越会热爱祖国。 Oth

8、er countries see, the more the more will love the motherland. 29、天鹅留恋清净的湖水,人民热爱祖国。 The swan want to stay clean of the lake, people love the motherland. 30、为祖国的利益而献身,就是死得其所。 For the benefit of the motherland, dedication, is a fair death honors the whole life. 31、如果胃囊空空,谁也难以成为爱国志士。 If the sto _ch is e

9、mpty, who is also difficult to be patriots. 32、人不仅为自己而生,而且也为祖国活着。 People born not only for themselves, but also for our country to live. 33、我们要把心灵里的美丽的 _献给祖国。 We need to get the heart of the beautiful passion is dedicated to the motherland. 34、连一分 _都没有的人,怎能说有祖国? Doesnt even have one property of the

10、people, how can say motherland? 35、为他的国家说谎是每一个爱国者的职责。 Lie for his country is the responsibility of every patriot. 36、连祖国都不爱的人,是什么也不会爱的。 People even do not love the motherland, is what also cant love. 37、人类最高的道德是什么?那就是爱国之心。 What is the highest hu _n morality? It is patrioti _. 38、中国人搞出的理论,首先要为中国人服务。

11、Come up with the theory of Chinese people, the first to servi _ for the Chinese. 39、异国他乡见得越多,我就越爱我自己的祖国。 And dream of exotic pla _s, the more I see the more I love his motherland. 40、我们爱我们的民族,这是我们自信心的泉源。 We love our nation, it is the sour _ of our confiden _. 41、人类最高的道德标准是什么?那就是爱国心。 What is the high

12、est moral standards? It is patrioti _. 42、真正的爱国者是爱人类的,爱国决不是排外。 True patriot love hu _n, patriotic is not exclusive. 43、谁不属于自己的祖国,那么他也就不属于人类。 Who do not belong to his own country, he also do not belong to hu _n. 44、若想边界得以保全,军力的增强乃是先决条件。 If want to preserve the border, military enhan _ment is the prer

13、equisite. 45、祖国更重于生命,是我们的母亲,我们的土地。 Is more important than life, more of the motherland is our mother, our land. 46、我赞美目前的祖国,更要三倍地赞美它的将来。 Three times I praise the motherland, more want to _lebrate it in the future. 47、爱国的主要方法,就是要爱自己所从事的事业。 The _in method of patriotic, is to love what you are engaged

14、in. 48、谁不不属于自己的祖国,那么他也就不属于人类。 Who does not belong to their country, so he doesnt belong to hu _n. 49、爱祖国,首先要了解祖国;不了解,就说不上爱。 Love the motherland, the first thing to understand the motherland; Dont understand, you cant say love. 50、军队得扞卫祖国的土地,思想家昨扞卫它的思想。 Troops defending their homeland, thinkers yeste

15、rday defending its ideas. 51、假如我是有一些能力的话,我就有义务把它献给祖国。 If I have some ability, I have a duty to dedicate it to my country. 52、恨不 _死,留作今日羞。国破尚如此,我何惜此头。 Hate not anti-japanese _, reserved for today. The break is so, I cherish this head. 53、我是中国人民的 _。我深情地爱着我的祖国和人民。 I am the son of the Chinese people. I love my country and my people affectionately. 54、英勇非无泪,不洒敌人前。男儿七尺躯,愿为祖国捐。 Brave is not without tears, dont spill the enemy before. Boys seven feet body, and is willing to donate for his


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