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1、Unit 1 Nine to five Conversation1 Li:What a wonderful view! This is such a great city!Do you ever get tired of living in London, Andy? A;When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life, for there is in London all that life can affordLi:Thats a quotation by Samuel Johnson, isnt it?A:Correct,so do

2、you have any plans when you finish at Oxford?Li: Ive got another year to go and then I suppose Ill go back home.A; And you will find a job?Li:I think I have to do my Masters before I look for work.But I must admit London is very special.Do you think you would ever leave London?A:Sure, Id love to com

3、e to china one day, and I like traveling. But i think Ill always come back here.Li:Well, your roots are here and there are so many opportunities.A;But have you ever thought of living in London for a year or two?Li:Yes, but what could I do here? I had planned to become a teacher.But i have often thou

4、ght if there was a job i could do here in publishing,maybe as an editor, Ill go for it.A:Thats sounds like a great idea.I think that would really suit youLi:Maybe I should update my CV and send it to one or two publisher.A:Dont make it look too goodLi:Why not?A;Well,if you enjoy working with London

5、Time Off, we dont want you working with anyone elseLi:Oh, working with you and Joe its great fun and really interesting. I couldnt think of a better way to find out about a cityA;So maybe you should think about applying for a job with us Li:But do you think Id stand a chance(有可能,有希望)?I mean, Im not

6、sure if Joe likes meA:Dont even think about it!Joe is very straight talking and I promise you that youd know if he didnt like you.Li:Perhaps we should both update our CVs and look for jobs togetherA:Hey,right!That would be fun.Conversation2 Li:Talking about future plans,how do you see your career de

7、veloping?A:My career?Well, I like working for London Time Off.Its a part of a larger media company called Lift off USA,so there are lots of opportunities.But.Li:But.What?A:Its not always very easy working with Joe.I mean,I kind of think he has a different agenda(different way of thinking from Andy不一

8、样的想法).I like his work, but sometimes I dont think his heart is in his job.Li:How did he end up in London?A:He did media studies in the States,and then found work as a gofer(杂工) at Lift off USA in New York.Li:Whats a gofer?A:Go for this,go for that.Its a word for the least experienced person in the f

9、ilm and TV industry.Then he came to London and got a proper job as a researcher at Lift off UK,and then after a few years he got the producers job in London Time OffLi:He is good at his job,isnt he?A:Yes,he is confident and competent at what he does,so the people who work with him rate him quite hig

10、hly(speak highly of).Li:Except you?A:No,I rate him too.And I get on with him quite well,although we are not best budies or anything like that,its just.I want his job!Li:Now we know your little secret.I promise I wont tell anyoneA:Janet,there was something I was going to ask you.Li:Sure,what is it?A:

11、I was wondering.oh,its nothing.Anyway,all this talk about your future career is making me thirsty.Lets go for a drink.Li:Who is round ?A:You.Conversation2 P3-6选择题答案 bdacPassage1“Its not enough to ask what successful people are like.It is only by asking where they are from that we can unravel阐明the 1.

12、logic逻辑;理由 behind who succeed and who doesnt.This is the basic idea of an intriguing有趣的book called Outliers局外人, by the American journalist Malcolm Gladwell. The book 2.explores探索 the factors which contribute to促成 people who are 3.extremely非常地 successful in their careers, for example, the role that f

13、amily, culture and friendship play.Gladwell examines检查the causes of why the 4.majority大多数 of Canada ice hockey冰球players are born in the first few months of the calendar日历year, what the founder建立者of Microsoft Bill Gates did to achieve his 5.extraordinary非凡的 success, and why the Beatles 6.managed to能够

14、redefine重新定义the whole of popular music in the 1960s.Gladwell points out that the youth hockey league in Canada 7.recruits招收 from January the first, so that players born early in the year are bigger, stronger and better athletes than others born later in the year. And because they have this 8.advanta

15、ge优势 at the start of their sports career, theyre given extra 9.coaching辅导, and so theres a greater chance that theyll be picked for an elite精英的 hockey team in the future.He calls this 10.phenomenon现象accumulative累积的advantage, a bit like the idea that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Succe

16、ss depends on the 11.process过程 by which talented有天赋的 athletes are 12.identified确认 as much as it does on their own abilities.Another 13.aspect方面 which contributes to success is the 10000 hour rule. Great success demands an 14.enormous大量的 amount of time for practice and training. For example, the Beat

17、les performed live in Hamburg Germany more than 1200 times over four years, much more than the 10000 hours Gladwell 15.claims宣称 is necessary for great success. So by the time they returned to England, they had developed their talent and sounded completely different from any other group. In the same

18、way, Bill Gates had thousands of hours worth值的量 of programming编程 because he had 16.access使用to a computer at his high school. He also became a teenager just at the right time to take advantage of the 17.latest最新的developments in computer technology. All through the book, Gladwell repeats his claim tha

19、t its not just talent or 18.genius天才 which 19.determines决定 someones success, but opportunity, advantage and even simple good luck.Outliers has met with extraordinary success, matched比得上 only by Gladwells own career for 25 years in journalism新闻业. As a result, many critics评论家have seen it as an autobio

20、graphy自传, in which the writer appears to be 20.apologizing道歉;辩解 for his own personal achievements. But the idea that you have to be born at the right moment, in the right place and in the right family, and then you have to work really hard is a thought-provoking引人深思的 way of revisiting our traditiona

21、l view of genius and great achievement. Its certainly worth reading, as long as只要 you dont take it too seriously.Passage1 P8-3选择题答案bdacUnit 2 A good readConversation1 Joe: OK, when you finished chatting, lets get down to work.Andy: OK, sure.Janet: Fine by me. Whats on the agenda?Joe: First up today

22、is Read all about it! Now, I assume everyone has read all the books for the future? Has anyone read any of the books?Andy: Well, Joe, there are over 20 new books coming out next month, soJoe: Im sorry, I really think thats quite unacceptable. Its your job! What about you, Janet?Janet: Im sorry but t

23、his is the first time Ive worked on Read all about it! And I didnt know I was meant to read all the books.Andy: Have you read them?Joe: No, but thats why youre my assistants. Youre meant to assist me.Andy: Its true that we need to read the books, Joe, but we haventJoe: OK, there you go. You are alwa

24、ys making excuses!Andy: And whats more, we havent even chosen the books yet.Joe: OK, lets get down with it. Whats on the list?Janet: I suppose were looking for books with a London angle(伦敦视角)?Andy: Not necessarily.Janet: Is it OK to look for non-fiction too?Joe: Absolutely.Janet: OK, heres an idea.

25、Theres a new biography(自传) of Charles Dickens which Im reading.Andy: Sounds good-his books are always on TV.Janet: You see Im studying Dickens at university, and I noticed it in the bookshop last week. Its really interesting.Joe: OK, tell us more.Janet: Well, its a description of the London location

26、s where he set many of his books like Oliver Twist and David Copperfield. Andy: Sounds right up your street(拿手的)!Joe Well done, Janet. Maybe you can show Andy how to plan the feature. OK, thats it everyone. Lets get to it! Conversation2 Janet: Whats the matter with Joe today?Andy: No idea. Hes a bit

27、 like that sometimes. He gets annoyed with me, but I dont really know why.Janet: He wasnt being at all fair. How often does he get like this?Andy: Well, I suppose its not very often. But sometimes he really gets on my nerves(使某人心烦意乱).Janet: Dont let it get to you. Hes probably got too much work, and

28、 hes stressed.Andy: Well, he should keep his problems away from the studio. Anyway, youre the expert on Dickens, tell me something about him.Janet: Well, Charles Dickens was one of the most popular novelists in 19th century Britain. Many of his novels first appeared in magazines, in short episodes.

29、Each one had a cliffhanger at the end that made people want to read the next episode(集,一集).Andy: And was he a Londoner?Janet: He was born in Portsmouth but his family moved to London when he was ten years old.Andy: And he set most of his stories in London, didnt he?Janet: Thats right. He knew the ci

30、ty very well.Andy: Whereabouts in London are his stories set?Janet: Around the Law Courts in the centre of London. He worked as a court reporter and many of the real life stories he heard in court inspired some of most famous characters in his novels.Andy: I think some of his stories take place sout

31、h of the river?Janet: Thats right, especially around Docklands. The thing wasDickens was a social commentator(社会评论员) as much as he was a novelist-his stories describe the hardship, the poverty, and crime which many Londoners experienced in the 19th century. It makes me want to read some Dickens agai

32、n. Maybe Ill just go shopping for a copy of Great Expectations.Andy: Anyway, you did me a huge favour. That was a real brainwave(突然想到的妙计,灵感) to suggest the new biography.Janet: Cheer up Andy. It wasnt your fault.Andy: No, its OK, Ill get over it. Go on, off you go and enjoy your shopping!Conversatio

33、n2 P15-6选择题答案abdccPassage1 M:So how long has your book group读书会 been running?C:Well, let me see, its over 20 years now. I think its actually one of the oldest book groups around, because it was only about 20 years ago that they started to become 1.fashionable流行的 in the UK.M:And how often do you have

34、 meetings?C:We meet about once every four or five weeks, although we try to avoid meetings in the summer holidays, and during the run-up to(前奏,预备期)Christmas when we all start to get busy with other things.M:And how many 2.members成员 do you have?C:Were ten in all, although its rare that everyone can 3

35、.attend参加.M:And what happens during the meeting?C:Well, we usually meet at one of our homes, and we start 4.fairly非常地 late, around 8:30, and the 5.host主人 prepares dinner, and sometime during the meal, someone asks So what did you think of the book? and thats when the discussion starts.M:It sounds qu

36、ite 6.informal随意的,不正式的.C:It is, yes, and sometimes if we havent enjoyed the book, the meal becomes more important than the discussion. But its fairly 7.rare罕见的 that no one likes the book, and it gets quite interesting when opinions about it are 8.divided有分歧的.M:And what sort of books do you read?C:Oh

37、, all kinds, actually, not just novels, although I must admit that being a member of the club makes me read more modern fiction小说 than I might do 9.otherwise相反地. But we also read the 10.classics名著, you know the novels we all read or should have read 30 years ago, and its quite good fun to revisit th

38、em, to see if our views of the books have changed. We re-read Thomas Hardy recently, and 11.whereas而 I used to love it when I was a student, this time I thought it was exasperatingly惹人恼火地12.dull无聊的. And we read non-fiction纪实文学, quite a lot of history and travel writing. A couple of the members like

39、13.poetry诗歌, which I dont, but you know, were 14.tolerant宽容的 of each others choice, and it gives us a chance to try things we wouldnt usually read.M:And how do you choose the books?C:Well, at the end of the evening the person who hosts the dinner-basically基本上, the cook- has the right to choose the n

40、ext book.M:And that works OK?C:Yes, although theres quite a lot of stress on choosing something that will earn everyone elses 15.respect尊重. And weve got one member who likes science fiction, so we try not to go to his place too often!Passage1 P20-3选择题答案 dacabUnit 3 Fashion statement Conversation1Tan

41、ya: Hey! That looks good on you! You should try it on.Janet: No thanks, Im just looking.Tanya: Go on, try it on. I can tell it suits you.Janet: You seem to want me to buy something. And Im not sure I want to buy anything at all. Tanya: Well, yes .Im pretty sure you want to buy something.Janet: How d

42、o you know?Tanya: Well, its my job to know what women want to wear.Janet: How do you know what I want to wear?Tanya: I can just tell. Most women dont hold things up like that unless they know they want to buy it, but either they havent got the money or they are nervous about impulse buying.Janet: So

43、 what type of Tanya am I then?Tanya: No money.Janet: Yeah! You are right, but how do you know?Tanya: If you were nervous about impulse(心血来潮的,一时冲动的) buying, youll feel good that youve made a careful decision.Janet: Thats pretty smart. What is your job then?Tanya: Im a buyer for a store in New York Ci

44、ty. Im here for London Fashion Week. Hey, do you want to go? I have some free tickets for the catwalk show this afternoon.Janet: Well, Im not sure. Im waiting for a friend for a friend, actually ,andJoe: Hi, Janet!Janet: Joe! What are you doing here?Joe: Why the surprise?Janet: Its justI didnt expec

45、t to see you. Thats all. Er, this is Tanya: Hello, Im Tanya Feinstein. Is this the friend you were waiting forJanet: NO. Yes!Tanya: So would you both like to come this afternoon?Janet: Tanya has invited us to the catwalk show this afternoon.Tanya:Look at this. Oh, its perfect. Ill try it on. Ill lea

46、ve you two to make up your minds.Conversation2Joe: Who is she? Is she a friend of yours?Janet: No, she just came up to me and started talking about fashion. Shes a buyer for some New York fashion store.Joe: But why she invited us to a catwalk show?Janet: Shes giving out free tickets. Part of her job

47、 I think.Joe: So do you want to go?Janet: I suppose so. Have not got any money for shopping, so why not?Tanya: OK, you guys made up your mind?Joe: You sure you got a couple of tickets for us?Tanya: Sure!Joe: Thanks. So what is your take on the London fashion scene then?Tanya: As far as I am concerne

48、d, the clothes shops in London are some of the best in the world. The way I see it, if I want haute couture(高级时装) I can go to Paris or Milan. But if I want street fashion that will look good in New York too, I come to London. The kids here all have this unique style.Joe: But they can not afford desi

49、gner prices.Tanya: In London the fashion tends to start on the streets. It gets popular among the kids, and then the designers come and pick up on their style, turn it into designer clothes. Whereas in Paris or Milan, it is more of a top-down process(从上至下的过程).Janet: Top-down?Tanya: Sure. The big nam

50、e designers create these wonderful clothes but they are really only for a few rich people.Joe: So you think it is different in London?Tanya: I sure do. And. if you ask me, New York as well. Anyway, you ready?Joe: Sure. Why not? Janet?Janet: WellOh well, it is getting late. So, I suppose so.Tanya: OK

51、, follow me .Let us get a cab.Conversation2 P27-6选择题答案 bdabcPassage1Presenter: How often do you change your clothes during the day?Penny: Um I think it all depends on what Im going to do. Um it might be as many as three times ifPresenter: Three times.Penny: Yes, if I was if I was going to go to gym,

52、 for instance, having dropped the children off at school Id be wearing an outfit一套服装 for just a 1.casual休闲的 outfit for doing the school run, then Id go to gym and get changed and then if I was going out in the evening Id change again.Presenter: Yeah. How about you?Penny: Yeah, I think it depends wha

53、t happens during the day. Most of the time though I just put on my clothes for work. I go to work I come home. Um maybe take something off, like er my shoes and change into a pair of 2.slippers拖鞋 or something, just a pair of sneakers 运动鞋. Um but there are times when if I go to gym, like Penny said,

54、or if we are going out, my wife and I are going out for some 3.occasion场合, I have to change into something a little nicer.Presenter: And, and so what would, what would be the occasion when you changed into something nicer? It would be different from a work?Eric: Yeah like going to someones house for

55、 dinner or going out for dinner, or going to some kind of event.Presenter: Yeah, yeah. Would that be the same for you?Penny: Definitely当然了. Going to the 4.theatre剧院, um or meeting friends for a drink, yes.Presenter: So youd always change for a social 5.circumstance情形;环境?Penny: Definitely makes it fe

56、el more of an occasion.Presenter: OK, and what about the clothes you are wearing at the moment, how would you know, what made you choose these clothes this morning?Penny: Well I am going for an interview in an hours time so Ive got to look quite smart整洁的;优雅的 and presentable拿得出的;像样的 so thats why I am

57、 looking smarter than I 6.normally通常地 would do in the day.Presenter: I think you have got a head start占得先机 here because you look very presentable.Penny: Ah thank you.Presenter: How about you?Eric: I am able to go to work in fairly casual clothes so you know its fairly relaxed, nice and easy, anythin

58、g Im comfortable with but as long as its clean and boss says its alright.Presenter: And so you dress for 7.comfort 舒适or do you think you are fashion conscious有意识的as well?Eric: Maybe a little bit fashion conscious yeah. You dont want to stand out like a sore thumb很显眼 and people make fun of you, you know for some reason, but at the same time you


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