1、全国2010年7月高等教育自学考试 外刊经贸知识选读试题 课程代码:00096二、将下列词组译成中文(本大题共10小题,每小题1 分,共10分)16. market share17. raw material18. capital market19. foreign-exchange reserves20. bilateral pacts21. intellectual property22. free trade23. (opec)24. hard currency25. consumer goods三、将下列词组译成英文(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)26. 战略性储备27. 服
2、务贸易28. 供应过剩29. 清算协议30. 利息付款31. 特别提款权32. 证券投资33. 生产力34. 合资企业35. 技术转让全国2009年7月自考外刊经贸知识选读试题16. in surplus 17. comecon 18. preferred status 19. the state apparatus 20. productive forces 21. exclusive contract 22. state-run enterprises 23. the wet market 24. franchisee 25. import quota system 26. 海关税 27.
3、 易货贸易 28. 外汇储备 29. 优惠税率 30. 证券市场 31. 收盘价 32. 经纪业 33. 可兑换货币 34. 主要供应商 35. 汇率 全国2009年4月自学考试外刊经贸知识选读试题16. vested interests 17. wholesaler 18. a hermit nation 19. buzzword 20. insolvency 21. take title 22. market regulation 23. public tender 24. countervailing duty 25. consortium 26反通胀政策 27贸易制裁 28产地证明书
4、29. 市场动力 30. 转让人 31. 现货市场 32. 经常项目 33. 收盘价 34出口配额制 35服务贸易 全国自考2008年7月外刊经贸知识选读试题16. invisible account17. sez18. soft commodity19. per capita income20. trade sanctions21. strategic stockpile22. managed trade23. brain trust24. carbon tax25. intellectual property26. 试销市场27. 外汇收入28. 中央银行29. 消费品30. 高技术31.
5、 国内需求32. 特别提款权33. 强硬政策34. 产地证明书35. 补偿协议全国2008年4月自考外刊经贸知识选读真题16. fiscal packages17. countervailing duty18. debt service19. liquid assets20. good resistance21. current account22. cash crops23. gnp24. deinflationary policy25. equivalent value26. 市场份额27. 供应短缺28. 世界银行29. 资本货物30. 生产力31. 国内需求32. 外汇收入33. 进口
6、税34. 有形贸易收支35. 利润汇款全国2007年7月高等教育自学考试16. gatt17. portfolio investment18. debt restructuring19. countervailing duty20. glut of supplies21. barrier-free market 22. invisible account23. preferential tax rate24. economic heavy weight25. fledgling industries26. 中国出口商品交易会27. 硬通货28. 剩余劳动力29. 试销30. 直接投资31. 资
7、本货物32. 国际收支33. 强硬政策34. 合资企业35. 技术转让全国2007年4月高等教育自学考试16. most-favored nation treatment17. trade surplus18. hard currency19. merger of banks20. liquid assets21. a hermit nation22. trade negotiation23. at a rough estimate24. chinese export commodities fair25. foreign exchange reserves26. 国民收入27. 国际收支28
8、. 收盘价29. 惩罚性进口关税30. 证券投资 31. 商品市场32. 自由市场(无壁垒市场) 33. 智囊团 / 顾问班子34. 产地证明书35. 对等价值全国2006年7月自学考试外刊经贸知识选读试题16. compensation agreement17. test market18. currency movement19. security20. good resistance21. tough policy22. impose import23. special drawing right24. gnp (gross national product)25. per capita
9、 income26. 最惠国待遇27. 贸易顺差28. 硬通货29. 银行兼并30. 易于变卖的资产31. 闭关自守的国家32. 贸易谈判33. 据粗略估计34. 中国出口商品交易会35. 外汇储备全国2006年4月高等教育自学考试16.most-favored nation treatment17.trade surplus18.hard currency19.merger of banks20.liquid assets21.a hermit nation22.trade negotiation23.at a rough estimate24.chinese export commodit
10、ies fair25.foreign exchange reserves26.独家经销合同27.经常项目28.清算协议29.人均收入30.无壁垒市场31.双重税32.房地产33.试销34.知识产权35.商业周期全国2005年7月高等教育自学考试16. countertrade17. means of production18. surplus labour19. debt restructuring20. trade reprisal21. certificate of origin22. currency exchange system23. exclusive contract24. fo
11、reign exchange earnings25. primary products26. 货币市场27. 利息付款28. 试销29. 新兴工业30. 国内需求31. 直接投资32. 供应短缺33. 大规模销售活动34. 供求模式35. 现货市场全国2005年4月高等教育自学考试16.unfair trade17.exclusive contract18.per capita income19.long-term strategy20.gatt21.financial crisis22.trade representative23.physical market24.financial de
12、regulation25.sovereignty dispute26.利息付款27.外商独资28.技术转让29.国内需求30.出口导向31.贸易差额32.产地证书33.期货市场34.市场份额35.进口税全国2004年7月高等教育自学考试16. visible trade accounts17. assembly manufacturing18. cooperative enterprises19. securities and real estate market20. nominal dollar terms21. government procurement22. fiscal packa
13、ges23. risk-weighted assets24. carbon tax25. austerity program26. 贴现率27. 补偿贸易协定28. 新兴工业29. 贸易制裁30. 无壁垒市场31. 惩罚性进口关税32. 外汇储备33. 经常项目34. 技术转让35. 市场多样化全国2004年4月高等教育自学考试16.trade fairs and exhibitions17.preferential tax rate18.vested interests19.export ernment procurement21.european integratio
14、n22.bilateral pacts23.countervailing duty24.fledgling industries25.deinflationary policies26.国际收支27.经济特区28.高技术29.证券投资30.自由市场31.贸易壁垒32.供应过剩33.对等价值34.经济衰退35.贸易制裁全国2003年4月高等教育自学考试16.convertible currency17.customs duties and taxation18.good infrastructure19.deinflationary policy20.trade sanction21.at th
15、e summit meeting22.on a conservative estimate23.price hike24.self-sufficient25.liquid assets26,股票市场27.资本转移28.贸易歧视29.双边贸易30.欧洲大陆31.经常项目32.服务贸易33.双重税34.国有企业35.竞争优势全国2002年4月高等教育自学考试1.depression2.trade surplus3.deflation4.barter trade5.futures market6.current account7.budgt deficit8.invisible
16、pensation trade10.devaluation1.市场力量2.货币政策3.最惠国待遇4.世界贸易组织5.人具所得税6.商品市场7.服务贸易8.初级产品9.国际货币基金组织10.人均国内生产总值六、翻译题(本大题12分)52. interest in imports from china is high. the chinese consulates commercial section in dubai reported a continual stream of visitors in the run-up to the exhibition from companies wan
17、ting to do business for the first time with china. more than 4,000 chinese traders visited the emirates on government and private missions last year. as a result of this activity, chinas exports to the uae have almost doubled from $279.5 million in 1990 to $522.7 million in 1992, according to chines
18、e government statistics. dubais statistics show that china was the fifth largest supplier in 1990.52.the primary message for people who are interested to invest in the stock market is that they should ignore market timing and buy stocks for the long term. this strategy is simple and yet effective be
19、cause stocks give good returns over a long period of time. the simplest strategy is the buy&hold strategy. one does not need to do anything no matter what happens after the initial investment is made. for example, you have $100 and you then decide to keep $60 in savings and use the remaining $40 to
20、buy stocks. whether the stock market goes up or down, you do not use your savings to buy more stocks or sell stocks to put money back into savings.52.consumer prices posted their smallest increase in more than 50 years in 2008. a government report today (friday) said the sagging economy is keeping i
21、nflation in check, and slashing demand for energy. serious u.s. economic problems are at the top of president-elect barack obamas agenda as he tries to rally public support for a plan to stimulate the economy with government spending and tax cuts. mr. obama has said he hopes to create half a million
22、 jobs with investments in clean energy projects. 52.in the most recent talks about farm trade, america has shown a new willingness to compromise on details, doubtless reflecting george bushs need for an economic success to boast of in his election campaign. whatever the motive a spirit of compromise
23、 makes sense for america, since it stands to gain a lot more from a successful round than any other country. but the ec continues to hesitatebecause of france. french farmers are violently opposed to the reform of the common agricultural policy (cap) that europes governments agreed to last may.52.fo
24、r south korea as a whole, that seems as much a prophecy as an ambition. like japan in the 1960s, the country is poised for an assault on the worlds export markets. its surging $81 billion economy is churning out a flood of increasingly sophisticated products, from shoes, toys and telephones to video
25、 recorders and microprocessors. koreas mighty conglomerates dominate middle east construction, and they command key shares of the worlds shipbuilding, textile and steel industries.52. but some economists stressed the risks that a more aggressive u.s. policy poses. c. fred bergsten, director of the i
26、nstitute for international economists and a prominent member of the free-trade establishment, said he saw little evidence for a strategy, except for “a willingness to listen to protectionist appeals” from the automobile, semiconductor, steel and energy industries, among others, and a desire to molli
27、fy these industries powerful congressional protectors.52.during the past few years a major objective of the chinese authorities has been to reduce the proportion of agricultural exports, while increasing that of industrial and mineral products. a wide variety of industrial goods are now exported and
28、 chinese capital equipment has been used by a number of developing countries to establish projects in areas such as agriculture, forestry, light industry, food processing, water conservation and transport and communications.六clearly, chinas economy is a work in progress, nowhere near realizing the p
29、otential of its billion-plus population. its gross domestic product last year was, according to the official measure, $420 billion no more than that of southern california. china remains primarily a nation of farmers, and the transition to an industrial free market is much like the traffic on highwa
30、y 204 unpredictable. few state-owned firms have been sold, and most are laggard behemoths. growth is driven by new joint ventures, collectives and private businesses, which now account for more than 50 per cent of chinas industrial production.vi. now, some western experts are predicting that china c
31、ould become the worlds dominant economy early in the 21st century. many economists believe a standard estimate of chinas per capita gross national product ($370) is already two to three times too low. and former world bank chief economist larry summers recently argued that china could surpass both j
32、apan and the united states to become the worlds largest economy by 2020.vi.barter endured for thousands of years as the primary means of trade. colonial powers forced bilateral barter upon their client states, making the colonies take expensive manufactured goods in return for bargain-price raw mate
33、rials, and prohibiting them from trading with other nations. international trade was supposed to be freed from barterings constraints in july 1944, when diplomats and economists attended the united nations monetary and financial conference at bretton woods, new hampshire.52. last year chinas trade s
34、urplus surged, buoyed by exports of toys, textiles and consumer electronics, its trade surplus with the united states hit a record $18 billion. only japans was larger. with the u.s. congress due to consider the renewal of chinas most-favored nation trade status in june, officials in beijing fear the
35、 trade imbalance could surpass human rights as a source of u.s. opposition to preferred status for china. “the trade surplus itself will be the no. 1 problem this year,” says one chinese official. “after japan, we will be first in line for retaliation. ”.the local arabic press has given full coverage to the councils debates and to a series of informal majlis discussions held weekly during ramadan. in the latter, the issues of youth unemployment, drugs, the role of women and the size of the im
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