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1、Recycle Mikes happy days教材分析 本单元是总复习单元,从农场到学校,再到告别晚会,教材通过Mike的快乐时光将已学过的知识有机地整合在一起,并通过不同类型的任务,帮助学生复习巩固语言形式,培养其综合语言运用能力以及自主学习能力。教学目标教学目标知识与能力目标: 能够在情景中恰当运用所学句型和词汇描述自己和他人的外貌 能够在情景中恰当运用所学句型和词汇描述农场的生活 能够在情景中恰当运用所学句型和词汇描述某一天的生活和工作情况 能够在情景中恰当运用所学句型和词汇描述自己和他人的学校生活 能够在情景中恰当运用所学句型和词汇描述自己和他人从过去到现在的变化 能够看懂教材提供的

2、毕业晚会邀请函并做出书面回应 能够介绍自己的毕业典礼晚会 能够根据单词的特点对已学过的词汇进行整理归纳 能够在情景中结合句型恰当运用已学词汇进行口头和书面表达 能够梳理归纳已学过的含有cl, pl, br, fr, ch, sh, th, ng, nk, ar, or, ee, ea, ai, ow, oo字母组合的词汇并能正确发音 能梳理归纳已学过的含有a-e, i-e结构的词汇并能正确发音情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标: 学会运用思维导图梳理归纳已学过的知识 学会与同学友好相处,珍惜同学情谊课时安排第一课时: Day 1 A beautiful farm第二课时: Day 2 Farme

3、rs market第三课时: Day 3 Life on the farm第四课时: Day 4 Mikes day on the farm第五课时: Day 5 Mike and his new friends: Part 1第六课时: Day 6 Mike and his new friends: Part 2第七课时: Day 7 Mikes surprise第八课时: Day 8 A farewell partyThe first period(第一课时)Day 1 A beautiful farm 教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时教学目标A beautiful farm 能够回顾有关动

4、物、蔬菜、衣物、水果、食物等方面的知识点。 能够听、说、读、写有关动物、蔬菜、衣物、水果、食物等方面的词汇,并能归类记忆。 能够独立完成相关练习。 培养学生综合运用知识的能力。 培养学生热爱大自然的情感。 教学重点 复习并掌握有关动物、蔬菜、衣物、水果、食物等方面的词汇。 教学难点 能够将所学知识在实际情景中灵活运用。 教学准备 1.预习状元大课堂创优作业100分状元作业本中本课时的相关内容。 2. PPT课件、课文音频、视频、教学卡片、击鼓传花道具等。 教学过程Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Complete the t

5、ask.Ask students to read the whole Recycle unit quickly and complete the task on the PPT. Then check the answers together.T: There are ten options. Please choose the right option for each day. There are two choices that are redundant.3. Enjoy a chant.Enjoy the chant in Part A of Unit 4 in Book 4. (课

6、件出示:四年级下册教材P39 Lets chant的相关内容)Students chant together with the teacher.4. Lead-in.Present a picture of a beautiful farm. (课件出示:一张漂亮的农场图片)T: Welcome to the beautiful farm. I hope you can have a good time here! Are you ready to go?Ss: Yes.T: Lets go! Teaching purpose 整个复习部分是一个整体,所以先让学生构建整体情景框架,基于整体情景

7、构建文字意义,再进入各部分教学。Step 2: Presentation1. Watch and say.(1)Show the picture of Day 1 on the PPT. (课件出示:Day 1的图片, 无文字)Let students observe it carefully, and then answer Mikes question: What else can you see?T: Mike had an 8-day holiday on a farm. He welcomed us with a question. Please look at the pictur

8、e carefully and try to answer his question.(2)Ask students to stand up in pairs. Ask and answer with each other.The teacher makes a model with one student first:T: What can you see on the farm?S: I can see some apples.T: What colour are they?S: They are red.T: What else can you see?S: I can see a pe

9、ar.Ask students to choose the right word card when he/she talks about the fruit. Put it on the blackboard.Keep asking and answering, until they find out all the word cards in this part and put them on the blackboard.Lead students to read all the words for several times.(3)Game: Quick response.Presen

10、t the picture of Day 1. (课件出示:Day 1的图片及填空练习)Divide students into three groups. Group One is “a” group. Group Two is “an” group. Group Three is “some” group. Find the items that belong to their groups. Then, when the teacher points to an item, the right group that the item belongs to should stand up

11、as soon as possible. And they read out the word with “a/an/some” in the front for three times.The teacher makes a model:T: If I point to the pear, which group should stand up?“A” group: We should stand up.T: So, you should say “a pear”. Read “a pear” for three times. “A” group: A pear, a pear, a pea

12、r.T: Good job!(4)After the game, students finish the first exercise on P42 by themselves. Check the answers together. The teacher can give some explanations if students have problems with “a” “an” and “some”. Present the summary of the usages of “a” “an” and “some”. (课件出示:Day 1第一部分的答案及a, an和some的用法小

13、结)2. Classify the words.Present the chart of the second exercise on P42(出示课件)Ask students to observe the chart first. Then students try to name the next four groups of words as the example of the first group. T: Look at the chart. We can name “apple” and “orange” as “Fruit”, and we can name “egg” an

14、d “cake” as “Food”. So, what about the other groups? Can you name the groups of these words?After that, let students add more words into each group.The teacher can give some examples.T: We can add some words into each group. We can add “pear” into the group of “Fruit”. We can add “bread” into the gr

15、oup of “Food”. We can add “shirt” into the group of “Clothes”. Now try by yourselves.At last, let students try to add one more word group.T: We can also add more groups. For example, we can add a group of “Colour”. We can write the words about colours in this group. They are “red” “black” “white” “p

16、ink” “orange” and so on. Can you think of more word groups?Show the answers together. (出示课件) Encourage students to add more groups and words. Teaching purpose设计对话、游戏环节,让学生在轻松愉悦的环境中学习,复习和巩固所学的知识,增加英语学习的趣味性。Step 3: Practice1. Game: Beat the drum to pass the flower.The teacher beats the drum without lo

17、oking at students. Students pass the flower with the rhythm of the drum. When the teacher stops drumming, the student who holds the flower should read out the word which the teacher points to.The teacher checks the pronunciations and tries to correct immediately when students make mistakes. 2. Group

18、 work.Divide students into six groups. Each group has a certain name, such as “Fruit” “Food” “Clothes” “Animal” and so on.Students in the group should stand up one by one and say one word that belongs to their group when the teacher calls the group name.The group which does a good job can get three

19、apples. Teaching purpose利用游戏帮助学生操练核心单词,进一步训练学生的归类能力,并通过归类进行单词记忆。Step 4: Consolidation & Extension1. Listen and fill in the blanks.Present the supplementary listening exercises and materials. Listen and fill in the blanks. And check the answers together. (课件出示:补充的听力练习及答案)2. Oral English activities.Ac

20、cording to the supplementary listening materials, students try to make a dialogue about Mikes interview with the owner of the farm with the partner. They can make the dialogue like this:S1: Nice to meet you, Mr White.S2: Nice to meet you, Mike.S1: Can you tell me about your farm?S2: Sure, we came he

21、re ten years ago.S1: What animals do you have at that time?S2: We only had one horse and two pigs.S1: S2: Teaching purpose通过补充听力练习,强化训练本课知识,并进行适当的拓展。口语练习培养学生对所学知识的实际应用能力,达到语言输出的目的。 板书设计 作业设计1. Read the words in “Day 1” to your parents.2. Make a chart to classify the words we learned before.3. Do the

22、 exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书创优作业100分或状元作业本对应课时作业) 教学反思1. 教学环节的设计侧重整体性,引导学生在整体中感知整个复习单元,然后再分板块教学。2. 设计各种任务,通过完成不同类型的任务,帮助学生复习巩固语言形式,培养学生综合运用语言的能力以及自主学习的能力。3. 多个小组活动,鼓励学生通过合作学习解决问题,同时也能帮助学生养成互帮互助的良好品质,培养学生的团队合作能力。 Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsA beautiful farm Be able to review knowledge about animals

23、, vegetables, clothes, fruit, food and so on. Be able to listen, speak, read and write the words of animals, vegetables, clothes, fruit, food and so on. And memorize them by category. Be able to complete relevant exercises independently. Cultivate students ability of comprehensive use of knowledge.

24、Cultivate students love for nature. Teaching Priorities Review and master the words about animals, vegetables, clothes, fruit, food and so on. Teaching Difficulties Be able to apply what you have learned flexibly in real situations. Teaching ProceduresTeaching StagesTeachers ActivitiesStudents Activ

25、itiesTeaching PurposesWarm-up&Revision&Lead-in1. Greetings. 2. Present the task.3. Enjoy the chant.4. Lead-in.1. Greetings.2. Complete the task.3. Chant together.4. Enjoy the picture.Lead students to build the overall situation frame, then enter the teaching of each part.Presentation1. Watch and say

26、.(1)Show the picture of Day 1 without any words.(2)Pair work.(3)Game: Quick response.(4)Deal with the first exercise.(1)Observe the picture and answer a question.(2)Make a dialogue in pairs.(3)Find the items belonging to the group. Read out the word with “a/an/ some” in the front.(4)Finish the first

27、 exercise on P42.Design dialogues and games to enable students to study, review and consolidate what they have learned in a relaxing and pleasant environment.Increase students interest in English learning.Presentation2. Classify the words.Present the chart in the second exercise.Ask students to complete the chart in different ways.Classify the words and try to add more words and more groups.Practice1. Game: Beat the drum to pass


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