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1、公共英语等级考试PETS二级语法资料汇总(一)词类英语词汇按其在句中的作用大致可分为十类,分属“实义词”和“虚词”两个范畴。1实义词:有一定意义,可独立充当句子成分。其中包括六类词,见下表:范畴词 类英文名缩写在句中的作用例 词实义词名 词Nounsn.主语、表语、宾语、同位语、定语、补语face dog代 词Pronounspron.主语、表语、宾语、同位语、定语any some数 词Numeralsnum.主语、表语、宾语、定语eleven six动 词Verbsv.谓语(非谓语动词可作其他各成分)begin call形容词Adjectivesadj.定语、表语、补语、状语good bad

2、副 词Adverbsadv.表语、补语、状语、后置定语ago so2虚词:不在句中独立充当成分,用来说明词与词,句与句的关系或句子语气等,其中包括四类,见下表:范畴词 类英文句缩 写例 词虚词冠 词Articlesart.a an the介 词Prepositionsprep.at across along to连 词Conjunctionsconj.and but because which感叹词Interjectionsinterj.well hello oh(二)名词1名词的概念和种类:表示人或事物名称的词叫名词。有以下四种:类 别意 义例词专有名词表示人、地方、机构的专有名称Beiji

3、ng the Great Wall普通名词可数个体名词表示某类人或物中的个体名称student teacher集体名词表示一群人或物的集合体family government不可数物质名词表示无法分为个体的实物water air抽象名词表动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念beauty youth2可数名词:个体名词和集体名词可以用数目来计算称为可数名词;其单数形式前要有a/an/the或数词one或某些限定词来修饰。两个以上的,单词要变成复数。变化规则如下: 序号构成方法例词1一般在词尾加-sstudentstudents2以ce,se,ze,(d)ge结尾的词加-spagepages3在s,z

4、,F,V,tF后加-eswatchwatches4以辅音字母加o结尾的指人或食物的词加-esheroheroes5以辅音字母加o结尾的外来词或缩写词只加-spianopianos6元音字母加o结尾的词加-sradioradios7辅音字母加y结尾的改y为i再加-esfactoryfactories8词尾为f或fe的改f或fe为v,再加-esknifeknives9有些以f或fe结尾的只加-sbeliefbeliefs10有些单、复数同形sheep fish deer Chinese Japanese3不可数名词:物质名词和抽象名词一般无法用数目来计算,没有复数形式,也不直接用数词或a/an,o

5、ne等来修饰。要表示一定数量的“不可数名词”时,用表数量的名词短语来修饰。如:a piece of bread three pieces of newsa drop of water 4名词的所有格:表示名词的“所有”或“从属”关系的形式,主要有“ s ”和“of”两种形式。情况表示法例词或例句名词的所有格有生命的名词一般单数名词情况词尾加-smy fathers hat以“s”结尾的复数名词只加-the students readingroom不以“s”结尾的复数名词加-sthe childrens palace人名以“s”结尾加- 或-sEngels/Engelss works以F,V,z

6、、tF,dV结尾的加-s(读iz)Marxs childhood并列名词各自所有各名词后加-sLilys and Marys rooms并列名词共有最后的名词后加-sLiLy and Marys room无生命的词时间词尾加-(s)todays newspaper距离词尾加-(s)three hoursride地点词尾加-(s)Chinas population金钱价值词尾加-(s)2,000 dollars worth量度词尾加-(s)fifty pounds weight其他用of所有格注意词序the windows of the room三)代词1代词分类表:英语中代词有九类,用来指代名

7、词或上、下文中的词,词组或句子。序号数人 种 称 类单数复数一二三一二三1人称代词主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey宾格meyouhimheritusyouthem2物主代词形容词性myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs3反身代词myselfyourselfhimselfherselfitselfourselvesyourselvesthemselves4指示代词this thatthese those5不定代词指代人somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, nob

8、ody, no one, everybody, everyone事物something, anything, nothing, everything指代人或物事one, another, each, every, much, either, neither, little, a littleones, others, the others, both,few, a few, many, severalsome, any, no, all, other, the other, none, a lot(of), such6相互代词each other, one another, each othe

9、rs,one anothers7疑问代词who(ever), whom(ever), whose(ever), which(ever), what(ever)8连接代词who(ever), whom(ever), whose(ever), which(ever), what(ever)9关系代词who, whom, whose, which, that, as2人称代词用法表:序号作用用法说明例 句1作主语用主格Does he enjoy listening to music?2作表语指主语用主格Was it she who saw the white cat?指宾语用宾格I believe

10、the writer to be him.3作宾语用宾格These books belong to them.注意:(1)代词并列时,排列顺序为“二,三,一”人称,如:“you,he and I”;“him and me”。(2)人称代词常在名词后,但“you”在名词前,如:“you, Tom and I”。(3)其他种类代词在“人称代词”后,如:“he and some others”。(4)口语中,宾格作表语,如:“Its me.”。3物主代词:分 类句法功能例 句形容词性物主代词作定语This is my pen.名词性物主代词作主语、表语、宾语This bike is hers.注意:

11、名词性物主代词可用于双重所有格中: She is a friend of mine.4.反身代词:序号在句中充当的成分例 句1宾语位于动词后She could dress herself when she was six.位于介词后Take care of yourselves.“宾语+and”后She invited Mike and myself to the party.2表 语He doesnt seem himself today.3同位语主语同位语He himself had to do it/He had to do it himself.宾语同位语You can ask the

12、 president himself.4并列主语and之后(Both)Mary and myself will go.or之后(Either)Mary or yourself will go.nor之后(Neither)Mike nor yourself have anything to do with it.注意:(1)反身代词不单独作主语。(2)oneself也是一个反身代词,用法与上面相同。One should not live for oneself alone.5.指示代词:“this,that,these,those”,可作名词用也可作形容词用。见下表:在句中的成分例 句1作名词用

13、作主语This is Smith.2作宾语I like this.3作表语His idea is this.4作形容词用作定语This way,please.6不定代词:序号分类功能用法不定代词例词或例句说明1作形容词定语接可数单数every“每个的”,只作定语every body指三者或三者以上的“每个的”。接可数复数otherother boys接三类名词nono peopleno=not a/any2作名词主语、表语、宾语代单数(人)someone,somebodyanyone,anybodyeveryone,everybodyno one,nobodySomeone is waitin

14、g for Jack.Is everyone here?Is there anybody out?someone,somebody 用肯定句中或表建议等的疑问句中;anyone,anybody用于否定条件句或疑问句中。代单数(物)something,anythingnothing,everythingSomething is wrong with my bike.something用于肯定句或表建议等的句子里;anything用于否定句或疑问句中。代复数(人/物)others,the othersShe likes to help others.Where are the others?the

15、 others其余的人/物。noneNone of us is afraid.指三者或三者以上当中“没一个”。3既可作名词又可作形容词主语、定语、表语、宾语不可数little,a little,muchTheres little time left.little“几乎没有”,表否定。可数复数few,a few,many,several, bothBoth my sisters are good.few“几乎没有”表否定;both只用于两者“两者都”。可数单数one each(二者或三者以上的“每一”) another,either,neitherEach student has a penci

16、l.either二者之中任一个;neither二者之中没一个。接/代三类名词all,some,any,such,the otherHe has two sons.One is a doctor. The other(one)is a teacher.some用于肯定句或表建议的句中;any用于否定、疑问句或条件句中。可数复数或不可数lots of, a lot of, a lotHe has lots of/a lot of friends.He has a lot to say.注意:(1)both(二者都)和all(三者或以上都)可以作同位语,位于助动词,系动词或情态动词后,行为动词之前。

17、The boys are all in the classroom.Both(of)my brothers like sports.(2)every other+可数名词单数:指“每隔一”。They go to play basketball every other day.(3)no/any/every/some与one/body构成的复合词指人,不用于of前。(4)all/both/every及其复合词与否定词连用时,表部分否定。相应的全否定为none/neither/no one/nobody/nothing等。Not all of us are teachers=All of us a

18、re not teachers.None of us are students.(5)“another+数词+名词复数”表示“再来(数词)”。Another two coffees,please.(6)the other+单数可数名词或不可数名词或复数可数名词表示“其余的/所有剩下的”。The other boys are playing on the playground.the other后不接任何词时,指“二者中的另一个。”I have two skirts. One is red. The other is blue and white stripes.7疑问代词:用来构成特殊疑问句。

19、在句中可作主语、宾语、表语、定语、补语等。在句中成分例句主语Who did it?宾语What are you doing?定语Whose bike is it?补语What do you call it in Japanese?表语Whose is this book?(四)数词1. 数词分类:分类在句中充当的成分例词基数词主语、表语、宾语、定语、同位语one, eleven, fifty序数词主语、表语、宾语、定语、同位语、状语second, eighth, fortieth2基数词的构成及用法:类型构成方法例词1-12单独的词one, two, three, four, five, si

20、x, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve13-19在3-9的词尾加上“-teen”thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen20,30,40-90以“-ty”结尾twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety100,1000,1000,000,1000 000 000,百,千,百万,十亿都有具体量词one/a hundred, one/a thousand,one/a million,

21、one/a billion21-99“几十”和“个位”之间用连字符“-”twenty-three,forty-eight101-999“百位”后“十位”前加“and”826: eight hundred and twenty-six1,000以上先从右向左每三位数加一逗号,从右向左第一个逗号为thousand,第二个为million,第三个为billion,然后每三位为一单位从左向右读。1,234,567,892: one billion, two hundred thirty-four million, five hundred sixty-seven thousand eight hund

22、 red and ninety-two3.序数词的构成:类 型构成特点例词及缩写式one, two, three单独记忆first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd)fournineteen在基数词尾加-thfifth (5th), ninth (9th), twelfth (12th)-ty结尾的词把yie,在基数词尾加-thtwentieth (20th), fiftieth (50th), fortieth (40th)以19结尾的多位数变个位数为序数词即可twenty-first (21st), ninety-ninth (99th)hundred, th

23、ousand, million, billion在基数词尾加-th即可hundredth (100th) thousandth (1,000th) millionth(1,000,000th) billionth (1,000,000,000th)4.序数词的用法:序号用法特点举 例 1前面要加theHes always the first to get to meeting-room.2前面用a/an表“又一,再一”Hed better try a fourth time.五)介词1.介词的概念及分类:介词是一种虚词,不能单独在句中充当成分,要与宾语一起构成介词短语才可在句中充当成分。介词按

24、形式分为简单介词、复合介词、短语介词、特殊介词和双重介词。分类例 词按形式分简单介词at, about, above, after, as, but, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, like, near, off, of, on, opposite, over, past, round, since, through, till, to, under, until, up, besides, between, beyond, with, across, against, along, among, around, before, behind

25、, below, beside复合介词inside, outside, onto, into, toward(s), upon, within, without短语介词along with, together with, according to, ahead of, as for, as to, because of, due to, except for, owing to, out of, up to, by means of, by the side of, by way of, in front of, in spite of, as far as特殊介词concluding, re

26、garding, considering, save双重介词until after, until before, Saturday, except, on duty按功能分空间(地方、位置、方向、范围、界限、包括、排除)about, above, across, after, against, along, among, (a)round, at, before, behind, with, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, upon, save, beyond, but, by, concerning, down, on, out of, o

27、utside, over, past, through, throughout, towards, under, up时间after, before, as, between, by, during, for, from, in, on, over, past, till, until, up to, within, through, throughout原因理由根源(目的,内容等)about, according to, as, because of,due to,owing to,on acount of, from, of, on, with, regarding, concerning

28、, considering, through, by, under, for2容易混淆的介词:区别讲解例句表时间的介词at, on, inat表示“在几点几分”(单位最小);on表示“在具体的某一天或某天上午(下午晚上等)”;in表示“在几天、周、月、年”。I get up at six oclock.It happened on a spring morning.There are seven days in a week.in the morning / evening / afternoon;at noon / night / dawn / sunrise / sunset / lunc

29、h / dinner / supper, etc.during, for, infor后加一个“表时间段的具体单位(常用复数)”;during强调“持续”或“某活动”期间;in指在一段时间内。She has lived here for six years.He was in English during the war.In those days he was poor.till, untiltill/until构成的短语修饰“持续性动词”,“非持续性动词”要用“否定式”。They waited till/until 10:00.They didnt leave until/till 10:

30、00.after, since“after+时刻或时段”,“以后”,终点时间在过去或将来;而“since+时间点”,“自从以来”,终点在说话的时刻。Shell be back after eight oclock.Shes lived here since 2002.in, after“in+时段”,“以后”,用于将来时;“after+时刻或时段”,“以后”可用于将来时或过去时。Hell leave after 11:00.He left after 11:00.She left after a few hours.Shell be back in half an hour.表空间位置及方向方

31、位的介词at, on, inat指一个“点”或“小地方”;in指一个“地区”或“大地方”空间内;on在某一平面或线上面。They arrived at the village at ten.Your pencil is in the desk.Your pencil is on the desk.on, above, overon“与物体接触”反义词为“beneath”;over“在正上方”反义为“under”;above“在的上方”反义词为“below”。Theres a book on the desk and a pen beneath the book.Theres a lamp ov

32、er the desk and a bag under the table.Jacks bedroom is above mine on the second floor.over, across, throughacross“表面跨过”;through“从中间或从头至尾穿过”;over“从上空越过”。Hes swimming across the river.They walked through the forest.A plane is flying over the city.at, beside, by, next to, nearat靠得“最近”;beside“在并排一条线上”;b

33、y“在并排一条线上”;next to“在顺序上紧靠旁边”;near 靠得“最远”,不表明确方向或顺序。Lets meet at the school gate.The building beside the library is the shopping center.The boy standing by my side is from Shanghai.Whos sitting next to/beside Mr.Steve?about, round, around.about表示周围是随意的,不规则的;round或around(二者无多大差别)的周围则是较完整的一个圈。Dont leav

34、e the toys about the meeting-room.They are sitting round/around the table.to, for, atto “运动的方向,目的地”;for “动身出发的目的地”;at “有意攻击的目标”。Throw it to me.Hell leave for Shanghai.He threw the ball at that boy.up, downup指“往上,往北,大地方,靠拢”;down指“向下,往南,向小地方,往开走”但在一市区,去中心区用down,去郊区等用up。They are going up the hill.They

35、are going down river.Im going down town shopping.on, in, toin表“在某地区内”;on表“接壤”;to表“在某地区以外”。Shanghai is in the south of China.Hunan lies on the north of Guangdong.Xichang lies to the south west of Chengdu.between,amongbetween指“两者之间”;among指“在三者以上之间”。Theres a river between the two villages.Theres a smal

36、l house among the trees.besidesexceptexcept forexcept thatbutbut forbesides“除之外还有,”实际不排除;except“除外”表“排除”,不放在句首;except for表整体肯定补充细节,表除去整体中的一部分;except that“除了外”,后接从句;but通常与all, no, every, where, who what及有些它们的合成词连用;but for“要不是”,后面句子常用虚拟语气。I love music besides sports.The house is never used except in w

37、inter.The bus is empty except for an old woman.I dont know Peter except that hes an Japanese.Theres nothing but a chair in the room.But for your help,I wouldnt have finished my homework.表原因的介词of forfrom/out offromatof常与fond, proud, tired连用表情绪上的原因;for表奖惩痛苦出名的原因,或内在心里的原因;from/out of“出于某需要,动机,认识”等原因;fr

38、om还可指自然,直接的原因;at常指感情上的原因。Im proud of having you as a friend.Hes famous for his writing.They are suffering from starvation.She fell ill from drinking unclean water.His mother is angry at his laziness.表方式的介词byon/inwithinthroughby表“用交通工具”或表“发出某动作”;on/in表用某交通工具;with用具体的“工具、材料”或伴随“抽象事物”;in用原料或语言;through通

39、过具体过程,途径,手段,中介。I go to school by bus.I go to school on a bike.I write with a pen.Can you say it in English?I learned it through a friend(六)形容词、副词1形容词修饰名词/代词;副词修饰形容词、副词、动词或整个句子,在句中可充当定语、状语、补语、表语。序号功用词类位置用法例词/例句1定语形容词在中心词前Hes a small Japanese boy.副词在中心词后Ive got used to the life here.2状语形容词句首/中,表原因/时间句

40、末/中,表伴随/结果Tired and thirsty, we stopped to have a rest.He lay in bed, awake.副词在被修饰词前、后修饰全句,位置灵活You are quite right.Sometimes he goes to school on foot.3表语形容词副词系动词后He is tired.They are out.4补语形容词作主补在谓语后作宾补在宾语后The little boy was found dead.He find it very useful.副词作主补在谓语后作宾补在宾语后She was seen out.Let me

41、 show you out.注意:(1)the/these/those+形容词表示一类人/物;成对的形容词这样用时可省去the。The rich are not always happy.High and low all like this flower.(2)“enough足够的”作定语时既可放在中心词前也可放在中心词后;但作副词时只能后置。We have enough food to eat. We have food enough to eat.Its warm enough.(3)许多以前缀a-构成的形容词常作后置定语,这样的形容词有:awake, alone, alive, afra

42、id, alike, asleep, ashamed等。It is a book worth reading.Do you know the man asleep over there?(4)形容词修饰由some/any/no/every与one/body/thing构成的复合不定代词时,要后置。I have something important to tell you.(5)形容词(与其他词组/语构成的)短语作定语时要后置。English is a language difficult to master.(6)几个副词作状语并列时,位置一般按方式地点时间顺序排列。He came here

43、 by air yesterday.(7)几个形容词并列作表语时,并列的词之间用逗号隔开,最后两个词之间用and(but/yet)等连接,并列词的先后顺序较灵活(有时将强调的词放在最后)。He is tall,dark and handsome.2. 形容词、副词比较等级的构成及形式:规则变化构 成形 式原级比较级最高级单音节词和少数以-er, -ow, -le, -y结尾的双音节词一般tall加-ertaller加-esttallest以不发音e结尾noble加-rnobler加-stnoblest以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节wetbig双写最后辅音字母再加-erwetterbigger双

44、写最后辅音字母再加-estwettestbiggest辅音字母加-y结尾的词easyheavy改y为i再加-ereasierheavier改y为i再加-esteasiestheaviest多音节词,多数双音节词及部分加-ly等变来或由分词变来的词deliciousslowlytiredtiresome词前加moremore deliciousmore slowlymore tiredmore tiresome词前加mostmost deliciousmost slowlymost tiredmost tiresome不规则变化goodwellbetterbestbad/illbadlywors

45、eworstmanymuchmoremostlittlelessleastoldeldereldestolderoldestfarfartherfarthestfurtherfurthestlatelaterlatestlatterlast注意:(1)形容词最高级前要用the,而副词最高级前的the可省。(2)下面这些词的比较等级可在后面加-er/-est或在前面加more/most构成。cruel, often, able, clear, clever, correct, dear, free, friendly, happy, handsome, likely, lively, pleas

46、ant, right, simple, quiet, solid, strange, strict, stupid, wrong, etc.5. 形容词、副词比较等级常用的句型及用法:类别用法及意义句型结构例句原级没有比较very / so / quite / too, etc. +原级It was very warm yesterday.二者比较程度相同as+原级+as+比较对象You are as clever as Mike.一方是另一方的几倍.times as+原级+as+比较对象This bridge is five times as long as that one.二者比,程度不

47、同.not as+原级+as+比较对象You are not as tall as he.二者比,前者不如后者.not so+原级+as+比较对象Math isnt so hard as physics.比较级二者比,一方比另一方更比较级+than.Youre younger than Tom.二者比,A比B得多,much / a lot /a little, rather, a great dealIts much hotter today than it was yesterday.A比B甚至还要/一点a bit/far/even/still/a little, etc.+比较级+than

48、Hes still stronger than Jack.Hes far older than you.表“越来越”比较级+and+同一比较级Shes getting fatter and fatter.表“越就越”the+比较级+,the+比较级+,The more you ask, the more youllunderstand.A比B(高,长)多少倍.times+比较级+thanThis line is four times longer than that one.在二者中哪个是更的那个Which / Who is the+比较级+of the two?Who is the tall

49、er of the twins?哪个更,A还是B?Which/Who+谓+比较级,A or B?Who runs faster, Lily or Mary?表“越来越”比较级and+另一比较级+than+Hes getting healthier and stronger than his brother.表“比更少”或“不如”less+原级或名词+thanTom made less mistakes than Jack.This story is less interesting than that one.Shes less rich than he.表“与其说”,“不如”,“不止”mor

50、e+原级+thanShe is more hard-working than clever.more+名词+thanMr.Smith is more an artist than a teacher.more+than+原级/名词Shes more than a teacher.Shes more than tired.表“并不比某某”或“与某某一样不”no+比较级+thanShes no taller than you.最高级三者或三者以上比较“某某最”(the)+最高级+of+复数名词He runs fastest of the boys.在某区域的“最”(the)+最高级+in+单数集体

51、名词或地点He is the tallest in his class.“在三者或三者以上当中最之一”one of the+最高级+复数名词+Shes one of the best students in this class.“第几大/长”the+序数词+最高级(+名词)+in+区域It is the second longest river in the world.“三者以上当中谁/哪个最”Which/Who+谓语+(the)最高级,A、B、C or D?Who jumps highest, Tom,Jack or Smith?(七)冠词1冠词的概念及种类:分类含义形式例词说明不定冠词表示“一”,强调类别aa pen用于单数可数名词前,表泛指anan Englishman定冠词this这that那these这些those那些thethe bikethe waterthe empty box用于各类名词前,表特指2不定冠词a/an的用法:用 法举 例用于单数可数名词前,指类别Joan is an English teacher.用于单数可数名词前,泛指某人或物Theres a letter for you.用于指初次提到某人/物She has a dog.指某类


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