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1、MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.(2%*33=66%)1)When we classify managers according to their level in the organization they are described as _. A)top managers, middle managers and supervisors B)functional, staff and line managers C)g

2、eneral managers and administrative managers D)high level and lower level managers 2)According to Mintzberg, which management category includes the roles of figurehead, leader, and liaison? A)planning B) informational C)interpersonal D) decisional 3)A large chemical company not only disposes of all t

3、oxic waste properly as outlined by law, but it also spends $1 million dollars each year on research to determine better processes for all businesses to use in disposing of toxic wastes. This company is exhibiting which of the following? A)moral obligation B) social obligation C)social responsiveness

4、 D) social responsibility Application of Hofstedes Cultural DimensionsKevin knew that it was likely his corporation was going to ask him to go abroad and manage the new chemical factory they were building. He was excited about the prospects but also apprehensive. He had never traveled before and, as

5、 far as he was concerned, there was only one way to do anything-the American way. He decided some research was in order to at least get an idea about other countries. In his reading, he learned that some cultures place a high priority on a loose social framework, where they feel primarily responsibl

6、e for themselves and their immediate family. He also learned that in some societies, employees show a great deal of respect for those in authority, and titles and rank carry much weight. Some countries have little job mobility and practice lifetime employment. He also learned that some countries are

7、 characterized by assertiveness and materialism. Now he wondered if there was any framework to help organize his thoughts.4)A culture that practices lifetime employment would be demonstrating which dimension of national culture? A)individualism versus collectivism B)quantity versus quality of life C

8、)uncertainty avoidance D)power distance 5)The _ of RJ Nabisco is to meet the needs of consumers through innovative marketing and manufacturing of healthful, good-tasting products that contribute to a healthy lifestyle and consumer well-being around the world, yielding above-average returns over time

9、 and for our shareholders. A)tactical plan B) mission C)environmental plan D) strategic plan 6)Krispy Kreme has a distribution network that allows fresh doughnuts to be transported to convenience stores, and supermarkets. Krispy Kreme outlets before dawn so that consumers can enjoy them. This is a u

10、nique source of competitive advantage for Krispy Kreme known as a(n) _. A)strategic opportunity B) organizational strength C)organizational capability D) core competency 7)A variation of the electronic meeting that links together media from different locations is A)e-commerce. B) the Delphi techniqu

11、e. C)e-conference. D) video conference. 8)_ is used when managers make every decision, from the alternatives, based on a philosophy that you do make the best decision, no matter how long it takes. A)Sub-optimizing B) Optimizing C)Satisficing D) Escalation of commitment 9)Which of the following has n

12、ot contributed to the boundaryless organization? A)changes in technology B)static environments C)complex and dynamic environments D)increases in telecommunication 10)What can a company do to protect itself from sexual harassment claims? A)Document each act or occurrence. B)Educate all employees on t

13、his issue. C)Have mechanisms available to monitor employees. D)all of the above 11)_ are barriers that keep us from doing what we desire. A)Stressors B) Demands C)Constraints D) Restraints 12)_ is the study of actions of people specifically people at work. A)Organizational behavior B)Human resource

14、management C)Organizational training D)Organizational development Application of Team RolesSarah has just returned from a seminar dealing with the research of Margerison and McCann where the roles of work team members was discussed. She is enthusiastic as she sets down to select members for the new

15、team she is developing. Hopefully Sarah can avoid some problems of past teams by selecting individuals to fill the roles needed by the work team. Jim comes to mind immediately. He is one of the most imaginative people Sarah knows. He continuously comes up with new and novel ideas; however, he is ver

16、y independent and likes to work at his own pace. Ruby, on the other hand, has an extreme concern for following policies and rules. She is excellent at examining details and making sure all the facts and figures will work. Putting those two together on a team, though, may pose some interpersonal prob

17、lems since they are so different. Then there is Shane. He always has such strong convictions about how things should be done. However, he will protect the group from outsiders and go to battle for them. He will help provide team stability.13)Shane is well suited to the team role of A)reporter-adviso

18、r. B) assessor-developer. C)controller-inspector. D) upholder-maintainer. 14)According to Maslow, a person who is looking for affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship is at which need level? A)esteem B) physiological C)social D) safety 15)Fiedlers LPC questionnaire purports to measure th

19、e leaders behavioral orientation as either _ or _. A)initiating consideration; initiating structure B)employee-oriented; production-oriented C)delegating; participating D)task-oriented; relationship-oriented 16)A(n) _ system digitizes a spoken message, transmits it over the network and stores the me

20、ssage on a disk for the receiver to retrieve later. A)facsimile B) electronic data interchange C)instant messaging D) voice-mail Application of Types of ControlSam has not been receiving the information that he needs from his current control system. By the time Sam receives the information, the acti

21、vity has occurred and there is nothing that can be done. Direct supervision is used extensively on the floor now, so some activities have been changed before they became costly mistakes. But Sam would like to do better. He would like to fix things before they break and anticipate more of the problem

22、s that occur.17)Supervision is the best-known form of A)management control. B) concurrent control. C)feedback control. D) feedforward control. 18)A manager who has a reputation for being open and honest and understands how to motivate employees and customers is said to have good _ skills. A)interper

23、sonal B) technical C)sales D) political 19)The fact that in the United States employees are generally not in fear or awe of their managers is an example of which of the following dimensions of national culture? A)individualism versus collectivism B)space acceptance C)uncertainty avoidance D)power di

24、stance Application of SWOT AnalysisTerry had been told to reexamine the strategic niche their company held in the cosmetic industry. Top management did not want the company caught unaware of any changes occurring. Terry began reviewing a list of factors in his mind. There had been some negative publ

25、icity lately due to cosmetic testing on animals. The animals were well treated, but they were used to test new products. Positively, sales industry-wide was up 10%. Women were buying more cosmetics in general, which was nothing but good for the company. Another positive factor was their personnel. T

26、hey had good people working in the company, particularly in research and development. The only other negative Terry could find was that the advertising campaign that was begun last year had not shown the results they had hoped for. Something needed to be done in that department. Terry began to compi

27、le his report.20)The quality of the companys personnel would be classified as which of the following? A)opportunity B) strength C)threat D) weakness Application of Decision Making: A Contingency ApproachIt seems that all Dave accomplishes is making decisions. Every time he turns around, someone want

28、s him to decide on one more thing. Just today the secretary came in and asked if she could reorder paper for the fax machine. Somehow that seemed like a decision he really did not need to deal with. If he could avoid those types of decisions, then when the foreman came in with the news of a major pi

29、ece of equipment that needs repair, in which the repair bill will be almost as much as a new machine, Dave could focus more time and attention on the more complicated issues.21)Dave relies on rules of thumb or past experience to make decisions. Based on this tendency, he will most likely A)select th

30、e first solution that works. B)conduct extensive to find the best alternative solution. C)seek a creative solution. D)none of the above 22)The process of _ involves making decisions about how specialized jobs should be allocated, the rules to guide employees behaviors, and at what level decisions ar

31、e to be made. A)organizing B) planning C)organization design D) controlling 23)Which of the following should be the basis for evaluation of a training program? A)instructor personality B)difficulty level of the training C)improvement in actual employee job performance D)entertainment value Applicati

32、on of Organizational ChangeKrista is unsure what to do next. Her company is about to implement a radical new technology transformation that will affect every person in the organization. They are basically updating their plant to the 21st century, and almost everything is changing. Krista is in charg

33、e of assisting the members of the company with the planned changes. Since it is a long-term change that is organization-wide, management felt that someone needed to facilitate the change because, in essence, it was changing the culture of the company. The first thing Krista did was to ask employees

34、a specific set of questions about the perceived changes. From this data, Krista then needed to decide what to do next. An outside consultant has been hired to help Krista diagnose the interpersonal processes that needed improvement. The move from functional departmentalization to work teams was a ch

35、ange necessitated by the new technology. This was a major change for employees who had worked in specific departments for most of their careers. Furthermore, the teams will have to interact with each other as they use the new technology. Krista feels that her task is almost overwhelming.24)The outsi

36、de consultant was performing which of the following? A)intergroup development B) survey feedback C)team building D) process consultation Application of Shortcuts Used in Judging OthersFrederic has 15 sales employees for whom he is responsible. In the next month, he must conduct performance evaluatio

37、ns for all of his employees. His employees are all so different, sometimes it seems to Frederic there is no way to give an honest appraisal of each individual. Just this morning, for example, two employees were late for the weekly sales meeting. Frederic can never remember Jake being late before, bu

38、t Carol is late every week. Carols constant tardiness for their weekly meeting is the primary characteristic that comes to mind when Frederic sits down to do her performance appraisal. Jake, on the other hand, is always on time, always has his reports in by their due date, and always meets all deadl

39、ines. Then there is George. George is his outstanding salesperson. Each month Frederic expects more business to be written by George than the previous month, and George never lets him down. At least Frederic knows he can depend on George.25)Carols behavior seems consistent to Frederic. He will proba

40、bly conclude that her behavior is A)distinctive. B) internally caused. C)a self-fulfilling prophecy. D) externally caused. 26)Teams can serve as a source of job satisfaction for all of the following reasons except A)they increase security from conformity. B)they enhance employee involvement. C)they

41、increase employee morale. D)they promote workforce diversity. 27)In equity theory propositions, if paid according to quantity of production, underrewarded employees will produce a _ units in comparison with equitably paid employees. A)small number of high quality B)large number of high quality C)sma

42、ll number of low quality D)large number of low quality 28)Lewin found that work quality and group satisfaction were highest using which leadership style? A)laissez-faire B) autocratic C)dictatorial D) democratic 29)_ is a conflict management strategy that involves reducing differences or distance be

43、tween parties in the conflict and facilitating cooperation. A)Accomodation B) Competition C)Compromise D) Avoidance 30)Which of the following is a quality of an effective control system? A)economy B) complexity C)stability D) singular criteria 31)Performing the task right and considering the relatio

44、nship between inputs and outputs is A)goal attainment. B) effectiveness. C)a management characteristic. D) efficiency. 32)A large pulp and paper company meets all federal guidelines and obeys all laws rigorously as it cuts down timber. The primary concern of this company is compliance and profit max

45、imization for its stockholders. This company is exhibiting which of the following? A)moral obligation B) social responsiveness C)social responsibility D) social obligation 33)Each MBO objective must have A)a reference to quality. B)a specified dollar amount. C)a percentage change specified. D)a conc

46、ise time period. TRUE/FALSE. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.(1%*34=34%)34)Managers can be classified in terms of either their level in the organization at which they work and or their area of specialization. 35)All organizations develop a systematic structure that d

47、efines and limits the behavior of their members. 36)As manager of Xithropy, Inc. you may become regularly confronted with decisions that have a dimension of social responsibility. Examples of major factors would be decisions about distribution, advertising, employee insurance, or length of workweek.

48、 37)Moral responsibility refers to a business firms obligation to pursue long-term goals that are good for society. 38)Planning is exactly what is needed in order to more effectively manage a chaotic environment. 39)Uncertainty and change produce a need for more effective planning in todays business

49、 environment. 40)Groupthink explains why groups make more accurate decisions than individuals. 41)The rational decision-making process is the basis for all creative work. 42)The span of control today is increasingly being determined by analyzing contingency variables. 43)Operational efficiencies can

50、 be achieved by reducing the number of layers and levels of management and increasing the span of control. 44)The realistic job preview can cost the time and effort of selection because it gives candidates a chance to decide if the job is right for them regardless of their skills or qualifications.

51、45)An organizational culture that fosters innovation accepts ambiguity and has a low tolerance for risk. 46)People who have higher emotional intelligence are better able to succeed in coping with environmental demands and pressures. 47)When Stage II (storming) of team development is complete, there

52、will be relatively clear leadership within the team. 48)Motivation is a personal trait; some people are motivated, and some people are not motivated. 49)Managers are people who are able to influence others and who possess managerial authority. 50)An Intranet is an organizational communication networ

53、k that uses Internet technology, and allows authorized users inside the organization to communicate with certain outsiders such as customers or vendors. 51)Personal observation as a form of control measurement requires little time. 52)First-line supervisors are responsible for directing the day-to-day activities of operative employees. 53)Today, blue-collar industrial workers account for over 40% of the United States workforce. 54)A project is an example of a single-use plan. 55)Nominal group technique allows individuals to operate independently. 56)Authority is one of the fiv


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