



1、(令 intercontinentalstandard operating procedureHOTELS GROUP标准操作程序HOW TO CLEAN UPHOLSTER Y如何清洁室内装饰Task Number :PA-0002任务号Department :Housekeep ing部门客房部Date Issued:January 2005发出时间2005年1月GuestI expect all upholstery to be regularly clea ned. My clothes and sk in come into con tact withExpectation :uph

2、olstery and it needs to be kept clean and in heavy traffic areas it needs to be regularly顾客愿望san itized我布望所有的至内装饰都能得到清洁。我接触到的应该是干净的特别是人流较大的区域更应该如此。TIME TO TRAIN :25 min utes培训时间25分Why is this task importa nt for you and our guests?为什么此任务对于你和我们的客人都很重要?An swers:答案:1. I can in crease the GSTS score.可以增

3、加顾客满意度调查的分数。2. It shows my professionalism这可以展示我们的专业性。3. I understand that cleanliness is important for the image of our hotel.我可以理解清洁度可以影响我们的酒店形象。WHAT/ STEPS 内容步骤HOW/ STANDARDS 操作标准TRAINING QUESTIONS培训疑问1) General care of upholstery 正常清洁Vacuum daily.每日吸尘Remove stains immediately, using a clean dam

4、cloth.用干净的湿抹布随时清洁污点污迹If the sta in cannot be removed, spray gen eral purpose clea ner on the spot and dab with a dry clea ning cloth.如果不能去除则用喷雾清洁器然后用湿抹布擦拭。Whe n vacuu ming a sofa, en sure the cushi ons removed.在进行沙发的吸尘时应将垫子挪开。Why do I n eed to vacuum daily?我为什么要每天吸尘?pIs it better to remove stains im

5、mediately, or better to wait un til they are dry?是立刻去除污点好还是等其干了之后好哪?Why do I n eed to spray clea ner on the sta in我为什么要用喷雾清洁器进行去污?irWhy do I n eed to remove the cushi ons? 我为什么要将垫子挪开?s s?2) Types of sta in污迹种类-Grease/oil 油脂-Soil-food sta in 土迹或食品迹-Spillage-coffee/tea咖啡及茶迹We are the main types of sta

6、 in?污迹的主要种类?2) Cleaning Methods 清洁方法Spot clea n:点清Spray gen eral purpose clea ner on the spot anc agitate it with the edge of a cloth. Dab with a clean cloth from the outer edge of the stain in wards.先用喷壶喷到污点,然后用干净的抹布擦 拭污点的边沿直到中心。Shampoo:Fix upholstery no zzle to mach ine and shampocWhat is the diff

7、erence between spot cleanin and shampo oing?洗涤与点清有什么区别?What is better?那一个更好?gsection by sectio n.将喷嘴装到机器上进行部 分清洗。Use the edge of the no zzle to agitate the sta in stubbor n.用喷壶的边沿摩擦污点。To dry faster, use a blowe可 以用风干机快速 风干。fHow can I get the upholstery to dry faster?如果需要快速风干我该如何处理?WHAT/STEPSHOW/ STA

8、NDARDSTRAINING QUESTIONS4) Precauti ons 预防Test if the fabric is colorfast. Press a clean dam cloth onto the fabric surface choos ing an area with a stron ger color and in an unno ticeable corner.在一个不显眼的地方用湿的抹布对其表面 进行擦拭测试来确疋是否褪色。Check the type of stuffi ng material used.For latex foam padd ing, shamp

9、oo method can be used.对于乳胶泡沫材料的可以进行洗涤。lpWhy do I n eed to test the colorfast?为什么要进行颜色的测试?What can you use for latex?如果是乳胶材料的应该用什么方法?5) Report defects问题上报Defects should be reported immediately in clud ing any maintenance problems found while clea ning.发现问题应及时上报包括维修及清洁过程 中的问题。Why do I have to report i

10、mmediately? 我为什么要立刻上报?Summary questions:问题总结1. What is important to take special care of when cleaning upholste在?室内装饰的清洁时应特别注意什么?2. What do you need to do when cleaning upholster在清洁室内装饰时应注意什么?3. What types of stain are the most common基本的污点都有那些?4. What different cleaning methods do you know你知道都有那些清洁 方法?5. Why do you test the fabric and how do you test你为什么要对材料进行测试如何测试6. Do I need to report defects to HK or can I report this defect immediat


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