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1、初中英语常见的几种时态1. all of the students in my class like physics very much.2. i didnt have lunch this morning because i got up late.3. where do they want to go?4. could the girl dress herself at the age of 3.5. when did you finish your homework.总结:一个句子的时态是由其中的动词决定的,一般现在时的句子中,如果主语是第一二人称,或一二人称的复数及名词复数的时候,动词

2、用原形,如果主语是第三人称单数或名词单数时,动词也要相应的用单数。动词变成单数有以下几种规则:一、 动词第三人称单数的变化规则及发音规律动词原形变第三人称单数的规则与发音规律同名词单数变复数大致相同,请认真观察。1、大多数动词在词尾加“s”在清辅音后发音为s,在浊辅音及元音后发音为 z。如:stopstops s ; makemakes sreadreads z ; playplays z2、以辅音字母加“y”结尾的,要先将“y”变为“i”,然后在加“es”读iz 如:flyflies z; carrycarries zstudystudies z; worryworries3、以“s, x,

3、 ch, sh”结尾的,在词尾加“es”,发音为iz 如:teachteaches iz; watchwatches iz4、以“o”结尾的动词,加“es”,读z 如:gogoes z dodoes z下面几个动词变为单数时,原词的元音部分的发音发生了较大的变化,请注意记忆。 如:1、do du:does dz2、say seisays sez以不发音字母“e”结尾的开音节词,如果尾音是s,z时,加“s”后字母“e”发音, 与所加“s”一起读做iz。 如:closecloses iz二、对比词形变化中原词词尾变化之异同: 变“y”为“i”现象 双写最后辅音字母现象例词:babybabiesca

4、rrycarriesstudystudying动词单数形式练习题一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。 sit_ swim_ go _make _ run _ write_ cry_ study _ watch_ wash_ say_ play _二、用do does填空1、_ you ride a bike after school? yes, i _. 2、_ your sister like pe? no, she _ not. 1、 what_ the students have? they have some pens. 2、 how_ linda go to school? she

5、goes to school on foot. 3、 he _ not speak english. he speaks chinese. 4、 _ they watch tv on sundays? yes, they _ . 5、 my father and mother _ not read newspapers on saturday.三、用一般现在时填空。 1、 what _ he _ (have)? he _ (have) a toy plane. 2、 my mother _ not_ (like) english. she _ (like) chinese. 3、 _ you

6、_ (go ) to school by bus? no, i _ (go) to school by car. 4、 miss wang _ (swim ) every day. 5、 i _ (like) english . tom _ _ _(not like ) english.6、 the moon _ (go) around the earth. 7、 when_ you _ (go ) to school? i _ (go) to school at five every day. 动词过去式和过去分词有规则变化和不规则变化两种。1) 规则变化一般在动词原形后加-ed lookc

7、all、open、need looked、called、opened、needed、called、opened、needed但fix的过去式和过去分词x不双写,为fixed.以-e结尾的动词加-d movephone、hope、agree moved、phoned、hoped、agreed、hoped以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,变y为i,再加-ed studycarry、try studied、studied、carried studied 5stqdid、carried 5karid、tried traid以原音字母加y结尾的词,直接加-ed playenjoy、stay played、enj

8、oyed、stayed played pleid、enjoyed in5dvcid、stayed steid末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,双写该辅音字母,再加-ed stopplan、fit stopped、planned、fitted以-r音节结尾的词,双写r字母,再加-ed prefer、refer preferred、referred preferred2) 不规则变化英语中有些动词的过去式和过去分词形式变化不规则,可分为五种情况。1动词原形、过去式和过去分词完全同形。例:原形 过去式 过去分词cut(切)、hit(打)、cast(扔)、hurt(伤害)、put(放)、let(让)

9、、shut(关)、cost(花费)、set(放)rid(清除) cut2过去式与过去分词完全同形。例:原形 过去式 过去分词find(找到)found found、pay(支付)paid paid、leave(离开)left left、lend(借出)lent lent、meet(遇见)met met、keep(保持)kept keptlose(丢失)lost lost、teach(教)taught taught、sit(坐)sat sat、lead(引导)led led、win(赢)除)won won3动词原形与过去分词同形例:原形 过去式 过去分词come(来)run(跑)动词过去式过去分

10、词练习题六、写出下列动词的过去式sit_ swim_ read _ make_ watch_ sing_ do_ has _ go _ watch_ clean_ are _study_ stop_ is _ come _ wash_ jump_ get _七、用一般过去时填空1i _(go) to the cinema last saturday. 2he_ (is ) ill yesterday. 3we only_ (have ) a lesson yesterday. 4what _ your uncle _ (do) yesterday morning? he (get ) some

11、 friuts. 5. she _ (clean) our classroom yesterday afternoon请判断下列句子的时态she is doing her homework at the moment.all the students are studying in the classroom now.are they playing basketball on the playground?what are you doing at this time of yesterday?现在分词加ing的规则现在分词是在动词后加上ing 构成。如:starting,working,

12、coming, sitting 等都是现在分词。现在分词的变化规则是固定的,大家用心记一下就可以了。(1)直接在谓语动词后加ing. 例如:going, starting, working.(2)去掉词尾不发音的e,再加ing. 例如 leaving,dining.注意:如果单词结尾的e发音,则不能去掉,也直接加ing. 例如:see -seeing/agree - agreeing .另外,有少数动词比较特殊,请用心记住:例如:lie - lying/die - dying/tie - tying/picnic - picnicking.可用来表示现在进行时的时间状语,常用的有:now, t

13、his week, at this moment 等;或者告诉你一个准确的现在时间,或者用look, listen提醒听者注意正在发生的事。they are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球。listen! she is singing an english song.听,她正在唱英语歌。look at the picture. the children are flying kites in the park.看这幅图。那些孩子正在公园放风筝。we are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型。its 6:30

14、now. i am getting up. 现在是6:30.我正在起床。1. i _ _ (read ) english now. 2. he _ _ (go) to the park now. 3. we _ _ (have ) an english class. 4. what _ they _ (do ) ? they _ _ (sit) in the park. 5. my mother _ _ (clean ) the room now. 八、用动词的适当形式填空。1、 my mother _(wash) the plates in the kitchen every day.2、

15、please _ (have) some oranges. 3、 its seven oclock. i _ (get) up now. 4、 school is over. the students can _ (play) games. 5、 _ you _ (go) to school every day? 6、 dont _ (run) in the school now. 7、 we _ (like) music. now we _ (sing)8、 let me _ (go) to the cinema. 9、 “mary, _ you _ (clean ) the table n

16、ow?” yes.10、 my hands are dirty. let me _(go) and _ (wash ) them. 11、 look, miss white _(have ) an english lesson. we _(like) english. 12、 the workers _ (want) some tea. they are thirsty. 13、 listen, who _ (speak) english in the park? 14、 the old women _(run) every morning. 15、 i can _ (listen ) to

17、the radio on sunday.短语词组句型复习过夜 _ 讲一个小故事_ 一张.的票_希望做._ 得到足够的睡眠_ 发烧_go mad _ cheer up/on _ set a table for_ring up_ be able to do_ be popular with_1. how nice! 真是太好了! what a shame! 真可惜! thats too bad! what bad news! 多糟的消息! 这三句全都是感叹句.它们的结构为: 1) how + adj./ adv. + 主语 + 谓语! 如: how moving the movie is! how

18、 fast the boy runs! 2) what + a/an + adj. + n. (可数名词的单数) + 主语 + 谓语! 如: what a big apple (it is)! 3) what + adj. + n.(可数名词的复数或不可数名词) + 主语 + 谓语! 如: what interesting stories (they are)! what hard work( it is)! 2. because he cant get a ticket to the sound of music. 因为他没有买到音乐之 声的票. to 表“的”,常见的搭配如下: a tic

19、ket tothe sound of music 一张音乐之声的票 the answer to the question 问题的答案 the key to the door 门的钥匙 the way to去.的路 3. since they were not able to go. 既然他们不能去. can 与 be able to 二者都表“能;会”,在指“一般能力”时,常互换。如: he can/is able to work out the problem. 他能算出这道难题. 区别: can 只有现在式和过去式(could),没有数的变化;而 be able to 有时态及数的变化.

20、如: i/ she couldnt swim three years ago, but now i / she can . 三年前,我/她 不会游泳, 但现在我/她能. i will be able to see him next week. 下周, 我将会看到他. they were /he was able to climb the mountain, but now they arent/ he wasnt.they re / he was too old. 他们/他过去能爬得上这座山, 但现在不能. 他们/他太老了.4.the lonely father often became an

21、gry because of the noisy children. 孤独的父 亲经常由于吵吵闹闹的的孩子们而发怒了。 because of “由于”,是介词短语,后常跟名词或短语。如: he didnt come to school because of his illness./ because he was ill. 由于他的病,他没来上学。 we didnt go there because of the heavy rain./ because it rained heavily. 由于大雨,我们没去那儿。 5. maria was able to cheer up the fami

22、ly by teaching them to sing lively songs 玛丽亚有能力通过教他们唱轻快的歌曲使整个家庭振作起来。 by 是介词,指“通过(某种方式)”,后面跟名词、代词、形容词或动名词。 6. what did maria go to the von trapp family for? = why did maria go to the von trapp? 玛丽亚为了什么目的去冯特拉普家庭? 7. and the mother was so worried that she looked for him everywhere, 这位母亲是如此焦急,以致于他四处寻找他。

23、 so + adj/ adv. + that + 句子 指“如此以致于” 一 词汇积累;1. 常见的反义词前缀以un 开头的表示反义的英语单词 happy- unhappy lucky-unlucky kind-unkind popular-unpopular like - unlike usual-unusual lock- unlock healthy-unhealthy helpful-unhelpful important-unimportant 以dis 开头的表示反义的英语单词 like - dislike agree-disagree able-disable obey-diso

24、bey courage-discourage use-disuse order-disorder honest-dishonest 以 in 开头的表示反义的英语单词 famous- infamous active-inactive 以 im 开头的表示反义的英语单词 possible-impossible polite-impolite 以il 开头的表示反义的英语单词 legal- illegal logical- illogical 以ir 开头的表示反义的英语单词 regular-irregular 以mis 开头的表示反义的英语单词 understand- misunderstand lead-mislead use-misuse 2. 学习过的表示情感的一类形容词 请选用合适的形容词完成下列各题。 (1). all of us feel_ at his idea. a. surprised b. surprising we cant believe this_fact. (2). the students are very_ about going to the park. a. exciting b. excited the news from our headmaster is very_ exciting. (3). the mot


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