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1、小学英语名词变复数的练习题小学英语名词变复数的练习题 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(小学英语名词变复数的练习题)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为小学英语名词变复数的练习题的全部内容。7英语名词变复数的练习题一、写出下列名词的复数形式1、orange_2、class _3、monkey_4、p

2、iano_5、child _ 6、shelf _7、 bed_ 8、country_ 9、family_10、toy_ 11、 foot _ 12、radio_13、photo_ 14、tomato_ 15、woman_16、knife_17、sheep_18、ship_ 19、dish_ 20、mouse_ 二、用所给的单词的复数的正确形式填空:1 there are three_(chair) in the classroom。 2 these_ (tomato) are red。3 my brother looks after two_ (baby) 4 my father likes

3、to eat_ (potato)。 5 chinese_ (people)like to eat noodles。6 i have a lot of _ (toy) in my bedroom。7 my mother wash_ (dish) in the kitchen。 8 i have two_ (pencilbox). 9 there are some_ (bus)in the street。10 monster has eight_ (foot).三、选择填空 ( )1i can see three _ in the zoo。 a monkeys b monkeys c monkey

4、 ( )2. the pig has four _。 a. foot b。 feet c. foots ( )3。 my two brothers are _。 a。 policeman b. policemans c。 policemen ( )4。 i can see ten _ in the picture. a. sheep b。 dog c。 pig ( )5. the _ has three_。 a。 boys, watches b。 boy, watch c。 boy, watches ( )6。 can you see _on the plate? a. bread b。 br

5、eads c。 breades( )7。 the girl often brushes her_ before she goes to bed。 a. tooth b. tooths c. teeth ( )8. mr black often drink some _。 a. milk b. milks c。milkes ( )9. there are some _on the floor. a. child b. man c。 books( )10。 lucy will has some _。 a。 photo b。 photos c。 photoes ( )11. i am drinkin

6、g two _. a。 cups of water b。 cup of water c. cups of water ( )12。 the cat eats two _ on monday. a. mouses b. mice c. mouse ( )13. i need a pen and some _. a. books b. desk c。 chair ( )14. there are_ in the room。 a. photos b. photos c。 photo ( )15. there is some _ in the river。 a。 fish b。 fishes c. f

7、ishs( )16。 there_ two _in the box。 a。 is watch b. are watches c。 are watch( )17。 we have to clean _ every day。 a。our tooth b. our tooths c。 our teeth ( )18。 my _ room is next to the reading room。 a。teacher b。teachers c.teachers ( )19。tom and jim are _. a。friends b.friend c.brother( )20.how many_do t

8、hey have? a。picture b.pictures c.a picture 1)写出下列名词的复数形式。 1bag _ 2orange _ 3family _ 4wish _ 5shelf _ 6knife _ 7key _ 8baby _ 9tooth _ 10foot _ 11woman _ 12sheep _ 13japanese _ 14potato _ 15radio _ 16child _ 17fish _ 18photo _19frenchman _ 20man doctor _ 21。watch _22。 bus _ 23。 sheep _ 24. foot _2)选

9、择填空1。 they come from different _a。 country b. countries c。 a country d. countrys2. how many _ do you see in the picture? a。 tomatos b. tomatoes c。 tomato d. the tomato3。 they are_。 a 。 woman teachers b。 women teachers c. women teacher d. woman teacher4. would you like _ ,please? a。 two glass of wate

10、r b. two glasses of water c。 two glass of waters d. two glasses of waters5. most of _ live in _。 a。 germans, german b. german, germen c。 germen, germany d。 germans, germany6。 there are some _ in these _. a.knifespencil-boxes b.knivespencilsbox c。knivespencil-box d。knivespencilsboxes7。 _ like _ by ai

11、r。 a. greens, travelling b。 the green, traveling c. the greens, travel d. the greens, traveling8. i wonder why _ are interested in action films(武打片)。 a. the people b。 people c. peoples d。 the peoples9. there is no _ in the plate.a. apples b。 oranges c。 rice d. eggs10。 _are good for our health。a. tom

12、atos b. tomatoes c。 tomato11. i like to eat cake with _.a。 cherries b。 cherry c.cherrys12。 _ and _ are not friends。a。 foxswolfs b. foxeswolfs c. foxeswolves13. these are the _ of our national _.a。 photos heroes b. photoes heroes c。 photos heros 14. the _ are running on the _。a. deer grasses b. deers

13、 grass c。 deer grass15。 i was so hungry and i ate two _. a. bowls of noodle b。 bowls of noodles c。 bowl of noodles 3)。填入所给名词的正确形式1。 i have two_ (knife)2。 there are many _ here。 (box)3. there are many _ on the road。 (bus)4. a few _ are drawing on the wall。 (boy)5. the _ are playing football now. (chi

14、ld)4)请用括号中名词的复数形式填空1 look at those _。 (child) 2 i can see a _ standing near the door。 (policeman)3 do you want some _ for dinner? (potato)4 in autumn, you can see a lot of _ on the ground。(leaf)5 he has two _.one is blue , the other is yellow。( box)6 two _ live in this building 。( family )5)选择正确的词形1 how many (radioes, radios) can you see?2 there are 36 (boys, boies) in my


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