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1、吉布3水电工程gibe hydroelectric project中孔钢管安装施工方案method statement of middle outlet penstock审批 approved by:校核 checked by:编写 compiled by:中国水利水电第八工程局机电制造安装分局埃塞吉布3项目部sinohydro bureau 8 electrical and mechanical fabrication erection division ethiopia gibe iii hydroelectric project department二零一三年一月二十四日2013.01.

2、24目 录contents1.概述 general32.施工准备 construction preparation521安装前检查 inspecting before erection522 控制样点放置setting out reference points523技术要求technical requirements53.中孔钢管安装erection for middle outlet steel lining631定位节、凑合节的选取selection of locating section and fitting allowance section632钢管的吊装及就位 lifting a

3、nd positioning of steel lining733钢管的转运、临时堆放 transportation and temporary stacking of steel lining834钢管的安装场地基本要求 basic requirements for steel lining erection area935用于钢管安装调整加固的埋板、锚筋 embedded parts, anchor bar used for steel lining erection, adjustment and reinforcement1036钢管的安装 erection for steel lin

4、ing11361钢管安装的流程图 steel lining erection procedure flow chart11362钢管的安装主要工序general process of steel lining erection1237钢管的焊接 welding of steel lining1438钢管的最终验收 final acceptance of steel lining1439钢管验收后的移交 handing over after acceptance154.下游闸门埋件及钢衬安装 embedded parts and steel liner installation for down

5、stream gate155.上游闸门埋件安装 embedded parts installation for upstream gate196.工期及资源配置 construction duration and resource allocation2061劳动力资源 manpower resource2062主要施工设备投入 allocation of main construction equipment2163 钢管安装工期 erection duration of steel lining237.安全注意事项 precautions241. 概述 general埃塞俄比亚吉布3水电工

6、程大坝共设两套泄洪钢管,分为右侧泄洪钢管和左侧泄洪钢管,左、右孔结构及布置形式相同。 two flood discharge steel linings are designed for the dam of ethiopia gibe iii hydroelectric project, which are divided into right steel lining and left steel lining. the both sides of outlet are in the same structure and layout.中孔钢管长度约116.5m,包括为:进口过渡段,渐变段

7、(7m6m,弯管段(6m),直管段(6m),收缩段(6m5.4m),直管段(5.4m),收缩段(5.4m4.6m),出口渐变段。钢管结构形式如下: middle outlet steel lining is about 116.5m long, consisting of inlet transition part, transition part (7m6m), curved part (6m), straight part (6m), contraction part (6m5.4m), straight part (5.4m), contraction part (5.4m4.6m) a

8、nd outlet transition part. the structure of steel lining is as follow: 进水口几何尺寸inlet geometry dimension 出水口几何尺寸outlet geometry dimension进口过渡段,20.3minlet transition section, 20.3m12.5m7m(方形)12.5m7m (square)6m(圆形)6m (round)弯管段,56.8mcurve section,56.8m6m6m直管段,9.8mstraight section,9.8m6m6m渐变段,20mtransiti

9、on section,20m6m5.4m出口渐变段,5.09moutlet transition section,5.09m5.4m8.3m图1:中孔钢管示意图1(左右孔结构形式相同) sketch 1: layout sketch of middle outlet steel lining (left and right outlet in the same structure) 参考图纸:5-hss-7.1-d-chiww-001-d,右侧中孔钢管整体布置图;5-hss-7.1-d-chiww-002-c,左侧中孔钢管整体布置图;5-hss-7.1-d-chiww-003-c,右侧中孔钢管

10、详图;5-hss-7.1-d-chiww-004-c,左侧中孔钢管详图; 5-hss-3.3-d-chims-011-d,中孔钢管闸门及启闭机布置图;5-hss-3.3.1-d-chims-003-b,中孔钢管封堵闸门二期埋件图;5-hss-3.3.1-d-chims-003-b,中孔钢管封堵闸门二期埋件图。 reference drawing: 5-hss-7.1-d-chiww-001-c, right middle outlet general layout;5-hss-7.1-d-chiww-002-b, left middle outlet general layout;5-hss-

11、7.1-d-chiww-003-b,right middle outlet detail drawing;5-hss-7.1-d-chiww-004-b,left middle outlet detail drawing; 5-hss-3.3-d-chims-011-d,layout of middle outlet bulkhead gate and hoist general layout;5-hss-3.3.1-d-chims-003-b, middle outlets bulkhead gate -2nd stage embedded parts;5-hss-3.3.1-d-chims

12、-004-b middle outlets bulkhead gate -2nd stage embedded parts。 2. 施工准备 construction preparation21安装前检查 inspecting before erection 双方应保证安装场地具备交接条件,我部也会对施工材料及设备等进行仔细检查并确保符合图纸及相关规范要求。before erection, both salini and dec shall ensure the installation area is ready for handing over. dec shall carefully c

13、heck material and equipment, and guarantee they are in compliance with the drawings and the technical specifications.22 控制样点放置setting out reference points使用gps定位系统放置基准点(benchmarks)。gps参数由贵部提供。要求对这些基准点进行一次由双方测量人员参与的联合检查。benchmarks from gps system on site will be used, and salini shall provide the gps

14、 data. it is necessary to give a joint inspection towards the benchmarks attended by surveyors from both parties。23技术要求technical requirements安装的程序、方法、标准要求都会按照相关图纸及相应标准(包括设计蓝图、技术合同要求、通过现场协调上报的图纸和qcr和itp等)进行施工。同时,在施工前,我部会对每一个参与此项工作的工人进行技术交底,确保其了解每一步工作、每一项要求。erection procedure, method, and standard req

15、uirement shall all in compliance with relevant drawings and standard (including design blue print, contractual technical requirement, drawings, qcr and itp submitted after coordinate at site). furthermore, before construction, a technical explanation will be given towards the construction staffs in

16、order to make them understand each step and each requirement involved in their work. 3. 中孔钢管安装erection for middle outlet steel lining由于所有钢管均以瓦块形式到货,钢管需在车间进行拼装,拼装工作先于安装工作开始,并能满足钢管安装工作的连续进行。since all steel lining will be transported to site in segments, it needs to be assembled at workshop before erec

17、tion, and the assembly shall be carried out in a way that is capable to make the penstock erection continually. 31定位节、凑合节的选取selection of locating section and fitting allowance section为满足工期要求,结合现场实际情况,每条钢管选取2个定位节(蓝色区域),1个凑活节(中间斜线阴影部分)。钢管安装将由上游及下游两个定位节同时进行,向中间凑合节合拢。如下图示:in order to meet the erection s

18、chedule, two locating sections (the blue area) and one fitting allowance section (the middle oblique line shadowed part) shall be selected from each steel lining with the consideration of site actual situation. the steel lining erection will be conducted simultaneously at upstream and downstream. re

19、fer to the following drawings: 图2:定位节、凑合节示意图32钢管的吊装及就位 lifting and positioning of steel lining关于钢管的吊装方案,在缆机工作区域(空白区域),我部坚持使用缆机直接进行吊装就位。根据salini提供的缆机覆盖范围可以看出,左岸钢管约2/3可以直接由缆机吊装到位,右岸钢管约3/5是可以直接由缆机吊装就位的。with respect to the lifting scheme of steel lining, we insist to use cable crane to lifting the steel

20、 lining into position for working area (blank area) within his service. infer from the covered region of cable crane provided by salini, about 2/3 of the left side steel lining, and 3/5 of the right side steel lining can be lifted into position directly by cable crane. 对于缆机工作区域之外的部分(阴影区域),我部将使用移动台车进

21、行转运。a transporting trailer shall be adopted to transport the steel lining for the area (shadowed area) beyond cable cranes working region.钢管的重量每节均不超过25吨,在缆机的起吊范围之内。the weight of each section is no more than 25 ton, which is within cable cranes capacity.33钢管的转运、临时堆放 transportation and temporary stack

22、ing of steel lining 对于已拼装完成钢管,按照salini的提议,将被运抵左岸896m平台,缆机主钩下方进行卸车。考虑到交通、运输及能及时满足前方施工进度的需求,经过我部人员到现场实地勘察后,我部认为在896m平台处临时堆放部分钢管是必要且可行的。in compliance with salinis suggestion, the steel lining already been assembled shall be transported to the elev. 896m platform on the left bank, and unloading under th

23、e hook of cable crane. in order to satisfy the construction schedule, it is necessary and viable to put part of the steel lining temporarily on the elev. 896 m platforms after our site inspection with the consideration of traffic, and transportation. 34钢管的安装场地基本要求 basic requirements for steel lining

24、 erection area参照salini提供图纸:1、left m.o. current section formworks,no. 535-con-d-sp-006-b2、left m.o. drains layout,no. 535-con-d-sp-007-b3、right m.o. current section formworks,no. 535-con-d-sp-008-b4、right m.o. drains layout,no. 535-con-d-sp-009-breference drawings provided by salini:1、left m.o. curre

25、nt section formworks,no. 535conndsp006b2、left m.o. drains layout,no. 535conndsp007b3、right m.o. current section formworks,no. 535conndsp008b4、right m.o. drains layout,no. 535-con-d-sp-009-b我部要求salini首先完成第二阶段的混凝土浇筑工作(1.2m高)。或者将第二阶段混凝土的浇筑高度调整为1m,以便排水管的安装,并完成浇筑。总之,保证混凝土面至钢管底部的高度在0.8m-1.0m之间,以便钢管的安装调整及加

26、固。钢管进口端及出口端同样应保证如此。therefore, we kindly requested salini to complete the second stage concrete pouring (1.2m high) first, or modify the height of second stage concreting to 1m for an easy installation of drainage pipe, and complete the concrete casting. in conclusion, it shall ensure the height betw

27、een concrete face to bottom of the steel lining is within 0.8m-1.0m in order to achieve an easy erection, adjustment and reinforcement of steel lining. it is also the same for the outlet side and inlet side.35用于钢管安装调整加固的埋板、锚筋 embedded parts, anchor bar used for steel lining erection, adjustment and

28、reinforcement我部将提前提供钢管支撑埋板(即轨道埋板)于salini进行安装。同时要求salini提供用于钢管加固插筋并进行安装。dec shall provide sole plates for salini to install in advance. in the meantime, salini is kindly requested to offer and install the anchor bar for penstock reinforcement. 注:埋板及锚筋详细布置图待方案最终确定后将正式上报。note: the detail arrangement of

29、 sole plates and anchor bars shall be submitted after finalized the method statement.36钢管的安装 erection for steel lining 361钢管安装的流程图 steel lining erection procedure flow chart最终验收施工准备 construction preparation定位节安装、验收其它管节吊装、调整及验收移交土建进行混凝土回填锚钩等附件安装钢管焊接探伤construction preparationerection and acceptance of

30、 locating section erection and acceptance of other sectionswelding of steel lininganchorage and other accessories installationndt inspectionfinal acceptancehanding over for back-fill concreting3-1中孔钢管安装工艺流程图3-1 flow chart of middle outlet steel lining erection362钢管的安装主要工序general process of steel lin

31、ing erection1、吊装前的准备preparation before liftingl 在896.m平台焊接钢支撑,以便于就位;weld steel supports at the platform of el. 896m for positioning. l 检查所有吊具及钢管在台车上固定用的绑带等完好无损,以确保吊装的安全性(吊装示意图如下);check if all lifting tools and bandages for fix penstock on trolley are complete and in a proper state to guarantee lifti

32、ng safety (refer to the sketches of lifting below):直接通过缆机吊装lifted by cable crane 通过台车转运transfer by transporting trailer2、就位后的调整l 根据已放置好安装样点,利用千斤顶、拉紧器、线锤等在水准仪、全站仪的控制下对钢管(里程、中心、高程等)进行调整,至各项控制尺寸达到设计要求;under the control of level and total station, make an accuracy adjustment with jacks, turnbuckle, plum

33、b and other adjusting tools on the locating section (including mileage, center, elevation, etc) in accordance with the reference points already located, until each control dimension reach the design requirements. l 加固,并在加固完成后再次对各项控制尺寸进行检查,以防止其产生位移;reinforce the locating section and have a dimension

34、re-checking after the reinforcing to prevent displacement.3、附件的安装 accessories installation l 根据图纸要求,进行锚筋等附件的安装;install anchorages and other accessories following the drawings;37钢管的焊接 welding of steel lining中孔钢管的焊接工艺及评定以图纸及相关规范(asme,现场itp等)要求进行。根据三方协议,npt检查作为内部检测项目,将由我部自行检查,并提交检查记录。 middle outlet ste

35、el lining welding procedure and evaluation shall be done in accordance with drawings and relevant specifications (site itp and others). according to minutes of meetings gibe hep site 10th-14th december 2012, npt test belongs to the internal inspection, we shall carry it out by ourselves and submit t

36、he inspection record to you. 38钢管的最终验收 final acceptance of steel lining 中孔钢管的最终验收工作按图纸设计及相关规范要求,在相关各方的共同参与下以现场报批的itp为准,采取分段分步(完成20m安装时移交salini,6节左右)的方式联合进行,并现场签字认可,以确保后续工作的顺利进行。 in accordance with the drawings and relevant specifications, the final acceptance of middle outlet steel lining shall be d

37、one by steps (about 6 sections shall be handed over to salini after finished 20m steel lining erection), following the itp to be submitted at site with the participation of the relating parties, and approved by joint signature, so as to ensure the next step of work be carried out smoothly.39钢管验收后的移交

38、 handing over after acceptance中孔钢管的最终验收工作完成后,即可移交土建单位进行混凝土的回填准备工作,在各方监测且进行,以确保回填过程中钢管不发生偏移。我部将提交一份混凝土浇筑计划,以供贵部参考。 the middle outlet steel lining shall be handed over to civil work for the preparation of back-fill concreting after final acceptance. for the back-fill concreting shall be done in the pa

39、rallel with steel lining erection, frequency communication is necessary for all the parties to be avoiding of interference. it is also ensure to prevent steel lining from displacement while concreting. we shall provide a concrete methodology for your reference.4. 下游闸门埋件及钢衬安装 embedded parts for downs

40、tream gate and steel lining installation关于下游闸门埋件及钢衬安装,我部提议如下: regarding to the embedded parts and steel liner installation for downstream gate, we offer the following suggestion:首先,由土建单位完成第二阶段混凝土的浇筑工作,移交我部进行定位节及其上游侧钢管安装。 firstly, civil work finish the second stage concrete pouring, and then hand ove

41、r to us for the erection of locating section and upstream steel lining.然后,在我部完成4-6节(15m-18m)钢管安装,通过验收之后移交至salini进行第三阶段的混凝土浇筑工作,至765m高程。此时,至765m平台的通道(大坝段)形成。 then, we complete the steel lining erection of sections no.4-no.6 (15m-18m), and hand over to salini for third stage concrete pouring to el. 76

42、5 after acceptance. meanwhile, the access road (dam part) to platform at el.765m is ready.待第三阶段凝固并具备通车条件后,由我部在借助吊车的帮助下完成下游侧钢衬的安装工作,并移交salini完成第四阶段的混凝土浇筑工作。 after the third stage concrete setting and is capable for transportation, we shall complete the installation of downstream steel lining with the

43、 application of mobile crane, and hand over to salini for fourth stage concrete pouring.钢衬吊装lifting and erection of steel lining完成第四阶段混凝土浇筑finish the fourth stage concrete pouring最后,由我部进行闸门二期埋件的安装工作,闸门埋件、门叶及油缸吊装通过汽车在765m平台实现。eventually, we shall carry out the second stage embedded parts installation

44、 for gate, and the lifting of gate embedded parts, gate leaf and oil cylinder shall be done by automobile at elev. 765m platform.5. 上游闸门埋件安装 embedded parts installation for upstream gate上游闸门埋件我部要求分段分步进行安装,基本要求如下: the embedded parts installation for upstream gate shall be done by steps; the basic req

45、uirements are as follows:首先,由我部完成钢管定位节及其下游侧约20m长钢管安装工作,移交salini完成该部分混凝土浇筑工作,混凝土浇筑高程至765m。 firstly, we shall complete the erection of locating section and about 20 meters long downstream steel lining, and then hand over to salini for concreting of this part. the concrete casting shall reach el. 765m.

46、 然后,由我部进行765m高程以下的门槽二期埋件安装。对于左岸钢管封堵闸门埋件可由缆机直接吊装就位,右岸钢管封堵闸门埋件需借助汽车吊吊装就位。 then, it shall start the second stage embedded parts installation for gate slot below el. 765m. as for the embedded parts for left bank steel lining block gate, it can be lifted into position directly by cable crane, and the emb

47、edded parts for right bank block gate can take use of mobile crane. 对于765m高程以上的埋件我部要求每15m进行一次安装,直至顶部。由于右侧不是缆机的覆盖范围,埋件安装将采用salini汽车吊进行吊装。 for the embedded parts beyond el. 765m, we require to install them every 15m until the top. since the right side is out of service of cable crane, salini mobile cr

48、ane shall be used for embedded parts installation. 门叶下放通过坝顶门机完成。 the lowering of gate leaf shall be done by dam gantry crane.6. 工期及资源配置 construction duration and resource allocation61劳动力资源 manpower resource劳动力资源见分析表6-1。manpower resource refers to form 6-1劳动力分析表6-1:analysis of manpower 6-1序号no.工种posi

49、tion中方人员chinese staff当地劳工local labor1金结安装工hss erector12482起重lifting man4163电焊welder 24154电气维护electrical maintenance485打磨工grinder 206技术质检technical and quality inspector27专职安全员full-time safetyman18架子工scaffolder4169探伤人员ndt inspector44总计total5512762主要施工设备投入 allocation of main construction equipment主要施工设

50、备投入计划见表6.2。allocation of main construction equipment refers to form 6-2施工设备投入计划表6-2allocation of main construction equipment 6-2序号no.设备名称description型号、规格type, specification数量quantity 备注remarks 1平板拖车flat-bed trailer40t1台/setsalini2汽车吊mobile crane50t 1台/setdec3汽车吊mobile crane200t1台/setsalini4皮卡车pick-up1台/set5链条葫芦chain block3t, 5t, 10teach 6 pcs6全站仪 total stationtotal 1台/set7水准仪level 2台/set8千斤顶jack 16t


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