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1、福建省师范大学附属中学2020-2021学年高一英语上学期期末考试试题(完卷时间:120分钟;满分:150分)第卷 (共84分)第一部分 听力(共20题;每小题1分,共20分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What did the man do? A. He had some drinks.B. He made a phone call.C. He looked after the woman.2. What do we know about t

2、he mans wife? A. She works in a restaurant.B. She wrote a good cookbook.C. She taught herself how to cook.3. Who won the race? A. Tom.B. Peter.C. Sam.4. How will the woman go downtown? A. By bus.B. By car.C. By taxi.5. How does the girl feel about having Mrs. Daley in English class? A. Afraid.B. Wor

3、ried.C. Excited. 第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. When will the classes end? A. In March.B. In May.C. In July.7. How much will taking yoga classes cost every week? A. $60.B. $42.C. $28.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Wh

4、at is the main topic of the conversation? A. The kind of work the man does.B. The designer the man likes best.C. The right computer the man needs.9. What will the man do next? A. Leave the store.B. Do some drawing.C. Follow the woman.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Whats wrong with the woman? A. She has a cold

5、.B. She broke some glasses.C. She didnt recognize the mans voice.11. Why does the man call the woman? A. To get his sugar back.B. To borrow something.C. To invite her to dinner.12. Where will the man go first? A. To Bobs house.B. To Allisons house.C. To Marilyns house.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Where did

6、the man go on holiday? A. Paris.B. Bali.C. London. 14. What did the man do on the first day of his holiday? A. He swam.B. He went boating.C. He played volleyball.15. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Classmates.B. Brother and sister.C. Teacher and student. 16. How did the man

7、probably feel when he visited the small island? A. Tired.B. Excited.C. Bored.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Why did the post office in Guyana print their own special stamps? A. They wanted to make more money.B. They had only a few usual stamps left.C. There were no 1-cent or 4-cent stamps then.18. How much w

8、as the l-cent stamp sold for in 1980? A. A few dollars. B. Seven thousand dollars. C. Seven million dollars. 19. Why are stamps with mistakes so valuable? A. They are very limited.B. They are very beautiful.C. They were made long ago.20. What can we learn from stamps, according to the talk? A. The h

9、istory of plants. B. The lives of unknown people.C. The history of different countries.第2部 分 阅读理解 (共两节, 共34分)第一节 (共12小题; 每小题2分, 共24分) 阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWhen Allen invited me on a camping trip to the mountains, I imagined a wooden cabin overlooking a lake, with a warm

10、 fireplace, hot cocoa, and soft beds. But my happy image became a nightmare when Allen and his older brother, Leo, showed up with a truck filled with camping equipmenttents, sleeping bags, and water bottles. We were going on survival training!The ever-efficient Leo was keen to leave the city behind

11、us and urged us to hurry. Several hours later, as we drove through the forest, the mountains seemed bigger than I remembered; the trees were larger, and the environment felt more threatening.At the trailhead, Leo tied a sleeping bag onto my already heavy pack and lectured Allen and me about hiking r

12、ules. Then, with Leo in the lead, we set off along the narrow and steep dirt track that wound (蜿蜒) up the mountain.After 6 hours of climbing, we finally reached the top. My legs aching, I dropped my pack and groaned (呻吟) but there was no time to rest. “We need to set up camp quickly,” said Leo. “The

13、re are dark clouds coming in. A storms on its way.”I thought he was kidding, but Leo was quite serious. He and Allen worked expertly, while I stood around and acted as if to help, thunder rumbling in the distance. We just finished putting up the tents when it hit. The wind, thunder, and lightning we

14、re relentless (毫不留情的).Leo, sensing that I was scared, started telling us some stories about his camping adventures. But each time lightning lit up the tent and the thunder echoed (回响), I jumped. “Dont worry. Summer storms pass quickly,” Leo said trying to comfort me. “And at least the rain will keep

15、 the bears away,” he said with a teasing smile, which was less comforting.And just as quickly as the storm came rushing in, it passed, and we exited the tent. The view was incredible I could see for miles. As darkness set in, I stared in wonder at the millions of glowing stars in the night sky.I won

16、t lie I was still wishing for a hot shower and a soft bed, but as I gazed upward at the Milky Way, I knew this was an adventure I would never forget.21. Why was the author surprised when Allen came to get him at the beginning of the story?A. He realized their trip would be challenging.B. He saw that

17、 Allen was not well prepared.C. Allen had arrived earlier than arranged.D. Allens brother was unexpectedly with him.22. Why was it necessary to set up camp immediately after reaching the mountain top?A. It was almost night time.B. They were tired and needed to rest.C. The weather was changing.D. The

18、y needed protections from animals.23. What can we guess about Leo?A. He was inconsiderate of others feelings.B. He was an experienced and capable hiker.C. He had known the writer for a long time.D. He had not been to this mountain before.24. How did the author feel at the end of the story?A.Optimist

19、ic.B. Satisfied.C. Scared.D. Disappointed. B As any plane passenger will confirm (证实), a crying baby is almost impossible to ignore, no matter how hard you try. Now scientists believe they may have worked out why. A babys cry pulls at the heartstrings in a way while other cries dont, researchers fou

20、nd.Researchers found that a babys cry can trigger unique emotional responses in the brain, making it impossible for us to ignore themwhether we are parents or not. Other types of cries, including calls of animals in great pain, fail to get the same responsesuggesting the brain is programmed to respo

21、nd specifically to a baby cry.A team of Oxford University scientists scanned the brains of 28 men and women as they listened to a variety of calls and cries. After 100 millisecondsroughly the time to blink (眨眼)two parts of the brain that respond to emotion lit up. Their response to a babys cry was p

22、articularly strong. The response was seen in both men and womeneven if they had no children.Researcher Dr Christine Parsons said, “You might read that men should just notice a baby and step over it and not see it, but its not true. There is a special processing in men and women, which makes sense fr

23、om an evolutionary (进化的) view that both men and women would be responding to these cries.” The study was in people who were not parents, yet they are all responding at 100ms to these particular cries, so this might be a basic response present in all of us regardless of parental status.Fellow researc

24、her Katie Young said it may take a bit longer for someone to recognize their own childs cries because they need to do more “careful analysis”. The team had previously found that our reactions speed up when we hear a baby crying. Adults performed better on computer games when they heard the sound of

25、a baby crying than after they heard recordings of adults crying.25. A babys cry is difficult to ignore because it _.A. cries harder than adults B. makes people feel strong emotionsC. causes people great pain D. keeps on crying 26. The underlined word “trigger” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_”.A. ca

26、use B. reduce C. avoid D. cure27. What may Christine Parsons agree to?A. Men pay less attention to a crying baby than women.B. A crying baby makes no sense to people without children.C. Parents can hardly recognize their own babies cry.D. Almost everyone makes certain response to a babys cries.28. W

27、hats the main idea of the text?A. How to prevent a baby crying. B. How to recognize different babies cries.C. Why you cant get a babys cry out of your head.D. Why a baby is easy and likely to cry.CLeaders in the aviation (航空) industry plan to launch a campaign (发起运动) that they hope will work against

28、 what they call a “Flight Shaming Movement” (FSM). They say FSM has weakened peoples demand for air travel in Europe. Some travelers there are increasingly concerned about the effects of flying on the environment. Activists have been calling for greater action against climate change. That includes a

29、voiding air travel.FSM has affected air travel demand in many European countries, including Britain, France and Germany. The campaign will try to explain to the public how the industry is reducing its effect on the environment. Juniac, head of IATA, said FSM gave off “misleading information”.The Int

30、ernational Air Transport Association (IATA) is organizing the plan through the Air Transport Action Group, a group of aviation industry organizations and companies. Juniac didnt say when the campaign would start, but noted that details would be available to airports and airlines.Commercial flying is

31、 estimated to cause about 2.5% of worldwide carbon emissions (释放). However, that number could rise as worldwide air travel increases.The aviation industry says it has already cut carbon emissions by one-half since 1990. The improvements are mainly the result of aircraft that use fuel more effectivel

32、y. The industry plans to cut emissions further by 2050. It has a goal of stopping the growth of carbon emissions by 2020.Airlines also have warned of the harmful effects of FSM. Some have criticized the industry for failing to explain itself. Tim Clark, president of the Airline Emirates, said that i

33、mprovements in technology have reduced the environmental effects of passenger airplanes.29. What is FSM about?A. Weakening peoples demand to travel abroad.B. Calling on all to fight against global warming.C. Announcing the environmental harm of flying.D. Scaring people from approaching the airport.3

34、0. How does Juniac comment on FSM?A. Airlines will charge the movement for their loss.B. It ignores the efforts of airlines to reduce pollution.C. Airlines are to blame for the cause of it.D. It has positive effects in urging airlines to be green.31. What conclusion can we draw from the fifth paragr

35、aph?A. The effective use of fuel has made air travel greener. B. FSM has caused great loss for aviation industry.C. With more passengers, carbon emissions by planes may rise.D. The aviation industry aims to stop carbon emission by 2020.32. What is the text mainly about?A. Improvement of air quality

36、since FSM.B. Measures by aviation industry to reduce pollution.C. Travelers inconvenience caused by FSM.D. Disapproval of aviation industry against FSM.第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2分, 共10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。 What Recycling Will Look Like in 10 YearsAs businesses rush to become greener, th

37、is is what recycling may look like a decade from now. To begin with, more goods will be made of existing materials. The increase in the reuse of existing materials, including recycled plastics, glass and more will reduce the demand for raw materials (原材料). Youll find more clothing, toys, park benche

38、s, etc. made of recycled water bottles. 33 . Thus all resources will be kept in circulation (流通) with no end.Reusable products will become more popular. Not only will companies take up the duty to reduce waste. 34 . Take single-use straws (吸管), for example. Theyve been banned everywhere because they

39、 are so bad for the environment and wildlife. Furthermore, beginning in 2021 the European Union will ban single-use plastics. 35 ; we also need to change consumers habits by changing the way they think about single-use plastics.Chemical recycling may become common. Though the field is still in its e

40、arly stages, the process of chemical recycling may increase in the coming years. 36 . “This is all just a huge expensive business,” Denise Patel said, adding that reducing the overall use of plastic is a better solution. 37 . Currently, thin plastic isnt often recycled. As its so lightweight, it can

41、 jam recycling machinery;but throwing it out isnt ideal either. After all, it takes about 450 years to break down. You can return it to a store that collects them, or use a service that picks up hard-to-recycle items from your home for a fee.A. We cannot rely only on recyclingB. New plastic is cheap

42、er than recycled plasticC. In the future, thin plastics will be recycled more readilyD. However, chemical recycling is not without disagreementE. This creates an economy where no resource will be wastedF. Individuals (个人) will also be expected to use more reusable productsG. The campaign puts the fo

43、cus on individuals to clean up their plastic mess第三部分 完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1.5分, 共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Daily random (随意的) acts of kindness can begin with two words, “Good morning!” Its 38 how two words expressed from the heart can 39 the outcome of a day, any day for tha

44、t matter.During my daily visit to a local store, Ive befriended an employee who occasionally seems to be 40 lack of sleep. However, he does his best to offer a good 41 . Ive made it a(n) 42 to greet him with a “Good morning” each day and most 43 , mean it. Ill even ask how hes doing and stop to list

45、en to his story. Equally important is a 44 smile that shows, “Its good to see you. Im glad youre working today.”Over the last few weeks, this young man has started giving me free coffee refills for no reason. When I asked him why, he said, “Its because you are always nice to me. I 45 it.” During my

46、weekly Friday Breakfast Group, I shared how 46 I was to get “free” coffee just by saying “Good morning”. I 47 all of them to try it, for a day, a week, a month.One day I found him in low 48 . My morning greetings didnt 49 for once and neither did my smile. “Come on. It cant be that bad. Your times c

47、oming.” I comforted him, 50 those words of assurance (保证) didnt 51 me. Try as I might to blow it off, I couldnt shake the thought. Why wait for someone else to make a(n) 52 when I could do it myself?I noticed a gift shop just a stones 53 away. Twenty minutes later, I returned to the store and presen

48、ted this young man with a 54 . “See, I told you good things would come your way.” He looked 55 , but finally he smiled.The next day my “Good morning” greeting was met with one cheerful hello from a most grateful employee. He said, “Thank you. I was having a bad day and you went out of your way to 56

49、 it.” I was trying to think of something else to say. “What goes around comes around, doesnt it?”The acts of kindness, even if it begins with two simple words, can 57 easily. I can tell you they will change your life for the better.38. A. unknownB. strangeC. amazing D. impossible39. A. change B. des

50、ignC. judgeD. simplify40. A. operating onB. recovering fromC. concentrating onD. suffering from41. A. chanceB. service C. jobD. day42. A. taskB. dutyC. experienceD. point43. A. importantly B. ridiculously C. obviouslyD. unexpectedly44. A. shyB. weakC. sincereD. calm45. A. appreciateB. ignoreC. remem

51、berD. stress46. A. fortunate B. successfulC. ashamedD. puzzled47. A. reminded B. challengedC. beggedD. allowed48. A. voicesB. spirits C. powerD. position49. A. appearB. respond C. workD. fail50. A. forB. butC. orD. and51. A. protectB. attractC. annoyD. please52. A. decisionB. offerC. differenceD. su

52、ggestion53. A. shapeB. distanceC. throw D. weight54. A. letterB. smileC. stoneD. gift55. A. guiltyB. confusedC. disappointedD. surprised56. A. observeB. fixC. makeD. buy57. A. spread B. continueC. formD. copy第II卷 (共66分)(请将你的答案填写在答案卷上)I. 根据所给首字母写出正确的单词来完成句子或单句语法填空。(每小题1分,共10分)注意:将首字母一起填写到答题卷上,即答案卷上要写

53、出完整的单词。1. If you cant be a pencil to write anyones happiness, try to be a nice eraser to r_ someones sadness. 2. If we are to succeed, well have to provide something our competitors dont so that we can be c_ in the business world. 3. Would you please keep silent? The weather report _ (broadcast) and

54、 I want to listen. 4. After losing the championship match, it really r_ salt into Johns wound for his girl- friend to break up with him the next day. 5. On her birthday she received a box of chocolates with a card _ (attach) to it, saying “Happy birthday!” 6. According to the latest law, those crimi

55、nals who deliberately attack doctors shall not be treated_ (mercy). 7. He was over the age limit and therefore his a_ for the job was refused. 8. When the s_ was interviewed, he said his survival was a wonder. 9. He was very careless in his work, so he really d_ to be fired.10. He came across an old photo in the container, which called up _ (pain) memories. II. 根据句意从方框中选出合适的动词短语, 并用其适当的形式完成句子。(其中一个选项为多余选项) (共10题


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