



1、动词不定式、动名词专项训练1. I would appreciate _ back this afternoon. A. you to callB. you callC. your callingD. youre calling2. She enjoys _ light music. A. to hearB. hearingC. listening toD. to listen to3. You can keep the book until you _. A. have finished readingB. finish to read C. will finish readingD. ha

2、ve finished to read4. Ali said that she wouldnt mind _ alone at home. A. leftB. being leftC. to be leftD. leaving5. If you keep _ English, you can learn English well. A. practising speakB. practising speaking C. practising to speakD. to practise spoken6. Our monitor suggested _ a discussion of the s

3、ubject. A. to haveB. should haveC. haveD. having7. We are considering _ a new plan. A. makingB. being madeC. to makeD. to have made8. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _. A. catchingB. to be caughtC. being caughtD. to catch9. Can you imagine yourself _ on a desert island? A. stayingB. stayC

4、. have stayedD. being stayed10. We can understand why he avoids _ to us.A. to speakB. speechC. having spokenD. speaking11. Please excuse my _ in without _. A. come, askingB. coming, asking C. to come, being askedD. coming, being asked12. Why have they delayed _ the new school? A. openingB. to openC.

5、 having openedD. to have opened13. She _ the key. A. admited takingB. admitted taking C. admitted having takenD. admitted to have taken14. I got to the station earlier than others. I couldnt risk _ the train. A. missingB. would missC. to missD. missed15. I hope _ him as soon as possible. A. seeB. se

6、eingC. to seeD. to have seen16. I expected _ your friend, but my car broke down on the way. A. Ill meetB. meetingC. to meetingD. to meet17. We are planning _ Europe this summer. A. to pay a visit B. pay a visit toC. visitingD. to visit18. She told me that she had decided _ again. A. be not lateB. no

7、t be lateC. not to be lateD. to be not late19. Almost everyone fails _ on the first try. A. in passing his drivers testB. to pass his drivers test C. to have passed his drivers testD. passing his drivers test20. The two weavers pretended _ very hard, though they did nothing at the looms. A. workB. w

8、orkingC. to be workedD. to be working21. I like _ very much, but I dont like _ this morning. A. swimming, swimmingB. to swim, to swim C. swimming, to swimD. to swim, swimming22. Little Jim should love _ to the theatre this evening. A. to be takenB. to take C. being takenD. taking23. -“Did you close

9、the door?” -“Yes, I remember _ it.” A. to closeB. to closingC. closingD. closed24. Remember _ the newspaper when you have finished it. A. putting backB. having put back C. to put backD. will put back25. Im sorry I forgot _ your dictionary. Lets borrow one from Li Ming. A. to takeB. takingC. to bring

10、D. bringing26. Henry always forgets things he has done. Yesterday he forgot _ and looked for it everywhere. A. to post the letterB. to have the letter posted C. to have posted the letterD. having posted the letter27. My brother regretted _ a lecture given by Professor Liu. A. missingB. to missC. mis

11、sedD. being missed28. I regret _ you that we are unable to offer you a job. A. informingB. having informedC. to informD. to informing29. I felt tired with walking, so I stopped _ a break for an hour. A. havingB. to haveC. takingD. to taking30. The teacher told the students to stop _ to him. A. to wr

12、ite and listenB. writing and listening C. to write and listeningD. writing and to listen31. -“What can we do to help Li Hai.” -“All we can do is to try _ that he ought to study more.” A. making him to realizeB. making him realize C. to make him realizeD. to make him to realize32. You didnt hear us c

13、ome in last night. Thats good. We tried _ noisy. A. to be notB. not to beC. not beingD. being not33. He finished his homework, then he went on _ a letter. A. writeB. writingC. withD. to write34. The grass has grown so tall that it needs _. A. to cutB. to be cut itC. cuttingD. being cut35. -”Youve co

14、me just in time to help us.” -“Fine, what needs _?” A. I doB. doneC. to be doneD. to do36. You didnt need _ him the news; it just made him sad. A. tellingB. tellC. to tellD. that you would tell37. These young trees require _ carefully. A. looking afterB. to look after C. to be looked atD. looking fo

15、r38. The sentence wants _ once more. A. to explainB. explainingC. being explainedD. to be explained it39. He hasnt got used _ in the countryside yet. A. liveB. to liveC. to livingD. living40. A very well-known person _ in this house. A. is used to liveB. used to live C. is used to livingD. used to l

16、iving41. The clock was beginning _ twelve and everybody held their breath. A. strikeB. to strikeC. striking D. struck42. I begin _ the meaning, which begins _. A. understanding, to be clearB. to understand, to be clear C. understanding, being clearD. to understand, being clear43. The police forbid _

17、 here. A. park B. parkingC. to parkD. to be parked44. The heavy rain forbade me _ to school. A. from my comingB. to come C. comeD. my coming45. Toms parents do not allow Tom _ swimming. A. goingB. to goC. goD. goes46. Sorry, we dont allow _ in the lecture room. A. to smokeB. smokeC. smokingD. to smo

18、king47. Visitors are not permitted _ the park after dark, because of the lack of lighting. A. to enterB. enteringC. to enter inD. entering in48. They dont permit _ noise her. A. to make B. makeC. makingD. made49. Missing the train means _ for an hour. A. to waitB. to be waitedC. being waitedD. waiting50. I meant _ you, but I was so busy. A. to call onB. calling onC. to call atD. calling at51. When he got off the train, it h


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