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1、 南京理工大学毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系部: 机械工程系 专 业: 机械工程及自动化 姓 名: 学 号: (用外文写)外文出处: third international conference on natural computation 0-7695-2875-9/07 2007 ieee 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 签名: 年 月 日注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻译译文对1ps+4tps型混合工作机床在插补原理和方法的研究范守文,王小斌,师明全,黄鸿忠中国电子科技大学成都,四川,610054, 中华人民共和国摘要 本文基于 4 dof

2、 的1ps ,设计了新型的混合工作机器 (hmt)4tps 键入空间的混合机制和 a xy 的工作台。这一类型 hmt与它的传统相比有一些优势: 大的工作空间、较好的灵活度等等。可以实现倒转的换置模型和倒转的运动学模型的关闭。对应hmts运动控制的cnc方案是运动控制特性和基于传统的数字控制机器的研究成果。即时的五轴插补器,它包括切削路径计算,倒转的换置分析模型,倒转的运动学的分析模型和 pvt插补模态,事实证明他们可以构建。 通过切削路径间隔计算和插补错误分析来证明以上方法的可行性和高效性。关键字: 混合的工作机床;计算机数字控制; 插补; 错误分析;切削1. 介绍 pmt 机床是pm机床中

3、一个有创造力的应用实例,数字技术和计算机控制技术在这个领域内也得到广泛使用。作为一种新型的工作机床, pmt 有简单结构,低成本,低的移动惯性、高速度、较好的灵活性、较高的技术要求的特点等。.pmt 使传统的的数字机床更加完美,使它更适合对叶片,叶轮和螺旋桨等的表面的加工。然而,现有的pmt,它只采用铰链或者链约束的平行结构,特别地被一些因素影响:比如连接器的位置和方向,移动的平台对方向有限制能力。因此,它很难符合大多数数控机床对大的工作空间和加工困难而且复杂的表面的加工需求。为了要解决这一个问题,研究员在探索新结构上已经做了很多努力。许多研究员开始关注(dofs) pmts 的少于 6 个自

4、由度的结构,特别是混合的工作机床(hmts) 4, pmt 的另一个重要的发展趋势是 移动的 dof 和旋转的利用组合的机制个别地被实现的dof 。这个结构不仅释放 移动 控制和旋转的控制之间的联结,而且也有大工作空间和较好的结构能力的特点。特别地,它能解决向前的运动学的位置和方位,因此它能很方便提供nc程序,控制和错误反馈。1ps4tps 机制是新型的 4 dofs 混合机制,在缩写的 1ps 4tps 之中,p 表示 prismical 关节,s 表示球的关节,t 表示连接关节,它能实现一次平移运动和三次旋转的运动。新型的 hmt 的核心结构是在 4个 dofs 混合机制和 a xy 的工

5、作台,如图fig.1所示 。新的机制给这个新型的混合工作机床的设计和运动学的分析很好的进行了描述,然后设计 hmts 的一个 cnc 系统方案,给 hmts 的路径控制制定一个及时的五轴插补程序。而且也能讨论切削路径间隔计算和插补错误分析。2. 新型hmt 结构学的描述一个 4 dof 的混合机制图显示图1 新型混合机制结构图这个混合的机制由五个运动的次链组成,用同一个拓扑学和一段被动的行程,它包括四个可变长度推进的行程,把固定的基础结构连结到一个移动的平台上。在这个 4 dof 的混合机制中,四个同样的行程中,每一个都有一个固定的连接关节,一个操纵关节,一个移动连接和一个与移动平台连接的附件

6、。这第五链,把固定的基本中心连结到移动的平台中心,是另外四个不同的结构同一个链的一段被动的行程。.它包括与基本结构连接的分析关节,一个移动的连接和一个连接平台的全关节。上述的混合机制能和像 xy 的平台这样的二轴系统结合,形成五轴的机床。3. 相反的换置分析模型3.1.相反的换置分析模型一个固定的叁考协调系统和和一个可移动的固定的叁考协调系统都被安装在固定平台和可移动平台的中心。正如fig2所示,固定平台的四个连接关节都被安装在能用来描述的固定框架上。可一定平台的四个球型关节都被安装在能用来描述的可移动框架上,可移动平台的四个球形关节都各自固定在能用来描述的上,能用来描述的可移动框架的起始点。

7、由三个角度决定它的可移动平台的中心方向。图2 主要进给方法图解可移动平台上的球型关节的coordineate能用以下关系式表示: (1)相反的变位分析方程序能被写为: (2)是一个33旋转变化的系统,它能通过三种角度获得三种旋转角度,和,如下所示:(如fig3所示)3.2.倒转运动学的模型运动分析中的参数定义如下:驱动行程的长度,驱动行程的进给速度,移动平台的角速度,移动平台的中心点p的速度,驱动行程的角速度,驱动行程上部的最大中心速度,驱动行程下部的最大中心速度。最大中心上部离点的距离为,最大中心下部离点的距离为。如下定义:,对于所有的给定数据,我们取:i=1,2,3,4.让k=,由于可移动

8、平台的球型关节的速度与驱动臂上点的速度相同,所以我们有: (3)公式两边不同时乘以,我们得到 (4)公式4能用;另一种方式写为: (5)这里于是 (6)上述公式能被分别写成: (7)这里通过两边同时乘以,得到: (8)用公式(8)替换公式(7),得到: (9)这里:然后得到: (10)行程装置上部的速度和下部的速度能表示成: (11)把公式(7)和公式(10)代入公式(11)得到: (12)这里由于 (13)把公式(7)代入公式(13)得到 (14)当输入运动知道的前提下,可移动平台的速度和角速度是确定的,对比公式(7)和公式(14),前面的速度公式可以写成 (15)这里的,一个决定性的因素是

9、,操纵者的位置和方向速度取决于输入速度。如果坐标系j是反向的,这相反的运动方程可表示成: (16)4.hmts 的 cnc 系统的方案这片文献说的是对于1ps4tps 型 hmts的一个cnc系统方案。就和fig4所示的一样,图3 hmts的数控系统结构这个计划包括设计想法目的是要利用传统数字控制系统扩充的成果,以便他能与传统控制系统相兼容。也能在控制系统结构,技术标准方面保持一致性,能采用两者开放的标准系统结构和标准设计理念。hmts的cnc系统计划包括:cad层次,cam层次,cnc层次,补助层等,在他们之中,cam层次的自动程序运行模块能在表面自动产生运行路径,切削补偿信息和速度控制信息


11、hmts的运动控制装置。所以对于hmts 1ps+4tps,上述cnc系统计划是一个简单的很实用的方法。5表面的插补运算5.1.基本的插补原理表面方程定义如下 (17)这里,控制顶点 当做一个 topological 矩形分配布署,一个控制格子,是由重力因素控制最高点,和,现在的标准齿条b由因素u和 v决定。所以有如果切削方法适合表面加工,水平表面可以用来加工零件,也可以得到想要的切削路径,曲线方程能表示成如下: (18)普通表面的切削点能用如下方程表示 (19)上述方程又能写成 (20)此外,单位内的n数,也就是说 ne能用下述方式表述 (21)这里切削的轴线要和被加工零件表面保持一致,如f

12、ig5所示图4 切削的数学模型根据几何关系我们可以得到如下关系 (22)这里矢量是点p,是补偿余量,是切削半径,r是切削余量值。5.2切削速度的控制进给速度v随曲线方向能被定义为如下关系: (23) (24)这里所以 (25)选取时间t=kt,使用talor系列和包括两个主要的延伸,我们得到 (26)上述方程对于因素u是不对称的,曲线的进给速度能通过机器控制给予一合适的增量u。使进给速度能在弯曲方向上持续运行。所以光滑的切割就能完成。5.3正确的插补运算法则pmac运动控制卡的pvt正确插补方法也同样需要位置,速度,时间运动方式。在这种pvt方式下,插补运算是持续不断进行的,加速度与时间是呈线

13、性关系的,前提是基于位置的约束和开始和结束点的速度。弯曲曲线能用插补进行运算,所以加速度. (27)这里的。5.4切削路径的间隔计算图5 切削路径的间隔计算图fig.6所示的情况,被加工面是一个平面,切削半径是r,两圆心之间的距离是l,余下的高度是h,在fig.6所示的基础上,我们可以得到 (28)为了使高度小于被允许的最大高度,如下的关系式要满足: (29)fig.6b所示的情况,被加工的面是一个凸出的面,我们把面的曲率半径定义为,基于fig.6所示的几何关系,我们可以得到: (30)通过上述的方程关系,我们可以把方程简单的表示为: (31)为了使高度小于被允许的最大高度,以下方程必须满足:

14、 (32)fig.6c所示的情况,被加工面是一个凹面,基于图-6c所示的几何关系,我们可以得到: (33)通过以上两个方程,我们可以用一个简单的方程表示: (34)为了使高度小于被允许的最大高度,必须满足以下方程: (35)6.错误分析和模拟计算基于上述插补运算的起源,我们可以看到插补点通常被设置在加工表面的弯曲处,那里没有累计错误,并持续的给予经给速度,插补错误通常来自弯曲部分的经向错误。如图fig.7所示,定义弦长为l,曲率是,曲线顶点到弦的距离是,通过上述关系,我们可以得到: (36)定义加工点的曲率半径是50mm,hmt的进给速度是每分钟10米,cnc系统的插补间隔时间是2毫秒,在公式

15、(36)的基础上,能计算出插补错误是0.278毫米,所以我们能够得出的结论是,机器的运行速度很高,上述的插补方法能够把插补错误控制在1毫米以内。为了证实插补运算的正确性,我们做一个运算模拟试验,为了模拟机器程序,切削轨迹被显示在电脑屏幕上,模拟程序是用delphi6.0计算机语言编写的,fig.8显示的是模拟路径的结果,为了清楚的显示模拟结果,切削路径和切削方向隔一定的时间就会被显示,在图fig.8中,切削轴和切削表面是垂直的,数据显示结果和数据抽样分析结果显示,插补运算在这里是正确的,合适的。图6 切削加工的路径和方向7.结论和讨论1ps+4tps type hmts的闭合相反的变位分析模型

16、和相反的运动模式是被确定的,对于1ps+4tps type hmts的高度的非线性和不确定性,我们在传统数控机床的基础上,专门为1ps+4tps type hmts设计了一个计划,及时五轴插补,它包括插补路径的计算,相反的变位分析模式,相反的运算分析模式和pvt插补模式。他们都被统一起来,通过数据实例和及时的插补能够证实路径的间隔计算和插补错误分析都是有根据的,正确的和合适的。随着平行机床的发展,新的轴数小于6的机床将会越来越受欢迎。所以混合机床正在展现它的潜力。1ps+4tps type hmts具有平行的连续结构,较好的运动特性、高硬度、大的工作空间等特点。它是数控机床一种有前景的结构。发

17、展和应用hmt技术,把理论和高速、高精度和高效率的技术应用于数控机床中很有意义和价值。参考文献(略)附件2:外文原文(复印件) study on interpolation principle and method for 1ps+4tps type hybrid machine tool shouwen fan xiaobing wang mingquan shi hongzhong huang school of mechatronics engineering, university of electronic science and technology of china chengd

18、u, sichuan, 610054, peoples republic of china abstract this paper presents a novel hybrid machine tool (hmt) based on a 4-dof 1ps+4tps type spatial hybrid mechanism and a x-y worktable. this type hmt enjoys some advantages relative to its conventional counterparts: large workspace, good dexterity, e

19、tc. closed-form solutions for both the inverse displacement model and inverse kinematic model are derived. a computerized numerical control (cnc) system scheme for motion control of hmts is proposed focusing on motion control characteristics of hmts and based on research fruits of traditional numeri

20、cal control machine tool. real-time five-axis interpolator, which is composed of cutter path calculation, inverse displacement analysis model, inverse kinematic analysis model and pvt fine interpolation mode, are constructed. cutter path interval calculation and interpolate error analysis are also d

21、iscussed, feasibility and efficiency of above real-time interpolator are confirmed by numerical examples. keywords: hybrid machine tool; computerized numerical control; interpolation; error analysis; cutter path interval 1. introduction parallel machine tool (pmt) is a creative application of parall

22、el mechanism, nc technology and computer control technology in the area of machine tool 1-6. as a new-style machine tool, pmt has advantages of simple structure, low cost, low moving inertia, high velocity, agile mobility, high techniques, etc. pmt complements the traditional nc machine tool perfect

23、ly and especially it is suitable for machining parts with complicated surfaces such as vane, impeller and propeller, etc2. however, as the existing pmt which only adopts parallel architecture is restrained by hinge and interfered by chain, particularly is affected by some factors such as coupling of

24、 position and orientation, the mobile platform has a limited ability to realize orientation. therefore, it is very difficult to meet the needs of multi-coordinate nc machining with large working space and complex surface. in order to solve this problem, researchers have made efforts on exploring new

25、 architectures. many researchers begin to pay their attention to less than 6 ,degree of freedoms (dofs) pmts, especially hybrid machine tools (hmts)4, another important developing trend of pmt is that translatory dof and rotary dof are implemented individually by utilizing combined mechanism. this c

26、onfiguration not only releases the coupling between translatory control and rotary control, but also has advantages of large working space and better reconfiguration ability. specially, as there is an analytic solution for position and orientation in forward kinematics, so it provides a great conven

27、ience for nc programming, control and error compensation. 1ps+4tps mechanism is a novel 4 dofs hybrid mechanism8, among the abbreviations 1ps+4tps, p represents prismical joint, s represents spherical joint, t represents hooke joint, it can implement one translatory movement and three rotary movemen

28、ts. the core architecture of novel hmt is a serial and parallel compound architecture which is composed of above 4 dofs hybrid mechanism and a x-y worktable, shown as fig.1. mechanism design and kinematic analysis for this novel hybrid machine tool are described first, then a cnc system scheme for h

29、mts is designed, a real-time five-axis interpolator for path control of hmts is proposed. cutter path interval calculation and interpolate error analysis are also discussed . 2. description of novel hmts architecture a 4-dof hybrid mechanism is shown in fig. 1. a3fig.1. structure scheme of novel hyb

30、rid machine tool hybrid mechanism consists of five kinematic subchains, including four variable length driving legs with identical topology and one passive leg, connecting the fixed base to a moving platform. in this 4-dof hybrid mechanism, each of the four identical legs consists of a fixed hooke j

31、oint, an driving prismatic joint, a moving link and a spherical joint attached to the moving platform. the fifth chain, which connects the fixed base center to the moving platform center, is a passive leg with a different structure from the other four identical chains. it consists of a prismatic joi

32、nt attached to the base, a moving link and a universal joint attached to the platform. above hybrid mechanism can be combined with two-axis systems, such as xy tables, to form five-axis machines. 3. inverse displacement analysis model and inverse kinematic model for hmts 3.1. inverse displacement an

33、alysis model a fixed reference coordinate system and a movable reference coordinate system are set up on the center of fixed platform and movable platform respectively, shown as fig 2. position of four hooke joints of fixed platform with respect to the fixed frame can be described by ,position of fo

34、ur spherical joints of movable platform with respect to the movable frame can be described by ,position of four spherical joints of movable platform with respect to the fixed frame can be described by ,original point of movable frame can be described by is orientation rotation matrix of the movable

35、platform with respect to the fixed platform described by three euler angle. .the coordineate of spherical joint in movable platform with respect to the fixed frame can be denoted by inverse displacement analysis equation can be written as where is the 3x3 rotation transformation matrix of coordinate

36、 system which can be obtained using three sustain rotation transformation by three euler angles and as follows (shown as fig 3.) . 3.2. inverse kinematic model definitions of parameters used in the kinematic analysis are listed as follows: length of actuating legs, input velocity of actuating legs ,

37、angle velocity of movable platform ,velocity of center point p of movable platform ,angle velocity of actuating leg, mass center velocity of upper section of actuating legs, mass center velocity of lower section of actuating legs, distance from mass center of upper section to point ,in actuating leg

38、s, distance from mass center of lower section to point in actuating legs. following donations are also defined: for all the donation, we adopt: i=1,2,3,4. because velocity of spherical joint point of movable table is equal to that of the same point in driving leg, we have dot multipling both side of

39、 eq.(3) using , we obtain eq.(4) can be rewritten using matrix form where then above equation can be written separately as where cross multipling both side of eq.(3) using derive substituting eq.(7) into eq.(8), we obtain where then mass center velocity of upper section and lower section of actuatin

40、g legs can be expressed as substituting eq.(7) and eq.(10) into eq.(11), we get where because substituting eq.(7) into eq.(13), we obtain when input kinematic is known, the solution for velocity and angular velocity of movable platform is defined as forward velocity solution. combining eq.(7) and eq

41、.(14), forward velocity model equation can be expressed as where one order influence coefficient matrix of end manipulators position and orientation velocity relative to input velocity ,if matrix is nonsingular, the inverse kinematic equation can be expressed as 4. scheme of cnc system for hmts a cn

42、c system scheme for 1ps+4tps type hmts is proposed in this paper, illustrated as fig.4. the scheme includes such design ideas as to utilize the research fruits of traditional numerical control system to maxium extend, to keep good compatibility with traditional numerical control system, to keep acco

43、rdance with traditional numerical control system in such aspects as control system structure, technique criterion etc, and to adopt both open modular system structure and standard hiberarchy design idea. the scheme of cnc system for hmts is compoesd of cad layer, cam layer, cnc layer and servo layer

44、, etc. among them, the automatic programming function modular of cam layer can generate cutter path automatically based on surface model, cutter compensation information and velocity control information, datafiles of cutter path can be generated automatically. g code can be derived from datafile of

45、cutter paths by post processor. g code can also be converted to graphics display of machining path by machining simulation modular, so the correctness of cutter path can be verified. the automatic programming function modular can output line and arc interpolation code directly, and then g codes of i

46、nterpolation are sent to interpolation layer. the interpolation layer can generate cutter path according to the precision requirement, and disperse cutter path roughly according to sample frequence provided by the hardware, then datas of cutter path are mapped into joint space via non-linear mapping

47、 (i.e., displacement and velocity inverse analysis model), dispersed position datas of joint space can be obtained. in joint space, a digital processor (dsp) based pmac motion control card is utilized to realize precise position control for each actuating leg, by actuating hybrid mechanism, high spe

48、ed high precision cutter paths of hmts can be realized conquently. traditional numerical control systems have accumulated many research fruits, above scheme inherits some system structure from traditional numerical control system, and some special requirements of motion control for hmts are also tak

49、en into account, so above cnc system scheme is a simple and practical implementation strategy for motion control of 1ps+4tps type hmts. 5. surface interpolation algorithm 5.1. basic principle for interpolation nurbs surface equation can be defined as where:control vertex distributing as a topologica

50、l rectangle array, and forming a control gridding. are weighting factors connecting with control vertex ,and are normal b spline base for parameter u and v respectively. also have if row cutting method is adapted for surface machining, parallel planes can be used for incising surface of machining pa

51、rt, desired cutting path can be obtained. curve equation located in the kth plane can be expressed as normal vector n of cutting point of machining part surface can be calculated using following equation .above equation can be rewriten as furthermore, unit normal of n, namely, ne can be obtained whe

52、re supposing that the axis of cutter keeps consistent with orientation of surface normal of machining parts (showen as fig.5), so, according to geometry relationship, we have whereis position vector of cutter reference point p, is compensationvector of cutting remains ,is compensation vector of cutt

53、er radius, r is cutter radius.5.2 control of cutting velocityfeeding velocity v(u) along curve direction can be defined as where so in sampling time t=kt, using talor series and processing two order expandedness, we obtain above equation is asymmetry iterative equation for parameter u. feeding veloc

54、ity along curve direction during machining process can be controlled by adjusting increment of parameter u, and feeding velocity along curve direction can be made to keep constant. so, smooth cutting characteristic can be achieved. 5.3. fine interpolation algorithmpvt fine interpolation mode of pmac motion card is also called position, velocity, time motion mode. under such


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