1、请示冋题不要带着冋题请示,要带着方案请示。汇报工作不要评论性的汇报,而要陈述性的汇报。Ask ing for in struct ions with your proposals in stead of questi onsReport ing works with stateme nts in stead of comme nts成功者常改变方法而不改变目标,失败者常改变目标而不改变方法。The Winners often cha nge the methods to reach their goals, while the losers always cha nge their goals
2、 without adjust ing the methods.没做好就是没做好,没有任何借口,随便找借口,成功没入口。No excuses for not doing things well. Casual excuses block the way to success.三不放过原则:原因没有查清不放过,措施没有落实不放过,责任没有明确不放过。Three no-passing principles: no-passing of unclear reasons, no-passing of unimplemented measures, and no-pass ing of vague re
3、sp on sibilities.结果不好,就是不好。执行力不讲如果,只讲结果。There is no IF in executi on.It is bad if the result is bad.不是没有办法,而是没有用心想办法。用心想办法,一定有办法,迟早而已。Noth ing in the world is difficult if you set your mind to it.7/从实际出发,从小事做起,在本职岗位上不断改进。Proceed from reality, start small, make continu ous improveme nt on the post整体利
4、益高于局部利益,团队荣耀高于个人荣耀。The overall in terests prevail partial in terests, and team glories exceed pers onal glories讲主观,不讲客观。讲自己,不讲别人。讲内因,不讲外因。Face to the problem in stead of blam ing other pers ons or subjective factors团结一条心,石头变成金Unity is stre ngth, and the stre ngth is amaz ing.严谨思考,严密操作;严格检查,严肃验证Think
5、 rigorously, operate precisely, in spect strictly, and check seriously行动是成功的开始,等待是失败的源头Action is the start of success, but wait ing is the headstream of failure.爱惜物料,重视品质;合理规划,标识清晰Treasure the materials, emphasize o the quality, pla n rati on ally and label clearly上下沟通达共识,左右协调求进步Commun icati on help
6、s reach a consen sus and coord in ati on promotes the progress一个疏忽百人忙,人人细心更顺畅An oversight makes hun dred people busy; every one circumspect ion makes things smooth16/工作效率想提高,整理、整顿先做好Cleari ng and orga nizing will improve your worki ng efficie ncy细心、精心、用心,品质永保称心Excelle nt quality can be kept through
7、carefu In ess, elaboratio n, and atte nti on.没有措施的管理是空谈,没有计划的工作是空洞Without measures, the man ageme nt are just empty words;Without pla ns, all work is empty预防保养按时做,生产顺畅不会错Impleme nt the preve ntive maintenance timely to en sure the smooth product ion.全员参与,强化管理,精益求精,铸造品质Full participati on, stre ngthe
8、 ning man ageme nt, continu ous improveme nt, cast ing quality多点沟通,少点抱怨;多点理解,少点争执Commun icate more, compla in less; Un dersta nd more, dispute less不接受不良品,不制造不良品,不流出不良品Do not accept, manufacture and tran sfer the bad products23/管理争未来,创新求发展,制度是关键Man ageme nt decides the future, i nno vatio n promote d
9、evelopme nt, and compa ny system is the key24/质量第一,顾客满意,持续改进,超越自我。Quality first, customer satisfact ion, con ti nu ous improveme nt, bey ond the self25/节约用水安全用电,Save water! Safety electric!26/消防设施,定期维护Fire-fighti ng equipme nt n eed scheduled maintenance27/态度决定一切,细节决定成败Attitude decides everyth ing, details determ ine success or failure28/ 一个坚持,一个承诺-品质A promise, stick to it-quality29/只有勇于承担责任,才能承担更大的责任The one who takes on more resp on sibilities has more adva nceme nt opport un ities30/找方法的人会成功,找借口的人会失败The successors keep look ing for soluti on s, losers always look for excuses31/
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