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1、八年级下册教案设计Unit 7 Food FestivalTopic 3 I cooked the most successfully.Section CI. Material analysis本节课建议用1课时上完。主要活动为la和2。本课继前两个Sections谈论点菜进餐的话题之后,又呈现了一个学生感兴趣的话题 谈论不同特色食物的食用方法。教师在本课可以从学生感兴趣的容入手,在常规复习 之后,先让学生欣赏几段与餐具用法有关的视频,导入第二部分对食物的正确食用方法的 探究学习。本课的W部分以Kangkang向Craig发电子的形式总结了美食节的情况,呈 现了多音节副词的比较级和最高级的用法

2、。教师可以借助本课对美食节的总结,引导学生 体验成功的喜悅,并能通过Craig的慈善组织Free the Children帮助全世界的儿童,像 Kangkang与同学们筹备美食节-样来筹款帮助肯尼亚的孩子们建学校,让学生们初步树立 国际大家庭”的概念及乐于助人的思想。II. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 学习多音节副词的比较级和最高级。Maria cooked very successfully.Jane cooked more successfully.I cooked the most successfully.2. 谈论不同食物的食用方法。steakkni

3、fe and forkfried noodleschopsticksfried chickenfingerstofu soupspoonSkill aims:1. 能听懂有关谈论不同食物的食用方法的短文,识别主題,并获取主要信息。2. 能在教师的帮助下用简单的语言总结美食节的收获。3. 能找出文章中的主题,预测可能的结局。4. 能写出简单的关于同伴最喜欢的食物的调查报告。Emotional aims:1体验成功的喜悦。2. 乐于参与各种英语实践活动。3. 初步树立国际大家庭”的概念及乐于助人的思想。III. The key points and difficult pointsKey poin

4、ts:1. 学习多音节副词的比较级和最高级。2. 谈论不同食物的食用方法。Difficult points:尝试用英语完成调查报告。IV. Learning strategies1阅读时可以通过字体的颜色、画线的句子、大写字母等来抓住文章的重点。2. 借助手势、表情等体态语进行交流。3. 在学习中积极思考,主动探究,善于发现语言的规律并能运用规律举一反三。V Teaching aidsComputer multimedia projector: the videos of eating steak, noodles, sandwich and drinking soup, the pictur

5、e of steakVI. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activity1. The whole1.Focustheir1. Get the students readyclass workattentionfor2.Pair workon the teacherlearning2.Students act out2. Teacher asks thethestudents to act out theconversation aboutconversat i onaboutordering

6、 a meal byordering a meal byphonetheyphone they prepared.3.The wholepreparedLead them to review howclass workto order a meal by phone3.Students enjoy the3. Teacher plays fourvideos about waysvideosfortheof eati ng the foodstudents: eating steak, (teach the word steak by showing the picture of it.) e

7、ating4.Groupnoodles,eatingwork.4.Students discusssandwiches and drinking soup. Let students speak out morethecorrect ways to eat5.The wholecorrect way to eatdifferent foodclass workthe food shown in4. Teacher lets studentsthe table of 2.workingroups:6.The whole5.Students checkDiscuss the correctIntr

8、oductionclass worktheirway to eat the food(8 minutes)answers each othershown in the table of 2.5. Teacher lets four6.Students listenstudentscare fully and checkfrom different groupstheir answers withgivethe help of thetheir answersteacher6. Teacher reads thecorrectways to eat them andletsstudents1is

9、tencarefullyandchecktheiranswers:we should use knivesandforks to eat steak; wecanuse chopsticks to eat noodles; we must use spoon to drink soup Teacher encourages students to speak out theirdifferent1. Pair work1. Students work in1Teacher lets studentspairs to decidelook at the pictures ofwhetherthe

10、la and understand thestatements are truethreeor false based on thestatements Let thempictures.work in pairs to decidewhether the statementsare true or false based2. The wholeon the picturesclass work2. Teacher asks students2. Students read thetoletter, and thenread the letter, andchecktheirthencheck

11、their3. The wholeanswersanswers Teach the newclass workword job.4. The whole3. Students check3. Teacher asks studentsclass worktheirto give their answers.answers4. Teacher asks students4. Students listen toto listen to la andlamatch the persons withandmatchthetheirrelatedPresentatpersonsinformat ion

12、. Teach theionwiththeirnew words worth and(10relatedeffort.inutes)information.Maria35 dishes5. The wholeofbeefclass workcurry6. The wholeJane45 Indianclass workcurriesKangkang 50 bowlsof friedrice5. Students check the5. Teacher asks studentsanswersto6. Students read andcheck the answersunderstand th

13、e6. Teacher lets studentssentencesreadunderlinedandunderstandthesentencesunderlined.Teach the new word successfully-, successsuccessful一successfully. Teachercan add more similar1 The whole1. Students follow1.Teacher lets studentsclass workthefollowunderlinedtheunderlinedsentences to makesentencesnew

14、sentencesto make new sentencesaccording to theaccording to the tabletable of lb.oflb. Remind them theyshould add the wordmore2. Individualor most before thework.adverbs2. Students writefinely, lightly and3. The wholedowncarefulclass workthe sentencesto form comparativeand3. Students learn thesuperla

15、tive degreescomparative and2.Teacher asks threesuperlativestudentsdegrees ofto write down theadverbswithsentencesmultipleon the blackboard4. The wholesyllables3.Teacher asks the otherclass workstudents to evaluatetheir5. The wholework Then the teacherclass workmakes a summary andConsolidati4. Studen

16、ts read thewritesdowntheoncorrect sentencesformations(10onof the comparative andminutes)theblackboardsuperlative degrees ofaloud.adverbs with multiple5. Students read thesyllablesontheletterblackboard.carefully and find out4.Teacher asks thethe difficult pointsstudentsof la. Learn the newto read the

17、 correctstructure with thesentenceshelp of the teacheron the blackboardaloud.5.Teacher asks students toread the letter carefully andfindout the difficult pointsof la.LGroup1.Students work in1.Teacherdivideswork.groupsstudentsintotwoto ask questionsgroups.Let studentsaccording to theread the letter a

18、gain,letterand then ask students from Group 1 to ask questions according to the contents of the letter, the students from Group 2 to answer2.The wholethe questions Then letclass work2.Students read thethem change the rolesexample of 2.2.Teacher lets studentsread3.The wholethe example of 2. Teachclas

19、s work3.Students make thethe new word neatly bysimilarshowing neat ly.conversations3.Teacher lets students4.Pair workmakethesimilar4.Students act outconversations5.The wholetheiraccording to the foodclass workown conversations inand the ways to eat it.pairs.4.Teacher lets studentsact out their ownPr

20、actice&Group5.Students evaluateconversations in pairs(10work.the5.Teacher asks otherminutes)actingstudentsto evaluate the acting.Teacher can add more6.Students make adifferent ways to eat7.The wholesimilarthe food.class worktable to make a6.Teacher lets studentssurvey in groupsreadthe information of

21、 thetable in 3 Then let7.Students report thethem make a similarresult of the surveytable to make a surveyto the whole classin groups7.Teacher asks studentstoreport the result of the survey to the whole class: Li Lin likes sausage because she thinks it is quick andProduct iominutes)L The wholeclass w

22、ork.2. Group work.3. The wholeclass work.4. The wholeclass work5. The whole class work6. Individual work.1. Students play the guessing game2. Students work in groups and find out theirgroupmembers?strongpoints3. Students report thestrong points of theirmembers4. Students evaluate thereports5. Studen

23、ts summarizeSection C with the teacher6. Students finish thehomeworkafterclass.L Teacher asks the students to play the guessing game: One student imitates the way to eat food, the other guesses what he or she is eating.2. Teacher asks students towork in groups and find out their group members *stron

24、gpoints. Let them take notes and compare the same strong points of members in each group, using the comparative and superlative degrees of adverbs as much as possible: Wang Hal mns fast, but Sun Lei iuis faster than Wang Hai.3. Teacher chooses a memberin each group to report the strong points of members in each group4. Teacher asks students toevaluate the reports Choose the best two groups.5. Teacher shows the sumnaryof this section to the students6. Teacher assigns homework:(1) Review the sumnary after class(2) Retell the productionof food festival to your friends(3) Search someT


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