10月高考英语 专题一 高频词汇分类集训与语篇训练 话题二十 文化交流与社会礼仪(2021年最新整理)_第1页
10月高考英语 专题一 高频词汇分类集训与语篇训练 话题二十 文化交流与社会礼仪(2021年最新整理)_第2页
10月高考英语 专题一 高频词汇分类集训与语篇训练 话题二十 文化交流与社会礼仪(2021年最新整理)_第3页
10月高考英语 专题一 高频词汇分类集训与语篇训练 话题二十 文化交流与社会礼仪(2021年最新整理)_第4页
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1、(浙江省选考)2017年10月高考英语 专题一 高频词汇分类集训与语篇训练 话题二十 文化交流与社会礼仪(浙江省选考)2017年10月高考英语 专题一 高频词汇分类集训与语篇训练 话题二十 文化交流与社会礼仪 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(浙江省选考)2017年10月高考英语 专题一 高频词汇分类集训与语篇训练 话题二十 文化交流与社会礼仪)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可

2、编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为(浙江省选考)2017年10月高考英语 专题一 高频词汇分类集训与语篇训练 话题二十 文化交流与社会礼仪的全部内容。15话题二十文化交流与社会礼仪1act v行动;充当;起作用;对有作用,有影响 n行为,行动;法案;一幕;一段表演act as充当;担任2advise v劝告;忠告;提出建议;通知advise sb。to do sth.劝告某人做某事advise sb。against (doing) sth.劝告某人不要做某事3affect vt。影响;感染;打动be affected to tears感动得流泪

3、4astonish vt.使惊讶astonishing adj.令人惊讶的astonished adj。感到惊讶的astonishment n惊讶;吃惊5attack v&n.攻击;袭击;抨击;侵袭under attack遭到袭击;遭到抨击6ban vt.禁止;取缔n禁令;谴责ban doing sth.禁止做某事ban sb.from (doing) sth.禁止某人(做)某事7change v变换;改变;交换;兑换n变化;零钱o。.把变成change.for.。替代;替换8distinguish v区分;分清;成为的特征;使有别于distinguish.。from。

4、(distinguish between。.and。.)使区别于;区别和be distinguished for因而出名9embarrass vt。使窘迫;使尴尬be embarrassed at/about因感到尴尬embarrassing adj.令人不安的;令人尴尬的to ones embarrassment令某人尴尬的是10encourage v鼓励;激励;促进encourage sb.to do。.。鼓励某人做11exchange n交换;互换;交流;兑换v交换;交流;兑换exchange a for b拿a换bin exchange (for) 作为(对的)交换12harm n&v

5、t.伤害,害处do harm to sb.do sb。harm伤害某人there is no harm in doing.。做无害处。13honour n尊敬;崇敬;荣幸,光荣vt。尊敬;敬重 in honour of为了表示对的敬意;为了纪念have the honour to do/of doing.。有幸做its an honour to do。.。很荣幸做14manner n方式;方法;态度;举止pl.礼貌;礼仪in a。.manner用方式its good/bad manners to do.。做有/没有礼貌.15peace n和平;平静;安静;和睦in peace安静地at pea

6、ce处于和平状态16respect vt。尊重n尊重;敬意;问候;方面in respect of/with respect to关于out of respect出于尊敬have/show respect for尊敬;尊重;重视17significance n重要性;意义be of significance重要的18before短语、句型before long不久后long before很久以前it was/will be时间段before.。过了多久才/多久之后才it wont be long before.。.不久就19but短语nothing but只是;仅仅anything but根本不

7、;决不 cannot but do。.只好;只能not.but。不是而是20catch短语catch on学会;(思想、服饰等)受欢迎,流行起来;(被)接受;理解,了解catch ones eye吸引某人的注意catch sb.doing。.。发现某人在做。单句语法填空1we must appoint a person to act secretary。2patients are advised (cut) down on their consumption of alcohol.3she was affected tears by his story。4she caught him (smo

8、ke) a cigarette。5im thinking of changing my car a bigger one。6 (distinguish) for his knowledge of economics,he was elected as head of the economic school.7it was (encourage) that he recognized the dangers the company faced。8the new discovery is of great (significant) to this citys economy。9it is gre

9、at honour for me to tell you some information relevant to the local life.10the government has come fierce attack for its decision to close the factory。11the chinese government has decided to ban (smoke) in public places across the country.12 is no harm in writing down your name on the form。13“were s

10、o pleased to meet you at last,” he said in a (respect) tone of voice。14it is (embarrass) that our streets are so dirty.15 will be three years before these peach trees begin to bear fruit。按要求完成句子1he was respected by everyone and decided to make great contributions to the country.(用with复合结构改写) 2he was

11、 affected by the failure in the exam and lost heart.(用过去分词短语作状语改写) 3他用一个苹果换我一块蛋糕。(一句多译) (exchange n) (exchange v)4i feel honoured to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.(用it作形式主语改写) 5对所发生的事情一无所知,这让他很难堪。(一句多译) (embarrass) (embarrassment)(一)阅读理解i wrote a busine

12、ss plan the other day。i gave it to my husband for suggestions.after reading it,he said,“i dont think this is up to your usual standards.” i said,“i need more information。what doesnt work?” he said he wasnt sure。i then took the letter and reread it.he asked,“how about if i look at it again and make n

13、otes between the space? i agreed.a half hour later i looked at his notes and told him he didnt understand the situation and what i really wanted to express.he shrugged (耸肩) and said ok.i took the letter and went back to my computer and again revised。as i was writing,i could see my letter improving b

14、ased on his suggestions。when i finished,i proudly handed the letter back to my husband。he read it for the third time and said,“its still not right but i couldnt exactly say.” i was a little annoyed and then told him i was the writer and i had seen some goofy letters he sent out。but i picked up my le

15、tter and went back to the computer。after an hour of revisions,i went back to my husband apologetically with the letter in hand.i told him i was sorry for what id said and asked if he would please read the letter again because i did value his contribution。being a very patient and kind。hearted fellow,

16、he once again read my letter and declared that it was fine。this all leads me to the following: when you ask for advice on a project,be appreciative and grateful。understand that the advice and suggestions you get may be negative.understand that it may mean more work for you。and keep in mind that the

17、final responsibility for the project is still yours.so be modest and thankful even if he or she has noted some problems。1why did the author give her business plan to her husband at first?ato show off her excellent work.bto have him type it on the computer。cto ask him to make some changes from all de

18、tails.dto ask him to give her some advice.2the authors husband shrugged after hearing her words because he .abelieved in his judgement but couldnt find whybknew there was nothing wrong in the business plancdoubted about himself since he found no excusesdbelieved he himself was right and knew the roo

19、ts3we can infer from the passage that the authors husband was 。aselfish,proud and determinedbgood at expressing himselfchonest,kind and patientdhumorous,active and careful4the author wants to tell us that if you ask for suggestions, .ado accept all suggestions from the giversbdont get upset if some

20、are negativecdo keep silent before taking actionddo be grateful and confident(二)七选五how not to be awkwardnot all of us are outgoing and ready to take the world by storm. 5 this usually happens when a person is still in his or her teen years and going through the socialization process。so,what can a pe

21、rson do to overcome this tendency to be awkward。lets try to find answers to the questions.stay in shape and dress up wellsometimes,awkwardness could be due to being overweight。when you are large in size,you tend to get very selfconscious。so,in order to avoid this,get into the habit of exercising eve

22、ry day. 6 if you look as if you have just stepped out of a 1980s film when actually it is 2011,there is no doubt that you are bound to feel awkward about yourself。be optimisticanother effective tip on how not to feel awkward is to always keep a smile on your face. 7 on the other hand,a smiling,happy

23、 and positive think person is appreciated by everybody。so,smile when you meet acquaintances or even strangers,say a cheerful “hi! and automatically some of your awkwardness will disappear completely!participate in team activitiesthis one really helps.awkwardness generally develops when a person rema

24、ins isolated from others.so,in order to change this situation,join groups。 8 joining people in book reading sessions as well as debates will help remove your awkwardness。choose any activity of your choice,such as playing team sports or joining a dance class,and soon you will find your comfort level

25、around people increasing day by day!develop your personalitybeing a bookworm or an internet addict will not get you anywhere.for self。improvement,take up a hobby that adds meaning to your life。learn singing or try adventure sports。 9 alearn how to end a conversation。bsecondly,have appropriate clothe

26、s on.cfor instance,if you are a reading lover,join a book club。dif you look sad,nobody will actually like being with you.esomething as simple as listening to music will do wonders too.fmany among us are shy and may even feel kept apart from others。gawkwardness could be because you do not have anythi

27、ng in common to talk about。(三)完形填空the survey about childhood in the third world shows that the struggle for survival is long and hard。but in the rich world,children can 10 from a different kind of poverty-of the spirit。 11 ,one western country alone now sees 14,000 attempted suicides(自杀)every year b

28、y children under 15,and one child 12 five needs psychiatric(心理) advice.there are many good things about 13 in the third world.take the close and constant relation between children and their parents,relatives and neighbors for example。in the west,the very nature of work puts distance between 14 and c

29、hildren。but in most third world villages mother and father do not go miles away each day to work in offices。 15 ,the child sees mother and father,relations and neighbors working 16 and often shares in that work。a child 17 in this way learns his or her role through joining in the communitys 18 : help

30、ing to dig or build,look after animals or babiesrather than 19 playing with water and sand in kindergarten,keeping pets 20 playing with dolls。these children may grow up with a less oppressive sense of space and time than the 21 children。their sense of days and time has a lot to do with the change of

31、 seasons and positions of the sun or the moon in the sky.children in the rich world, 22 ,are provided with a watch as one of the 23 signs of growing up,so that they can 24 along with their parents about being late for school times,meal times,bed times,the times of tv shows.the third world children d

32、o not usually 25 to stay indoors,still less in high.rise apartments.instead of dangerous roads,“keep off the grass” signs and “dont speak to strangers,there is often a sense of 26 to study and play。parents can see their children outside rather than observe them 27 from ten floors up. 28 ,twelve mill

33、ion children under five still die every year through hunger and disease。but childhood in the third world is not all 29 。10a.come blearncsuffer dsurvive11a。as usual bfor instancecin fact din other words12a。by bincto dunder13a.childhood bpovertycspirit dsurvival14a.adults bfatherscneighbors drelatives

34、15a。anyhow bhowevercinstead dstill16a.away balonecalong dnearby17a.growing up bliving throughcplaying dworking18a。activity blifecstudy dwork19a。by bfromcthrough dwith20a。and bbutcor dso21a。eastern bgoodcpoor dwestern22a。at any moment bat the same timecon the other hand don the whole23a。easiest bearl

35、iestchappiest dquickest24a.care bfearchurry dworry25a.dare bexpectchave drequire26a.control bdangercdisappointment dfreedom27a。anxiously beagerlycimpatiently dproudly28a。above all bin the endcof course dwhats more29a。bad bgoodcrich dpoor人们无论写什么文章,都不会是盲目的、毫无目的的。作者的基本看法、态度、情感,都是通过文章的内容表现出来的,因此,考生必须具备迅

36、速把握主题,理顺文章层次,领会作者的观点和写作意图的归纳判断能力。那么,考生在做题时怎样才能把握文章的主旨呢?1完形填空题考查的一个重要方面是对全文的整体理解以及作者写作意图的把握。只要抓住主题句,就能抓住文章的主旨。2一般来说,主题句在开头有总领文章的作用,给读者指明下文的写作方向;主题句在文章的结尾有总结全文、点明中心的作用。分析好文章的开头和结尾就能准确地概括文章的中心思想.答案解析话题词汇梳理与对应训练.1.as2.to cut3。to4.smoking5。for6.distinguished7。encouraging8.significance9.a10.under11。smokin

37、g12.there13。respectful14.embarrassing15。it.1。with everyone respecting him,he decided to make great contributions to the country.2affected by the failure in the exam,he lost heart.3he gave me an apple in exchange for a piece of cake.he exchanged an apple with me for a piece of cake。4it is my honour t

38、o be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school。5what embarrassed him was that he had no idea of what was going on.to his embarrassment,he had no idea of what was going on.话题语篇训练(一)语篇解读本文以作者的亲身经历来告诉人们当别人对你写的计划或文章提出建议时,你应该心存感激,即使别人的建议是否定的,也不要沮丧。1d细节理解题.根据第一段中的“i wrote a

39、 business plan the other day。i gave it to my husband for suggestions.可知,她把她的商业计划拿给她丈夫看是想让她的丈夫给一些建议。2a推理判断题。根据下文第二段倒数第三句中的“its still not right but i couldnt exactly say。”可推知耸肩是因为作者的丈夫相信自己的判断只是不知道该怎么表达。所以选a。3c推理判断题。由文章内容以及第三段最后一句可知,作者多次询问她丈夫,他都很有耐心,而且坚持自己的立场,可得知他很诚恳,热心。所以选c.4b细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“.。.when yo

40、u ask for advice on a project,be appreciative and grateful.understand that the advice and suggestions you get may be negative。可知,作者想告诉读者当询问建议时,即使得到否定、反面的答案也不要沮丧。所以选b。(二)5。f6.b7。d8.c9.e(三)语篇解读本文将第三世界的孩子与西方国家的孩子的童年时代作了对比,阐述了各自的优点和缺点。10ccome来;learn学习;suffer遭受;survive幸存。句意为:但在富裕的世界里孩子们在遭受着一种不同的贫困精神贫困.根据

41、but一词可知富裕世界也存在弊端,生活在优越环境中的孩子“遭受”着精神贫困。故选c。11b句意为:例如:仅仅一个西方国家每年就见证了十五岁以下的孩子有14 000个自杀未遂。as usual 像往常一样;for instance例如;in fact 实际上;in other words换句话说。根据空后内容可知此处应表示举例说明。故选b.12b句意为:五个孩子中就有一个需要心理上的开导.固定短语“one in数字”表示“中的一个,几分之一”,所以b正确。13achildhood童年时期;poverty贫穷;spirit精神;survival幸存。句意为:在第三世界有许多关于童年的美好的事情。1

42、4aadult成年人;father父亲;neighbor邻居;relative亲戚。句意为:在西方工作的本质拉开了成年人和孩子之间的距离。根据下文“but in most third world villages mother and father do not go miles away each day to work in offices.”举例说明孩子和家长之间的距离可知,a正确.15c句意为:但是在大多数第三世界的村子里爸爸和妈妈不是每天去几英里之外去上班,而是孩子看见爸爸,妈妈和亲戚邻居们在附近工作。根据前后两句之间的关系可以判定是作对比。anyhow 无论如何;however然而;instead 反而;still仍然,所以c正确.16d见上题解析。away远;alone独自一人;along 沿着;nearby附近.根据句意d正确。17agrow up成长;live through经历;play玩;


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