完形填空练习 (2)_第1页
完形填空练习 (2)_第2页
完形填空练习 (2)_第3页




1、 完形填空练习: (一)I have visited many places: the states of Missouri, Michigan, Florida, Wisconsin, and Washington D.C. But, I think Chicago in Illinois is the 1 place. When I come home from school, I see a beautiful 2 . A rabbit is running in the garden, a squirrel 3 on a tree, and a robin is in the bran

2、ches. In the summer it gets hot, 4 not as hot as Nanjing. Autumn and spring are cool and bright. I can see flocks of 5 flying south for the winter. I can hear crickets(蟋蟀)in the evening, 6 during the winter. of course. Today, when I come home, there are dry 7 leaves on the ground. Not 8 in the world

3、 has robins, crickets, rabbits and squirrels. Theres no 9 near the equator(赤道). Every place is beautiful, but this place is 10 more beautiful. 1. A. biggest B. nicest C. coldest D. must expensive 2. A. car B. girl C. picture D. dance 3. A. walks B. sits C. talks D. swims 4. A. but B. so C. then D. o

4、r 5. A. tigers B. planes C. ducks D. wild geese 6. A. for B. except C. expect D. besides 7. A. falling B. fell C. fallen D. falls 8. A. anywhere B. somewhere C. nowhere D. everywhere 9. A. sun B. snow C. wind D. animals 10. A. no B. even C. ever D. never(二) We are going to take a test today. It will

5、 show if we are 1 to get in an honours class next year. But, I dont think it is 2 for me. It is the maths part my favourite. We take the test by computer. There 3 52 questions for us to do in one hour. The boy behind me 4 nervous. The girl to my left was nervous, 5 . But 6 I began answering the ques

6、tions, I saw the whole thing 7 a game. I tried to 8 easy ways to do the maths problems. At the end of the test, my score was 307. but what does it mean? I have no idea. I asked my friend John. He got 227. When he knew my score, he said. “Oh my God. Youre a genius!” So, I asked 9 people, and got the

7、same answers. Finally, I walked up to Lauren. “David! How did you do on the MAP test?”I answered, “If I 10 you, will you kill me?” 1. A. enough smart B. too smart C. smart enough D. very smart 2. A. hard B. easy C. different D. interesting 3. A. was B. had C. were D. have 4. A. was looking B. looked

8、 C. looks D. was looked 5. A. either B. also C. yet D. too 6. A. when B. after C. before D. while 7. A. for B. like C. to D. as 8. A. look B. find out C. find D. search 9. A. other B. another C. the other D. others10. A. told B. am telling C. will tell D. tell(三) Two days ago I was quite sure of get

9、ting an “A”for my Spanish. I had got myself 1 . I looked for 2 on the Internet for a week. I wrote a 3 and I even drew a few pictures of Spain. I practiced the speech a lot. On the day of my speech, I didnt get nervous or forget 4 I was going to say. However, everybody has one thing they are 5 at. S

10、ome people are bad at drawing pictures. 6 are bad at typing. My problem is that my stories about Spanish history sounded boring. After giving my speech and showing my pictures I 7 I was going to get a bad grade. Big projects are very difficult for me to finish. They 8 a lot of time, and I always 9 t

11、he day it has to be finished and the grade Ill get . Anyway, I ended up getting an “A-”. The teacher said I 10 all my classmates listen - I was talking very loudly! 1. A. ready B. excited C. interested D. worried 2. A. news B. information C. dictionaries D. papers 3. A. book B. story C. speech D. jo

12、ke 4. A. who B. where C. when D. what 5. A. good B. bad C. interesting D. glad 6. A. The other B. Another C. Others D. Other 7. A. thought B. though C. taught D. brought 8. A. cost B. spend C. pay D. take 9. A. worry about B. think about C. tell about D. know about 10. A. make B. made C. am making D

13、. has made(四)David is a middle school student. He lived in a small 1 for fifteen years. His father, Mr Hill, was a rich farmer and later on he 2 a shop in our town. He bought a house here last month. His 3 moved to the new house and his son began to study in our class. But he had 4 friends here. At

14、first he often played by 5 . His neighbour Cathy is a kind girl. She has many friends. She finds the boy never talks with anybody and decides to help him. David 6 to stay with her and talks to her a lot. Now theyre good friends. One afternoon, Cathy told David. “Itll be my sixteenth birthday tomorro

15、w. Ill have a birthday party. Will you please come?” “ 7 . Im glad to,” the boy said happily. David got home and thought of a 8 he could give to Cathy. He was sorry that he 9 to ask the girl what she liked. He couldnt call her because he didnt know her telephone 10 . At that moment Mrs Hill came and

16、 asked, “Whats the matter, dear?”“What would you like if it was your sixteenth birthday, Mummy?” “Nothing,”the woman said, “I just with I were 16.” 1. A. town B. city C. village D. country 2. A. open B. opens C. opened D. opening 3. A. home B. house C. building D. family 4. A. a few B. few C. a litt

17、le D. little 5. A. himself B. him C. his D. he 6. A. enjoy B. enjoys C. like D. likes 7. A. Well B. Oh C. Mm D. Certainly 8. A. prize B. praise C. present D. price 9. A. forgot B. forget C. remember D. remembered 10. A. code(密码) B. number C. place D. address (五) The world 1 many interesting sounds.

18、Some are unpleasant to our ears while 2 are very pleasant to hear. In single day you probably hear 3 sounds. All sounds are different. Some 4 loud, some sounds are high, others are low, some sounds are useful. 5 sound we cant talk or listen to each other. The ringing of the alarm clock wakes people

19、up. The hooting(鸣笛声)of a car warns people of danger. Some sounds are harmful. When planes fly low 6 the land; the very loud sounds can damage the house. Very loud sound can even make people deaf. We know sound travels about one kilometer in three 7 . In a thunder storm you see the lighting first and then hear the thunder. This is because light travels 8 than sound. Next time you see lighting count the number of se


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