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1、成本分析会计英文简历 成本分析会计英文简历模板 导语:的整洁度,美观度,完整度决定了这是否是一份好简历,今天就为大家带来成本分析会计英文,欢迎阅读! Name: Mr. S Gender: Male Wedlock: Single Nation: Han Residen _: Henan-Zhu _dian Age: 29 Location: Guangdong-Zhuhai Height: 180cm Target Locations: Guangdong-Dongguan、 Guangdong-Guangzhou、 Guangdong-Shenzhen Target Positions:

2、Financing/Audit/Stat.-Cost Manager/Supervisor Financing/Audit/Stat.-Cost Aounting Specialist Financing/Audit/Stat.-Finan _ Analysis Target Jobs: Sr cost aountant、 Cost supervisor xx-09 xx-07 Anyang Institute of Technology Aounting Bachelor Degree 【pany name】 (xx-10 Present) Company Type: Multination

3、al Enterprise Company Category: Electrical,Micro-electronics Job Title: cost aountant Positions: Cost Aounting Specialist Job Description: 1.Collect annual revenue FCST (supported by S&M) and MCOS (from BAAN) status, to prepare annual sales VAM% FCST report; 2.Base on sits actual operation expense t

4、rend, annual Capital investment FCST and sales VAM% FCST, to prepare annual profit budget report and submit to Top _nagement for approval. 3.Timely and aurately input approved annual profit budget data into OLS system before deadline, ensure all segments OP% have over 1%; 4.Compare, _yze and ment on

5、 big gap btw current and last FCST; 5.Compare and _yze current DL,IDL,MOH cost depend on history level; 6.Prepare site weekly sales VAM and actual P&L report,timely _yze and find the gap reason for actual VS last FCST; 7.Monitor daily inventory movement in BAAN,redu _ inventory risk by timely write

6、off the abnor _l; 8.Monitor STD system movement in BAAN, _nual adjustment PPV to inventory aount when monthly closing; 9.Calculate supplier rebate,claim noti _,order can _llation case base on cost sheet when ne _ssary; 10.Paticipate Lean saving project,in charge of sites Lean,PE,Operation saving rep

7、ort; 11.Prepare internal and external audit report when need; Reason for Leaving: Seek better development 【pany name】 (xx-12 xx-09) Company Type: Private Enterprise Company Category: Furniture,Household applian _s,Handicrafts,Toys Job Title: cost aountant/supervisor Positions: Cost Aounting Speciali

8、st Job Description: *as cost aountant 1.Mornitor BOM and STD _terial movement in ERP system; 2.Validate and confirm _terial issue note in ERP system,prepare monthly _terial consumption report by production and non-production category; 3.Collect monthly output and DL cost from PMC and GL,to pute unit

9、 product cost; 4.Prepare monthly sales VAM report; 5.Take part in monthly or annual inventory blind count activity; *as cost supervisor 1.Collect,pare and _yze monthly report from cost aountant,prepare and issue monthly final costing report; 2.In charge of monthly or annual inventory count activity,

10、issue final cycle count report with improvement suggestion when need; 3.Issue sample and new product quotation with full invested cost and VAM to general _nager for approval; 4.Prepare sales VAM report on FG promption scheme launched by S&M to general _nager for approval; Reason for Leaving: Seek be

11、tter development Multek_zhuhai_costing team (xx-06 Present) Job Title: site cost aountant Project Description: Every site of Multek_zhuhai will assign a cost aount to organize a costing team,its purpose to correct current costing calculation and control method,keep it align with the parent-Flex,aim

12、to costing resour _ sharing between Multek_zhuhai. Responsibility: 1.Prepare reasonable costing calculatiotn way and sample report to _nagement for apporval base on sites production actual; 2.Redu _ production varian _ and enhan _ production line cost control by narrow BOM and enlarge EDM _terial fi

13、eld; 3.Enhan _ prior cost control to operation by preparing P&L FCST report base on revenue status what S&M provides; 4.Enhan _ current cost control to operation by preparing and _ysis the gap between weekly sales VAM & actual P&L report and last FCST; 5.Redu _ inventory hold risk by enlarge invento

14、ry field and timly write off the idle; 6.Launching Lean saving activity in Multek, sites cost aountant in charge of site saving projects mornitor and validation respectively. Professional Title: skilled Computer Level: national puter exam. grade 2 Computer Skills: Passed visual fox pro 7.0 examinati

15、on at junior. Strengths: Familar with BAAN,SAP,other ERP system,good at MS_Ex _l Function and Chart. Chinese: Good Cantonese: General English Level: CET-4 Spoken Good Career Objective Career Direction: Desired Industry: PCB _nufacture,Electronics,or other multinational pany. Self Info. Self Asses _e

16、nt: 5 years costing work experien _,2 years in multinational coporation.good at finan _ aounting field. Hobbies: Basketball(PF),cine _,China history. Certificate of Bachelors Degree(*) xx-07-01 CET-4 xx-12-01 National Computer Rank Examination Level 2 xx-04-01 Certificate of Aounting Professional xx-04-01 在目前就业竞争激烈,甚至应徵清洁工,都要先送履历表筛选的情况下,准备一份吸引人的.英文履历表,是在美国找工作的第一步。用电脑或打字机打一份 _的履历表,告诉对方您是谁,您懂些甚麽,以及您做过些甚麽,然後把握每一个机会分送出去,以求得面谈的机会,是最普遍的求职方式。到任何公司去


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