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1、Go for it!Students BookUnit8 Period OneTeacher: Ni KongluClass: Class one Grade SevenTime: May 13th 2011Unit8 Id like some noodles Analysis of Teaching Material In this unit Ss learn to order food ,Such a topic is very interesting and practical. Ss are sure to take an active part in all the activiti

2、es in the unit,As a result,both more and less advanced Ss will benefit a lot in listening,Speaking ,reading and writing skills.Teaching Aims and Demands 1.Knowledge Objects In this unit Ss will learn some names of foods and drinks and the target language used to order food ,ask for and give personal

3、 information and design an ad.2.Ability Objects Train Sslistening ,speaking ,reading and writing skills, Train Ss communicative competence 3.Moral Objects Noodles,a kind of fast food ,help save a lot of time ,And its delicious and rich in nutrients,Thank for the inventor .Ask your family members or

4、classmates what theyd like to eat ,In this way ,you will understand each other better . Teaching Important Ponits1. learn to order food2. learn to ask for and give personal information3. learn to design an ad for House of Dumplings. Teaching Qifficulties 1.Train Sslistening ,speaking, reading and wr

5、itng skills2.Teach Ss how to be a polite customer and how to be a warm-hearted assistant.Learing Strategies Role playing Listering for key words .Teaching Time:Six PeriodsThe First Periods.Teaching Aims and Demands 1.Knowledge Objects Wouldlike ,noodles ,beef ,muttom,chicken,cabbage,potatoes, tomato

6、es,bowl,special, ingredient,order food What kind of noodles would you like ?Beef and tomato noodles, please.2.Ability Objects Train Sslistening skillTrain Ssspeaking skill 3.Nloral Object Noodles are popular with people .Theyre traditional Chinese food .Teaching Important Ponits 1.The names of foods

7、 2.Target langnage used for asking for and giving pessonal information.Teaching Difficulty Train Sslistening and speaking skills .Teaching Methods Scene teaching method ,listening and practicing Pairwork ,Task-based teaching method.Teaching Aids A projector 、 A tape recorer .Teaching Procedures:Sect

8、ion A Step Lead-in Point to the picture ,What do you want for a trip?I want some fruit.Tell Ss I want some fruit means I would like ,Make sure Ss know the meaing of would like ,Ask ,What kind of fruit would you like ?Point out the language goal. Make sure Ss can master how to express.StepII Grammar.

9、Task 1 Master the fouceTell Ss how to master the usage of the phrases.Practice the key words and phrases.StepIII 1aTask 2 Match the words with the foods.Focus attention on the three kinds of noodles in the picture.Point to and read the sign in front of each bowl:Special1/2/3/Point out the numbered l

10、ist of ingredients.Ask Ss to match each word on the list with one of the irgredients in noodles.Point out the sample answer and check the answers.StepIV 1b listeningTask 3 listen and check the noodles that the person orders.Point to the three bowls of noodles,ask,what ingredients are in these noodle

11、s? Play the recording listen and check the bowl of noodles that the person ordered.StepV 1c PairworkTask4 Make their own conversations.Ask 2 Ss to read the dialogue to the class.Then get them to work in pairs.Have Ss take turns being the waiter and the person ordering the noodles.StepVI GroupworkTas

12、k5 Make a survey Devide the class into four groups.Make them ask the members.What kind of noodles would you like? Fill in the form,then make a report.StepVII ExerciseTask6 consolidation Do some exercise in class to check how well Ss can master the key language goal.StepVIII Summary & HomeworkIn this class,weve several names of the foods.then weve donemuch listening and o


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