1、本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日目 录外文文献译文.11 关于物流产业的基本认识.11.1 物流产业的发展及其基本内涵.11.2 物流产业的基本特征.12 中国物流产业发展的现状及主要特征.22.1 专业化物流服务需求已初露端倪.22.2 专业化物流企业开始涌现.23 中国物流产业发展面临的主要问题和制约因素.33.1 物流产业发展仍然面临着较大的市场需求约束.33.2 物流企业的经营管理水平有待提高.33.3 低水平的物流基础设施和装备条件严重影响着物流效率的提高.33.4 物流产业发展面临着
2、较大的制度约束.44 中国物流服务社会化健康发展的对策.54.1 中国现代物流社会化服务的发展现状.54.2 中国现代物流社会化服务的发展现状.54.3 现代物流社会化服务的结构特征.64.4 中国第三方物流服务业未来发展的对策.65 结论.8外文文献原文.91 about thing miscarriage industry basic understanding.91.1 miscarriages industry development and its basic connotation.91.2 miscarriages industry basic characteristics.1
3、02 china miscarriages industry development present situation and main characteristic.112.1 specializations flow the service demand initially to reveal the clue.112.2 specializations flow the enterprise to start to emerge.11 3 china miscarriages industry development faces main question and restrictio
4、n factor.133.1 miscarriages industry development still were facing the bigger market demand restraint.133.2 thing flow the enterprise the management level to wait for the enhancement.133.3 low levels thing flow the infrastructure and the equipment condition seriously affect the thing to flow the eff
5、iciency the enhancement.143.4 miscarriages industry development are facing the bigger system restraint.144 china flows the service socialization health development the counter measure.164.1 china modern age flows the socialized service development present situation.164.2 china modern age flows the s
6、ocialized service the development present situation.164.3 modern ages flow the socialized service the structure characteristic174.4 china third party flows the countermeasure which service industry future will develop.185 conclusions.20中国物流产业发展现状及存在问题中国物流产业发展现状及存在问题随着世界经济的快速发展和现代科学技术的进步,物流产业作为国民经济中一
7、个新兴的服务部门,正在全球范围内迅速发展。在国际上,物流产业被认为是国民经济发展的动脉和基础产业,其发展程度成为衡量一国现代化程度和综合国力的重要标志之一,被喻为促进经济发展的“加速器”。1 关于物流产业的基本认识1.1物流产业的发展及其基本内涵物流产业的产生和发展是经济发展到一定阶段、社会分工不断深化的产物。传统上的物流活动分散在不同的经济部门、不同的企业以及企业组织内部不同的职能部门之中。随着经济快速发展、科学技术水平的提高以及工业化进程的加快,大规模生产、大量消费使得经济中的物流规模日趋庞大和复杂,传统的、分散进行的物流活动已远远不能适应现代经济发展的要求,物流活动的低效率和高额成本,已
9、三,物流产业可以为全社会提供更为全面、多样化的物流服务,并在物流全过程及其各个环节实现价值增值。2 中国物流产业发展的现状及主要特征2.1专业化物流服务需求已初露端倪近年来,随着买方市场的形成,企业对物流领域中存在的“第三利润源泉”开始有了比较深刻的认识,优化企业内部物流管理,降低物流成本成为目前多数国内企业最为强烈的愿望和要求。中国物流活动的发展水平还比较低,加强企业内部物流管理仍然是全社会物流活动的重点。与此同时,专业化的物流服务需求已经出现且发展势头极为迅速。其一是跨国公司在中国从事生产经营活动、销售分拨活动以及采购活动过程中,对高效率、专业化物流服务的巨大需求,这是带动中国物流产业发展
11、兴的专业化物流企业,如广州的宝供物流公司、北京华运通物流公司等。这些企业依靠先进的经营理念、多样化的服务手段、科学的管理模式在竞争中赢得了市场地位,成为中国物流产业发展中一个不容忽视的力量。3 中国物流产业发展面临的主要问题和制约因素3.1物流产业发展仍然面临着较大的市场需求约束受传统计划经济体制的影响,中国相当多企业仍然保留着“大而全”、“小而全”的经营组织方式,从原材料采购到产品销售过程中的一系列物流活动主要依靠企业内部组织的自我服务完成。这种以自我服务为主的物流活动模式在很大程度上限制和延迟了工商企业对高效率的专业化、社会化物流服务需求的产生和发展,这也是当前制约中国物流产业快速发展的一
15、块分割、多头管理的模式下,各种基础设施的规划和建设缺乏必要的协调,一是导致大量的重复建设和过度竞争,例如公路主干网络与铁路网络的平行发展,各地争相建设港口、机场等现象;二是涉及到各种运输方式之间、国家运输系统与地方运输系统之间、不同地区运输系统之间相互衔接的枢纽设施和有关服务设施建设方面缺乏投入,对物流产业发展有重要影响的各种综合性货运枢纽、物流基地、物流中心建设发展十分缓慢。这种“重线路、轻结点”式的发展,即造成了资源的极大浪费,也影响着整个物流系统的协调发展。4 中国物流服务社会化健康发展的对策4.1中国现代物流社会化服务的发展现状 国际上现代物流社会化服务的模式和发展阶段1.顾客自我服务
16、的模式(第一方物流服务)。这是由买方使用自己的物流设施为自己提供物流服务的模式,是一种“自给自足”的物流服务模式,社会化和专业化程度都很低,经济效率也比较低。 2.供应商提供物流服务的模式(第二方物流服务)。这是由供应商使用它们的物流设施为其顾客提供物流服务的模式,由于供应商可以为多个顾客企业提供物流服务,所以这种物流服务模式的社会化程度高于第一方物流服务。 3.第三方物流服务的模式。这是由买卖双方以外的第三方物流服务企业使用自己的物流服务设施和设备为买卖双方企业提供现代物流社会化服务的模式。4.第四方物流服务的模式。这是由第四方(既非买卖双方也不是第三方)物流服务企业为买卖双方或第三方物流服
18、方物流服务模式尚处于理论研究和宣传阶段。 2.自给式物流服务在企业中依然普遍存在。许多生产和流通企业拥有并保留着自己的运输、仓储、装卸服务物流设施,自我物流服务依然是工商企业获得物流服务的重要来源。 3.能够提供综合性全程物流服务的物流企业是少数。根据对中国物资储运协会内200多家物流服务企业调查的结果,中国的第三方物流服务企业能提供的综合性全程物流服务还不足总体需求的5%,绝大多数物流企业还不能提供综合性的全程物流服务。这是制约中国物流社会化服务发展的一个重要因素,目前多数企业在选择第三方物流服务商的时候首先考虑的因素就是能否提供综合性的全程物流服务,其次才是物流服务的质量以及收费高低等因素
19、。4.3现代物流社会化服务的结构特征从中国运输协会的调查报告和中国仓储协会的抽样调查报告数据来看,我国现有企业所使用的物流服务具有以下特征。 1第三方物流服务在我国刚刚起步,使用的比例远低于发达国家 2企业物流服务的执行主体大都来自供货方 3市场对第三方物流服务的需求集中于综合性物流服务 4作业质量和服务能力是获得物流服务市场的重要因素中国现代物流服务社会化发展面临的矛盾和问题 (一)我国第三方物流服务企业管理滞后,服务水平低下 (二)物流企业基础设施落后(三)物流企业技术开发能力相对薄弱 4.4中国第三方物流服务业未来发展的对策 根据上述问题和分析,我们认为中国第三方物流服务企业在今后的发展
20、中需要采取如下几个方面的对策: 1 采取措施提高我国第三方物流服务企业的规模 在中国经济持续增长和现代物流市场需求不断发展和扩大的前提条件下,通过建立现代物流行业规范和市场准入限制等措施,限制小于规模经济的第三方物流企业的发展与注册;通过鼓励合资、合作、兼并、整合等措施扩大现有第三方物流企业的规模。2 设法营造跨部门、跨行业、跨地区的现代物流社会化服务经营环境 在推动中国第三方物流服务企业规模化发展的同时,必须通过修订和完善各种法规和政府行政行为去打破现有各种有形和无形的地区、行业与部门限制,全面促进和加速中国第三方物流企业的跨地区、跨行业和网络化发展的步伐。3 以提高服务质量,降低物流成本为
21、核心,以培育市场竞争力为手段,因地制宜地拓展第三方物流企业的发展空间 4 努力降低生产流通企业使用现代物流社会化服务的“退出成本” 中国的生产与流通企业现在多数都有自己的物流服务设施,如果要他们使用社会化的现代物流服务,还必须设法帮他们解决如何出售这些已有的物流服务设施和消化企业现有的物流服务工作人员的问题。5 发挥企业和政府两个积极性,尽快提高基础设施水平 针对目前中国物流产业交通系统、仓储系统、信息系统等基础设施水平低下,无法满足客户需要的问题,必须从政府和企业两个方面共同努力,尽快提高各种基础设施的水平。 6 建立行业协会,规范第三方物流企业在服务管理方面的行为 在努力规范自身行为,提高
22、服务水平的同时,必须尽快成立地区性以至全国性的第三方物流服务业的行业协会,由该协会作为行业自律机构,一方面由协会开展工作去防止和制裁第三方物流服务企业的出轨行为,一方面又行业协会这组织制定本行业企业共同遵守的行为规范和纪律,这样会起到很好的作用。5 结论针对中国第三方物流服务业从业人员的现状,政府和企业都要应该努力加大投入去提高我国第三方物流业的从业人员的业务和管理水平。政府应该在有关这一行业的相应国民教育体系,包括中专、大专、学士、硕士、博士等层次的教育方面加大投入和指导,同时积极筹备和开展这方面的职业资格认证制度建设和实施工作。第三方物流企业自身需要在资金投入上确保现有从业人员的进修和培训
23、方面的需要,同时积极寻求与高校和管理咨询机构的协助,通过开展服务管理咨询和企业内部培训与企业人力资源开发等方式提高自己企业员工的现代物流业务知识和业务水平以及现代物流管理的水平。hau l. lee.e-business and supply chain integration, 2001china miscarriage industry development present situation and existence questionthe china miscarriage industry development present situation and the existen
24、ce question along with the world economics fast development and the modern science and technology progress, the thing miscarriage industry take in the national economy an emerging service sector, in global scope rapid development. in on international, the thing miscarriage industry was considered is
25、 the national economy development artery and the foundation industry, its degree of development becomes weighs a country mod ionization degree and one of comprehensive national strength important symbols, is explained for the promotion economy development the accelerator. 1 about thing miscarriage i
26、ndustry basic understanding1.1 miscarriages industry development and its basic connotationthe thing miscarriage industry production and the development are the economy develops the certain stage, the social division of labor unceasing deepening product. in the traditional thing flows the activity to
27、 disperse in the different branches of the economy, the different enterprise as well as the enterprise organizes in the different function department. along with the economical fast development, the science and technology level enhancement as well snidest realizations advancement speeding up, the la
28、rge scale production, the massive expenses causes in the economical the thing to flow the scale day by day huge and is complex, the tradition, the disperser carry on the thing flows the activity not to be able to adapt the modern economy development red quest by far, the thing flows active the low e
29、fficiency and the high quota cost, already becalm e the restriction factor which the influence economy operating efficiency and the so piety reproduced smoothly carries on, and is regarded as the economical dark mainland.1.2 miscarriages industry basic characteristicsalthough the thing flows the act
30、ive existence, but in the modern economy, the thing which the thing miscarriage industry and its provides flows the service, flowed the thing with the traditional thing which the activity or the production, the circulation departmental engaged in to flow the activity already to have the essentially
31、difference. first, the thing miscarriage industry is in the national economy artery system, it con acts the social economy each part and causes into become an organic whole. modern economy, because the social division of labor daily deepening and the economic structure day by day complex, between ea
32、ch industrial, department, enterprise change relations and intercept indent degree also increasingly intriguing the thing miscarriage industry is maintains these complex to exchange relational the link and the blood vessel. second, the thing miscarriage industry through flows the ease entail factor
33、to each kind of thing the optimum composition and there atonable disposition, the realization flows the active efficiency the enhancement and the society flows the total cost reducing. third, the thing miscarriage industry may comprehensively provide, the diverse thing for the entire society flows t
34、he service, and flows the entire process and its each link realization value increment in teething. 2 china miscarriage industry development present situation and main characteristic2.1 specializations flow the service demand initially to reveal the cluein recent years, along with the buyer market f
35、ormation, the enterprise flowed in the domain to the thing to have the third profit fountainhead to start to have the quite profound understanding, the optimized enterprise interior has flowed the management, reduces the thing to flow the cost to become the present most domestic enterprises most int
36、ense desire and the request. our country flowed active the level of development also quite to be low, strengthens the enterprise interior to flow the management still was the entire society flows active the key point. at the same time, the specialized thing flower the service dead already to have al
37、so the development tendency is extreme eelier. first is the multinational corporation is engaged in production management, the sale in china divides dials active as well as in the purchase process, to the high efficiency, the specie alizarin flows the service the huge demand, this is leads our count
38、ry mica industry development an extremely important market foundation. second is the domestic superiority enterprise flows the service to the specialization the demand. third is in some emerging economical domains, like private enterprise, express service industry as well as electronic commerce doma
39、in and so on, also has and has the cert inscape the thing to flow the service demand. .2.2 specializations flow the enterprise to start to emerge in recent years, in our country economy appeared many thing flowed tenet emprise, mainly by three parts of constitutions, one was international flows the
40、enterprise. these international flows the company on the one hand to enter the chinese market for its original customer-multinational corporation to provide extends the thing to flow the service; on the other hand, is producing and the development specialization in view of the chinese market flows t
41、he service demand to provide the service. two, by the traditional transportation, the storage and transport and the wholesale trade enterprise transforms the thing which forms to flow the enterprise. they depend on the original thing to flow aspect the and so on service foundation and in customer, f
42、acility, management network superiority, through unceasingly develops and extends its thing to flow the service, gradually flows the enterprise to the modern age to transform. three is the emerging specialization flows the enterprise, like guangzhous valuable offering flows the company, north the na
43、tional capital transports passes the thing to flow the company and so on. these enterprises depended upon the advanced management idea, the diverse service method, the science management pattern have won the market niche in the competition, became in our country mist carriage industry development a
44、not allow to neglect strength. .3 china miscarriage industry developments face main question and restriction factor3.1 miscarriages industry development still were facing the bigger market demand restraintthe tradition planned economy system influence, our country quite many enterprises are being st
45、ill retained large and complete, is small and entire the operation scheme way, purchases from the raw material to the product sale process in a series of flows the active main dependence enterprise underlying tissues the self-service to complete. this kind flowed the active pattern by the self-servi
46、ce primarily thing to limit and to retard the industry and commerce enterprise in the very great degree to the high efficiency specialization, the socialization has flowed the service demand the production and the development, this also was current restricts the china miscarriage industry fast devel
47、opment an important bottleneck.3.2 thing flow the enterprise the management level to wait for the enhancementfirst, the service way and the method quite primitive and are unitary. at present most flows the service from the thing the enterprise only to be able simply to provide the transportation (to
48、 deliver goods) and stores in a storehouse the service, but in the circulation processing, the thing flows the information service, the stock management, teething flows thing and so on cost control flows the increment service aspect, especially flows the plan design in the thing as well as the entir
49、e journey flows the service and so on a higher level the thing to flow the service aspect not to have comprehensively to launch. second, the thing flows the enterprise to organize the scale to be smaller, lacks the essential competition strength. at present flows the service from the thing the enter
50、prise, including circulation enterprise and so on the traditional transportation and storage and transport and the new specialization flows the enterprise, the scale and the strength also quite is all small, the network operation scheme not yet forms. third, the thing flows the enterprise to manage
51、the management level to be lower, the thing flows the grade of service to wait for further enhances. most flows the service from the thing the enterprise to lack the essential service standard and the internal management regulations, the management extensive, is very difficult to provide standardize
52、d the thing to flow the service, the grade of service is lower. 3.3 low levels thing flow the infrastructure and the equipment condition seriously affect the thing to flow the efficiency the enhancementalthough our country thing flows the infrastructure and the equipment condition had a bigger devel
53、opment and the improvement, but compares with our country economy as well as the thing miscarriage industry development request, compared with the developed country still has a bigger disparity, affected our country in the suitable degree to flow the efficiency the enhancement, and was disadvantageo
54、us to the thing miscarriage industry fast health development. the main performance is: first, our country transportation infrastructure overall scale very was still small. second, the modernization flows the collection and the storage and transport facility less; the level of development is lower. t
55、hird, each kind of thing flows the facility and the equipment technical level is lower, the thing flows the work efficiency not tube high. fourth, the facility structure is unreasonable, cannot fully display existing flows the facility the efficiency. fifth, the thing flows the facility and the equipment standardized degree is lower. sixth, the information technology applicatio
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