



1、专项题型-每日一练(11)一、单项选择() 1. Now it is 7 oclock inmorning in Beijing and 11 oclock atnightin London.A.不填; theB. the ; theC. the ;不填D. the ; a() 2. Forty students in this class? Please tell me something about them. OK,of themare exchangestudents , and allthese twentyare localstudents.A. MostB. ManyC. Few

2、D. Half() 3. Listen , they re talking about theiragain ! Well , they hope it ll prove their answer right.A. experimentB. agreementC. developmentD. environment() 4. That s a bad habit of learning., it is never too late for you to get out of it.A. InsteadB. AnywayC. FinallyD.Similarly() 5. Why did you

3、 pull the girl? Yousee , trafficwassobusy thatanythinghappento heratthatmoment.A. couldB. shouldC. mayD. must() 6. That s to say , sandstorms seldom hit that area,they ? No , but things are different now.A. doB. don tC. didD. didn t()7. You can join the Reading Clubyou can go to the Dancing Club. Ei

4、ther is OK.A. andB. orC. butD. so() 8. Compare the speeches made by the students from different schools, and you willfind Franks is. Sure. That s why we voted for him.A. more boringB. the most boringC. more interestingD. the must interesting() 9. Nancyafter supper, as she was going to host a charity

5、 show that evening.A. gave upB. dressed upC. got upD. washed up() 10. How do you like your school life?.A. It s a famous schoolB. It s very colorfulC. I d like to study thereD.I like my school() 11. Some of the apples are bad, but I believe the restsweet.A. tasteB. tastesC. are tastedD. is tasted()1

6、2. Why have you stopped,Kitty ? The singing competition is coming up soon!A. to practice to singB. to practice singingC. practicing to singD. practicing singing() 13. Jackto take part in Oxfam Trailwalker in Hong Kong. Oh , that s why he is packing his clothes.A. wentB. was goingC. has goneD. is goi

7、ng() 14. Do you knowsecond-hand smoke? To protect our health and memory.A. how we should preventB. how we should preventC. why we should preventD. whether we should prevent() 15. Wow ! Your hairstyle looks so fashionable!. It s my mother s design !A. MostB. ManyC. FewD. Half四、词汇A. 请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句

8、意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。1.There is no(怀疑)that Nantong will develop into a modern city in the nearfuture.2.We see smiling faces3.Johnson is such an4.Daniel , shall we5.The temperature here was(到处)here and they make us feel at home.( very good ) engineer that he is suitable for the job.( get ready ) food and

9、 drink for the welcome party mow25and 35 last week.?B. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。badfourdiarydifferenthelp6.Bob camein the race and didntwin a medal, but we still clapped him.7.You will never be alone and.All of us are willing to give you a hand at anytime.8.Thoughtheweatherwasgetting, the bo

10、ysdecidednotto changecamping plan.9.Herhave recorded all her experiences in her study of English.10Jacky hates to be like others and he always does things.theirC. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。promisechatchoosediscussrefuse11.The two travellersabout the weather in a traditional English way when theymet.12.MrGreenneveranyoneto do anythingunless he is sure thathe can13.Most young people in the village agreed to move to town,but some of the elderly people.do14.WeCanada for the co


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