



1、contract 合合 同同 no.: signing place: date: the buyers: beijing tepukang science and technology co.,ltd. 买方:买方: 北京特谱康科技有限公司北京特谱康科技有限公司 add:no.6, xinghuo street, zhongguancun science and technology pakr, changping 地址:地址:北京中关村科技园昌平园星火街北京中关村科技园昌平园星火街 6 号号 post code: 102200 邮政编码邮政编码:102200 tel:8610-8178800

2、6 fax: 8610-81787112 the seller: brilliantech (china) co., ltd. address: flat/rm 805,bank centre.636 nathan road.mongkok.hk. tel: 852-34263738 fax: 852-27837978 the buyer and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 此合同依据下述条款规定由买

3、卖双方签订,买方同意购买并卖方同意出售下述商品此合同依据下述条款规定由买卖双方签订,买方同意购买并卖方同意出售下述商品: 1. itemcommodity specification stock no. quantityunit price total price 1 smr40 signal generator 1 to 40ghz frequency resolution 1khz pulse modulation/sweep smr40 信号发生器 1104.0002.402 sets 1.01smr-b14 software option:pulse generator 脉冲源选件11

4、04.3982.022 pieces 1.02 smr-b17 option: rf attennuator 40 ghz for smr30/40 射频衰减器 1104.5233.022 pieces 1.03n-female adapter for smr40 转接头1036.4770.002 pieces eur33654eur67308 total value: cip beijing airport eur67308.00 say eurodollar sixty seven thousand and three hundred and eight only. 2. country

5、of origin and manufacturers: rohde or a certificate of non-wooden material package should be attached to the shipment. 如果包装是木质材料,请必须将包装熏蒸证明的原件随货发出,该证明的复件两份随其他文件 交至议付行;否则,随货发出非木质包装证明。 (8) one photostatted copy of effective export license issued by the government, if necessary. 如有必要一份政府出具的出口许可证。 in ad

6、dition, the seller shall, within 7 days after shipment, send by airmail one set of aforesaid documents (except item 5) one set directly to the buyers and one set to the buyers by fax within 48hours after shipment. 另外,卖方应在交货后的七天内空邮上述一套单据(不含第五项)给买方,并在发货后 48 小时内传真一 套给买方。 the number of the document and

7、their contents shall be complete and correct, if the buyer fails to pass the customs and take-over the goods in time due to the seller not having provided the documents specified as above, all losses shall be borne by the seller. 单据的数量和内容应完整、正确。如果是由于卖方没能提供上述单据而导致买方不能及时通关并接 收货物,一切损失由卖方承担。 11. shipmen

8、t: the seller shall, within 3 days after the date of shipment stipulated in the clause 5 of the contract, advise the buyer by fax of the contract no., commodities, quantity, value, number of package, gross weight, measurement and date of readiness at the port of shipment. the seller shall pay any ta

9、xes, custom duties and fees as well as charges levied in respect of the exportation of the goods contracted, and bear risks of the goods before the goods have been delivered to the above-mentioned air carrier at the port of shipment specified in the contract. 装运:装运: 卖方应在本合同第 5 条所述的装运日期后 3 天内以传真通知买方合

10、同号,商品名称,数量,总价,装 箱数量,重量,体积及在起运港的备货日期。 卖方应自负与出口货物有关的各种税赋,关税及费用,并承担货物的全部风险直到货物被交付前述 的起运港空运承运人掌握。 (1) in case of fca: the seller shall deliver the goods within the time of delivery into the charge of the air carrier or his agent named by the buyer at the port of shipment specified in the contract. 在 fca

11、 情况下: 卖方负责在装运期内将货物运输到合同规定的交货港交付由买方指定的空运承运人或其代理 掌握。 (2) in case of cfr: the seller shall deliver the goods within the time of delivery from the port of delivery to port of destination. the seller shall, immediately after dispatch of the goods, advise the buyer by fax of the contract no., commodity, i

12、nvoice value and the date of dispatch for the buyer to arrange insurance in time. should the port of destination marked on the airway bill be found not in conformity with the stipulations of this contract, the buyer shall have the right to refuse to effect the payment. 在 cfr 情况下: 卖方负责在装运期内将货物从装运港运输到

13、目的港。卖方应在货物起运后立刻用传真通知买 方 合同号,商品名称,发票金额,装运日期以便买方及时安排保险。 如果空运单据上标明的目的港与合同规定不符,买方有权拒付货款。 (3) in case of cip terms: the seller shall ship the goods within the time of shipment from the port of shipment to the port of destination. the air freight, insurance premium in respect of the exportation of goods c

14、ontracted shall be borne by the seller. 在 cip 情况下: 卖方负责在装运期内将货物从装运港运输到目的港。与出口货物有关的合同货物的运费,保 险费由卖方承担。 12. shipping advice: the sellers shall, immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods, advise by fax / cable the buyers of the contract no., commodity, quantity, invoiced value, gross w

15、eight, flight no. and date of shipment etc. in case the buyer fails to arrange insurance in time due to the insufficient notice given by the seller, all losses resulting therefrom shall be borne by the seller. 装运通知:装运通知: 卖方应该在货物装船完毕后,以传真/电报立刻通知买方合同号,货物,数量,发票金额,毛重,航 班号及起航时间。若因卖方通知不及时致使买方不能及时投保,卖方承担全部

16、损失。 13. guarantee of quality: the sellers guarantee that the commodity hereof is made of the best materials with first class workmanship, brand new and unused, and complies in all respects with the quality and specification stipulated in this contract and conforms to the data sheets or technical man

17、uals of the commodities contracted. the guarantee period shall be 36 months counting from the date of the final acceptance of the goods. 品质保证:品质保证: 卖方保证此货物是用最好的材料、一流的工艺、原厂、原包装,符合合同的规定的品质和级别的新 产品,质保期自双方签署验收报告之日起 36 个月。 14. claims: within 90 days after the arrival of the goods at destination, should t

18、he quality, specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the carrier are liable, the buyer, on the strength of inspection certificate issued by the local inspection branch of the state administratio

19、n for entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau (hereinafter referred as “inspection authorities”) of the p.r.c, may require the seller to remedy the lack of conformity by repairing, replacement or compensation, and all the expenses (such as inspection and repairing charges, freight for replacemen

20、t, insurance premium, storage or loading and unloading charges, etc.) shall be borne by the seller. as regards quality, the seller guarantees if, within 12 months from the date of the arrival of the goods at destination, damages occur in the course of operation by reason of inferior quality, poor wo

21、rkmanship or the use of inferior materials, the buyer shall immediately notify the seller in writing and put forward a claim supported by inspection authorities. the certificate so issued shall be accepted as the base of the claim. the seller, in accordance with the buyers claim shall be responsible

22、 for the immediate elimination of the defects, complete or partial replacement of the goods or shall devaluate the goods according to the state of the defects. where necessary, the buyer shall be at liberty to eliminate the defects himself at the sellers expenses. if the seller fail to answer the bu

23、yer within two weeks after receipt of the aforesaid claim, the claim shall be deemed as having been accepted by the seller. 索赔:索赔: 自货到目的港起 90 天内,经发现货物质量、规格或数量与合同规定不符者,除那些应由保险公司或 船方承担的部分外,买方可凭中华人民共和国国家出入境检验检疫局当地检验机构(后简称检验机 构)出具的商检证书,有权维修、更换或索赔,所有费用(如检验和维修费、更换运费、保险费、 储存或装卸费等)由卖方承担。 卖方担保货到目的港起 12 个月内,使

24、用过程中由于质量低劣、工艺不佳或材料低劣而出现的损坏, 买方立即以书面形式通知卖方并出具检验机构开列的检验证书,提出索赔。商检证书乃索赔之依据。 按照索赔要求,卖方有责任立即排除货物之缺陷,全部或部分更换货物或依据缺陷情况将货物作降 价处理。如果需要,买方可以自行排除缺陷,费用由卖方承担。若卖方在收到上述索赔的两周内没 有回复买方,可被视为卖方接受索赔条件。 15. force majeure: the sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-delivery of he goods due

25、to force majeure, such as war, serious fire, flood, typhoon and earthquake, or other events agreed upon between both parties, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. the sellers shall advise the buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned abov

26、e and within 10 days thereafter, the sellers shall send by airmail to the buyers for their acceptance a certificate of the accident issued by the competent government authorities where the accident occurs as evidence thereof. under such circumstances the sellers, however, are still under the obligat

27、ion to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. in case the accident lasts for more than 3 weeks, the buyers shall have the right to cancel the contract. 不可抗力:不可抗力: 卖方不对以下延迟交货和未交货物负有责任,他们是由以下不可抗力原因造成:战争、严重火灾, 洪水、地震或双方同意的其他事件,卖方应立刻通知买方上述事件的发生,并在 10 天内空邮买方一 份由相应政府部门签署的事件发生证明。 在

28、上述情况下,卖方仍有责任采取所有措施来加快货物的交付工作。若上述事件持续超过 3 个星期, 买方有权力取消上述合同。 16. late delivery and penalty: should the seller fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the contract, in exception of force majeure, the seller shall pay penalty at the rate of 0.5% per every seven days, which shall be deducted by th

29、e paying bank from the payment. the penalty, however, shall not exceed 5% of the total value of the goods involved in the late delivery. the odd days less than seven days should be counted as seven days. provided that the seller does not make delivery ten weeks later than the time of shipment stipul

30、ated in the contract, the buyer shall have the right to cancel the contract and the seller, in spite of the cancellation, shall pay the aforesaid penalty to the buyer without delay. 延期交货和罚款:延期交货和罚款: 除不可抗力原因,卖方若不能按合同规定如期交货,卖方按照每 7 天交纳货物总值的 0.5%的罚款率 交纳罚金,由付款银行从付款中扣除。但罚金总额不能超过货物总值的 5%。不足 7 天的天数应以 7 天计算

31、。卖方若在本合同规定的装运时间内逾期 10 星期仍不能交货,则买方有权取消合同。尽管合 同已取消,但卖方仍应如期支付上述罚金。 17. arbitration: all disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled friendly through negotiations. in case no settlement can be reached, the case shall be submitted for arbitration to china internati

32、onal economic and trade arbitration commission(cietac), in beijing, in accordance with its rules of arbitration. the arbitration shall take place in beijing and the decision of the arbitration committee shall be final and binding upon both parties; neither party shall seek recourse to a law court no

33、r other authorities to appeal for revision of the decision. arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party. or the arbitration may be settled in the third country mutually agreed upon by both parties. 仲裁:仲裁: 所有与此合同有关的争议应通过友好协商解决,如果协商不能解决,则可提交中国国际经贸仲裁委 员会(cietac)根据有关仲裁法则进行仲裁。仲裁应在北京进行并其结果对双方均有约束力,任何 一方均不应向法院或其他政府部门申请以改变仲裁结果。仲裁费由负方负担。 18. taxes and duties: 税赋:税赋: all taxes in connection with the execution of this contract levied by the chinese government on the buyer in accordance with the tax laws in effect shall be borne by the buyer. 由中国政府依现行法律向买方征收的与本合同及执行有关的全


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