新课标 PEP小学英语四年级上册口语20句_第1页
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1、新课标 pep小学英语四年级上册口语20句牢记下面的对话,会让你的英语说得更好!更棒!(四年级上册口语20句)dialogue 1: 介绍地点,讨论做什么事并赞成,询问物品在什么地方,赞扬。s1: we have a new classroom. 我们有了新教室。s2: great. lets go and have a look. 太好了。我们去看看吧。s3: lets clean the classroom. 咱们一起打扫教室吧。s4: ok! let me clean the board. 好啊!我来擦黑板。s5: wheres the sharpener? 黑板擦在哪里?s6: its

2、 near the fish bowl. 在金鱼缸附近。s1: lets clean the desk and chairs. 我们一起来擦桌椅吧。s2: all right! 好啊!ss: wow! its nice and clean. good job. 哇!真是干净漂亮啊!干的真好!dialogue 2: 询问颜色,数量s1: hi, chen jie. i have a new schoolbag. 喂,陈洁。我有一个新书包。s2: really? what colour is it? 真的吗?什么颜色啊?s1: its black and white. 黑白相间。s2: how m

3、any books do you have? 你有多少本书啊?s1: 6. an english book, a chinese book,a math 6 本。一本英语书、一本语文书、一本数 book, a notebook and two story books. 学书、一个笔记本和两本故事书。s2: may i have a look? 我可以看看吗?s1: sure. here you are. 一定。给你。dialogue 3: 描述朋友b: mom, i have a new friend. 妈妈,我有了一个新朋友。m: a chinese friend? 中国朋友?b: yes.

4、 是的。m: a boy? 一个男孩子?b: yes. he has short black hair and big eyes. 是的。他长着一头黑色的短发,眼睛很大。m: what is his name? 他叫什么名字?b: his name is zhang peng. look, this is his 张鹏。看,这是他的照片。他高个子,身photo. he is tall. he is strong, too. 体也很棒哦。 dialogue 4: 询问房间 sarah: is this your bedroom? 这是你的房间吗?chen jie: yes ,it is ! 是的

5、。sarah: it is very nice. 好漂亮啊!chen jie: i have a new eraser. it is a fish. 我有一个新橡皮擦。这是鱼。sarah: hey, your cat! 嘿。你的猫咪!chen jie: is she in the living room? 她住在客厅吗?sarah: no ,she isnt. 不啊。chen jie: is she in the study? 她住在书房?sarah: no ,she isnt. 也不在。chen jie: look ! she is here! 瞧,她在这里呢!sarah: she is i

6、n the kitchen. 她住在厨房里。dialogue 5: 寻找东西teacher: open the door, please. 请开门。john: ok. 好的。teacher: where are the keys? 钥匙在哪里?john: are they on the table? 在餐桌上吗?teacher: no, they arent. are they near the phone? 不在。在电话机上面吗?john: no, they arent. 也不在。john: look! theyre in the door. 看啊,在门上挂着呢。dialogue 6: 就餐

7、常用语mike: dad, im hungry. whats for dinner? 爸爸,我饿了。午餐吃什么? dad: wait and see. 等等看。dad: what would you like? 你想吃什么?mike: id like some rice and soup. 米饭和汤。dad: what would you like for dinner? 你想吃什么?mum: id like some fish and vegetables,please. 我想吃鱼和青菜。dad: everything is ready. 做好了。mum: thanks. 谢谢!mike:

8、thank you, dad. 谢谢爸爸。mike: can i have some noddles? 我可以吃面条吗?dad: sure. here you are. 当然可以。给你。dialogue 7:使用餐具mr zhang: dinners ready! your forks 饭做好了。你的刀叉。 and knives.john: i can use chopsticks. 我会用筷子。mike: let me try. 我来试试。mike: oops, sorry. 喔喔喔喔,不好意思。mr zhang: let me show you. 让我来教你。mis zhang: help

9、 yourself. 吃吧,别客气。john: mm. yummy. i like chinese food. 嗯,真好吃。我喜欢中国食物。mike: me, too. 我也喜欢。john: we had a good time. 我们度过了一段好时光。mike: thank you! 谢谢!mis zhang: good night. 晚安!mr zhang: see you tomorrow. 明天见。dialogue 8:询问家庭成员的情况amy: how many people are there in 你家有多少人? your family?chen jie: three. 三个。a

10、my: who are they? 都是谁呀?chen jie: look! my parents and me. 看啊!我父母亲和我。amy: my family has seven members. 我家有七口人。chen jie: seven? 七口人?amy: my dad, my mum, my brother, 我爸、我妈、我哥、我姐,我弟弟和我。my sister,my baby brother and me. chen jie: but thats only six! 但这只有6个啊!amy: and my little puppy! 还有我的小狗狗。chen jie: gee

11、! 哈哈!dialogue 9: 介绍和描述家庭成员zhang peng: whos this man? hes strong. 这个人是谁?好健壮啊。amy: hes my uncle. hes a baseball player. 我叔叔。他是垒球队员。zhang peng: cool! is this your aunt? 酷!这是你阿姨?amy: yes, she is. shes a nurse. she likes 是的。她是护士。她喜欢音乐。music.zhang peng: is this your father? 这是你父亲吗?amy: yes, he is. hes a d

12、octor. 是的。他是医生。zhang peng: whats your mother? 你妈妈是干什么的?amy: shes a teacher. look! they re my 她是老师。看!这是我爷爷和奶奶。grandpa and grandma.zhang peng: they look young. are they farmers? 他们看上去很年轻。使农民吗?amy: yes, youre right. 是的。dialogue 10: 圣诞节chen jie: merry christmas! 圣诞节快乐!mike: merry christmas! look! 圣诞节快乐!

13、看!这是客厅。this is the livingroom.zhang peng: wow! how beautiful! 哇!好漂亮喔!chen jie: wow! so many gifts! 哇!这么多圣诞礼物啊!zhang peng: how many gifts are there? 有多少礼物啊?mike: there are 37! 37件dad: merry christmas! 圣诞快乐!together: merry christmas! 圣诞快乐!chen jie: is this your father? 这是你父亲吗?mike: yes. hes father chr

14、istmas now. 他现在是圣诞老人。zhang peng: cool! 好酷啊!mike: come and meet my family! 来件我的家人。 zhang peng: where are they? 他们在哪里?dad: theyre in the kitchen. 在厨房。mike: this is my mother. shes a singer. 这是我妈妈。她是歌唱演员。chen jie: nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你!mum: welcome. 欢迎欢迎!grandparents: merry christmas! 圣诞快乐!together:


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