1、1. faith n.u 信任,相信,信心;诚意,善意;宗教信仰;c(某一)宗教。【Word transformation】adj. faithful 忠实的,忠诚的;可信赖的(syn: loyal)adv. faithfully 忠实地,忠诚地;准确地,如实地n. faithfulness 忠实,忠诚【Brief summary】have faith in sb./sth.:对有信心lose faith in sb./sth.:对失去信心restore faith in sb./sth.:对恢复信心keep faith to sb./sth.:对守信用break faith to sb./s
2、th.:对不守信用in good faith:诚心诚意;真诚in bad faith:存心不良;背信弃义be faithful to :对忠诚/忠实Faithfully yours, * / Yours faithfully, * = Sincerely yours, * / Yours sincerely, *(正式信函署名前的套语)您忠实/忠诚的*【Instant practice】Though I have failed scores of times, I still have great faith in myself.虽然我失败了很多次,但我仍然对自己充满信心。I have imm
3、easurable faith in you; I believe you will do well!我对你充满信心,我相信你会干得好!We have lost faith in the managers promises.我们不再相信经理的承诺。Her friends kindness has restored her faith in human nature.朋友们的善意使她恢复了对人性的信心。You cannot expect your friends to trust you if you dont keep faith with them.假如你对朋友不守信义, 你就不要指望他们会
4、信任你。ABC lent some money to DEF in good/bad faith.ABC出于善意/存心不良地借给些钱了DEF。They handed over the weapons as a gesture of good faith.他们交出了武器以示诚意。We must learn to understand people of different (religious) faiths。我们需要学会理解不同宗教信仰的人。People from all (religious) faiths are welcome.欢迎来自各种宗教信仰的人们。Keep your faith
5、and never give up!坚持信念 绝不放弃!Faith moves mountains.精诚所至,金石为开。The Duke said, I never offer to the gods less sacrificial beasts, jade or silk than are due to them; I keep good faith. 公曰:牺牲玉帛,弗敢加也,必以信。(曹刿论战)2. consequently adv. 所以;因而【Word transformation】adj. consequent n. consequence【Usage tips】conseque
6、ntly在句中单独使用,相当于therefore,as a result,as a consequence,表示由前面所述内容造成的结果。用consequently连接具有因果关系的句子时,其格式一般是:. Consequently, .; consequently, ., and consequently .【Brief summary】consequent on/upon:跟随发生的;由引起的in consequence of / as a consequence of = as a result of:作为的结果;因为face/ take/ suffer/ bear the conseq
7、uence of :承担的后果of no/little consequence (to sb.) = of no/little importance (to sb):无关紧要;不重要【Instant practice】I missed the train and consequently was late for work.我没有赶上火车,结果上班迟到了。My car broke down and consequently I was late.我的汽车坏了,结果我迟到了。It was raining heavily; consequently, I was late.天下着大雨,所以我迟到了
8、。The bank refused to help the company; consequently, it went bankrupt.银行拒绝资助这家公司,因此该公司破产了。The company went bankrupt. Consequently, he lost his job.公司破产,因此他失业了。She was a bright and eager student and consequently did very well in school.她是个聪明好学的学生, 因此她学习成绩很好。3. aim n.c目的,目标;u瞄准;v. 目的是,旨在;瞄准,对准;针对,对象是;
9、力求达到,力争做到。【Word transformation】adj. aimless 无目的的,无目标的 adv. aimlessly n. aimlessness【Brief summary】with the aim of:目的是;为了without aim = aimless:漫无目的take aim at sb./sth.:把目标对准;把批评的矛头指向;针对;瞄准achieve ones aim:达到目标aim at (doing) sth.:目的是;旨在;致力于;瞄准/对准be aimed at:目的是;旨在aim sth. at sb.:针对;对象是aim for sth.:致力于
10、;瞄准/对准aim to do sth.:旨在做某事;立志做某事【Instant practice】ABC went to London with the aim of finding a job.ABC去伦敦是为了找工作。DEF has a high aim in life.他目标很高。One of ABCs aims in life is to be a great scholar.ABC的人生目标之一是成为一个伟大的学者。ABCs one aim in life is to earn a great deal of money.ABC唯一的人生目标就是挣很多的钱。After years
11、of hard working, he finally achieved his aim (in life).经过多年的努力工作,他终于实现了自己的(人生)目标。The main aim of this course is to improve your reading skills.This course is mainly aimed at improving your reading skills.I designed the course with the aim of improving your reading skills.本课程的目的是提高大家的阅读技巧。The program
12、 is aimed at teenage/middle age/senior/young/child/female audience.这个节目的对象是十几岁的观众。He aimed his gun at a deer/policeman.他把枪对准了一头鹿/一名警察。The government is aiming at a 50% reduction in unemployment.The government is aiming to reduce unemployment by 50%.政府正在力图减少50%的事业人数。4. conventional adj.(often disappr
13、oving)传统的,习惯的;依照惯例/遵循习俗的,墨守成规的,普通平凡的;(武器)常规的,非核的。(opp. unconventional)【Word transformation】n. convention c/u习俗,惯例,常规;(文学、艺术的)传统手法,传统风格c(国家或首脑见的)公约,协议,协定;(某职业、政党的)大会,集会(syn: conference)adv. conventionallyn. conventionality【Instant practice】She is very conventional in her views.她的观点很保守/守旧。ABC is alway
14、s conventionally dressed.ABC的衣着总是很传统/保守.In the conventional sense, this is not art.从传统意义上来说,这不是艺术。5. typical adj. 典型的,有代表性的(syn: representative; opp: atypical);一贯的,平常的(syn: normal; untypical);特有的,不出所料的。【Word transformation】adv. typically 通常,一般v. typify 作为的典型,是的典范,成为的特征type n. 类型,种类;典型,属于类型的,具有特征的v.
15、分类,测定的类型;打字,打印【Brief summary】typical of sb./sth.:典型的,特有的【Instant practice】This is a typical example of Impressionist painting.这是一幅典型的印象主义绘画。The picture is typical of its kind. 这幅画在同类绘画中有代表性。This wine is typical of the region. 这种酒是本地区的特产。It is typical of ABC to take hard jobs. ABC总是抢着干重活(抢着干重活是ABC的特点
16、)。It is typical of ABC to forget bringing her bag to school.ABC上学总是忘记背书包。The weather at the moment is not typical for November.现在的天气不是十一月份常有的。The typical weather (here) for November is cold and dry.(这里)十一月份的天气一般是寒冷而干燥。A typical school day for us begins at 6:30.我们在学校的课一般从6:30开始。DEF spoke with (his) t
17、ypical enthusiasm/accent.他以其特有的热情讲话。6. evident adj. 清楚的,明白的,显而易见的,显然的。(syn: clear, obvious)【Word transformation】adv. evidently 明显地,显然地(syn: clearly, obviously);据说evidence n. 根据,证明,证据 v. 证明,表明,作为的证据【Brief summary】It is evident (to sb.) that:(就某人看来)显然 be evident in/from :显然表明evidence of/for ; evidence
18、 that :证据表明in evidence:显眼,显而易见【Instant practice】It is evident that smoking is harmful to health.很明显,,抽烟对健康有害。It is evident to me that ABC is well prepared for this class.我明显看出ABC为这节课做好了充分的准备。It has now become evident to us that a mistake has been made.我们现在已经明白出了差错。The growing interest in art is (cle
19、arly) evident in the (increasing) number of people visiting galleries and museums.从(日渐增加的)参观画廊和博物馆的人数可以(明显)看出人们对艺术越来越感兴趣。DEF is singing with evident enjoyment.DEF正在兴致勃勃地唱着歌(显然正在兴高采烈地唱歌)。DEF sang happily all her way home, evidently in great joy.DEF一路唱着欢乐的歌儿回家,欣喜之情溢于言表(显然特别开心)。He walked slowly down th
20、e road, evidently in pain.他沿着路慢慢地走着,显然很痛苦。This fact is too evident to require proof.这事实很明显, 用不着证明。He signed his name with evident satisfaction.他显然很满意地签了名。The prospect became more evident.前景变得更加明朗了。The spokesman made it evident that no compromise was yet in sight.发言人表示, 目前还不会妥协。7. adopt v. 收养,领养;采用,采
21、取(某方法、态度、举止、说话方式等);正式通过,表决采纳(建议、政策等);选用(名字等),移居(某国),承袭(风俗);选定,选举(某人为候选或代表。)【Word transformation】n. adoption 收养,领养;采用(想法、计划、名字等);选定,推举(候选人) adopter - adopteeadj. adopted 收养的,领养的;移居的 adoptive 收养的,有收养关系的【Instant practice】Many childless couples (choose to) adopt children.许多无子女的夫妇(选择)收养孩子。Sally was adopt
22、ed by the Whites when she was four.莎莉在四岁的时候被怀特夫妇收养了。(The act of adoption created an adoptive relationship between the parents and the child. The Whites are Sallys adoptive parents, while Sally is their adopted daughter.)After going to France, ABC soon adopted the French way of life.ABC去法国后, 很快就接受了法国
23、的生活方式。ABC adopted a local accent while visiting Beijing.ABC在北京旅游的时候说的是一口京片子(采用当地口音)。DEF has adopted a new technique in her recent paintings.DEF在她最近的画作中采用了一种新的技法。The adoption of new technique ensured her leading place in the art world.对新技法的采用保证了她在艺术界的领头地位。The factories have adopted the latest modern
24、technology.这几家工厂采用了现代的最新技术。ABC adopted an air of indifference.ABC摆出一副满不在乎的样子。The meeting adopted a resolution.会议通过了一项议案。8. possession n. u 所有;具有;拥有;占有 c, usually pl. (常用复数possessions)个人财产;私人物品【Word transformation】v. possess 有,拥有;具有;adj. possessive 占有欲强的,要求悉心关爱的;不愿分享的,有独占欲望的;表示所属关系的,所有格的(possessive p
25、ronouns物主代词)(adv. possessively; n. possessiveness)possessed 着魔的n. possessor 所有者,持有人(syn: owner)【Brief summary】come into possession of:获得take possession of:拥有;占有in possession of:拥有;占有in the possession of sb. = in sb. possession:为所有能组成类似词组的还有control和chargetake control of:控制;管理in control of:控制;管理in the
26、 control of:由控制/管理take charge of:负责in charge of:负责in the charge of:由负责be possessed of sth. (formal):具有某种品质或特征like one/a man/a woman possessed:着了魔似的;拼命地;猛烈地possessive of/about sb./sth.:对有独占欲望的【Instant practice】A true friend is the best possession.真诚的朋友是最宝贵的财富。He gave up possession of the house.他放弃了这房
27、子的所有权。She came into possession of the house.她得到了那所房子。The house came into her possession.那房子到了她的手里.She took possession of a vast fortune / large property when she was 21.她在21岁的时候得到了一大笔财产。She is now in possession of a vast fortune.她现在拥有一大笔财产A vast fortune is now in the possession of her.A vast fortune
28、 is now in her possession.有一大笔财产现在是归她所有的。I am afraid this is the only book I possess.很遗憾,这是我仅有的一本书。ABC possesses a very good sense of humor/direction/timing/rhythm.ABC有着很好的幽默感。She was possessed of exceptional powers of concentration.她具有高超的专注能力。A terrible fear possessed DEF in a sudden.突然,一阵恐惧攫住了DEF。
29、He has convinced himself that he is possessed by the devil.他确信自己被魔鬼附了身。He flew out of the room like a man possessed.他拼命冲出房门,像着了魔似的。DEF is very possessive about his toys/car.DEF不许别人碰他的玩具。ABC could hardly stand her boyfriends jealousy and possessiveness.ABC难以忍受她男朋友的嫉妒与独占欲(霸道)。Love is not being possess
30、ive.爱,并不是独占。9. superb adj. 极佳的,卓越的,质量极高的。【Word transformation】adv. superbly【Brief summary】super adj. 超级的,顶好的,顶呱呱的 adv. 特别,格外 n. 警官,警长;(大楼)管理人super- (prefix in adj. adv. and n.) 极,超,超级;上,上方【Instant practice】super-rich 极富有 superhuman 超出常人的 superman 超人superglue 强力胶 supercomputer 超级计算机superstructure 上层建
31、筑 superimpose 使叠加superabundant 过多的,过剩的 a superabundance of energy精力过剩superconductivity 超导(电)性 superconductor 超导体ABC is a superb football player. He plays football superbly.ABC是一名杰出的足球运动员。他的球踢得极好。He scored a superb yesterday in the match against Class *.他在昨天对*班的比赛中踢入了一枚精彩绝伦的进球。The head-teacher was ve
32、ry pleased and treated him with a superb meal.班主任老师非常高兴,请他吃了一顿美味丰盛的大餐。The head-teacher praised ABC: “Your performance is absolutely superb! You looked superb in the football field!”班主任老师表扬ABC说:“你的表演绝对地精彩!你在球场上看起来棒极了!”10. technique n.c技巧,技艺,工艺;u, sing技术,技能。(also technic)【Word transformation】adj. tech
33、nical 技术的,技能的,工艺的;技巧的,技艺的;专业的;技术性的,诉讼程序性的adv. technically 根据确切意义地,严格按照事实地;在专业上,在技巧上,在技艺上;在技术上,在技能上,在工艺上n. technicality 技术性细节,诉讼程序性细节 technician 技师,技术员;(艺术、体育等)技巧精湛的,精于技巧者【Brief summary】technology n. 科技,工程技术,工艺;技术学,工艺学;技术性的机器或设备adj. technological adv. technologically n. technologist 技术专家,工艺师The meani
34、ngs of “technique” and “technology” are kind of similar, and they indeed overlap to some degree. I tend to distinguish “technique” as emphasizing skill in art, music, sport, and other body crafts, while “technology” mainly refers to scientific, industrial, and especially machinery practice.【Instant
35、practice】The artist combines different techniques in the same painting.这位艺术家在同一幅画中融入了不同的技法。There are a variety of techniques for dealing with problems in mathematics.有许多不同的技巧可以解决数学上的问题。In mathematics, we use various techniques of problem-solving.在数学上,我们用许多不同的技巧来解决问题。DEFs technique has proved a lot o
36、ver the past season.在过去的一个赛季里,他的技术大有长进。He is now a great football player with brilliant and unique technique.他现在是一个很棒的足球运动员,有着精湛而独特的技术。As a pianist, ABC is technically accomplished.作为一名钢琴师,ABC的指法非常娴熟。In the 2010 National Youth Piano Competition, she scored extra points for technical complexity and w
37、on the first prize。在2010年全国少年钢琴比赛中,她以其技巧难度得到了额外加分并荣获第一名。11. convince v. 使确信;使相信;说服。【Word transformation】adj. convinced 深信的;确信的;坚信不移的 convincing令人信服的;有说服力的(opp: unconvincing)adv. convincingly令人信服地【Brief summary】convince sb. to do sth.:说服某人做某事;使某人信服其应当做某事convince sb. of sth. / convince sb. that :使某人信服
38、Compare:advise,persuade,convince,表示“劝说”。advise表示“劝告”、“规劝”或“建议”某人应该做某事或如何做,只表示劝说的动作,而不强调结果。persuade表示通过劝说而使人愿意采纳某种意见或采取某个行动,强调已经达到了“说服”、“劝服”的结果。convince表示通过向某人陈述事实,运用推理或逻辑证明使某人“信服”、“深信”,其语气比persuade强,强调通过努力,辩论等而最终使对方“心服口服”。convince所要求的主语可以是人,也可以是事物;而advise和persuade所要求的主语必须是人,不能是事物。体会以下例句:He advised m
39、e to work hard. (他劝告我要努力学习;劝说的结果未知)He persuaded me to work hard. (他劝服了我要努力学习;我采取了相应的行动)He convinced me to work hard. (他使我认识到要努力学习;我不仅采取了行动,并且从内心信服他的劝告)【Instant practice】He has been trying to convince me of the importance of learning English / a healthy diet.他试图使我相信学习英语/健康饮食的重要性。I have managed to con
40、vince him of the danger of driving too fast / drunken driving.我设法使他认识到了飙车/酒后驾车的危险性。We could not convince him of his mistake.我们无法使他认识自己的错误。We could not convince him that he was wrong.我们无法使他明白自己错了。How can I convince you of my honesty/innocence?我怎样才能让你相信我是诚实/无辜的呢?I couldnt convince him of my innocence.
41、我无法使他相信我是无辜的。It took me long time to convince her that I have always been faithful to her.我用了很长时间才使她相信我当时不在那里。Your argument is too weak to convince me.你的论述太薄弱了,说服不了我。It took many hours to convince the court of his guilt.花费了许多个小时法庭才相信他有罪。12. coincidence n.(令人吃惊的)巧合,巧事;并存,同时存在;(想法、意见等)相同,符合,一致。【Word t
42、ransformation】adj. coincident 同时发生的,同一地方发生的 coincidental 巧合,碰巧,非计划之中 adv. coincidentallyv. coincide 同时发生;相同,相符,极为类似;相接,相交,同位,重叠【Brief summary】by (sheer/pure) coincidence:纯属巧合It is (not) a coincidence that; = It is (not) coincidental that:(不)是碰巧/偶然coincide with:与同时发生/相交/重叠【Instant practice】There is a
43、 coincidence of our opinions that the librarian boy is really handsome.我和ABC的观点一致,都认为那个图书管理员非常英俊。By (sheer) coincidence, I met the handsome boy wed been discussing the next day.纯属巧合,第二天我就遇到了我们一直在谈论的那个帅哥。He and I both arrived (at the library) at the same time by pure coincidence.我和他同时到达(图书馆),完全碰巧。I w
44、as excited and shouted: “What a coincidence! I wasnt expecting to see you here!”真巧啊!我没料到会在这儿见到你!What an extraordinary/remarkable/strange coincidence (it is)!(这是)多么意外的/不同寻常的/奇怪的巧合啊!“It is a happy coincidence that we arrived (at the library) at the same time.” said the boy friendly.很高兴我们碰巧同时到(图书馆)。Whe
45、n I told ABC about the coincidence, she said calmly: “I suppose your encounter today was not entirely coincidental.”我认为你们今天的碰面不完全是凑巧。(encounter邂逅,偶然或短暂的遇见)= I suppose it is not a coincidence that you meet the boy today. = I suppose it did not happen by chance that you meet the boy today. (Perhaps yo
46、u just deliberately came there at that time to meet the librarian.) As you often go to the library where he is a librarian, it is not a coincidence that you can meet him there.我认为,你们在图书馆相遇,这并非偶然。There is a coincidence of interests between the two partners.两个合伙人之间的利益一致。It is purely coincidental that
47、we both chose to call our pets Emma.我俩都给自己的宠物取名叫艾玛,这完全是巧合。Our opinions of the question coincide.我们对这个问题的观点一致。At this point the two paths coincide briefly.两条小路在这个地方有一小段合在一起。My holiday coincides with ABCs.我和ABC同时放假。By coincidence, we both decided to go to Guangzhou to watch the Asian Games during the
48、holiday.碰巧的是,我们都决定在假期去广州看亚运。However, the dates of our tickets dont coincide. 可惜的是,我们的门票日期不一样。(Her ticket is for Nov. 17 while mine is for 18.) It is a pity that our trips to Guangzhou dont coincide.真遗憾我们不能同一时间去广州。13. a great deal 许多地;大量地。可当作副词使用,类似于a lot。 a great deal of许多的;大量的。可当作形容词使用,一般修饰不可数名词;做主
49、语时,谓语动词用单数形式。【Brief summary】a great deal of + 不可数名词 + 单数 谓语mucha great manymany + 复数名词 + 复数 谓语a number ofa lot of 复数名词 + 复数 谓语lots of+ plenty of 不可数名词 + 单数 谓语a large amount of + 不可数名词 +单数或复数 谓语large amounts of 复数名词quantities of + + 复数 谓语 不可数名词【Instant practice】It means a great deal to me.这对我而言非常重要/意
50、义重大。My family / Your friendship means a great deal to me.我的家庭/你的友情对我而言非常重要。English classes have been giving everybody a great deal of pleasure.英语课堂给大家带来了许多乐趣。I cough a great deal last night. 我昨夜咳嗽得很厉害。I am feeling a great deal better now. 我现在感觉好多了。They spent a great deal of money on books. 他们买书花掉了许多
51、钱。She spends a great deal of time reading. 她花大量时间读书。I have heard a great deal about him.我听过很多关于他的事情。It snowed a great deal last year.去年下了好多雪。Our living conditions have improved a great deal.我们的生活条件已经得到了很大的改善。The British drink a great deal of tea.英国人饮大量的茶。14. attempt n.c/u 努力;尝试,试图;(杀人的)企图; v. 努力,尝试,
52、试图。【Word transformation】adj. attempted (only before n.)(犯罪等)未遂的【Brief summary】attempt to do sth.attempt at (doing) sth. 试图做某事attempt (doing) sth.make an attempt to do sth.make no/little attempt to do sth.in (an) attempt to do sth.为了做某事at the first attempt一次(成功或通过)(make an) attempt on sth.(为超越某事物的)尝试
53、(opp: give up an attempt on sth.)(make an) attempt on sb./ab.s life企图刺杀【Instant practice】DEF passed the exam at the first attempt.DEF一次性通过了这门考试。ABC attempted (to pass) the exam but failed.ABC试图通过考试, 但失败了。ABC made several attempts to pass the exam but without success.ABC made several unsuccessful att
54、empts to pass the exam.ABC屡战屡败。After repeated attempts, he finally passed the exam with a very high mark.经过不断的努力,他终于以很高的分数通过了考试。DEF attempted to answer the teachers question but failed.DEF试图回答老师的提问,但失败了。He said: “This is my first attempt to answer a question in class. Sorry I failed this time. But I will attempt to answer all your questions next class!”这是我第一次试图回答课堂提问。但我将努力回答出您下节课的所有问题!ABC made an attempt on Mount Qomolangma.这位登山运动员试图登上珠穆朗玛峰。(Ten years ago) He made an attempt on the world record for climbing mountai
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