已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、这是init.c文件#include comm.h#define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int uchar xdata date_time6;uchar xdata i2c_buf8;uchar xdata result;uchar xdata re_buf16;uchar xdata re_cnt;uchar check_sum;uchar flag_init;uchar xdata flag_end;uchar xdata flag_uart_busy;uint r_cnt;uchar flag_ex0_isr;/uchar x

2、data year ,month ,day0;uchar xdata c_year,c_month,c_day0;uchar xdata tx_buf120;uchar xdata tx_buf220;uchar xdata tx_buf320;uchar xdata tx_buf420;uint run_cnt;/*=* name : delayms( )* description : delay some times* input : none* output : none* note : none=*/void init_uart(void)uchar i; tmod|=0x20;th1

3、=0xfd;tl1=0xfd;scon=0x50;tr1=1;es=1;it0 =1;/低电平触发外部中断ex0 =1;/允许外部中断/-for(i=0;i20) run_cnt=0;flag_init=1;for(i=0;i7;i+) tx_buf1i=i2c_buf6-i;check_sum=0;for( i=0;i19;i+) check_sum+= tx_buf1i;tx_buf119= check_sum;nrf24l01_txpacket(tx_buf1);for(i=0;i7;i+) tx_buf1i=i2c_buf6-i;send_one_byte(i2c_bufi);for(

4、i=0;i4;i+) send_one_byte(0xff);send_one_byte(check_sum);这是main.c文件#include comm.h#define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int/-uchar t0_isr_cnt;uint t2_isr_cnt;uchar temp;sbit ext0= p32;/外部中断管脚 uchar bdata sta;sbitrx_dr=sta6;sbittx_ds=sta5;sbitmax_rt=sta4;/-void main(void )/uchar i;job0();f

5、lag_end=0;t2_isr_cnt=0;ea=1;/check_sum=0;/-while(1)task1();if(flag_ex0_isr=1) flag_ex0_isr=0;sta=spi_read(status);if(rx_dr=1 | tx_ds=1 | max_rt=1)ie0=1;/请求中断if(sta!=0x0e & sta!=0x1e)send_one_byte(sta);if(flag_end=1) red_led=1;re_cnt=0;/-/-void int_ext0(void ) interrupt 0red_led=0;sta=spi_read(status

6、);if(rx_dr=1)spi_read_buf(rd_rx_pload,rx_buf,tx_pload_width);spi_rw_reg(write_reg + status, sta);/清除中断temp=0x55;if(tx_ds=1) spi_rw_reg(write_reg + status, sta);/清除中断temp=0x66;else if(max_rt=1)spi_rw_reg(flush_tx,0 );spi_rw_reg(write_reg + status, sta);/清除中断temp=0x77;red_led=1;flag_ex0_isr=1;/-这是nrf2

7、401.c文件#include comm.huchar const tx_addresstx_adr_width = 0x34,0x43,0x10,0x10,0x01; / define a static tx addressuchar xdata rx_buftx_pload_width;uchar xdata tx_buftx_pload_width;/*function: delay100();description: delay 100ms/*/void delay100(void )uchar x;uchar y;for(x=0;x100;x+)for(y=0;y100;y+)_no

8、p_();/*/void delay_ms(unsigned int x) unsigned int i,j; i=0; for(i=0;ix;i+) j=208; while(j-); /*/void init_io(void)ce =0;csn=1;sck=0;/*function: spi_rw();description: writes one byte to nrf24l01, and return the byte read from nrf24l01 during write, according to spi protocol/*/uchar spi_rw(uchar byte

9、)uchar bit_ctr; for(bit_ctr=0;bit_ctr8;bit_ctr+) / output 8-bit mosi = (byte & 0x80); / output byte, msb to mosi byte = (byte 1); / shift next bit into msb. sck = 1; / set sck high. byte |= miso; / capture current miso bit sck = 0; / .then set sck low again return(byte); / return read byte/*/*functi

10、on: spi_rw_reg();description: writes value value to register reg/*/uchar spi_rw_reg(byte reg, byte value)uchar status; csn = 0; / csn low, init spi transaction status = spi_rw(reg); / select register spi_rw(value); / .and write value to it. csn = 1; / csn high again return(status); / return nrf24l01

11、 status byte/*/*function: spi_read();description: read one byte from nrf24l01 register, reg/*/byte spi_read(byte reg)byte reg_val; csn = 0; / csn low, initialize spi communication. spi_rw(reg); / select register to read from. reg_val = spi_rw(0); / .then read registervalue csn = 1; / csn high, termi

12、nate spi communication return(reg_val); / return register value/*/*function: spi_read_buf();description: reads bytes #of bytes from register reg typically used to read rx payload, rx/tx address/*/uchar spi_read_buf(byte reg, byte *pbuf, byte bytes)uchar status,byte_ctr; csn = 0; / set csn low, init

13、spi tranaction status = spi_rw(reg); / select register to write to and read status byte for(byte_ctr=0;byte_ctrbytes;byte_ctr+) pbufbyte_ctr = spi_rw(0); / perform spi_rw to read byte from nrf24l01 csn = 1; / set csn high again return(status); / return nrf24l01 status byte/*/*function: spi_write_buf

14、();description: writes contents of buffer *pbuf to nrf24l01 typically used to write tx payload, rx/tx address/*/uchar spi_write_buf(byte reg, byte *pbuf, byte bytes)uchar status,byte_ctr; csn = 0; / set csn low, init spi tranaction status = spi_rw(reg); / select register to write to and read status

15、byte for(byte_ctr=0; byte_ctr10us) on ce will now send this packet and expext an acknowledgment from the rx device./*/void tx_mode(void)uchar tmp_r=0;ce=0; spi_write_buf(write_reg + tx_addr, tx_address, tx_adr_width); / writes tx_address to nrf24l01 spi_write_buf(write_reg + rx_addr_p0, tx_address,

16、tx_adr_width); / rx_addr0 same as tx_adr for auto.ack spi_write_buf(wr_tx_pload, tx_buf, tx_pload_width); / writes data to tx payload spi_rw_reg(write_reg + en_aa, 0x01); / enable auto.ack:pipe0 spi_rw_reg(write_reg + en_rxaddr, 0x01); / enable pipe0 spi_rw_reg(write_reg + setup_retr, 0x2a); / 500us

17、 + 86us, 10 retrans. spi_rw_reg(write_reg + rf_ch, 40); / select rf channel 40 spi_rw_reg(write_reg + rf_setup, 0x07); / tx_pwr:0dbm, datarate:2mbps, lna:hcurr /spi_rw_reg(write_reg + config, 0x0e); / set pwr_up bit, enable crc(2 bytes) & prim:tx. max_rt & tx_ds enabled.spi_rw_reg(write_reg + config

18、, 0x1e); ce=1;csn = 0; /* tmp_r=spi_read(0);send_one_byte(tmp_r);tmp_r=spi_read(1);send_one_byte(tmp_r);tmp_r=spi_read(2);send_one_byte(tmp_r);tmp_r=spi_read(7);*/tmp_r=spi_read(7);if(tmp_r&0x01)=0x01)spi_rw_reg(status,tmp_r); spi_rw_reg(flush_tx,0);csn = 1; /*/*发送数据包*/void nrf24l01_txpacket(uchar *tx_buf)ce=0;spi_rw_reg(flush_tx, 0x00); spi_write_buf(write_reg + tx_addr, tx_address, tx_adr_width); / writes tx_address to nrf24l01 spi_write_buf(write_reg + rx_addr_p0, tx_address, tx_adr_width); / rx_addr0 same as tx_adr for auto.ack spi_write_buf(wr


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